Conlang type

What type of conlang?


Auxlangs (auxiliary languages) are meant to be used to communicate with other people. As a result, they often strive for a simple grammar and a simple orthography. It is only an auxlang if it is meant to be used on earth. Fictional auxlangs are a different beast.


Artlangs (art languages) are made for their own sake: in order to make something beautiful, or ugly, or funny.


Engelangs (engineered languages) are more artificial than other conlangs. They may deliberately break the laws of natural languages while striving for total disambiguity, or have a grammar that is extremely easy to parse, or be constructed as a thought-experiment.


Fauxlangs are fake languages - for instance a parody of an existing natural language or conlang, a part of play or a game, a political statement, or a stand-in for another language. They aren't really meant to be used for communication.


Conlangs that don't fit any of the above particularly well.

In-depth description:
Auxlang (80 languages)
Artlang (683 languages)
Engelang (29 languages)
Fauxlang (20 languages)
Other (63 languages)
Auxlang (0 languages)
Artlang (0 languages)
Engelang (0 languages)
Fauxlang (0 languages)
Other (0 languages)