-: See Charlchrist Spoken Language
Aaen Gohuilim: See Proto-Angelic
Aaey: Decided to try a challenge, so made a conlang with only two actual consonants (not including composite characters)... It's working quite well.
Aaro: Aaro's contemporary verbal complex no longer inflects for person or number; however, a proclitic device, which cross-references for the -nominal class- of either the agent or the patient argument, is expressed on the first element of the verbal phrase.
It has been known as Taeb.áavémuatzáluɂóo: See Avemuacha
Abaru Human Proto-Language : A language started for human use in Abaru, a world conceived by Sithril and Manofzelego.
ABCL: a priori, a little agglutinative, but fairly inflective and derivative, features of philosophical and logical languages
Its users know it as AyBayConLang.
Abraeni: Abraeni is the common language of the polities of Abraen and Rrehad (formerly the Abraeni Empire); this description is based on the standard post-Imperial form of the language as spoken in central Abraen.
Achiyitqan: Loosely inspired by Inuktitut and Blackfoot syntax, morphology and phonology; lexicon completely a-priori.
Its users know it as Aciyitqa.
Aciyitqa: See Achiyitqan
Adejori: Spoken by insane beings descended from humans experimented on by a sorcerer on a rogue planet. The language is unusually insensitive to animacy and changes from a creole into a clitic-heavy language.
Adinjo: The first and longest language project for Atrusius, Adinjo is a loosely Indo-European derivative with a smattering of words which were either relexed or generated a priori from non-IE languages.
Afrihili: A constructed auxiliary language designed in 1970 by Ghanaian historian K. A. Kumi Attobrah (Kumi Atɔbra) to be used as a lingua franca in all of Africa.
Its users know it as El-Afrihili.
Agalatian: Conlang spoken in Agalatia. Used for webcomic Light Rising.
Its users know it as àgará to.
It has been known as resé tàà sepérè.Aingeljã: Romance artlang most related to Spanish, Catalan and Aragonese, with great influence from Portuguese, French and Italian and little traces from English and German
Ainish: A language derived mostly from French, Spanish and Japanese.
Its users know it as Ainish .
Akiel: Akiel started out as a free-time exercise back in 2000-2001, to see if I could figure out how to create a conlang. Over the next decade and more, the language and its grammar have evolved dramatically, and continue to do so.
Akxera: Akxera is an a priori naturalistic artlang. It is spoken on an alternate Earth by the Akxerki people from a small coastal plain surrounded by tall mountains on the eastern side of the continent Uaingam. It is the official language of the country Akxer.
Aky: A language created for fun more than anything.
Its users know it as Äkʜj.
It has been known as Äkʜʊj, Akuy.Alahithian: Alahithian is an auxlang constructed by spacefaring humans whose ancestors were taken from the earth long ago. They have returned to the earth with this language, along with several others from which Alahithian is constructed.
Its users know it as ol alahith.
Alakulian: Alternate Bronze Age of Central Asia
Albic: A Celtic, Pseudo-Goidelic language spoken in the island nation of West Albion, west of the Hebrides and northwest of Ireland. It was particularly influenced by Old Norse, especially in that it retained a neuter gender and features front rounded vowels.
Its users know it as Gødelg.
Alfen: The language of the elves, situated in the great city of Alfsheim (Alfos-Ha'imi).
Its users know it as Alfin.
Algilez: A synthetic auxlang created using word roots drawn chiefly from English and an agglutinative morphology.
Alien language: See Ukhshaya
Alien weird language: See Dapaq
Alopian: Native American language spoken in an America without Europeans. Part of the isolate Otsemian language family. Spoken about about 30,000 people around lake Mistassini in Northern Québec.
Its users know it as Siųamo.
Alpic: A Pre-IE language isolate spoken on the border between Switzerland and Austria.
Its users know it as Elbetusa.
It has been known as Olpea, Elbettusa.al-Qorolěs: See Qorolese
Altairian: Altairian is the official language of the Altairian Empire, an interstellar alien empire.
American English AD3000: See Paagnnyaglŝ
Ampizd: The unintentionally polysynthetic language spoken by a large group within a couple states, mainly Gwáta
Anachek: Second largest language on Notasami, part of the Xesfaran language family.
Its users know it as anacek.
Ancient Caspian: The language spoken by an ancient nomadic tribe who migrated from the Taklamakan Desert to the Caspian region. The modern exonym is a misnomer as this language is unrelated to the Caspian language family.
Its users know it as jebɟʱesékʰ.
Ancient Draconian: Experimenting with some stuff. Very high inflection.
It has been known as Ancient Draçonian.Ancient Draçonian: See Ancient Draconian
Ancient Firstborn: See Htoleithe
Ancient Yakim Language: a human language used in another world, the name "Yakim" is an exonym from Q'oligo language, meaning "beachlings"/"people who live on the beach".
Its users know it as yakin sien zie tawa.
Ancient Zelev: The language of the corrupt, technologically advanced Zelev Empire, a human society which collapsed along with civilization in general 2,000 years before the "present day" in my conworld of Dombellus.
Its users know it as Zelēvzin.
Angosey: This is a personal artlang created in 1998 and in near-continuous use since 2002.
Anikuek: This is the prestige form of an alien language, used as a lingua franca between elites and high officials in a certain group of star systems, whereas the related, vulgar, spoken lingua franca is called Slonikuek, and there are also various local dialects.
Its users know it as Anikuek (ɑɳɪkyk).
Anikuek (ɑɳɪkyk): See Anikuek
Annese: A minimalist language designed with only sonorants as consonants, and also a thought of what a language affected by a great amount of lenition would sound like. Translations will change eventually.
It has been known as Voinich, Ǫu Din Len.Anyael: A conlang even in my conworld, starting in the late 21st/early 22nd century. The language was created anonymously and posted online, and initially got little attention. People started using as a default language whenever they needed something to quickly us
Apituka: Designed to be a flexible, but highly minimalistic language, to be as easily pronounced by as many people as possible.
Apiyan: A mixed language of the Romance and Slavic language families. First official language of the <a href="http://apiya.co.cc">Kingdom of Apiya</a>.
Its users know it as Apiano.
Apple alien language: See Applelang
Applelang: the language spoken by apple aliens, who are apple-shaped plant aliens. informations below are mainly based on the more colloquial form.
It has been known as Apple alien language.Arano: this is not a human language, and parts of its grammar are inspired by the speaking way of the "Misaka Imoto"s from "Toaru Majutsu no Index"
Arcaicam Esperantom: A fictional "Old Esperanto" created by Manuel Halvelik and published in 1969.
Arcek: Disregard, it'd been mistakenly cloned
Its users know it as Arček.
Aribelian, High: See High Aribelian
Aribelian, Vulgar: See Vulgar Aribelian
Arithīde: See Modern Arithide
Arka: A robust conlang that's relatively well known in Japan.
Arkhuv: An Indo-European language which is strongly favored by the maker to the old Felbahn language.
Its users know it as Aрkxuv.
It has been known as Faрkxuv.Armundic: Language of the Armundic high culture; sacred language of Armundic Religion
Its users know it as Calamti.
arrayfish's personal lang: A personal lang, an adaptation of Czech which I use for taking notes.
Arujei dem: See Arusian
Arujei dem : See Arusian
Arusian: This is a personal language that is like any other language. It is not related or based on any other language on the planet. It's grammar can either be extremely difficult or easy depending on your first language. Check out the link above for more info!
Its users know it as Arujei dem .
It has been known as Arujei dem, arujei.Asha'ille: VSO artlang spoken by empathic felines.
Athah: A language spoken by a race of emperialistic, theocratic reptilians on the planet Altash.
Its users know it as AthaH.
Atje: See Proto-Atjen
Atsn: A priori language spoken by a group of reptilian-humanoids. The language has a unique word order, and very specific syntactic rules.
Its users know it as Atsn .
It has been known as atsn.Attian: A language isolate spoken in the Caucasus, employing consonantal root/templatic morphology, a pervasive animacy system, and active-stative case marking.
Its users know it as Athnai.
Audhrinn: An a priori artlang
Aukayan: Western Hakessian Dialect; spoken in the Aukayan Hills east of Serdon in the late Bronze Age
Its users know it as Akēsta.
aun kãteko eneqõ: See Eneqa
Austrian: East Germanic language, related to Gothic, spoken in the United Kingdom of Austria.
Its users know it as Austriggisk.
Austrian Celtic: A Gaulish-derived, conservative Celtic language spoken in the Austrian Alps that underwent Germanic and OHG sound shifts.
Its users know it as Nórechach.
It has been known as Österreichisch.Austriggisk: See Austrian
Avalonian: Language isolate which is spoken in the Avalonian Isles (Telku).This archipelago lies SW of Ireland. It consists of three islands (*Gran Breton Island, *Newfoundland, *Nova Scotia) which in this timeline became part of the Eurasian Plate.
Its users know it as Nahvatti Telkun.
Avemuacha: An isolate language spoken on an island 1,800 miles west of the coast of Mexico. It is known by its speakers as áavémuatzáluɂóo /âʋé̞mʊatʃálʊʔô̞/.
Its users know it as áavémuatzáluɂóo.
Avendonian: First made for roleplaying in NationStates, then it became a sufficiently-fledged language, outside the game. Originated through trade interaction between Germanic tribes and early Romans.
Its users know it as avendoniano.
avendoniano: See Avendonian
Average Conlang: I am creating an internally-consistent, as-average-as-possible conlang, using the most common WALS feature values, and the most common phoneme data from Phoible. Inconsistencies will be resolved such that as many average features as possible are retained.
Averagelang: An attempt to create the most average (according to WALS) conlang possible. Conflicts with 14, 24?, 38, 51, 84, 92, 96*, 97, 104, 114, 144*
Its users know it as Qmačah.
AVG: See CALS Average Feature Values
Avrelang: This language was created on the ZBB based on WALS features as an answer to the CALS challenge of creating the most average conlang possible. I present: Avrelang or ʔafula.
Its users know it as ʔafula.
Ayasthi: Ayāsthi is a Western Edastean, Dāiadak language spoken in parts of the Rathedān centred on Thāras. It is descended from vernacular Adāta dialects spoken in Thāras; the language as described in this survey is from the New Ayāsthi era (16th century Y.P.).
Its users know it as ajāsṫı.
AyBayConLang: See ABCL
Ayeri: Ayeri is a South-Western-Kataynian language and has about 3.3 million speakers (975 KT census). It is mainly spoken in the United Western Lands, but also in the Ayeri Republic and the Republic of Tuvrang.
ayeyarok'þ: See urdcax
Azalian: The most commonly spoken tongue in most regions of the Azalian continent in the conworld of Dombellus.
Its users know it as Azalin.
äznàd keɣan: See Ythnandosian
Baanzish: A simplified Anglic language whose lexicon is etymologically reinforced with Germanic and with some schematic elements.
Ba'eni: Comissioned language for a fantasy novel
Its users know it as Larene-Baʔeniʔi.
It has been known as Goblin.Balaibalan: Balaibalan is the constructed language collectively created in 14th century Iran by the cercle of followers of Fazlallah Astarabadi, a mystic and the founder of Hurufism.
bal'ukbar: Philosophical language with focus on individual perception. Mostly isolating, Austronesian sounding.
Its users know it as pal'uqpar.
Bannish: The language of the Banders, a clan of small elf-like people who are well known for their masks and long-sleeved clothing.
Its users know it as Wannish.
Barbane: An attempt to apply dependency grammar theory by aligning morphological to syntactic dependencies. The language is in an early state yet.
It has been known as Barbame.Barip: Another conlang- this time I hope to build a larger vocabulary.
Baronh: A fictional language used in Crest of the Stars and Banner of the Stars, spoken by the Abh people.
Başam: Başam — "My Language" — is the name given to a language spoken today by the Aterian people of Turkey and the Middle East.
It has been known as Başa Sarcay.Basanawa: See Town Speech
Basanawa dari Burg: See Town Speech
Başa Sarcay: See Başam
Bashika: A compilation of all the linguistics ideals I've developed over the years; a liturgical language. Arabic orthography, Sanskrit/Arabic phonology, Tibetan/Finnish morphology.
Batean: Batean is a fictional conlang created by morganicfoods for the purpose of writing fiction. It is seen used in the webcomic "Anecdote of Error" and is also going to be used in future projects. It is somewhat functional with vocabulary still being added.
Its users know it as bataini.
It has been known as pateini.Begonian: First personal conlang... I've drawn a lot of inspiration from Altaic languages, Basque and Icelandic.
Its users know it as Naniuk.
Bengenese: A conlang with an English-like grammar and a vocabulary featuring Romanian, Danish, Russian, Serbian, Hungarian and German words. Just an intellectual exercise (hobby).
Its users know it as bengénski.
It has been known as benwegul, benwenesk, benweégul, bengénesk.Besokian, Proto-: See Proto-Besokian
Bhadlam: An isolate(?) language spoken on an island in the Arabian Sea.
Its users know it as bhadlama.
Black speech: the language developed by Sauron for his gangs(Orcs, Nazguls, etc).
Bologau: The primary language spoken in Bologa, a fictional region of China. It is a Slavic language.
Its users know it as Бологӓ.
Boriomanco: Boriomanco is the majority language of the Republic of Boriomano, a country so small that its citizens often call it "ya nazhone gwoy mappa oblitó" (the country the map forgot).
Brasarg: Language from Selentia world, belonging to the Salita group. Spoken on the small sawanna territory on the Salla continent. RLE: Vocabulary in progress.
Its users know it as Basargi.
It has been known as ʙasargɨ (phonetical).BreadSpeak: A personal language by Jack Eisenmann.
Its users know it as Fade Kase.
Briötto: Spoken by the Briotto, descendants of the Qeister Empire exclaves (Qeïsterw).
Its users know it as Qeïsterbriöto.
brítz nˀAthághín: See Netagin
Brooding: Brooding is the language of the people of Harken, a world created by Ryan Long of the Riddlesbrood Touring Theatre Company. It was outlined and codified by Scott Hamilton and later expanded and curated by BenJamin P. Johnson.
Brutirric: A Celtic language spoken on the imaginary island of Brutirria, 400 kilometres northwest off the coast of Galicia, Spain. Relatively ancient with heavy Romance influence.
Its users know it as Brutírrica.
Brutírrica: See Brutirric
Buruya Nzaysa: Buruya Nzaysa is an Edastean language spoken in Buruya, a trading town on the lower Eigə. It is traditionally classified as a divergent western dialect of Naidda, but in fact distinct enough to be called a separate language.
ʙasargɨ (phonetical): See Brasarg
Ca Ìloeig Toug: See Iloyan
CALS Average Feature Values: These are the average feature values for languages on CALS as of December 2017. Of note is that were this list made into an actual conlang, there would be several inconsistencies among the values (e.g. the stress system, word orders).
It has been known as AVG.Cannic: A language whose lexicon is drawn mainly from English but woth a distinctive highly fusional morphology.
Caoli: Caoli is a language spoken by the Araen people. It is descended from Misonya, and is widely considered a vulgar version of Misonya by purists.
Caryatic: From a conworld with the same language families as Earth, but different daughter languages
Its users know it as Kāriātikā.
Catralian: The key language of the Cātran Empire, Catralian is an isolated language. Much like Latin, Catralian has given way to a plethora of modern daughter languages. It is still used as a literary language in some countries.
Its users know it as Cātralus.
Celestial: Musical language spoken by the angels of the Celestial Realm in the world of Dombellus. Tones correspond to the notes of a major pentatonic scale.
Its users know it as Mêlázêla.
Celinese: "Celinese" describes variants of a priori macrolanguage, which is one of the principal languages on Lorech (an earth-like planet). This entry describes the international acrolect, which is based on a compromise between Perís and Ioðinbêr dialects.
Its users know it as Several - Períseg, Chlasc, Circàsieg, etc.
Cenemanian: Cenemanian was a Romance language spoken on the Atlantic island of Cenemania prior to the "Terre Gaste" or Cenemanian genocide brought about by the French occupying forces in the fourteenth century.
Its users know it as ela linco cincimancega.
It has been known as ela linco cincimancegu.Centaurian: My first conlang; non-naturalistic language spoken by human inhabitants of the Alpha Centauri system, and various fantasy ports of that culture.
Its users know it as Lin'Ya.
Central Isles Creole: A Knrawi-based creole spoken in the central Knrawi Isles in Pollasena.
Its users know it as lonxwìŋooo.
It has been known as ronxwìŋooo.Cerstan: Personal language I started creating when I went to college, and have been editing and tweaking on and off ever since.
Chagrandi: Chagrand is a non-noun-incorporating polysynthetic-agglutinative language. Despite being head-final, the language uses postpositions.
Charlchrist Langue parlée : See Charlchrist Spoken Launguage
Charlchrist Spoken Language: -
Its users know it as -.
It has been known as Unkown.Charlchrist Spoken Launguage: Cherilchrist Spnouskun Lengouegu originated in Charlchrist Kingdom a group of unkown Islands.Cherilchrist Spnouskun Lengouegu is made up of 33 vowels & 26 consonants. It is spoken by 85% of the islands the other 15% speaking english, & is sturctured so tha
Its users know it as Cherilchrist Spnouskun Lengouegu.
It has been known as Charlchrist Langue parlée , 查尔斯基督讲话的语言, Charlcristo Lengua hablada .Charlcristo Lengua hablada : See Charlchrist Spoken Launguage
Cherilchrist Spnouskun Lengouegu: See Charlchrist Spoken Launguage
Cherry Blossom: See Poswa
Cherun: Parent of the Hathic languages, spoken on the Lein Islands (Lenyz Tuaz).
Its users know it as Jedlug.
Chharang: An isolate spoken on an imaginary island on the site of Mount Error off the Somali coast.
Its users know it as chharaŋu.
It has been known as [ʈʂʰɑ̥ɻˈaŋu].chlǣvānumi dhāḍa: See Chlouvanem
Chlouvanem: Chlouvānem is a language of the planet Calémere, the lingua franca in the lands of the Chlouvānem Inquisition, spoken by around 1.9 billion people.
Its users know it as chlǣvānumi dhāḍa.
Choch Gwurx: Spoken by the Ćwwo clan of Northeast Vur (plains/river region). The language is only spoken by approximately 800 people, however it is not in danger of becoming extinct because it is still taught to the young. Outside speakers tend to describe the language
Its users know it as Ćwwoxgwoṙxw.
It has been known as Ćwwo, Fauj.Choton: An auxlang devised from a fusion of English, German and Japanese.
Church Olgish: See Middle Olgish
Cialmi: A Latin and Romance (mostly Italian) influenced Uralic language. Name 'Cialmi' means "our language"
Cikap: Cikap is a verb-final, polysynthetic language with an animacy-based word order inspired by Ainu and Ogami Ryukyuan.
Cirena: A personal Artlang, intended to sound beautiful, and have a fundamentally simple grammar. Partially inspired by marine imagery, with a few influences from Italian and French.
City Speech: a proto-language last spoken about 1.5 milennia ago.
Clarnenamerin: This language is invented by me for a Fantasy world called Ghlendak. Annam tallan ne dhon mòar tuGhlendak Gilan.
Its users know it as The noble language.
Classical Arithide: This page describes the standard written form of the late Equora Dynasty.
Its users know it as Lazēide.
Classical Gagish: See Onnasurin
Classical Leheitak: See Kemba
Classical Uraki: A diachronic language of Teles, a collaborative conworld project
clikli dialect: a "dialect" of Liunan/Lonmai Luna, but is very different from the standard variant and should be considered as a different language
Its users know it as silêle dan ma lona.
Clofabian: Clofabosin or Clofabian (Clofaboserotin 'great-river language' or simply Clofabosin) is a language inspired by generic drug names. It is an agglutinative language and the official language of Clofabinositin.
Its users know it as Clofabosin.
Clofabosin: See Clofabian
Clone of Arusian: Clone of Arusian
Clone of Voksigid: See Kayronic
Common Honey: A collaborative project created by a tribe started on CONLANG-L in November 2015.
Its users know it as Sajem Tan.
Common Western Hakessian: Vernacular of the Western Hakessians, spoken in Southern Seligon in the late Bronze Age; administrative language of several city states (including Dūda, Serdōne, and Arveloš) before the rise of the Fenedian Empire
Its users know it as Līšša Nūynech.
It has been known as Hakessian, Common Western.Conlang: See
Corak Reef language: See Coral Reef language
Coral Reef language: language spoken by "Corak Reefers", a ethnic group of a non-human being species. The grammar is Slavic-based(especiall Czech-Slovak?), with a priori contents and contents borrowed from Slavic languages.
It has been known as Corak Reef language.Cressja: See Necarasso Cryssesa
Cruckeny: Celtic language spoken in Appalachia
Its users know it as Cruckenee.
It has been known as Crucunee.Cun punt ne ves pal: See Limerian
Cwengaer: Spoken mostly in the hills of Cwelâr, Cwengâr is of the Galav language family along with Fén Ghír. Cwengâr draws slightly more on Natlangs than Fén Ghír and gains from the benefits of having more experience. It draws more on Breton & Welsh.
Its users know it as Cwengâr.
Ćwwo: See Choch Gwurx
Ćwwoxgwoṙxw: See Choch Gwurx
Cylvian: The language of the pixies and other inhabitants of Cylvia in the Fey Realm in the world of Dombellus; related to Sylvan.
Its users know it as Cuuvi.
Dacayan: It has been being set up since 2001 and takes so many stem words of Indo European Language. Yet, this is an agglutinate language.
Its users know it as Dačajo.
It has been known as Dachajo, Fojan, Arxjan, Szejan, Daczajo.Dahawj: The native language of the island nation of Mudsahawj, located east of Russia at 41°N 167°E. Its internal name is pronounced [ɪs.dzɐ.ˈχawʒ].
Its users know it as Isdsahawj.
It has been known as Dsahawj.Dahilese: a-priori con-lang with tri-consonantal roots
Its users know it as Dahilak.
Dahu: Dahu was the language of an ancient Empire in the North of the continent of Aheku on a parallel Earth called Tekuo. It is the ancestor of the Dahu language sub-family, including Lemohai.
It has been known as Ontari, Õtari , Nomai Õtari, Õtari, Nomai Õtari ( = Õtari words) , Old Lemohai-Letsuri.Dainyu: An experiment of mine to see how un-average a language I can make and still have it work (and be aesthetic per my ideas on aesthetics)
Its users know it as Danu.
Daisilingo: A language derived from Anglo-Latin roots but with its syllabic structure radically and ornately simplified to render it ideally sonorous for song.
Damin: A ceremonial language register used by the advanced initiated men of the Lardil and the Yangkaal tribes in Australia.
It has been known as Demiin.Dangin Nira: Dangin Nira is an a priori conlang intended to be the official language of a future nation-state in Antarctica.
Dapaq: You know me = Pq'a ipèqla va I see you = Qa ipèng q'eng tp'a This house is mine = Pelppa' fheqer bep'm qa'aval
Its users know it as Alien weird language.
Dearean: Spoken in the Kingdom of Reosal
Its users know it as Deẽreẽ.
Deiku: Reconstructed parent language of Deiku family.
Delniit: A language for the worlds of various stories, including Donkeytale, Valliyv, etc.
Its users know it as Δeʟɴııт.
It has been known as Fгıxeɴısc, Vaʟʟıyvııт, Valliyvian.Denaden: Work in progress, lexicon still growing. A concept of a direct descendant of Latin with heavy Germanic influence - plus other deviations in other directions. Equal parts aux- and artlang.
Its users know it as Linge Denadoz.
Ðeneydabus: See Dheneydabus
Dengurse Marijo: See Marijo
Depth Language: Depth Language takes principles from various forms of depth psychology and grammaticalises them.
Derovian: European-sounding conlang inspired by a childhood conworld.
Its users know it as Deroviano.
It has been known as Dherrovian.Dètren: This language is very hard but is Fantasy,is not alien. Pen ren obe faly holt pad obe Vondozi,obe mam oreim.
Its users know it as The hard language.
Dhakhsh: SOV, analytic
Dhannuá: A language deriving syntax, grammar and vocabulary from (proto)-indo-european sources with a faint Celtic touch with hints of (Old) Latin, Ancient Greek and Slavic.
Its users know it as Dhannuá Bhlóar.
It has been known as Dhannua.Dhannuá Bhlóar: See Dhannuá
Dheneydabus: A contemporary language of Ladoçei Htoleiþe, descended from a common ancestor and also spoken by the same species, the Firstborn.
Its users know it as Ðeneydabus.
Dherrovian: See Derovian
Dhūṭpal Naflis: See Ernalan
Die kolesche Sprach: See kolesch Speech
Diplomatic Shessith: Diplomatic Shessith is the dialect most often used by the Shessuth people in the context of speaking with members of other races who are unable to understand the typical in-group variety of Shessith.
Diversal: ..
Its users know it as Diverslaion.
Diverslaion: See Diversal
Doayâu: Doayâu is a Coastal Western language in the world of Akana, spoken in the vicinity of Pítau on the west coast of the continent Peilaš.
Ḍoláh: The primary language of the Sého, inhabitants of the planet Nurn.
It has been known as Blurgish.Dothraki: The Dothraki language is associated with the Dothraki horse warriors of George R. R. Martin's fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. The language was created for the HBO adaptation of that series entitled Game of Thrones.
Its users know it as Lekh Dothraki.
Draconic: The language spoken by the gods of Creation was picked up by the Dragons and passed on to their Dragonspawn. Few of the races today know this ancient language, but its linguistic descendants have evolved into the four primary languages of Creation.
Its users know it as Zegdwovn.
It has been known as Celestial.Dragonian: Alien language influenced by Humans
Its users know it as §raconese.
Druðþþᵫ̄ðesc: See Northeadish
Dundulanyä: Dundulanyä is a language spoken on the planet Eventoa, spoken by about 1.9 billion people.
Its users know it as dundulanyä ḫamfafa.
dundulanyä ḫamfafa: See Dundulanyä
Dunia: A 1996 proposal for an analytic, naturalistic international auxiliary language which drew each part of speech category from a different major world language.
Dwendish: Language isolate spoken primarily on Dwendland (endonym: Mfintihanti) by the Dvends (endonym: Mfintirh). Dwendish is in a sprachbund with the Celtic lanɡuaɡes.
Its users know it as Mfintidafha.
It has been known as Darkwood, Naqha u Ncámicg, Pictish, Ntunalafha, Xanalafha, Mqinilafha, Mvinilafha, Mvintidafha.Dzidmitsu: As it turns out, humans ancestors came from another planet! They are highly advanced space traveling humanoids who have been warring for the safety of their home planet. Because of their surveillance of Earth, their language has adapted a number of roots a
Its users know it as Dzidmicu.
Dzuutani: A language isolate spoken on Honahi Anibi (Spirit Island), north of Turkey and west of Georgia in the Black Sea. Currently undergoing major reform!
(e)7a7a-FaM: See Narish
ea-luna: ea-luna (customarily written without capitalization) is an isolating VSO conlang that was begun in 1996. It has 11 consonants and 4 vowels. (And I promise I will come back to complete this entry...)
Its users know it as ea-luna or iludina-li-luna.
ea-luna or iludina-li-luna: See ea-luna
Ebisedian: Common trade language of the Ebisédi, inhabitants of the Ferochromon universe.
Its users know it as ni ɜbisɜ̄di dɜ ɜtɜmī.
Ebo Lingai: A language used in another world, with an austronesian-like focus system. Ebo Nganagam, its close relative is a language of Sahar, the collaborative conworld of conworkshop
Edebro: A language from the conworld of Aysling, Edebro is spoken by the Gxam people of Gxambfan. Designed to have a minimalist aesthetic, Edebro's phonology is relatively simple, and its morphosyntax avoids marking case on nouns by either morphology or syntax.
Eƌešenin: See Ewheshenin
Eezee: An international auxiliary language designed for maximum practicality. Leverages the broad speaker base of English for easy adoption, but with greater regularity for ease of use.
Ehatno Arvemaliron: See Speech of the New West
Eitinodo: An Egbian language, the standard form of a dialect continuum spoken along the south shore of the Median Gulf, in the same general region as Ðeneydabus.
Its users know it as Eitinódo.
It has been known as Standard Eitino.El-Afrihili: See Afrihili
ela linco cincimancega: See Cenemanian
ela linco cincimancegu: See Cenemanian
Elanian: A T-Celtic language spoken on the islands of the Ğuineaф Ælenor Cymffeudr ("Confederated Republics of Elanor/Ælenor"), which lie off the West coast of France (and the NW coast of Spain). The language branched off the common Proto-Celtic some 2500 ys ago
Its users know it as Æleńa.
It has been known as Elenere.Elartkʰa: See Ithkuil III
Eldoeysk: Germanic alternative-history language, spoken on an imaginary vulcanic island in the Bothnian Bay.
Its users know it as 'éld'œ̂ysk.
It has been known as Eldœysk, 'éldœ̂ysk.'éld'œ̂ysk: See Eldoeysk
Eldtyric: Language of the elder day Tyreneans spoken in Lotirkar before the fall of Tyrica.
Elesemantium: Elesemanty is a unique formal a priori language in which each letter and combination of letters carries not only phonetic meaning, but also semantic load. It completely lacks a dictionary (even at the level of word roots).
Elesu: Elésu is a conlang spoken on Arzhanø by the cultural predecessors of the Saimi.
Its users know it as Elésu.
Elko: Elko is an easy to learn conlang. It is the language spoken by Eldars (a people of gods) living on Ellos.
Elmoric: A language for a Nationstates nation I made.
Its users know it as True Elmoric.
It has been known as Native Elmoric.Emihtazuu: An attempt to make a diachronic realistic language that looks nothing like any natlang. (Originally meant as part of a worldbuilding project; has now outlived multiple attempts to give it a nailed-down setting.)
Emotional Song Pact: See Keihansoukaishi
Emyt: A language started in 2009 for cooperative conworld. It is highly agglutinative tongue with some flective and polysynthetic elements.
Its users know it as Ral'ęmyt.
It has been known as Emmut.Enamyn: Enamyn was once spoken over a thousand years ago by the Ilhroch (iɬrox) people of what is today central and southern Crimea.
Its users know it as Enamyn (ɛnamn̩).
Enamyn (ɛnamn̩): See Enamyn
Endehl: Endehl NOT Eendehl
Its users know it as Ęndehl.
Eneqa: A mostly a priori personal language, with roots occasionally generated from Greek/Chinese/Swahili/Spanish. The grammar is agglutinative and not (intentionally) based on any existing language. It attaches prefixes to verbs and suffixes to nouns.
Its users know it as aun kãteko eneqõ.
English: See Jokelang 2
Ensurti: This is the protolanguage of my fiction culture living in the forest under the well.
Its users know it as Issooli.
Enterdese: Enterdese is part of the Kneian Language Family from the world of Escodrion. Enterdese is an Endonoan language that was first spoken in early Enterdos and is an official language in Enterdos and its former empire.
Its users know it as Enterdos-urend.
Enterdos-urend: See Enterdese
epeka toka na musume: See toka na musume
epsilan-tou: See Modified Basic E-Prime
Eremoran: Eremoran is the most finished and detailed conlang on the conworld project I'm currently working on.
Its users know it as Eremorôm.
Eridanian: An agglutinative language derived from English and spoken on a colonized Earth-like planet
Its users know it as Rdaanssbeix.
Ernalan: This is a fantasy language that was used for a conworld that I've decided to kill as it involved fantasy races and I feel I am in the wrong position to write in such detail about race. This will likely be re-purposed for something else, as I'm fond of it.
Its users know it as Naflis Dhūṭpal.
It has been known as Dhūṭpal Naflis.Esata: A proposal for an international auxiliary language derived largely from English but with a radical cosmopolitanization & morphophonemic simplification of its vocabulary and girding to a partially creoloid, partially oligosynthetic framework.
Esperanto: Esperanto is an international auxiliary language created by L. L. Zamenhof in 1887. Since that time, it's grown to become the most widely used constructed language in history.
Esperanto 1894: A slate of reforms suggested by some Esperantists, which, despite personally objecting to them, L. L. Zamenhof worked into a complete language and put up for a vote. The reforms were rejected, but many formed part of the later language Ido.
It has been known as Reformed Esperanto, Reformate Esperanto.Esturaji Ğüfrá: See Esturean
Esturean: From Esturean nomadic tribe on modern Earth.
Its users know it as Esturaji Ğüfrá.
Eteläin keeli: See Etlish
Etelegbe: Ancestor language of the Egbian Languages, a family of human languages.
Its users know it as Ètelegbé.
Etlish: Finnish language spoken in Poland.
Its users know it as Eteläin keeli.
Europanto: A language built by mixing together parts from various European languages.
Ewheshenin: While I was walking and thinking about bilabial fricatives, I decided to make a language with whistles as consonants. There will be a fictitious back-story, just not yet.
Its users know it as Eƌešenin.
ExoticLang: A language derived from the heavily disputed Proto-Altaic. Spooky!
Əmantym-Stenmutsa: See Stemmutsian
Fade Kase: See BreadSpeak
Fádin's Olgish: See Middle Olgish
fae gosfth: [ɑːfhāi gôʃfð] still in early forms
Its users know it as ƍfeʎ ʒoҧ.
Faikari: Faikari is the protolanguage ancestor to all languages associated with magic in a series of comics and video games I'm definitely going to write one day. It has (will have) spawned at least 200 daughter languages, 30 of which I plan on fleshing out.
Its users know it as فايكاغي.
Faljuurodh: All Spiritual Faljuur spawn knowing a specific variety of Faljuurodh, and it's this dialect that continues to be propagated throughout the species.
Faniszūnibisiye Ququshre: See Non-Masculine Aniszunian Essebian
Faniszūnibisiye Qushre: See Masculine Aniszunian Essebian
Fasime: A language created to better communicate experiences affected by mental conditions such as BPD
Fauj: See Choch Gwurx
Fayn: Spoken mostly in the penisula of Fén ír in Sphaera, Fén Ghír is descended from the Galav language family. My first serious attempt at a conlang, it draws limited influence from Gaelic, English and French but with the aim of creating something wholly un
Its users know it as Fén Ghír.
Feayran: http://domhantir.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=races&action=display&thread=152#startcontent
Its users know it as Laaoshte Kimuiotuaianoi.
Felbahn: Began writing in 2012, now working on lexicon. Intended for use on a micro national scale.
Its users know it as Гēlbàn.
It has been known as Чoppēr Гēlbàn.Femmish: Femmish|fjämsk|/fjɛmɕ/ is a North Germanic language, spoken by inhabitants of the island nation of Femland in the North Atlantic. It is a member of the Northern Germanic/Scandinavian family of languages.
Its users know it as Fjämsk.
It has been known as Fiammisk, Fjæmsk.Fenedic: Western Hakessian dialect; official language of the Fenedian Empire, spoken in Southern Seligon in the late Bronze and early Iron Age
Its users know it as Venede.
FeNeKeRe: This is the language of the Dragon People, the ancient dieties of the Arts as depicted in the comic Harmless Free Radicals, by Fenmere, the Worm. In the story, it is the first language spoken on Earth, devised by Fenmere's brother, The Linguist.
Ferzhic: First Language of the remaining members of the Bloodlines of the Outer System. Anglo-Fherzhic Language, significant Malay and Arabic influences, minor influences from French and other continental European Languages.
Its users know it as Fv'zhe.
Feyglish: A planned queer Yiddish argot, based partly on tendencies in Hassidic Yiddish and partly on the author's knowledge of international auxiliary languages.
FIAL: hypothetical auxlang; "First" IAL; different approach from SIAL
Fictish: A language spoken on the planet "Fictuya:" a large terrestrial planet that orbits the red hypergiant VY Canis Majoris.
Its users know it as Fictu.
Fictu: See Neo-Fictish
Firtsusish: Created by the Wotec society to communicate discreetly. Later, it was leaked by rebels, to soon become a widely used language.
Its users know it as Firtsuzet.
Firtsuzet: See Firtsusish
Fisilo: Fisilo is a planned international language created to combine simplicity and naturalness. Fisilo looks and sounds like a natural language, but its grammar was designed to be simple and easy to understand.
Flloptsin: The language of the island nation of Sqpeni (anglicised Soreni) of an as of yet unnamed world.
Its users know it as Fłopśin.
Fóŕinthak méñi: See Proto-Frinthan
Frangian Sign: An auxiliary language spoken throughout Frangia in Pollasena.
Franglispan: An auxlang that joins features from French, Spanish and English.
Frater: An isolating auxlang published in Vietnam in 1957 which has an lexicon chiefly drawn from Greco-Latin roots but phonological and grammatical deference to East Asian languages.
Its users know it as Lingua Sistemfrater.
Free Tongue: An Avarin fanlang.
Its users know it as Rhābhawa.
It has been known as Rhabhawa.Frenkisch: A more naturalistic, somewhat more artistic outgrowth of the pan-Germanic Fokspraak project, and the most detailed and thorough "Folkspraak dialect" thus far.
G70200: A stack-based language created to make relays more fun.
Gadu Fav: Prestige language spoken in the Urheimat of the Lonian languages, the northeastern snow forest (Fav). Many other Lonian languages are spoken there. This language originates from the dialect of the city Kofkojd, which controls most of the Lonian Urheimat.
Its users know it as Gãdũ Fav.
Gammidge: Spoken by the goblyns of southern Britain. The lect of Gammidge detailed here is that of South-East England.
Its users know it as Lomdirab se Gamidg.
Gan Dostau: Gan Dostau (holy language) is the attested language closest to Ganur Lon, whose speakers considered it a dialect. It survives only in the hieroglyphic holy texts of the minority religion Bauplkik.
Gan language: A conlang that is created in 2023
Ganur Lon: The prestige dialect of the common ancestor of all living Lonian languages, originally spoken in the northeast of a large continent in a world known to speakers as Tes Las. It was written on papyrus that is now lost.
Gavaro: An Esperanto slang/argot, and one of three Esperantidos or Esperanto sociolects created by Manuel Halvelik, along with Arcaicam Esperantom (old Esperanto) and Popido (patois).
Gavdorean: Darahti is a language spoken on the outer fringes of the Eastern Swamps. Its closest neighbours are the Eastern Wargs (of the Wargish language family).
Géarthnuns: Spoken on a Sardinia-sized island in the Sea of Japan near the mouth of the Tumen River. Population est. 5.5 - 6 million.
Gehui: Proto-Hathic
Gerchish: A group of Germans settling on the Spain side of the Spain/France border.
Geree thual: See Old Greedian
Geulish: Spoken by formerly Irish slaves taken back to Scandinavia during the Viking Golden Age.
Its users know it as Gheulge.
Gevey: The Gevey language is the largest language in the Balje group of languages (which in turn form a major division of the Vreski language family), spoken in the Lands of Taete, Tcantane and more widely across the eastern parts of the Ewlah continent.
Its users know it as Geve.
Ghasde: my latest and greatest conlang. thought i'd post it here to help me categorize it.
Its users know it as gẹaṣda.
Ghudaz: Language spoken by the dwarves of the Lucent Mountains in the fantasy world of Dombellus.
Its users know it as Akhvnas.
gjâ-zym-byn: See gzb
Gjeyejz-sjayajz: An attempt from early 2016 at making an alien language where everything was a noun, inflected to express relations to a topic word.
Globasa: Globasa is the product of an elaborate thought experiment. It envisions the linguistic outcome of a hypothetical scenario whereby 1,000 people from around the world are randomly selected to permanently inhabit an island.
Glosa: Glosa is an international auxiliary language (auxlang), that was developed by Lancelot Hogben (as Interglossa, GB, 1943), Ronald Clark and Wendy Ashby (GB, 1972-1992).
Gnusyak [Ghnushak]: This language is based on nothern languages.
Its users know it as The nothern language.
Gobish: The language spoken by the Gob, an indigenous species o the planet Rampa. There are many variations of the language.
Its users know it as Twegob.
Gokjak: Gokjak is spoken by the people of the trees. Many centuries ago, they built entire civilizations in the tops of trees, favoring agility and woodwork above all other skills.
gombazi: not a human language, and it's similar to bantu languages in our world.
Its users know it as gumbazi.
Gowayo: The language of the people of the plains. They are a calm race that keeps mostly to themselves, but is very wise.
Grayis: Grayis is a language originating with the spacefaring Grayis people, commissioned by Infinite Mind Pictures, Inc. for the board game Pilots of Gallaxia.
Grējutungišk, Grējutungiška Rasta, Grējuga Tunga: See Valthungian
Gripping: A language intended for covert use between two people holding hands.
Its users know it as 3o3o.
griushkoent: Griushkoent is a fictional conlang from its mixed fantasy world.
It has been known as griuskant.griuskant: See griushkoent
Grodisian: Language of the Grodisian people on their island of Grodisia.
Its users know it as Groďisa.
Groh-if: Spoken by wolf-like creature that have recently (in the grand scheme of things) become intelligent. Their language is extremely basic in grammar, has a limited range in sounds, and relies heavily on tones.
GTBOT’s Conlang: A language with all sounds (even farts) and tries to be as dense as possible
Its users know it as ωnemd kɑnɵŋwəʤ .
Guezu: Gűzu is the language of the Zuá people of the northwestern coast of the continent of Ishja [Iszá in Gűzu].
Its users know it as Gűzu.
Guimin: An Indo-European language spoken in pockets of eastern Dagestan.
Its users know it as гӯймин.
Gūrru Mutha: See
Gutic: See Valthungian
Gutiš: See Valthungian
Gutish: See Valthungian
Gutišk, Gutiška Rasta: See Valthungian
Gwaxol: A Wasc language spoken west of the Chayan Sea in Pollasena. Started in 2022.
Its users know it as gwaxol⁵.
Gytc: See Valthungian
Gytish: See Valthungian
gzb: gjâ-zym-byn is a personal language, an engelangish artlang or artlangy engelang, which I use routinely and have attained a limited fluency in.
Its users know it as gjâ-zym-byn.
Ɣu: Personal language, conworldless.
Hacherian: Imagined to be spoken by descendants of humanity million years in the future
Its users know it as Haceri.
Hacklow: New conlang. Just done the phonology.
Its users know it as Ahakqau.
Hafojugat Pehapevum: See Hafojugat Pehapevum (Middle Western)
Hafojugat Pehapevum (Middle Western): Middle Western / Hafojugat Pehapevum is a language formerly spoken on the Western part of a certain continent in the world of Vacagia, and the ancestor of many languages currently spoken there.
Its users know it as Hafojugat Pehapevum.
HAI: possibly a relex for humans of an alien interlingua?
Haikyly: My first language. Kind of a test language, I guess- practice for something better.
Hakessian, Common Western: See Common Western Hakessian
Hakessian, Proto-: See Proto-Hakessian
Hallon: Paul V.S. Townsend is a very old conlang created by Paul V.S. Townsend, maybe some older conlangers still remember it.
Haneko: A rather divergent member of the Pakaran family, from the Outer Reaches.
Haotyetpi: A language I've created because I was getting burned out on Moten. It is spoken by the Mountain Folk, a minority people living in a country called Mengō.
Its users know it as Haotyétpi.
Hara Gamiqot: See Westlandish
Hara Kamiqat: See Westlandish
Hara Kamiqot: See Westlandish
Haratqin: See Westlandish
Hayaxmi: A language I'm working on for a conworld in my friend's story. Currently undergoing MAJOR reconstruction.
Its users know it as hāyaxmi.
It has been known as (deleted), hāyaxmi [hɑːˈjɐt͡s.mi].hāyaxmi [hɑːˈjɐt͡s.mi]: See Hayaxmi
Headdesk: 45555 is inspired by a Skype conversation between Fenhl and some friends, which somehow derailed into people typing sentences consisting of random-letter/number words (supposedly by hitting their keyboards with their heads).
Its users know it as 45555.
Helläänysge: See Hellanan
Hellanan: A Germanic language closely related to Swedish. Has six case (nominative, accusative, prepositional, dative, genitive, and temporal) and four genders (faunal, floral, abstract, and dimunitive) not including plurals
Its users know it as Helläänysge.
Hemaluan: Austronesian language spoken in Japan.
Its users know it as ヘーマヌー語.
Hercsex: A fauxlang of Hungarian and Korean in hopes of mutual understanding between the two languages. Majority of vocabulary and noun cases are depicted from the similarities of the two languages.
Its users know it as Hercsex önmal.
It has been known as Hercsexa, Hercsexabant önmal.Hercsexabant önmal: See Hercsex
Hercsex önmal: See Hercsex
Hesperian: See
High Aribelian: Standard and prestige language of the Aribelian Kingdom and Republic, teaching language of the Academy of Berán
It has been known as Aribelian, High.Himmaswa: Himmaswa is a language spoken in the central and Northwestern regions of the primarily agrarian nation of Swamperia, and is the standard language of the bureaucracy. The language itself received inspiration from Khmer, Thai, Chinese, and Japanese.
hirajna Kiitra: See Kiitra
Homranatyu: A fictional balkanized descendant of Manuel Halvelik's Arcaicam Esperantom. Disclaimer: Halvelik had nothing to do with the project and I have nothing to do with Arcaicam Esperantom.
Its users know it as Homrǎnatyu.
Homrǎnatyu: See Homranatyu
Htoleithe: This was the common language of the Firstborn before their vast empire fell after a Pyrrhic victory against a ruthless and powerful enemy.
Its users know it as Htoleiþe.
It has been known as Ancient Firstborn, Ladochei T'oleithe.http://000024.org/conlang/UNLWS.png: See UNLWS
Hurga ker Maja: See Maja
Huttese (fanmade): The infamously grammarless "language" of Star Wars, designed on the loose basis of Quechua but without any coherent structure, until one fan implemented a method to the madness.
Hux Kham: a language for Sahar, the collaborative conworld of conworkshop
Its users know it as Hux Kham Tro.
Hux Kham Tro: See Hux Kham
Hy'Bae: Hy'bae, Maethbae, Metkabae or more commonly know in Agathr, Sah'karbae is the ancient language of the Dihis, creators of Nix and every single creature in the Galaxy. Maethbae is a really old language, used as a common language by almost everyone in Agathr.
It has been known as Shkrb, Metkabae, Maethbae.Hylsian: Hylsian forms a continuum of languages across Africa. The prestige variety of Hylsian is called Prestige Hylsian which is spoken around the border regions of the Central African Republic, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Its users know it as Hulca.
Hymmnos: See Pastalie Hymmnos
Hymmnos: See Standard Hymmnos
Ianqaeni: Just a new lang for me to translate stuff with. Internal name means “the unrestrained language”.
Its users know it as Ma cueia ianqaeni.
χŋqʀʔÊ: See Popsiclian
ideolat (ideographic latin): ideolat is a philosophical/ideographic interpretation of capital letters of latin alphabet.
Idhunaic: A language spoken in the world of Idhún, created by the Spanish writer Laura Gallego. The language's been created out of the few words provided by the author.
Its users know it as Nimertu Idhunnos.
It has been known as Idhunayka.Idiom Neutral: The Volapük Academy desired reforms to make its language easier to learn and to read, but its creator was against them. The community split, and the Academy's reformed language became known as Idiom Neutral. Volapük was eventually reformed by Arie de Jong.
Ido: The most successful derivative of Esperanto, created in 1907 to improve perceived flaws. This derivative influenced Esperanto in turn, with some of its suffixes and vocabulary borrowed by Esperantists and later officialized.
iigraa: iigraa is spoken in northern Etria, most often in the Teskog regions in Hodi, Grojie, Northern Yengel and Northern Blassai. Similar to the temperate climates found on Earth, Teskog Regions boast a balance between warmth and coolness, providing an ideal hab
Ilcharotic: Ilcharotic is a Western Saphitic language spoken in the South West of the Myrathian peninsula, most notably in the city of Ilcharoch
Its users know it as Qiasêkaras.
Iliatarian (Lerewe Giri): Literary language of the Newessa Culture and later the Kingdom of Merdew (Mederu); related to but not intellegible with the Southern Iliatarian Languages
Its users know it as Lerewe Ğiri.
It has been known as Northern Iliatarian, Merdic.Iliatarian (Sulutmuri & Ngwano): Dialects of the Iliatarian farmers, the Sulutmuri and the Ngwano, descendants of the Chalcolithic Nokimi Empire
Its users know it as Sulutmuri/Ngwano.
It has been known as Sulutmuri, Ngwano, Southern Iliatarian.ilieskes kelja: See Islysian
Iloyan: An indigenous a priori language from southern Thailand spoken by a people that has been living in isolation until a discovery by a Dutch Missionary and Japanese occupation in a world war. Today, it has been influenced by both English (tourism) and Thai.
Its users know it as Tsa Íruik Tauk.
It has been known as Ca Ìloeig Toug, ツアイルイケタウケ, จั อิรุยก เตาก.Inan: The "Language of the Gods," was used for a conworld that I've decided to kill as it involved fantasy races and I feel I am in the wrong position to write in such detail about race. This might be re-purposed for something else.
Its users know it as Shangit'an ngeton Inan.
Indertonne: Indert is a fusional and agglutinating language, with massive morphological complexity offset by relatively simple syntax and free word order. It is both morphologically and syntactically fully ergative.
Infernal: Language spoken by the devils who inhabit the Inferno in the fantasy world of Dombellus. A tonal language in which the tones are realized as distinct musical pitches.
Its users know it as Âveqel.
Inote: Inote is spoken by the Inoten of the Neru-Unina in the eastern-southeastern part of Arakhyt. This survey is based on the variety of the language spoken in the city of Tekarat on the coast of the Endless Sea.
Insular Kett: One of the two main dialects of Kett, spoken on the island Harue. One notable subdialect is Cerrais Kett, which has redeveloped a tone system, presumably under the influence of Continental Kett, which preserves the two-tone system of the protolang.
Its users know it as Sérhes Kéttw.
Intal: An attempt to synthesize all major successful Euroclone auxlangs created up until the middle of the 20th century on a mildly schematic principle.
Interglossa: A scientific meta-language with isolating syntax and Roman-Greek lexification.
Interlingua: A romance-based international auxiliary language, claimed to be a "standard average european" language
Interlingua antic: See Interlingua Antic
Interlingua Antic: Inspired by the Arcaicam Esperantom of Manuel Halvelik, an attempt-in-progress to create an "Old Interlingua" in the vein of Old French and late Vulgar Latin.
Its users know it as Interlingua antic.
Interlingua Romanica: A version of the IALA's Interlingua with a more Romance-like grammar.
It has been known as Romanica.Interlingue: See Interlingue (Occidental)
Interlingue (Occidental): An early project for a naturalistic international auxiliary language, once the second most popular after Esperanto. Declined in favor of the IALA's Interlingua.
Its users know it as Interlingue.
Interslavic: Pan-Slavic language, intended to be understandable for Slavs of all nationalities. Initiated in the 17th century. The current form was established in 2006, based on Slovianski (Jan van Steenbergen) and Novoslověnsky (Vojtěch Merunka).
Its users know it as Medžuslovjansky, Меджусловјанскы.
It has been known as Slovianski, Vseslovjanski, Novosloviensky, Medžuslovjanski, Меджусловјански.Iqglic: Iqglic is an attempt to make English easier to learn for foreigners while remaining intelligible to native speakers. The grammar and lexicon are derived mainly from Pegakibo.
Irani: The main language spoken in Iradòr, one of the major countries in Agathr.
Its users know it as Iraìn.
'Iru Ni'i: Language of the ‘Iru Ni‘i of Southern Seligon, spoken in four dialects across the Seligonian islands, distantly related to the Seligonian Languages; phonology based on Polynesian Languages
Its users know it as ‘Iru Ni‘i.
ís-Faárúth: See Qaelian
Isitya: The language of the Ehan
Islysian: A quasi-Finnic language. Part a posteriori, part a priori, all artlang.
Its users know it as ilieski.
It has been known as ilieskes kelja.Isoldian: A hypothetical language derived from Classical Latin (not Vulgar Latin) which underwent not only simplification to an almost isolating language, but also went under a series of sound changes that adds palatal articulation to consonants.
Its users know it as Lingu Isolt.
Isuhuwum: Isuhuwum is divided into dialects, which differ e.g. in details of phonology. Furthermore, it lacks a standard form. I decided to describe the language from the perspective of the southeastern dialect, which lacks front rounded vowels but preserves /h/.
Ithkuil 2011: See Ithkuil III
Ithkuil III: Ithkuil express precise information in a concise way by using complex grammar and morphology.
Its users know it as Elartkʰa.
It has been known as Ithkuil 2011.Ithkuil V4: See New Ithkuil
Jaaf: Possibly the lingua franca of a fantasy continent, designed with features I like because why not.
Its users know it as ʒiaov.
Jafian: Finnic lang with extremely heavy Slavic influences due to its conhistory.
Its users know it as jafislema.
It has been known as javislema.Jajuna: Jajuna means personal. As the name suggests, it is my personal language. As such, it combines the linguistic features I like most.
Its users know it as jajuna.
Jakvalat: Is the predominant global lingua franca of a habitable Venus. Spoken by a human population transplanted there some 13,000 years ago by an unknown agency. Sometimes called Common Venerian in English.
Jayus: Started out as a secret language between the three authors, has gone public since. Focus on ease of use over suboptimal Skype calls.
j·ð·tr·k·wh·r·j: See Trikuharric
jebɟʱesékʰ: See Ancient Caspian
jéktis sdēmósjo: See Standard Average Indo-European
jéktis sdīmósjo: See Standard Average Indo-European
Jel: The language spoken by the saxhleel – or Argonians – in the Elder Scrolls series. Specifically, the version constructed by WovenTales rather than that by lu_ming or any of the less complete sketches.
Jerreneth: Magdun Jerreneth is the most widely spread dialect among the Jerren culture due to it being the dialect used by most royalty, "higher blood," and predominantly the northeastern region of Maloyak.
Jezzali: My personal language set in a conuniverse called the Nendhe. Serves as a lingua franca, since I'm not ambitious enough to come up with dialects or multiple languages. =)
Its users know it as Cesen.
Jhaa: A language isolate spoken in the Jhaa Republic, an island located at Nikitin Seamount in the Indian Ocean, southeast of the Maldives.
Its users know it as jhaamot.
Jidalekto: Alt-history Ashkenazi dialect of Esperanto, in a world where Esperanto became widely adopted in the 20th century.
Its users know it as ייִדאַלעקטאָ.
Jigodu: Remote future naturalistic language. Intently non-European.
Its users know it as Ȝíṇòdu [ʝíŋôdù].
Jokelang 2: Dillon Hartwig's first and only serious joke language
Its users know it as English.
Jorivuzedox: See Jorivuzedox (Modern Southern)
Jorivuzedox (Modern Southern): Modern Southern / Jorivuzedox is a language spoken on the Southern part of a certain continent in the world of Vacagia.
Its users know it as Jorivuzedox.
It has been known as Southern.Jot wugta ha: Jot wugta ha ("Our speech") is a conlang for conlanging's sake, although the creator cringes at the word "artlang."
Jovuso Roksops: See Jovuso Roksops (Old Southern)
Jovuso Roksops (Old Southern): Jovuso Roksops was the ancestor language of a few extant languages (e.g. Jorivuzedox and a lingua franca called "Continental") in the world of Vacagia. It was already old when the world's antiquity began.
Its users know it as Jovuso Roksops.
Jumban: This is a language spoken throughout Jumb-Ndo. It is a language isolate, genetically unrelated to any other language in the world.
Its users know it as run.
It has been known as Run.Jurrayn or Jorayn: See Torain
Jutean: Started out as a language developed for a nation at nationstates.net/jute. The goal was (and is) to create a language that can be used and that for most purposes at least short texts can easily be translated to it. Inspired by Hawaiian and Southeast Asia.
Its users know it as tahivinet / tahivi a jute.
Kachan: Akachenti is the most commonly spoken dialect of the Kachan language, spoken by the Ogunn people. Most non-native speakers consider it Standard Kachan and all other varieties as other languages altogether.
Its users know it as Akachenti.
Kaidu: Started in August of 2012 to replace hard drive killed language, but has now grown to be larger than that lang and has a life of its own now.
Kalavi: Kalavi is a draconian language originating from the Russian Far East. Their language has since spread around the world. It is the native language of dragons.
Kali-Sise: An excercise in designing an auxlang with lexical roots chiefly derived from among y of the world's most prominent languages but phonologically restricted to fit into the most crosslinguistically inclusive inventory and phonotactics feasible.
Kamakawi: Kamakawi is an artistic language inspired by Polynesian languages like Hawaiian. It's my largest language, and has an elaborate orthography.
Kangir: Kangir is spoken by the Kaglú, a bipedal race which evolved from a bovid-like herd animal on the planet Kagan.
Its users know it as Kaŋgir.
Kanteian: Kanteian is a dialect of Sentalian. Most of the features are essentially the same. The phonology is the main difference and the only one I'm bothering with here.
Its users know it as K'àbntee.
Kashithes: Spoken by a small cultural-linguistic group from a planet called Tek. They now live on a planet called the Patchwork World.
Kata: Language under construction, spoken by the people of the south.
Kavrinian: a language for Kavs, a kind of bird-like sentient beings, it is also spoken by humans. The language is initiated by Ultimate Ridley
Kaynuryos: Kaynuryos is the most widely spoken Kaynuric language.
Kayronic: My first constructed language, official & majority language of the nation of Narony in the Ionian Sea and by colonial extension on a large island off the East Coast of the US. Member of the Thonnic branch of Indo-European.
Its users know it as Kaýronig.
It has been known as Clone of Voksigid.Kazujisha: A language spoken on some islands in Europe by approximately 4.5 million Kazujishans in our modern time. Almost completely isolating, SVO, nominative-accusative.
Kdjasom Hislei: See Konishien
Kedshi: Kedshi is a nominative-accusative, fusional (?), SOV, and mixed head initial/final language that uses a modified Cyrillic alphabet. It has lots of verb complexity, a construct case, a lack of diphthongs, vowel harmony, no grammatical gender, and more.
Its users know it as Екоряд.
Keeltyewarem: Celtic language spoken in Australia.
Keihansoukaishi: Language used in the video games Ciel Nosurge and Ar Nosurge.
It has been known as 契絆想界詩, Emotional Song Pact.Keintra: Kehntra was created by Peter Himin in 2010 for his constructed world and is spoken by the Aumonian people of Ginara.
Its users know it as Kehntra.
It has been known as Keintra, Koentar or Keintwr.Keintra, Koentar or Keintwr: See Keintra
Kelenala: Kelenala is built from a fixed wordlist of 366 words. The claim is that from these 366 words, an entire, functional creole-like language can be created.
Keltsvian: Keltsvian is a language spoken in Keltsvia -a fictional country in Eastern Europe-, the word stems are mainly taken from Proto Indo European.
Its users know it as keltsvan.
Kemba: The language of the metal age Kemba Empire on a parallel Earth called Tekuo. Kemba was a descendant of Proto-Dahu-Kemba and ancestor to the Kemba languages including Leheiko.
It has been known as Classical Leheitak.Kesh: This is the conlanɡ featured in Ursula Le Guin's novel "Always Cominɡ Home".
Keylim: Keylim is spoken by the most ancient of people, those that evolved past man's current status long before man was using spears to catch food.
Khaneč Khaftim: See Pejlanrau Khanech Khaftim
Khanese: Language spoken by the "Khan" people.
Its users know it as Khantul, khanejtul.
Khangathyagon: Khangaþyagon was the original language of a fantasy world called Huna, (meaning "world") and originally didn't have a name. As other languages diverged from it, they lost their magical power, and so wizards preserved its use. The name means "magic language
Its users know it as Khangaþyagon.
Khangaþyagon: See Khangathyagon
Khan Khaftim: See Khan Nilau Khaftim
Khan Nilau Khaftim: The most archaic form of the Lonian language spoken by the Khaftim, who moved westward from the homeland of Ganur Lon after the empire of the Firstborn was destroyed.
Its users know it as Khan Khaftim.
Khantul, khanejtul: See Khanese
Khengjûl: Spoken by the schizoids. Originated from Va'kkour
Its users know it as khengìjûl.
Khuzdul: The spoken language of the dwarfs in the middle-earth, many details are unknown.
Its users know it as Khuzdûl.
Kiitra: Kiitra is one of the six major indigenous languages of the planet Alplaa, and used throughout its solar system as a universal auxilliary language. It is featured in the novel "Lamikorda" (http://www.createspace.com/4759921 and in Amazon Kindle Store)
Its users know it as hirajna Kiitra.
Kïlda Kele: See Neo-Khitanese
Kipusan: A constructed language made as part of Blissom's "Conlang Calligraphy" series.
Its users know it as Kipusa.
It has been known as Faevi.Kiriyow: See Kiriyow (Creole)
Kiriyow (Creole): English-based creole
Its users know it as Kiriyow.
Kirronga: Language of the Binnan people, member of the Kirrongic family. Spoken by around 55 million people.
Its users know it as Kirroŋa.
Kisimbi: In-Universe: spoken by the citizens of Usimbi, a large and highly developed nation on the Second Subcontinent on the planet Linnasia. Out-of-Universe: derived from Proto-Bantu.
Kisuna: Kisuna is a language with only 6 segmental phonemes (3 consonants and 3 vowels).
Klingon: The fictional language spoken by the Klingons, an alien warrior species in the Star Trek universe. The language was designed to be remarkably different from English.
Its users know it as tlhIngan Hol.
Knashta: Created to be the official language of the Republic of Corstekistan. Sounds Eastern European, but has a relatively simple grammar
Its users know it as Knašta.
knrawi: See Standard Knrawi
Knrawi: See Standard Knrawi
Koang: It started as a language for me and my fiance, but I'm slowly growing it
Its users know it as Koang de.
Kobardon: This language was designed to look like latin, while containing head-marking instead of case-marking
Kobold: Language spoken by the kobolds of K'urtulmark in the world of Dombellus.
Its users know it as Rasiluk'uk.
Kofbergisch: See Kopfberger German
Kofuberge i Deitschi Gisun: See Kopfberger German
kolesch Speech: A con-High German dialect created by me. Although it's a high german dialect, the original speakers of this language are non-caucasian people called the Palo people. Informations below are based on the standard/formal variant
Its users know it as Die kolesche Sprach.
Kolla Muosan : See Muosan
Kolla Muosan Колла Муосан: See Muosan
Kolyma Ainu: Ainu language of mainland Siberia
Its users know it as Аню Идаӄхи.
Konishien: Konishien is the 'Language of the Earth'. It is spoken by those who still live in the wilderness and those who's ancestors lived there not too long ago.
Its users know it as Kdjasom Hislei.
Konlani: See
Kono Mai: Kono Mai is a pseudo-Polynesian language of the ConPlanet country Kono Mai.
Kopfberger German: a human language spoken in another world, it's a mixed language like Michif and Media Lengua, it's a mixture of a high german dialect and a jurchen-manchu dialect.
Its users know it as Kofbergisch.
It has been known as Kofuberge i Deitschi Gisun.Kotanian: Kotanian is the lingua franca and official language of Kota, a country and subcontinent of the planet Ilya. It is spoken as second language by the 250 million, human-like inhabitants of Kota.
Its users know it as Kotane.
Kotava: A totally a prioristic auxlang, thus being equally difficult for all to learn.
Kratish: Kratish (Krato) is a romance-kratish based language, with a background of 6 years.
Its users know it as Krato.
Krig: A language created to experiment with dominant and submissive forms of speech, with some domain specific words for Bondage and other kinky activities.
Ksaedric: OSV word order SOV word order (interrogative sentences) 12 cases(nom,acc,gen,dat,ins,poss,priv,del,loc,ben,ine,sube) 2 genders(male,female) 3 moods(Indicative,Conditional,Imperative,Interrogative) Verbs conjugate for tense,gender,mood,person,number
Its users know it as Ksãdoryõn.
Kti: Spoken by the Ktarh peoples.
K'tle: not determined yet, but inspired by North and Meso American
Its users know it as K̈£ɛ.
Kuyʔūn: Kuyʔūn is a rather peripheral language of the Edastean family, spoken in the early 2nd millennium YP in the Xōron Eiel. It shows heavy influence by the local Habeo languages in phonology, grammar, and vocabulary.
It has been known as Kuy'u:n.K‡xosánerubé: See Terpish
Kyuren: Kyuren (Natively Կշուրներեն Kşurneren) is an Iranian language of the West North-Central Branch spoken by Kurds in Armenia's Syunik Province. It is spoken by about 9,000 people in the province as well as by 6,000 people in Mianeh County, Iran. The language
Its users know it as Կշուրներեն.
Laadan: The language designed for maximum adequation with the feminine mindset.
Its users know it as Láadan.
Laaoshte Kimuiotuaianoi: See Feayran
Ladochei T'oleithe: See Htoleithe
Laga: Second language from Sementia, spoken in west of Brasar.
Its users know it as Lā'ga.
láhun lúna: See Old Lonmai luna
Lairats: The Ayans are one of the dominant powers in the world of Odhisi, and Lairäts ("Imperial Language") is their official language. It is very distantly related to Essebian.
Its users know it as Lairäts.
Lajik: This is one of the languages created by a user of the game NationStates.net. It is the language of a racial minority in Rejistania.
Its users know it as Lajikin.
Lamborghini: See Testarossa
Laozhea: Laozhea is an experimental "sandbox" language created purely for my personal amusement.
Larene-Baʔeniʔi: See Ba'eni
Laroitian: Isolate spoken in the Italian Alps
Its users know it as Laroitach.
Latadid: This language was made for the vertical inventory challenge. It's not very completed.
Its users know it as Latádìd.
Latejami: A richly developed logical language designed for use as an interlingua in machine translation between natural languages.
It has been known as Ladekwa, Latenkwa, Nasendi.Latha: Designed to be simple and easy to learn, Latha has a simple grammar and a vocabulary built from about 100 roots. It was made to enrich my fantasy writing, and also as a work of art itself.
Laucariman: [lau̯kɛɾiə̯mɨ ɛbu]
Its users know it as laukerīmų ebu.
laukerīmų ebu: See Laucariman
Laytele: The language of the faeries, a five-gendered race of magical beings ruled by priests.
Lazēide: See Classical Arithide
Lci: This language started as a simple cypher of English six years ago, but has slowly evolved and progressed into a sizable language. Meant to incorporate sounds missing in English, grammars from many styles of language, and a luscious culture.
Its users know it as Lči.
Lefso: The de facto auxlang of Eupraria influenced by Slavic and Japonic languages, known for its unique modifier characters. Often misinterpreted as a Japanese dialect.
Its users know it as レ中ソ.
Lekh Dothraki: See Dothraki
Lemohai: The language of the land of Mohai, on a parallel Earth called Tekuo. Modern Lemohai emerged some 800 years ago, as a result of contact between the old imperial language, Classical Leheitak and the native Old Lemohai-Letsuri language.
Lemyrian: This is one of the dialect of Muosanese. Although Muosanese has many dialects, this dialect is almost different from the others. The differences can be seen from the words used and the used-endings by the speakers.
Its users know it as Lemyrcku.
It has been known as Lemyrskiy, Lemyrshkiye, Lemyra.Lemyrshkiye: See Lemyrian
Leopardish I: See Waku
Lerewe Ğiri: See Iliatarian (Lerewe Giri)
Levran: A language spoken by small bellic tribes.
Its users know it as Lévre nimértu.
Lévre nimértu: See Levran
Lhenazi: Artlang spoken by a stratified society where everyone has the potential for magic, but are at different "phases" of development. Noun classes mark for this "magicalness".
Lhueslue: This is a language where each phoneme has a semantic meaning. All words are therefore created by sticking together phonemes with specific meanings.
Liberalian: Liberalian serves as the constructed language of the Nationstates region and online community of the Liberalian Federation.
Its users know it as Liberalisk Langunel.
Liberalisk Langunel: See Liberalian
Lidepla: See Lingwa de Planeta
liɬ a'dam: See Lixaanu hal-'adami
Limerian: This is the language spoken by the Limerian people, who live on the northernmost continent of the world of Nicli.
Its users know it as Cun punt ne ves pal.
Linge Denadoz: See Denaden
Lingua Franca Nova: A relatively analytic romlang and auxlang inspired by the Mediterranean Lingua Franca (Sabir). All tenses are formed with auxiliaries, though the nominal plural is formed with a suffix and there is also derivation. The language has an ISO 639-3 code, lfn.
Lingua Sistemfrater: See Frater
Lingu Isolt: See Isoldian
Lingwa de Planeta: An auxlang begun in 2006 by a committee of language enthusiasts, later also including linguists such as Asja Vinogradova, and published in 2010, based on the world's most widely spoken languages.
It has been known as Lidepla.Lingwádhikh Tranzydjá: See Tranzydja
Lin'Ya: See Centaurian
Lioa e Gweu: Li̬o̬a 'e Gweû is the language spoken by mermaids in the area near Tydotsu.
Its users know it as Li̬o̬a 'e Gweû.
Li̬o̬a 'e Gweû: See Lioa e Gweu
LipTalk: A language developed by groups of banished "criminals"(petty thieves, gay men, the poor, etc.) of the religiously corrupted Empire, who had their teeth removed and tips of their tongues cut off. Based mainly for survival.
Its users know it as papa-bhi.
Līšša Nūgīnech: See Proto-Hakessian
Līšša Nūynech: See Common Western Hakessian
Literary Fire: Fire Nation, Royalty
Liturgical Olgish: See Middle Olgish
Liunan/LonmaiLuna: See Lonmai Luna
Lixaanu 'adam: See Lixaanu hal-'adami
Lixaanu hal-'adami: A conlang project inspired by Semitic languages, especially Arabic and Hebrew.
Its users know it as لشان هلادم.
It has been known as לש אדם, Lix 'adam, liɬ a'dam, لش ادم, Lixaanu 'adam, لشان ادم.Lix 'adam: See Lixaanu hal-'adami
Llapakhi: Possibly spoken on some fictional island off the west coast of Canada.
Its users know it as Łapahi.
Llapoyan: another language in lepria
Its users know it as Mollapoya .
Lodeen: A priori conlang, conceived as an attempt to design a rather simple and easy language.
Its users know it as Lodin.
Loglan: Brainchild of the late Dr. Brown. First intended to test the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Ancestor of Lojban.
Its users know it as loglan.
Lohsee: Lohsee is an agglutinative language composed entirely of adjectives. It is intended to be mostly experientially descriptive but can also be used for concrete nouns and specific types of actions and concepts.
Its users know it as lose.
Lomdirab se Gamidg: See Gammidge
Lonmai Luna: a language used in the Earth of another world. Information here is about the standard variant.
Its users know it as Liunan/LonmaiLuna.
lonxwìŋooo: See Central Isles Creole
Lorm Nkqarkâ: See Nkarkoa
Lortho: Lortho is an a priori agglutinating language spoken on the continent of Lamona of the circumbinary planet Dhamashi.
Its users know it as 'loɾ.tʰo.
It has been known as loɾtʰo.(L')starfish klam: See L'starfish Klam
L'starfish Klam: A language spoken by some starfish-shaped aliens, with features parallel and similar to English. Although it's a language spoken by a starfish-like being, it's human-pronouncable.
Its users know it as (L')starfish klam.
It has been known as Starfish.Luluvo: Luluvo (also spelled Luluwo) is an ergative-absolutive language.
Lup (Simplified): Lup is a cryptolect of predominately European origin.
Luthic: A romance language that is spoken by the Luths in Italy, Ravenna, with strong East Germanic influence.
Its users know it as Lûthica.
It has been known as Luthisca, Luthisk.Lwaitel: Lwaitel is a conlang used in the country Lwait, which was settled by a group of artists looking for a more scenic place. Art, particularly visual art, is important to them. The language is a conlang in-universe.
Ma cueia ianqaeni: See Ianqaeni
Madekankomi: An isolate language spoken on an island east of New Zealand and south of French Polynesia.
Its users know it as madekaŋkoumi intiã.
madekaŋkoumi intiã: See Madekankomi
Maja: Maja is the language of the Maja Empire, c. viru 10,000 of the Empire.
Its users know it as Hurga ker Maja.
Maksinaunminverbe: A conlang designed with a high degree of noun inflection but no verbal inflection just to explore what implications such unusual morphological disparity would have on a language. Spoken by a quasi-European fantasy culture.
Mala: Means "mother tongue"
Malabas: spoken as lingua franca in a little archipelago in Atlantic Ocean. In ancient times it was a widely spoken language in the region, but since English colonisation it's been only a decreasing minority.
Its users know it as Malabás.
Malëuţřait: See New Ithkuil
Maltcegj: An a priori language with lots of fun laterals and puns and very little morphology.
Its users know it as Maltcégj.
Mamambam: A very pleasent sounding language ... at least to my ears.
It has been known as The Beloved Language.Mambehoblind: See Tallfellow
Manchu: A natlang, moribund as an L1 but with enormous volumes of written material produced by and for the Hou Jin & Qing dynasties. This entry covers the literary language.
Its users know it as Manju gisun.
Mandalorian: Mando'a is a language spoken by the Mandalorian people in the Star Wars universe. there are at least 1184 words. Information given below may contain speculations.
Its users know it as Mando’a.
Mando’a: See Mandalorian
Manju gisun: See Manchu
Manspikin: An English-influenced Germanic conlang.
Marag: This is the primary language of the Marag region of the Frintha.
Its users know it as Margemennye.
Margemennye: See Marag
Marijo: Marijo is one of my two a posteriori PIE-derived conlangs. It was conceived and born in 2005 and now has a sizeable lexicon of 2,300 words. It forms a distinct branch of IE.
Its users know it as Dengurse Marijo.
Masculine Aniszunian Essebian: The Essebians are one of the dominant powers of the world of Odhisi, and Aniszunian is their prestige dialect. Masculine Aniszunian is spoken principally by men and other masculine-gender people.
Its users know it as Faniszūnibisiye Qushre.
Massalian: Language descended from Latin, spoken by superhuman exiles from Ètiene, the land around Marseille, the capital. Influenced by the surrounding languages, and located in a pivotal area, there is much stratification and fusion in the language.
Its users know it as Messance.
It has been known as Cimance, Massey.Matanin: Descended from Proto-Indo-European
Mavakhalan: The Khalan language, or Mavakhalan, is an Edastean, Dāiadak language spoken in the city-state of Khalan in the 9th century Y.P. The most defining phonological characteristic of Mavakhalan was a systematic ±palatal contrast in the consonantal system.
Its users know it as mavaxalan.
mavaxalan: See Mavakhalan
Medefaidrin: A sacred Christian language created at Ibibio congregation in 1930s Nigeria.
Medžuslovjanski, Меджусловјански: See Interslavic
Medžuslovjansky, Меджусловјанскы: See Interslavic
Mekavant: Esperanto leaning into its Diaspora Jewishness. Essentially a relexification of EO with Hebrew words in Ashkenazi pronunciation, with few grammatical changes.
Its users know it as מקוואנט.
It has been known as Mekavanto, מקוואנטו.Mekoshan: Descendant of American English.
Its users know it as Mheexoŝ.
mekxetxe: Made for the Padran system
Menxháo: Menxháo it's an indoeuropean language with accents in each word which has more than one syllable for knowing the tonique one. It has not cases and the verbs are conjugated acording to the subject. The structure (except questions) is flexyble. Agglutinative
It has been known as Protogermanhól.Merdic: See Iliatarian (Lerewe Giri)
merechi: Personal language!
Its users know it as merɛ́chi.
It has been known as mërèchi.Mesak: Alt-Earth language spoken in some mountainous region analogous to the alps by iron age farmers crossing a harsh mountain pass due to overpopulation and finding a new valley.
Its users know it as Meşät.
Mfintidafha: See Dwendish
mhiänny: See The Mhiannyu language
Middle Olgish: My first conlang; fourth stage of the Olgish language, sacred language of Olgish religion and first official language of the Lécaronian Empire; used as a secular language long after extinction
Its users know it as Olgenam.
It has been known as Liturgical Olgish, Church Olgish, Fádin's Olgish, Olgish, Middle.Mikiana: Mikiana was spoken by the people of Mika, a small isolated nation at the northern tip of modern-day Germany. Mika was destroyed during the Franco-Prussian War, but twelve families left for the U.S. and founded a small city in California called Mika City.
Its users know it as Mik̃ana.
Mikoshi: Language of the Mikoshi Culture and later the Mikoshi Empire; displaced by the Iilish creol as major language of the Iilimmurh by the mid-bronze age.
Its users know it as Mīkošetom.
Mila: Mila is a language set within an alien colony. On the home planet it was designed as a regular auxiliary language, but has been used within the colony for about 150 years and has developed a few irregularities and has undergone some sound changes.
Its users know it as mila.
Millenneš: See Millennish
Millennish: Germanic language spoken between Germany and Poland.
Its users know it as Millenneš.
Mindakri: Spoken on Telku, an island in the North Atlantic by a relict hominin species.
It has been known as Tinaqa Tilkudziy, Tinaxva Tilkub, Tinahva Tilkup, Tinavha Tilkup, Tinavka Tilkup, Tinapa Tilkup, Napat Patilku, Naqat Qatilku, Tyakva Slintelku, Nakfati Adelgu, Standard Equatorial Minervan, Thurselandic, Thurslandic, Lindakzi, Mindakzi.Minhast: Minhast (Minhast min kirim, lit. "Minhast-speak") is the spoken language of the Republic of Minhay, with a robust speech community of nearly 26 million people. It is divided into two major dialects, Upper Minhast and Lower Minhast, each of which is divide
Mini: A primarily romance-lexifier auxlang with a highly reduced but concise, creole-like grammar.
Minigkaksi: See Thulean
Minimal Phonology Conlang (Provisional Name): See MPCL(PN)
Mira: A language isolate, spoken in the northern mountains of the Drunworld.
Mirexu: A sideways sister-language of merɛ́chi, or a reimagining of it with more rigorous and interesting grammar
Mîrkšam: This language is hideously outdated! See Šamhešmi for the more recent reworked version. Was: ‘Mîrkšam is an art-language made as a creative endeavour. It is intended to be a human one (following universals) but an isolate, i.e. possible but not probable.’
Its users know it as mîrkšam.
It has been known as myrkçam, mürkcham, Myrkçam.Missa: A code that somehow found itself to be a usable language.
It has been known as Mixza.Mithara: Mithara is the last surviving member of the Siveran languages.
Miut: Miut is an analytic language in the Dira world constructed by Sorajima Asugawa. It has phonetic and grammar features similar to Vietnamese, and uses an ideographic system similar to Chu Nom as well as Latin transcription as its official writing systems.
Its users know it as 䜍僇/Lhiâw Miùt.
Miwonsha: Miwonša is an a priori artlang created in 2011 and 2012 by Plusquamperfekt.
Its users know it as Miwonša.
Modern Arithide: This describes the standard speech of Arithia in its capital, Lazea.
Its users know it as Arithīde.
Modern low Ponuhi: Spoken by people on an island in the south
Its users know it as Ponuhi.
Modern Prsänëan Language: See Prsänëan
Modified Basic E-Prime: A modified form of E-prime, relexed with a modified Basic English vocabulary. Employs a system of spelling reform. (Also, lacks taboo (cuss) words, slang, and the more egregiously illogical idioms, which makes it pleasant for my personal use.)
Its users know it as epsilan-tou.
mollydot's first go: I don't know what I'm doing
Mondlango: A language created by He Yafu in 2002, combining Esperanto and English and eliminating gender asymmetry.
It has been known as Ulango.Môrenh: See Morlandian
Morlandian: Morlandian (ar môrenh) is a Celtic language spoken by the inhabitants of Morland (ar Eniz ar Mhôr), an island south of Ireland and west of Brittany.
Its users know it as Môrenh.
Moten: The language of a unique speaker, a foundling suffering from amnesia, with no recollection of anything before he was found, except the language he spoke at the time.
Its users know it as motenku|lu.
motenku|lu: See Moten
MPCL(PN): I wondered how much a small phoneme inventory could be stretched.
Its users know it as Minimal Phonology Conlang (Provisional Name).
Mqinilafha: See Dwendish
Muosan: This is the latest version of Muosa documented. It is still on going for further development.
Its users know it as Kolla Muosan .
It has been known as Kolla Muosan Колла Муосан.Muosanese: This language has been made since early of 2011. It's naturally agglutinative and its grammar built by change word's endings.
Its users know it as Muosyn Kolla, Sheikhyn Kolla, Muosa, Sheikha.
It has been known as Muosyn Kolla.Muosyn Kolla: See Muosanese
Muosyn Kolla, Sheikhyn Kolla, Muosa, Sheikha: See Muosanese
Mvinilafha: See Dwendish
Mvintidafha: See Dwendish
Naeso: The Naeso project is the result of ##conlang'ers wanting to make a collaborative conlang (a colllang). The original goal of the project was to create a language that is designed for the internet, specifically IRC, and teach it to ##conlang'ers.
Naflis Dhūṭpal: See Ernalan
Nahaĥontl: See Nahakhontl
Nahakhontl: Nahakhontl is the language of the Kingdom of Shorrag, the only state on its home continent, situated on the savannah of the eastern peninsula.
Its users know it as Nahaĥontl.
Naĥe: See Proto Tændean
Nahvatti Telkun: See Avalonian
Naisek: Naisek is a previously unknown European language.
Nakfati Adelgu: See Mindakri
Ñaldar, Dalatha Ñaldar: See Old Northern
Nao: A concatenative international auxlang designed for simplicity, logic, freedom, and expressiveness.
Napasei: An asian-style conlang.
Its users know it as Nâpâsei.
Napat Patilku: See Mindakri
Naqat Qatilku: See Mindakri
Naqha u Ncámicg: See Dwendish
Narish: Spoken since pre-IE times on the island of Nareland, an autonomous region of Denmark.
Its users know it as (e)7a7a-FaM.
Nashonala Simphonoi: See National Simphonian
National Simphonian: Official language of Stellean Republic of Simphonia, an auxlang
Its users know it as Nashonala Simphonoi.
Native Elmoric: See Elmoric
Nattoretan: This is a fantasy language that was used for a conworld that I've decided to kill as it involved fantasy races and I feel I am in the wrong position to write in such detail about race. This may be re-purposed for something else.
Its users know it as Qesemla qa Mögre.
It has been known as Tagesemla.Nauspayr: Language of small peripatetic tribal communities in alternative timeline. Peoples discovered in last 250 years by space-faring empire, subsequently oppressed and later liberated. Environment somewhat akin to mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan. Animism religion.
Its users know it as Nỳspèkè.
Na'vi: The Na'vi are the tall, slender, blue-skinned humanoids in the movie Avatar. And this is their language.
Nayraki: Language spoken by one of the peoples of the novel I'm working on (although lately I seem to do more conlanging than writing).
Its users know it as nayraki.
Ndok Aisô: Ndok Aisô is an Edastean language spoken by the Ndok people of Lasomo.
It has been known as Ndok Aiso.Necarasso Cryssesa: See Ngaraxth Crixth v7
Necarasso Cryssesa: The name "Necarasso Cryssesa" literally means "forest language". It is spoken by people in the central (forested?) part of the Anaras.
It has been known as Cressja.Nefer Jed: A philosophical language inspired by Toki Pona and E-prime. Goal is to explore minimalism, teleology, anti-euphemism. Lexifier language is Middle Egyptian.
Its users know it as nfr Dd.
Neo: Neo is an auxiliary language designed after some ideas of Arturo Alfandari from Belgium. It has French lexicon and an Esperanto-like grammar.
Neo-Fictish: A language spoken on the planet "Fictuya" after it was annexed by the Pyrrhiti. Fictuya is a large terrestrial planet that orbits the red hypergiant VY Canis Majoris.
Its users know it as Fictu.
Neoglyphi: A combination of a dream involving some unknown language and a curiosity of how words came to be and how they evolved inspired me to create this glyphic language based on English.
Neo-Khitanese: A bogolang, based on Tungusic languages with strong Mongolic and Paleosiberian influence. Alt-historically, preserved by refugees from the fall of the Liao dynasty who fled north (to Kamchatka), rather than west (as with the Kara-Khitan dynasty).
Its users know it as Kïlda Kele.
Neoquux: Exolang. Weird. Will break minds.
Netagin: The Netagin language (Netagin: בְּרִיץ אֲ֬תָגִין brítz nˀAthághín /bʁitɬ naθɒˈʝin/) is a language isolate autochthonous to Cyprus and spoken in Cyprus plus its Middle Eastern environs, including the Holy Land.
Its users know it as brítz nˀAthághín.
Neunordien: See Nordienisk
Nevashi: Teliya Nevashi is a language spoken on an island called Nevash on a planet called Ianea. It has a variant form for general use on Earth (Ashea) also.
Its users know it as Teliya Nevashi.
Nevotak: a non-human language, the official language of the Nevotak Empire. Messages from the author: There are more than 900 words now, although some are synonyms, homonyms and polysemys.
New Ithkuil: New Ithkuil uses a matrix of grammatical concepts intended to express deeper levels of human cognition more overtly, logically, and precisely than natural languages.
Its users know it as Malëuţřait.
It has been known as TNIL, Ithkuil V4.New Testament of Pastalie: See Pastalie Hymmnos
Ngaraxth Crixth v7: Successor language to Necarasso Cryssesa. The official external name is ŋarâþ crîþ v7, but I don't know how many people can type that. (I certainly can with my compose key.)
Its users know it as ŋarâþ crîþ.
It has been known as Necarasso Cryssesa.Ngovasi: (names from Q-SVO, not an IAL)
Its users know it as Kàafesà.
Ngwano: See Iliatarian (Sulutmuri & Ngwano)
Nicho: Northwest Caucasian language descended from Ubykh. Spoken in [hypothetical] territory in eastern Krasnodar Kraj.
Its users know it as ნეჭო.
ni ɜbisɜ̄di dɜ ɜtɜmī: See Ebisedian
Nihongetsu Shotoku: See Simpified japanese
Nimertu Idhunnos: See Idhunaic
Nkarkoa: Language used on a fictional archipelago of Koatla, located in the northeastern Pacific,
Its users know it as Lorm Nkqarkâ.
Nomai Õtari: See Dahu
Nomai Õtari ( = Õtari words) : See Dahu
Nomikan: A personal language I am working on. I'll add more information later.
Its users know it as ქoɰıxı.
It has been known as nomiki.Nonlen: A chiefly oligosynthetic language consisting of 210 monosyllabic roots chiefly derived from Romance, Germanic and Mandarin.
Non-Masculine Aniszunian Essebian: The Essebians are one of the dominant powers of the world of Odhisi, and Aniszunian is their prestige dialect. Non-Masculine Aniszunian is spoken principally by non-masculine-gender people.
Its users know it as Faniszūnibisiye Ququshre.
Nordienisk: An updated version of Aaron Chapman's language Nordien, created by Paul Lecorde.
It has been known as Neunordien.Nórechach: See Austrian Celtic
Northeadish: An a posteriori Germanic language with a bit of a mediaeval feel to it.
Its users know it as Druðþþᵫ̄ðesc.
It has been known as Nurðisca, Tsœxisca, Þýdesc.Northern Iliatarian: See Iliatarian (Lerewe Giri)
Novial: An international auxiliary language designed by Danish linguist Otto Jespersen, based on shortcomings he saw in Esperanto, Ido, and other IALs. Died out after his death, but saw a revival of interest in the 90s.
Novosloviensky: See Interslavic
Novoslovnica: Version of panslavic language, that determines three main principles - purism, logical structure and wealth.
Its users know it as Новословница.
Ntunalafha: See Dwendish
Nuim: Nuim is spoken by the Nat, a frog-like, amphibious people who dwell in the rainforest amongst the rivers.
Nulltextlang: Nulltextlang is a language for conveying any contentless information. It is designed to package all "empty text" into short and logical constructs that are easy to remember and pronounce.
Nummiinmaak: Lonian language of Miinmaak, an island to the northeast of where the Lonian languages originated. Nummiinmaak is the ancestor of a number of insular languages.
Nungonian: Personal conlang used for worldbuilding.
Its users know it as Ɠiiƭ Ñuňo.
Nungonic: Personal conlang used for worldbuilding.
Its users know it as Ɠiiƭ Ñuňo.
Nurðisca: See Northeadish
Nyan Myat: A joke with the author's partner, taken too far. The name means "cat language."
Nylaf: A language spoken by a nomadic highland group in a fictional world.
Its users know it as Nylaf Kykorta.
It has been known as Nylaf Ky'Kor'ta.Nylaf Kykorta: See Nylaf
Nylaf Ky'Kor'ta: See Nylaf
Nymeran: Nymeran is the language spoken in Mythopoeia's comic "Glow." Created by Niamh NíDhúill between 2014 and 2017, curated and expanded by Jamin Johnson since early 2021.
Its users know it as Tlíl Nime.
It has been known as Ní Tlíl.ŋarâþ crîþ: See Ngaraxth Crixth v7
Ŋīhīn mī-Pāzak: See Pazan
Oedilaiffe: Ødiláïffe (/ø.di.ɺaːi̯.fːɛ/, anglicized Oedilaiffe) is the language of the Áïffi people, who live in the central coastal plains of the continent Kaslωta, planet Aïssliń (Aysling).
Oklane: Spoken in Öklan a nation of the Korõ species on the planet Tekuo. Öklan is located due north of Mohai across the sea. It briefly ruled much of NW Aheku in the early modern era, so Öklane left its mark on local languages.
Its users know it as Öklane.
ol alahith: See Alahithian
Old Greedian: The old liturgic language spoken on the planet Greeedia.
Its users know it as Geree thual.
Old Lemohai-Letsuri: See Dahu
Old Lonmai luna: Old Lonmai luna is said to be the ancestor language of Lonmai luna "dialects"(differences between Lonmai luna "dialects" are so large that they are in fact different languages).
Its users know it as láhun lúna.
Old Nevotak: the older form of Nevotak, much more inflective than Nevotak
Old Northern: Old Northern, which in Old Northern is called Ñaldar, is the official language and common spoken language of the Northern Empire, in the world of Álim across the Eastern Sea from Torulmir, the land in which Ulmiric is spoken. It is the proto-language of th
Its users know it as Ñaldar, Dalatha Ñaldar.
Old Olgish: Umbrella term for the dialects of the eastern (Cëlacian) Olgs with Ortûlékian Koine as standard idiom, can be distinguished from Early Old Olgish; spoken in all Olgish kingdoms and as prestige language in most Olgish colonies
Its users know it as Olgenam.
It has been known as Olgish, Old.Old Soskish: Vernacular and later main literary language of the Sosks; wide-spread ligua franca, especially in the Olgish colonies
Its users know it as Sosc.
It has been known as Soskish, Old.Old Velosti: Western Hakessian Dialect; vernacular of Arvelos, high-prestige merchant lingua franca in the late Bronze Age and into Olgish occupation
Its users know it as Velošti.
It has been known as Velosti, Old.Old Zarcosian: The language spoken in the Zarcos Empire before the period of openness that allowed Salenzianization to happen.
Olgenam: See Middle Olgish
Olgenam: See Old Olgish
Olgish, Middle: See Middle Olgish
Olgish, Old: See Old Olgish
Olgittic: A West-Slavic language with a major influence of French and German. It's grammar is mainly analytical.
Its users know it as olgittine.
Oligo: An experimental oligosynthetic language inspired by Toki Pona, Ubykh and Miyako. Each root is a single consonant.
Its users know it as mɢʷzʷːxː.
Oltic: Celtic language spoken between Romania and Bulgaria.
Its users know it as Λῦτικη.
ol-Yuraalmuhul: See Yuraalian
Omenis-kan: See Omni-kan
Omino: An attempted aux. intl. language. Meanings and derivatives are intuitive, relying on phonosemantics. Simplifies whenever possible. Etymology and grammar are formulaic and consistent. Nation and culture agnostic sounds and meanings. Concise. Precise.
Its users know it as omino.
Omluuet: Omlűt is my hatelang, based on features I really don't like.
Its users know it as Omlűt.
Omni-kan: Omni-kan is an international auxiliary language that has borrowed all its word's from various natlangs. Omni-kan has very little inflection and is designed to be as simple as possible to learn and use.
It has been known as Pastok, Pasetok, Omenis-kan.Omnizzabon: Parody IAL. Most butchering of natural languages' vocabulary and grammar is intentional.
Onnasurin: Somewhat agglutinative, capable of forming very large nominal compounds. Spoken by a race of humanoids on a fantasy world very similar to earth.
It has been known as Gagish, Classical Gagish.Oopian: This is a language just for fun, so we can talk without anyone else knowing what we are saying!
Opus: A priori conlang made as part of a conworld project.
Its users know it as Ssamaf.
It has been known as Ⳃⳃⲁⲙⲁⳡ.Orin: the common world language, originating from Orinthiath
It has been known as orin.Osklisk: Official language of an interstellar nation. Formed from the amalgamation of Northern and Western European languages, primarily Scandinavian (the language originated in Oslo) over thousands of years.
Its users know it as Ösklisk.
Österreichisch: See Austrian Celtic
Oter Tov Svik: Oter Tov Svik means "Very Good Language", "Great Language" or (least fittingly) "Better Language". It's inspired by Toki Pona, Lojban and a host of natural languages.
Ǫu Din Len: See Annese
Ouxu: Ouxu emphasizes subtext. There are many different ways to express the same thought, and each way suggests different inferences. The grammar book offers sixteen natural ways to say "the ink is blue", each with a slightly different meaning.
Ox-yew: An isolate spoken in a mountainous wooded area somewhere, perhaps around central Asia.
Its users know it as Adzaay.
It has been known as Adɮāʎ.P'aa: The pinnacle of my linguistic efforts.
Paagnnyaglŝ: A descendant of North Central American English.
Its users know it as American English AD3000.
Pabappa: I created Pabappa in 2004 as a language that imitates baby talk. I have largely moved on to the better-made Poswa, but Pabappa is more accessible and I am still maintaining it.
Its users know it as Pabapa.
Palato: A language based on Romance vocabulary but with a greatly simplified phonology and analytical grammar inspired by East Asian languages
Palawa Kani: A language-rivival project of Tasmanian languages which are all extinct.
Palethian: This language was begun in the fall of 2012. It has been diachronically created from a protolanguage and is an exercise in irregularity and realistic depth through sound change and imagined language contact. Phonological data is for phonemic Palethian.
Its users know it as Rotua Paleto.
Paluhah: Paluhah is the 'sounds of waves' and is spoken by those beneath the ocean's surface. These people are predominantly healers and spend a great deal of their lives working in pods to help their environment.
Pa Manu Sali: See PaManuSali
PaManuSali: Originally designed for children, it is a very simple and understandable language consisting of 76 words with simple pronunciation.
Its users know it as Pa Manu Sali.
Papolapy: See Papolapy Language
Papolapy Language: Mini emotion expression language. Papolapy Language contains just 6 main words and symbols, making it one of the simplest languages in the world and, moreover, the easiest to remember.
Its users know it as Papolapy.
Parian: Mikoshi dialect spoken on the Island of Paror
Pasi: The most extreme of three simplifications of Esperanto.
Pastalie Hymmnos: A language in the video game series Ar Tonelico. Introduced in Ar Tonelico 2, variant of Standard Hymmnos.
Its users know it as Hymmnos.
It has been known as New Testament of Pastalie.patakasama: See Patakasama
Patakasama: minimalistic language, easy to pronounce
Its users know it as patakasama.
Patuximis: Patuxímis is a conlang I began in 2016 as an experiment in creating a versatile language useful for poetry. The same thought can be expressed in one word or multiple words, in virtually any order. I haven't written any actual poetry in it yet.
Its users know it as Patuxímis.
Pazan: Pazan is the every-day spoken language of the people of Paza, the ancient civilization that spans the southern continent of Nicli. It is descended from Zaman, which is still used for liturgical purposes.
Its users know it as Ŋīhīn mī-Pāzak.
Peace: In Esperanto, not all affixes are affixes. For example, "ilo" means tool, but some roots have "ilo" at the end of them, and it isn't an affix in that case. In Deth, every root has one consonant, one vowel, one consonant. So they affix perfectly, always.
Its users know it as Deth.
Pegakibo: A personal language that is uninflected, has a simple phonology, and has over 1900 words.
Its users know it as PEGAKIBO.
Pejlanrau Khanech Khaftim: The classical language spoken by the Khaftim at the time of their great expansion and domination of competing empires across many of the old trade routes and cities formerly inhabited or administered by the Firstborn.
Its users know it as Khaneč Khaftim.
It has been known as Pejlanrau Khaneč Khaftim.Pejlanrau Khaneč Khaftim: See Pejlanrau Khanech Khaftim
Persänëtagarë: See Prsänëan
Phanyo: Re-do of a previous diachronic Spanish project, ostenibly based on Spanish near the Texas-Mexico border.
Its users know it as P'añó.
It has been known as Spanyo, Spañó.Pilovese: Pilovese is a western Romance language spoken in the Pyrenees.
PIS (abbreviation): See Proto-Tampoluric
Piwken: A small language spoken in Manitoba
Its users know it as Piwkeneth.
Platapapan: People's Republic of Platapapan, founded at a small raised island in the Southeast Pacific, by a dozen thousand dolls brought to life by a powerful mage from somewhere in the Yucatan Peninsula. Although it has some loanwords from Yucatec Maya and Spanis
Please delete: Please delete
Plitchik: A conlang structured around the color spectrum and the emotion spectrum
Plitnakya: isolate spoken in Scotland.
Poeplish: Pøplish is language spoken by a poor tribe which is ruled by a despotic queen. There is a myth that the language was ordered by the queen and designed by the ancient ministry of language. The Pøplish people are very polite in a strange way.
Its users know it as Pøplish.
It has been known as Pøplish or the language of the people with the expressive name.Polarian: Work in progress. Spoken on the planet of Polaris Four/Republic of Polaris in the setting of my as-of-yet unpublished sci-fi novel.
Its users know it as Kochärrön.
Polijolè: Polijolè is the language spoken by the Polidians, a race of humans with magical powers, they existed on earth for around ~7820bc to 692bc, but now live on another planet called Poligea.
It has been known as Esperanto.Ponkola Lingwash: After Esperanto achieved victory when a company founded by Esperantists convinced the world to take up the language, it evolved into dialects that became heavily persecuted in favor of the standard language. One such dialect was Ponkola Lingwash.
Ponuhi: See Modern low Ponuhi
Popido: A patois of Esperanto, and one of three Esperantidos or Esperanto sociolects created by Manuel Halvelik, along with Arcaicam Esperantom (old Esperanto) and Gavaro (slang).
Pøplish or the language of the people with the expressive name: See Poeplish
Popsiclian: This is the language only the old ones speak. I.E. Popsicle pete.
Its users know it as χŋqʀʔÊ.
Poswa: A serious conlang hiding behind a very silly phonology. This could well be the language that babies all around the world speak, its grammar so impenetrably complex that we adults can only listen and wonder.
Its users know it as Wupupa.
It has been known as Cherry Blossom, Pavupa.Proto-Angelic: The celestially-derived proto-angelic language progenitor to the Tongue of Annunciation and Khaz'gdol infernal tongues. Part of the cosmology/cosmogeny of the world set in the novel The Emergent Discord.
Its users know it as ʾÅa̩e̯n Gohuȋlim.
It has been known as Aaen Gohuilim.Proto-Atjen: Extinct mother language of Atjen Languages
Its users know it as Atje.
Proto-Besokian: Partly-attested ancestor of all Besokian languages, spoken by an early agricultural society at Nishûnâc
It has been known as Besokian, Proto-.Proto-Dahu-Kemba: See Proto-Maritime
Proto-Disu: The common ancestor of one of the major families of Lazauda, a region in the north of the Plains of Plija.
Proto-Frinthan: This is the oldest reconstructible form of the language spoken in the Frintha region, that eventually descended into numerous other languages.
Its users know it as Fóŕinthak méñi.
It has been known as Proto-Mushroomese.Protogermanhól: See Menxháo
Proto-Gramurn: Proto-Gramurn is the base of a language family designed to be spoken by wolves, and uses several phonetic properties difficult or impossible for a human to perfectly duplicate. Originates on the world of Atrusius.
Proto-Guurru: See
Proto-Hakessian: Reconstructed common ancestor of the Hakessian Languages, presumably spoken in western Seligon during the Bronze Age
Its users know it as Līšša Nūgīnech.
It has been known as Hakessian, Proto-.Proto-Islands: See Proto-Tampoluric
Proto-Ksqrian: A proto-language from the Yadrun Banks region, on the continent of Zunqu. It was spoken by Gali people and is regarded as the common ancestor of the Ksqrian languages.
Proto-Maritime: Ancestor of the Maritime language family on the planet Tekuo. Spoken during the Metal Age. It has five contemporary descendants including Lemohai
It has been known as Proto-Dahu-Kemba.Proto-Mushroomese: See Proto-Frinthan
Proto-Qephex: Proto-Qephex is the proto language of the Qephex-Gwebhe language family.
It has been known as qepʰex, thasdhephx, tʰasdʰepʰx.PROTO_RELIGIO: Who knows
It has been known as Herarad.Proto-Seligonian: Reconstructed common ancestor of the Seligonian (Armundic, Hakessian, Hyattian, and Ruldôrian) Languages, presumably spoken in the Armundic Valley in the early Bronze Age
It has been known as Seligonian, Proto-.Proto Tændean: Fictional proto language of the Tændean consonant.
Its users know it as Naĥe.
Proto-Tampoluric: "Reconstructed" (i.e. pre-literate) ancestor of Hayaxmi, another conlang-in-progress.
Its users know it as *təmplurul.
It has been known as PIS (abbreviation), tm̩pówlr̩ (lit. "Island tongue"), Proto-Islands.Proto-Toroq: Language of Earth-like world.
Its users know it as Toroq.
Prsänëan: The Prsänëan language (Prsänëan: Løgvëj Persänëtagarë) is a constructed micronational language created and used as an official language by the Grand Duchy of Prsänëa, a micronation.
Its users know it as Persänëtagarë.
It has been known as Modern Prsänëan Language.Pugoko: An a posteriori language
Its users know it as Pugozoko.
It has been known as Pugozem.Pupupulandish: The language of Pupupu land, which is a main stage of Hoshi no Kirby series. It is a fanlanguage, not an official creation.
Pyratela: Pyratela was the language spoken on the island of Cenemania before the Roman invasion. It is not related to any other language.
Qaelian: Lingua franca of the technologically sophisticated continent of Qaelia in the conworld of Dombellus, and perhaps the most widely spoken language in all the Mortal Realm.
Its users know it as ís-Faárúth.
Qeïsterbriöto: See Briötto
qepʰex: See Proto-Qephex
Qesemla qa Mögre: See Nattoretan
Qhirem: It is a language with direct morphosyntactic alignment and free word order.
Its users know it as Qhirṃ.
Qiasêkaras: See Ilcharotic
Qichiuqtluq: Inuktitut inspired phonology, polysynthetic. Not a lot of progress yet - registering here to take advantage of the big list of features to think about!
Qi (Irfikian Language): Qi (IPA /ʧɪ/) is a language spoken by about 3.5 million people in and around the country of Qila'a'o on the planet Irfik. It is one of the stranger languages of Irfik, and the first earth-man to learn and transcribe the language, Derrek Wisthaum, described
Qimbar: A conlang for a novel???
Its users know it as qimbar.
Qitatyattas: not a human langauge
Qmačah: See Averagelang
Qorolese: The concept of Qorol is if the Frankish Empire survived for longer, and had an Arabic aristocracy, invaded England, etc. The Qorolese language is basically a mixture of French and German grammar and vocabulary with Arabic phonology and some vocabulary
Its users know it as al-Qorolěs.
Qrai: A mix of English, Mandarin, Japanese, Seediq, and Atayal.
Its users know it as qräusun.
Q.T. Lingua Franca: The Lingua Franca of Quer, a kind of non-human sentient being living on Rubaim, the largest moon of Zdon.
Its users know it as Querlong.
It has been known as Querlong language.Qucheanya: A somewhat experimental language for a time-traveling culture.
Its users know it as Qûcheanya.
Quenya: This description refers to the Quenya of the Third Age
Querlong: See Q.T. Lingua Franca
Querlong language: See Q.T. Lingua Franca
Qwynegold: My first conlang.
Rahwneʔ: Rahwneʔ is an alien language invented by me! Hw uxllarrre aʔe Rahwneʔ ollalw hpwggʔoggapalla!
Its users know it as Rahwneʔ .
Raig: Designed to be a context sensitive Domain Specific Language, used in specific social contexts and nowhere else.
Raitoliste: Created as a way for resistance groups to communicate during the Raitoli'ri revolution, expanded later to serve as the official language of the nation created by that revolution.
Ralanian: Spoken by people who are: 1. Romance-Semitic. 2. From a pre-medieval world. 3. Economically rich. 4. Islanders.
Its users know it as ɾalma:ni.
It has been known as Ralmani.Rammy: This language is meant to be unambiguous and "logical", but still more like a natural language than for example Lojban. It is apriori, and not strongly associated with any culture.
rånsko reec: See Rugian
Rasiluk'uk: See Kobold
Rawang Ata: An a priori language strongly influenced by Austronesian.
Its users know it as Rawàng Ata.
Rawàng Ata: See Rawang Ata
Raxic: Part of "Raxo-Talsmic" super-subbranch of Zachydic family.
Rayalaka: So one day, I got a crazy idea. What would it be like if I created a language in which everything was expressed as a series of colors? Instead of sounds or letters, the basic units would be blocks of color. What would such a language sound like?
Rdaanssbeix: See Eridanian
Red Creek: Indigenous North American language spoken in and around Michigan. No known relationships to any other languages. Currently classified as "vulnerable", with expanding preservation efforts including some use in local schools.
Redspeech: This project aims to combine my fondness for polysynthesis with my social ideals (hence the name) although it has evolved away from strict philosophical considerations over the years. I have also striven to minimize the distinction between the various word
It has been known as Socialese.Reformate Esperanto: See Esperanto 1894
Reformed Esperanto: See Esperanto 1894
Rejistanian: Rejistanian is the auxlang on the Island of Rejistania
Its users know it as Rejistaniha.
Rejistaniha: See Rejistanian
Renge-Terra: A hypothetical language between aliens and humans.
Its users know it as Rng' Tera.
Renian: Designed for a fictional country.
REON4213: Language used in the video games Ciel Nosurge and Ar Nosurge.
resé tàà sepérè: See Agalatian
Rhabhaláme: See Wild Tongue
Rhabhawa: See Free Tongue
Rhābhawa: See Free Tongue
Rireinutire: The language of the Rireinukave, a One-Gender Race of Rubber Forehead Aliens.
Rligna: Originally created as a code language, the Rlignan language has developed its own alphabet and a bit of a vocabulary.
Rng' Tera: See Renge-Terra
Romanica: See Interlingua Romanica
Romanova: Romance-inspired language with determiner-postpositive possessive predication syntax. Language profile at Langmaker: https://langmaker.github.io/db/mdl_romanova.htm
Ronc Tyu: Ronc Tyu (“language of the villagers”) is a Northwest Tuysáfa language spoken in the Śou Pínc region along the western slopes of the Kè mountain range. The language is characterized by an abundance of monosyllabic words, a three-tone-system, and a strongly
ronxwìŋooo: See Central Isles Creole
Rossan: Indo-European language with a Berber substrate and later Arabic influence; spoken in Libya
Its users know it as Rudan.
Rotua Paleto: See Palethian
Rou: A simple isolating language with Chinese-like grammar and Slavic (mainly East Slavic, though distorted) vocabulary.
It has been known as Rou language.Rou language: See Rou
Rugian: The language belongs to the Lekhitic branch of West Slavic languages and it's spoken on the island Rugia (Rügen) in an alternative history.
Its users know it as rånsko reec.
Rulhilli: Sinitic language spoken in Bangladesh.
Its users know it as रुल्हिळ्ळि.
Rusnis: Rusnis language has been separated in ancient Russia from Russian, and was one of dialects of it. The Russia didn't like it, so everybody, who spoken on it, were expelled. People migrated close to Khwarazm, where they taken elements of Turkic languages.
Ruzian: My first conlang, after 16 months of planning.
It has been known as Angelt, Manich.sâ dhn̥ǵhwâs: See Standard Average Indo-European
SAE: According to: Haspelmath, Martin. 2001. The European linguistic area: Standard Average European. Handbuch der Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft vol. 20.2, pp. 1492-1510.
Its users know it as Standard Average European.
Saimiar: Saimiar is an a priori conlang spoken roughly 2000 years before the present in my conworld, Arzhanø. Saimiar is the Arzhanai language I have developed to the greatest extent at this point in time (2010)
sâ jéktis: See Standard Average Indo-European
Sajem Tan: See Common Honey
Sakawi: The language is not spoken by human beings......
Salhari: Spoken by nearly twenty million humans on a fictional earth-like planet.
Salthan: Loosely based on the short word list from the game Ultima Underworld, expanded into a language.
Its users know it as kadarad.
It has been known as Saltha.Sambahsa: A proposal for a naturalistic international auxiliary language based on a simplification, modernization, regularization and cosmopolitanization of Proto-Indo-European.
Šamhešmi: Proto-language of tropical cloud-forest dwellers on the middle slopes of great mountains, as the world slowly climbs its way out of ruin. Confused memories and troubling foreimages.
Its users know it as Šam hešmi.
Sape: An experiment in making a language with morphosyntax similar to that of Papuan Languages. As a general rule, every feature included can be found in at least 2 Papuan languages. Made for fun, and as a learning experience.
Saremite, Old: Old Saremite is the oldest extensively attested Saremite language, and the ancestor of all modern Saremite languages. This description is based on the so-called standard recension of the language attested in the major semar cycles.
Its users know it as tedbez Saremuz.
Sarian: Primary language spoken on Gaskarel by ~100,000,000 speakers. Other languages in the family include Kemiskihe (possibly dialect of Sarian) and Hefnihe.
Its users know it as Skarihe.
Sarijáanta: See Sarikan
Sarikan: Sarikan is a (moderately) agglutinative language.
Its users know it as Sarijáanta.
It has been known as Sarijanta.sâ séqtis: See Standard Average Indo-European
Sathir: Sathir is an ergative language semi-inspired by Greek and Tagalog, and is a kind of parody of prescriptive ideas about language.
Its users know it as Saþir.
Savvinic: A modern-day descendent of the extinct Italic language, Oscan.
Sazhir: Sazhir was among the earliest languages I attempted to make, from childhood days before I ever heard of conlanging. It is now in the midst of revision to make it linguistically sound and at least vaguely interesting.
Its users know it as sažir.
Scrowda ling: See Scrowdian
Scrowdian: a Germanic language spoken in the United Provinces. A country that involves (France, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Faroe, Shetland, Man, Occitania, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium, Corsica and Brittany). and also around the world.
Its users know it as Scrowda ling.
Seighnurico: See Seignuric
Seignuric: An Italo-Dalmatian language spoken in the Ionian Sea and by colonial extension on 2 large islands in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans respectively. Has undergone mass lexical influx from Norman French & areal contact with the Thonnic branch of Indo-European.
Its users know it as Seighnurico.
Seiyotogo: Constructed language used in the game Aselia the Eternal. Written in a custom syllabary based off Japanese's. Since the font encodes those over the hiragana/katakana characters, that's what I'll use for translations.
It has been known as Seiyoto.Seligonian, Proto-: See Proto-Seligonian
Senduri: Spoken on the Thuri archipelago to the south and east of the Mohai Islands on the planet Tekuo. Senduri was once considered an isolate but is now thought to descend from Proto-East Aheku. It is a distant but divirgent relative of Lemohai.
It has been known as Sandek, Sanduuk.Sen:esepera: An Esperantido which takes structural simplification almost to its practical limits
Senjecas: Ursprache spoken by humans (and others) in the Urheimat of Eurasia. Ancestor to PIE.
Its users know it as senȝe̋ka.
It has been known as senȝe̋ĸas.séqtis sdēmósjo: See Standard Average Indo-European
Sérhes Kéttw: See Insular Kett
Sermu: A "latlang" project, a form of Latin with simplified-but-still-existent inflection but without gender.
Sese: Sese is a new minimalistic language to resolve the caveats of Jack Eisenmann's previous languages.
Its users know it as SESE.
Seto ka'palo: language of the Palo people before they adopted the kolesch Speech. Seto ka'palo has become extinct, though some vocabularies has come into the kolesch Speech.
Several - Períseg, Chlasc, Circàsieg, etc: See Celinese
Shalolese: An important, dead, liturgical language, kinda like some kind of Sanskrit equivalent.
Its users know it as Syalohlmij.
Shangit'an ngeton Inan: See Inan
Shinsali: Shinsali (natively Icëlatam [it͡səlatam]) is a language isolate spoken natively by approximately 150,000 of the Shinsali people in the Shinsali Confederacy, an island nation in the Atlantic Ocean.
Shokitin: Isolating-agglutinative language with V2 word order spoken by a civilization on the planet Masasha with technology not too much more advanced than ours and magic well beyond ours. Shokiti is a democratic republic.
Shsiwhe Luwur: Shsiwhe Luwur is spoken in a forested valley that is believed to be located in the Appalachian Mts. All that is known of the valley is that it is surrounded by a dense forest with an English-speaking city nearby. The language itself is isolating.
Its users know it as šshoše wuluwi.
Shuran: My conlang, 2 years in the making.
Shurs: A language isolate spoken on an island northeast of the Sea of Japan.
Its users know it as šursmi.
It has been known as šurs kusp.SIAL: "Second" IAL; many words adapted from Latin; different approach from FIAL
Si'asigu: Created for Song of the Tides, a Dungeons and Dragons campaign by M. E. Henry; the conlanger is a player in that campaign. An extinct language, the learning of which may unlock dangerous secrets.
Siaswo: It is an artlang-engelang. The purpose is to make a language with only verbs, but it has no kind of utility.
Its users know it as Siasô.
Sibirgo: Mixed language, formed in alternate 21st century, of Japanese, Korean (main lexifiers) Russian, Mandarin and L2 English. Part of Megaton Heart, a hard-ish sci-fi setting.
Its users know it as sibirgo сибирго [sʲibiɾgo].
It has been known as Sibirigo, Sibilgo, Sibiligo.sibirgo сибирго [sʲibiɾgo]: See Sibirgo
Sievi: See Standard Sievi
Siginese: It is the only relative language in Szejconic family together with Dacayan. Almost all the words are found in both Dacayan and Siginese.
Its users know it as Zhigh.
Sihaku: I made this over the past two days as a little informal experiment of sorts. It doesn't really have any exceptional characteristics, just a little language. I might use it to spin off other langs for use in stories or as puzzles. Still a work in progress.
silêle dan ma lona: See clikli dialect
Simpified japanese: Simplified version of japanese using only 110 characters. appears similar to Japanese, except that it is written left to right. dictionary being made
Its users know it as Nihongetsu Shotoku.
Sindarin: This entry referes to the form spoken in the Third Age
Sjal: Language spoken by about 40,000 people on a small chain of islands located off the northwestern shore of Norway towards Iceland. Isolate with some borrowings from Finnish and Norwegian/Swedish.
Slavk: I have tried to create a natural-sounding language that uses a Cyrillic-esque alphabet with extensive vowel phonology - there are 16 basic vowel monophthongs. Diacritics can optionally be used to represent consonants, and in traditional or very formal text
Its users know it as Cлaʙᴋ.
Slayegbyegn: See Solaric
Slovianski: See Interslavic
Slyrdian: One of the three main languages of the conworld Kfontil.
Its users know it as Ðyroq.
Soc'ul': A Wasc language spoken in the eastern Knrawi Isles in Pollasena.
Its users know it as soc'ul'.
Solaric: English descendant spoken in North America c. 4000 AD.
Its users know it as Slayegbyegn.
It has been known as Slerk, Slaèg.solresol: A musical language
Somalm Rima: See Somaltepota
Somaltepota: This is an artlang for my conworld. Somaltepota means "People of Pota" Somalm Rima means "People's language"
Its users know it as Somalm Rima.
Somish: An artlang based primarily on Scandinavian but with a radically simplified structure and some influences from Esperanto and English
Its users know it as Somatal.
It has been known as Soma.Sona: A non-Eurocentric international auxiliary language created in 1935.
Sonorian: Conworld language, agglutinative
Its users know it as Sonorul.
Sonsear: A personal language, made so I could say I made a language.
Sosc: See Old Soskish
Soskish, Old: See Old Soskish
Southern: See Jorivuzedox (Modern Southern)
Southern Iliatarian: See Iliatarian (Sulutmuri & Ngwano)
Sôval Phâre: See Westron
Spanglo: Spanglo is an auxlang (esperantido). The words are from germanic and romance languages, specially english and spanish.
Speech of the New West: The lingua franca of the continents of Tarodon and Selanaris in the conworld of Amalin. Spoken by over 41 million people.
Its users know it as Ehatno Arvemaliron.
šshoše wuluwi: See Shsiwhe Luwur
Standard Average European: See SAE
Standard Average Indo-European: Proto-Indo-European with minimal phonological developments and grammatical-syntactical features of Standard Average European per Haspelmath (2011).
Its users know it as jéktis sdēmósjo.
It has been known as jéktis sdīmósjo, sâ jéktis, sâ séqtis, sâ dhn̥ǵhwâs, séqtis sdēmósjo.Standard Eitino: See Eitinodo
Standard Equatorial Minervan: See Mindakri
Standard Hymmnos: A language in the video game series Ar Tonelico
Its users know it as Hymmnos.
Standard Knrawi: An isolate spoken in the eastern Knrawi Isles in Pollasena.
Its users know it as knrawi.
It has been known as Knrawi.Standard Sievi: A Uralic language spoken in the Baltic states.
Its users know it as Tsoaptsega Siëvi.
It has been known as Sievi.Starfish: See L'starfish Klam
Stemmutsian: This is an experiment in interlinear translation, working out the rules as I go from general to specific. In progress.
Its users know it as Əmantym-Stenmutsa.
Sudyrnish: Anglic language spoken in Cornwall.
Its users know it as Súdyrnish.
Suiacuili: Súiⱥcúili is the language spoken in Súiⱥcúil and Onceuponatimia (Puinⱥtimcel). It is an in-universe conlang inspired by Vegúili, which is spoken in Vegúil. These countries are all located on a planet different from earth called Sasaro.
Its users know it as Súiⱥcúili.
Sulutmuri: See Iliatarian (Sulutmuri & Ngwano)
Sulutmuri/Ngwano: See Iliatarian (Sulutmuri & Ngwano)
Summerlandic: Language spoken in the British Isles. In a partial sprachbund with the Celtic languages.
Sunbyaku: Language of the Sun, spoken in the country Sunzaku on the planet Thōselqat.
Sunuvoru: See Sunuvoru Language
Sunuvoru Language: Sunuvoru is a minimalist language designed to express complex ideas using a small set of words and rules. Each word has multiple meanings, with its interpretation determined by context. The language combines clarity and conciseness, making communication in
Its users know it as Sunuvoru.
Svørgska: Svørgska is a mix of Swedish, German, English, French, and Icelandic.
Syalohlmij: See Shalolese
Sylvan: Language of the beings of the Fey Realm in the conworld of Dombellus, particularly in the elven kingdom of Ngeyassaé.
Its users know it as Suve.
Szezk: A semaphonic consonantal-root language with a unique ‘fluid-split-S’ morphosyntax and other discretionary grammar, including topic-comment word-order, situationally variant alienability, and optional evidentiality encoding. Written in a Europeän abugida
Its users know it as Шезка.
Tadiraki Bla: See Tadiraki Language
Tadiraki Language: Language of Tadirs, standard.
Its users know it as Tadiraki Bla.
Tagesemla: See Nattoretan
tahivinet / tahivi a jute: See Jutean
Tajju-njo Gwa: Conlang partially described on Reddit's /r/queerconlangers.
Tajre: For a friend
Its users know it as Tåjre.
Tallfellow: Language spoken by Tolkien-esque halflings who inhabit the fantasy world of Dombellus.
Its users know it as Mambehoblind.
Talmit: Talmit is a language that has nouns, states and verbs (or events) as lexical categories. States share traits with nouns, adjectives and participles. They are normally measurable on an associated scale and there is a specific quantification system for them
Talossan: Constructed Romance language created in 1980 for the Kingdom of Talossa, a micronation based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Maintained as a community project by the citizens of Talossa.
It has been known as Ladintsch.Tama: Liturgical language into which I wish to translate the Dhammapada, Tao Te Ching, Upanishads, and Bhagavad-Gita. Personal language I will use to facilitate spiritual study. Utilizes Huffman coding to make words as short as possible.
Tangachi: Largest language on Notasami, part of the Teca-Kanjisadan family.
Its users know it as Tanggaciy.
Taraitola: Spoken language of the Tarai, natives of the planet Kemenel.
Täropiskes'um: See Tauro-Piscean
tatari faran: See Tatari Faran
Tatari Faran: Common language spoken by the san faran, a people living in the land of Fara, located in a caldera overlying a hot spot in the earth, which causes continual volcanic activity.
Its users know it as tatari faran.
Ta Ti: A minimalistic cant language created from a rarefied largely English lexicon grafted onto a Toki Pona model.
Tauro-Piscean: Tauro-Piscean is a Germanic language, primarily descended from Old English and German, though it does have notable Romance influence. It may look very artificial in places, but it is supposed to be that way; it should be very easy to learn. It is supposedl
Its users know it as Täropiskes'um.
tedbez Saremuz: See Saremite, Old
Teesti Keel: See Testonian
Teliya Nevashi: See Nevashi
Telkese: See
Telkuvian: See Westlandish
Temporary1: WIP.
Tenshorian: I made this language when I was bored in Gov class. I'm decently happy with how it came out. It primarily takes influence from Indo-Aryan and Caucasian languages.
Its users know it as téɲʃōr.
téɲʃōr: See Tenshorian
Terpish: Something of an oddity dating back to my early days in conlanging, combining the clicks of various African languages with polysynthetic morphology modeled loosely on Inuktitut.
Its users know it as K‡xosánerubé.
Tersales: Tersales is a created to be fast, practical and elegant. It is a self-segregating oligosynthetic language, all pure Tersales words are derived from less than 500 root particles. It has some uncommon features such as ergative alignment.
Testarossa: This language exists to test changes to the language-pages.
It has been known as Tihirossa, Lamborghini.Testonian: This is just a throwaway thing I use to test formatting and whatnot before modifying a language.
Its users know it as Teesti Keel.
It has been known as testlang.*təmplurul: See Proto-Tampoluric
Thangi: Language designed as my first experiment in "language construction as music composition."
Its users know it as Thángí.
thasdhephx: See Proto-Qephex
tʰasdʰepʰx: See Proto-Qephex
Thȧtareni: My second Conlang. Still a work in progress!
Its users know it as ঠইতহঢআঘচ.
It has been known as Thatareni.Theadish: A Romance language designed to look and sound like German. Now just some old shame, due to my knowledge of phonology - both in general and for German in particular - having increased significantly since Theadish's creation.
Its users know it as Theadisch.
The Beloved Language: See Mamambam
The hard language: See Dètren
The language of the farmers: See Traxvus
The Mhiannyu language: A language from a small island in the subarctic region always shrouded in mist, and perhaps its users do not want to care whether their information is conveyed properly - they always adhere to the stereotypes brought by Impressionist philosophy.
Its users know it as mhiänny.
The noble language: See Clarnenamerin
The nothern language: See Gnusyak [Ghnushak]
Thiuas: Standard written language used in the state Gwáta. The spoken language is usually less morphologically complex.
Its users know it as thíuas.
Thosk: derived from Proto-Indo-European
Thulean: See
Thulean: A language isolate, Thulean is spoken by a nation of thurses (European pygmies) on Thule, the westernmost island of the British Isles. It has over 30 million speakers.
Its users know it as Minigkaksi.
Thurselandic: See Mindakri
Thurslandic: See Mindakri
Thuun: It's a highly synthetic a priori conlang, with a Finnic aesthetic.
Its users know it as Tuum.
It has been known as Tuumi.TIAL: Third IAL
Tihirossa: See Testarossa
Tinahva Tilkup: See Mindakri
Tinapa Tilkup: See Mindakri
Tinaqa Tilkudziy: See Mindakri
Tinavha Tilkup: See Mindakri
Tinavka Tilkup: See Mindakri
Tinaxva Tilkub: See Mindakri
Tine: agglutinating language, nearly polysintethic, influenced by seri, nahuatl, finnish, turkish, etc.
Its users know it as Déjnaj.
It has been known as déjnaì, Teinay.Tlaymyts: A member of the Nekturian family, spoken on the planet Drion.
Its users know it as Tláymyts.
tlhIngan Hol: See Klingon
Tmaśareʔ: Tmaśareʔ is a language of the Western family, spoken on the northern fringe of the Kipceʔ desert on the west coast of the continent Peilaš in the world of Akana.
tm̩pówlr̩ (lit. "Island tongue"): See Proto-Tampoluric
TNIL: See New Ithkuil
Toaq: Born out of frustration with existing loglangs, Toaq is a clean-slate loglang that aims for a balance between logical rigor and human ease of use.
Its users know it as Toaqzu.
toka na musume: a human language spoken in other worlds, mostly spoken among some "moe-anime-girl-like" girls Lonmai luna borrowed some words from this language, to indicate some human-related things.
Its users know it as epeka toka na musume.
Toki Ma: A modification of Toki Pona for the express purpose of international auxiliary communication.
Its users know it as toki ma.
Toki Pona: Created by Lang for her own personal use, it became fairly popular online after she published it online in 2001; there might be ~10-50 more or less fluent speakers (most of whom probably are fluent only in the written form, however).
Its users know it as toki pona.
Tolsian: An IE language, close to Romance family, has known influences from French and English. I started to create it as a child so it may sometimes lack some linguistic consistency.
Its users know it as Ŧœlsor.
Tolvian: This is a language spoken on Negrescu 2. It is related to other minority Tolvian languages, but is by no means the only (or even main) language the Tolvians (an alien race) speak. The name for it is therefore somewhat of a misnomer.
Its users know it as Lasha.
Toma Heylm: Another personal language!
Toníntaíjo Tóxe: It's a naturalistic(?) a priori language of mine which was loosely inspired by Ainu phonology. I thought that there were several holes in the syntax, grammar, and vocabulary. So, I put it here to compare it with other conlangs and fill in those holes.
Torain: A language that is very naturalistic to me, since I try to guide it's development as little as possible beyond lexicalization. When some way to do something occurs to me, then if I think it fits well, I will incorporate it, if I think it is needed. There
Its users know it as Jurrayn or Jorayn.
Toroq: See Proto-Toroq
Town Speech: a human language, it is a western germanic languages, with many slavic-origin, sinic-origin and japanese-origin words. many of the basic words of toka na musume come from Basanawa
Its users know it as Urban Basanawa.
It has been known as Basanawa dari Burg, Basanawa.Tɔs'd'o: See
Tɔs'd'o̧: See
Transpilian: See Tranzydja
Tranzydja: Romance language of a fictional island in the Atlantic that was once home to a Canaanite people related to the Carthaginians/Phoenicians and Jews. After Roman conquest the inhabitants adopted Vulgar Latin.
Its users know it as Tranzydjá.
It has been known as Transpilian, Lingwádhikh Tranzydjá.Traup: A priori conlang with a minimalistic phoneme inventory and active~ergative alignment. Loosely inspired by Zapotec, Mixtec and Maori in grammar. Somehow the spiritual descendant of my other conlang projects.
Its users know it as Tnaap.
It has been known as Tynaap.Traxvus: This is the language of the farmers. Hivelcva Hodvii mihar.
Its users know it as The language of the farmers.
Treyll: Treyll began first in June, 2011. It is a language made for a different world, mostly for a very natural island, with just a few hundred inhabitants.
Its users know it as treyll.
Trikuharric: A remnant of a (hypothetical) ancient language group once spoken from Scotland Denmark all the way to Senegal, now only found in Spain. Invented grammar. Vocabulary is varyingly made up of Arabic, Basque, Indo-European and invented words.
Its users know it as j·ð·tr·k·wh·r·j.
True Elmoric: See Elmoric
Tsa Íruik Tauk: See Iloyan
Tsasa: An evolved form of Tsatsar, spoken in the rural, densely-populated North of the former Tsa Empire, and subject to many of the phonological and grammatical changes that affected the Romance languages.
Tsatsar: A language with a Turkish-like morphology (though the affixes are somewhat a priori) with a mixed vocabulary influenced by Indo-European. Spoken by the fictional Tsatsar people in the northern part of the former Tsa Empire.
Tseeyo: Tseeyo is patterned after the southern members of the Atlantic family languages of Niger-Congo: Kisi, N & S Bullom, and Temne, with influences from neighboring Mande langs: Loma, Mende and Vai, also incorporating some original innovations.
Its users know it as Tsééyo.
Tslure Thujekatsoth: Part of the "Moderate Language" project
Tsoaptsega Siëvi: See Standard Sievi
Tsœxisca: See Northeadish
Tsolyani: Developed in early 1970s (roots in 1950s?) in parallel with Tekumel novels and RPGs. Far-future descendant of "Tamil-Mayan-Arabic argot". Several related languages also described.
Tšrând: A random language for diachronic conlangery.
Tvs'd'o: See
Tyakva Slintelku: See Mindakri
Ŧuàn: Ŧuàn State occupies the southern tip of Ndongo. Their language does not resemble any other on that continent.
Its users know it as Ŧuàn-ẍuíng.
Ŧuàn-ẍuíng: See Ŧuàn
[ʈʂʰɑ̥ɻˈaŋu]: See Chharang
Ubaghuns tëhe: See Ubaghuns Tëhe
Ubaghuns Tëhe: Neolithic language.
Its users know it as Ubaghuns tëhe.
UFOSAT: I have always enjoyed conlangs. However, conlangs like Esperanto or others have not completely satisfied me, either because they are European-terms-oriented or sexist or something else. That is why I began developing UFOSAT.
Uirian: Agglutinating language for a Mongolic-Tibet style country with a what-if Mongolia hadn't gone communist and had a different geography and different geopolitics.
Its users know it as Уьрифапвух.
’Ukana’akau: ’Ukana’akau is spoken by the ’Akau of the Infinite Archipelago. This survey is based on the dialect of Sa’aku.
Ukhshaya: Uyeha Opyar Hootasnal ha. This language is not Human
It has been known as Alien language.Ulmiric: The language of the Ulmir, the race of men in the Kingdom of Torulmir in the world of Álim. It evolved from Turniric, the proto language taught to them by the Turnir, deities from the eastern isles beyond the Black Ocean (Mirtú).
It has been known as Ulmiric, Ulmirian.Ulmiric, Ulmirian: See Ulmiric
Undercommon: Lingua franca of the Underdark in the Fey Realm, in the world of Dombellus. (Inspired by, but distinct from, the Underdark and the Undercommon language from the Forgotten Realms setting.)
Its users know it as Vaddin.
ungxau: Made for the Padran system
Its users know it as ungxã.
Universal: An international auxiliary language designed in the 1920s which has a European lexical core but which is extended with a unique system of internal inversive derivation.
Universalglot: Published in 1868, this is the first known international auxiliary language developed on an a posteriori basis.
Unkown: See Charlchrist Spoken Language
UNLWS: A written-only engelang meant to take advantage of the expressive possibilities of 2D space.
Its users know it as http://000024.org/conlang/UNLWS.png.
Urban Basanawa: See Town Speech
urdcax: A language created for a group of herdsman and warriors which uses complex directional markers and has a grammer and phonology based on mainly north west pacific, north west caucasian and khoisan languages.
Its users know it as ayeyarok'þ.
Uropi: An a posteriori auxlang drawing from modern IE languages.
Urracheg: Ustvan Urracheg is the dialect spoken by the Lord of the Urrat'Ny, and therefore adopted by anyone near to him, and by extension anyone who comes into contact with those people, even to many of the neighboring countries around Morykvel.
Uscaniv: Uscaniv is the language of the Uscans of Arimur Uscanar on from the watery world of Calara.
Uyendur: Uyendur is the language of the Uyen Kingdom south of the wastelands.
Its users know it as Uyēndur.
Uzīdņv: [N/A]
Vaddin: See Undercommon
Vahtavvigiella: Aural interpretation of Northern Sami
Vallese: Vallés (or Granvallés) is an alternate history romance language.
Its users know it as Vallés.
Valliyvian: See Delniit
Valtal: 84
Valthungian: Originally intended to be a modern descendant of Gothic, but now looks a little more mediaeval. There may someday be another round of evolving Valthungian into something more modern.
Its users know it as Grējutungišk, Grējutungiška Rasta, Grējuga Tunga.
It has been known as Gytc, Gutic, Gutiš, Gytish, Gutish, Gutišk, Gutiška Rasta, Walthungian.Vaʟʟıyvııт: See Delniit
Vanawo: Long-term project, literary language in conworld
Vandalic: Vandalic constitutes the surviving Romance speech of the North Africa based Vandal Kingdom. It is a Western Romance language, influenced strongly by Punic and other Afro-Asiatic languages spoken in the region.
Vayardyio: a priori conlang, set on a earth-like planet, spoken by humanoid people. Elaborated grammar and syntax, 10.000 + word vocabulary.
Vazâkatavtiî: See Wally Toxic
Vedran: Vedran is the Romance language spoken in the Principality of Castre; this survey is based on the dialect of the Rive Nuord specifically.
Velan: Romlang created to see if such a language could plausibly have an obligatory coda consonant for every word-final syllable. The name comes from the retention of the Latin inclusive or ("vel"), which most Romance languages have dropped.
Its users know it as Velæn.
It has been known as Taddies, Taddese.Velošti: See Old Velosti
Velosti, Old: See Old Velosti
Velu: Velu (also known as "Dar'velut") is the language of the Kavaril people, who live in the country Ka'an, on the planet Nent. It is agglutinating, and uses nominative-accusative morphosyntactic alignment. It is part of the Yyaribal family.
Verunic: For a project I'm working on.
Its users know it as Verun.
Vikti: Standard Vikti (ciol Vikti /cjɑl vikti/) is an agglutinative conlang. It is derived from Old Vikti, making it a Wiqta language. Vikti is also a liturgical language, used for religious reasons by other Wiqta people to practice the religion Avitras.
Vilani: Invented in early 80s as naming lang for Traveller RPG; elaborated as conlang by fans in late 90s. Spoken by humans transplanted from Earth by aliens c. 300,000 years ago.
Its users know it as Bilanidin.
Vishak: A language spoken by seamen.
Its users know it as Viźæk.
Vitran: The modern literary language of Vitra, a major power in eastern Zirgul.
Its users know it as Vitrei.
Vitruvian: Long evolved, still evolving, private language. Grammar and semantics separate. Some esthetic considerations. jambec360@yahoo.com
Its users know it as Ddomu.
It has been known as none yet.Voksigid: An attempt to construct a predicate language of a different type from those which used word order to mark the various places in predication, being felt to be beyond easy memorization for most people. Lexicon based on European, syntax on reversed Japanese.
Volapuk: an international auxiliary language created by Johann Martin Schleyer in 1879–1880.
Its users know it as Volapük.
Votgil: An oligosynthetic language derived from English but with a radically systematized phonontactic and grammatical structure.
Its users know it as Vötgil.
Vrlungla: Speedlang
Vseslovjanski: See Interslavic
Vularin: A conlang I made in undergrad as an experiment in polysynthetic grammar. Based loosely on Japanese, Hebrew, and languages of the Pacific Northwest.
Vulgar Aribelian: Vernacular of Aribelian traders and working classes; non-literary, low-prestige language, with most speakers at least partially bilingual with High Aribelian; phonology inspired by Italian
It has been known as Aribelian, Vulgar.Waku: This is my most developed conlang. It started as an exercise in analytic/isolating conlanging, but has changed a bit through the years.
It has been known as Wakeu, Wateu, Gaku, Leopardish I.Wally Toxic: Collaborative conlang from the CBB. It's spoken by a yellowish-green horse named Wally Toxic.
It has been known as Vazâkatavtiî.Walthungian: See Valthungian
Wanya: as indicated by its name, this is my personal language.
Its users know it as wan ya Fenxəl.
It has been known as wan ya Fenxl.wan ya Fenxəl: See Wanya
wan ya Fenxl: See Wanya
Weakwan: Language of the banna people (mbanwan)
Its users know it as Weakwan .
Wenedyk: A Romance language in Polish disguise. All sound and other changes that made Polish develop from Common Slavic were applied on Vulgar Latin. The language plays a role in the althistory project Ill Bethisad.
Wenja: Developed in 2015-2016 for the videogame Far Cry Primal. An proto-Proto-Indo-European language as it could have been spoken by 10,000 BCE
Its users know it as Winja.
It has been known as Udam.westcontinental Ngyamkyehe language: A sinitic language, it is similar to Classical Chinese in some aspects, however, due to the influence of surronding languages, it has V2 word order, definite article and relative pronouns.
Westlandic: See Westlandish
Westlandish: Spoken by the Kamiq people of Telka.
Its users know it as Haratqin.
It has been known as Westlandic, Hara Kamiqat, Hara Gamiqot, Hara Kamiqot, Telkuvian.Westron: Westron was created by JRR Tolkien. Have recently read some of his material on the language courtesy of David Salo.
Its users know it as Sôval Phâre.
It has been known as Adûni.Wexelgwe: It is an alien language from the planet Kepler 186-f. It does not have any "normal" or bilabial sounds (/p/ /b/ /m/ /t/ /d/).
Wild Tongue: Avarin fanlang.
Its users know it as Rhabhaláme.
Wistanian: An a priori artlang created for a fantasy novel, spoken by a group of peoples on a fictional island.
Its users know it as aningali.
Wooshe: 'Tis the language of the Wơơše people.
Its users know it as Wơơše.
Xak: Pronounced somewhat as the French word 'raque' (to cough up), it is an a priori monosyllabic tonal language, made up to amuse myself.
Xazik Gohuilim: The infernal tongue of the Abyssal Horde. It is a member of the ʾÅa̩e̯n celestial language family along with the Tongue of Annunciation, spoken by the Heavenly Host. Xažik Gohuīlim means "Those who speak the language of the Darker Light" It is asserted by
Its users know it as Xažik Gohuīlim.
Xažik Gohuīlim: See Xazik Gohuilim
Xingish: This is a totally new kind of auxlang. -International vocabulary -Simple gramar -Easy to learn -Expressive and powerful
Its users know it as Floles.
yakin sien zie tawa: See Ancient Yakim Language
Yanusu: A conlang made for the minimal phoneme inventory challenge ([p t k n s j i u a]).
yashde: my latest and greatest conlang. thought i'd post it here to help me categorize it.
Its users know it as gẹaṣda.
Yaufulti: I made this conlang as part of a speedlang challenge on the ZBB, and partly tried to get an odd phonology going. It's not very developed, however. It will probably get its own place in my conworld eventually.
Its users know it as Yaufułti.
'Yemls: post-catastrophic
Yeul: The Yeul sentence is SV Everything can be placed freely around the verb, as long as is made sure that it is initiated with a particle.
yiqa' yiywos: not a human language, and has a semitic-like root-system. Messages from the author: the name is from my older conlang iqua iius, I've completely reworked that language. there are now more than 600 words, including function words.
Yìrasì: Language of the ancient Oyhaw people of
Yivrian: An artlang and fictional language spoken by the Yivríndi, a long-lived group of people in the fictional world of Aratasa.
Its users know it as Yivríndil.
Ythnandosian: Ythnandosian is an Ydtobogan language (specifically belonging to the West Kauzic branch) spoken in Aznadia, a country in my "Earth-clone" conworld Astanu.
Its users know it as äznàd keɣan.
YugMo: I made YugMó for fun when I was 8 yrs old. The vocabulary is a posteriori, but the grammar is a priori.
Its users know it as YugMó.
Yulasa: A non-human language spoken by the shape-shifting people of the Shadow Forest.
Yuraalian: WIP alien language for a sci-fi novel. Spoken on the desert planet Yuraal, mostly by aliens (though some humans are native speakers).
Its users know it as ol-Yuraalmuhul.
Yuzojo: An experiment with creating a deliberately average but also deliberately non-Indo-European language.
Ȝíṇòdu [ʝíŋôdù]: See Jigodu
zadu: Created for the Padran system,
Zanese: Language spoken on the fictional continent of Lepria, on Earth.
Its users know it as Zanlokun.
Zdetl: Designed as a "Zhodani" naming-language for the Traveller pencil-and-paper RPG. Extended with a simple grammatical sketch by Robert Eaglestone.
Zelēvzin: See Ancient Zelev
Zelsen: Old Zelsen was spoken by the natives of the Zelsen archipelago before the 5th century (Eastern Calendar). The language changed radically during the colonial period, as the archipelago came under the control of the Bagamazh' Empire. The language continue
Its users know it as Zjeljeza, Hzayskje.
It has been known as Zereskaoate, Zjeljesatje.Zereskaoate: See Zelsen
Zese: Zese is designed to be easy to learn and moderately practical. The language has a balance of minimalism and efficiency.
Its users know it as ZESE.
Zheymi: Aesthetically inspired by Old English, case system inspired by Hungarian
Its users know it as Jēmedyn.
Zhyler: Zhyler is a Turkic-style language with 57 noun cases and a robust vowel harmony system. It also features 17 noun classes via which most words in the language are derived.
Its users know it as Žüler.
Zjeljesatje: See Zelsen
Zjeljeza, Hzayskje: See Zelsen
Zorillo: A language spoken in the same world as Celinese, derived from one of that world's most ancient tongues.
Its users know it as zorillo, kęlvo zorillo.
zorillo, kęlvo zorillo: See Zorillo
Zwani: Yeul is the national language of Yeul and Thule; it originated in a future Europe of this world, and became influenced by Japan and Korea due to gaming and otaku industries.
ƍfeʎ ʒoҧ: See fae gosfth
Þýdesc: See Northeadish
ʾÅa̩e̯n Gohuȋlim: See Proto-Angelic
ωnemd kɑnɵŋwəʤ : See GTBOT’s Conlang
Аню Идаӄхи: See Kolyma Ainu
Новословница: See Novoslovnica
Уьрифапвух: See Uirian
Чoppēr Гēlbàn: See Felbahn
Կշուրներեն: See Kyuren
ייִדאַלעקטאָ: See Jidalekto
לש אדם: See Lixaanu hal-'adami
لش ادم: See Lixaanu hal-'adami
لشان ادم: See Lixaanu hal-'adami
لشان هلادم: See Lixaanu hal-'adami
रुल्हिळ्ळि: See Rulhilli
จั อิรุยก เตาก: See Iloyan
䜍僇/Lhiâw Miùt: See Miut
契絆想界詩: See Keihansoukaishi