Jan. 1, 2008
2008-12-24 05:06 Changed language: Myrsani
- Myrsani by A. Klein was updated.
2008-12-24 05:06 Changed language: Myrsani
- Myrsani by A. Klein was updated.
2008-12-24 04:56 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Myrsani by Wraith_Lord
2008-12-24 04:52 New translation of "Farewell" into Myrsani by Wraith_Lord
Kesû ma-déral ajhîm
Translation: Peace within your heart. Literal Translation: Within your-heart peace.
bye $
2008-12-24 04:31 Changed language: Myrsani
- Myrsani by A. Klein was updated.
2008-12-24 04:25 New language: Myrani
Wraith_Lord added Myrani to CALS.
2008-12-24 04:16 Wraith_Lord just joined
Welcome Wraith_Lord!
2008-12-22 17:21 cromulant just joined
Welcome cromulant!
2008-12-14 01:06 Rowandon just joined
Welcome Rowandon!
2008-12-12 11:22 Changed language: Shsiwhe Luwur
- Shsiwhe Luwur by Jakob Colle was updated.
2008-12-12 11:22 Changed language: Shsiwhe Luwur
- Shsiwhe Luwur by Jakob Colle was updated.
2008-12-12 02:55 Changed language: Shsiwhe Luwur
- Shsiwhe Luwur by Jakob Colle was updated.
2008-12-12 01:10 Changed language: Ngeyunh hunting language
- Ngeyunh hunting language by Vortex was updated.
2008-12-12 01:10 Changed language: Ngeyunh hunting language
- Ngeyunh hunting language by Vortex was updated.
2008-12-12 01:10 New language: Ngeyunh hunting language
Vortex added Ngeyunh hunting language to CALS.
2008-12-09 20:46 Changed language: Ayeri
- Ayeri by Carsten Becker was updated.
2008-12-03 00:33 Private messages now possible
You can now send a private message to another conlanger on CALS. There are new links on the profile page (cals.conlang.org/people/somenumber/) for this. The feature is more alpha-quality than beta right now as where you end up after having added, archived or deleted a message is a wee bit random. But never fear, the bugfixer is here, or that is: here tomorrow.
2008-12-02 14:44 Changed language: Lirakdom
- Lirakdom by Veoler was updated.
2008-12-02 06:34 New language: Tinzirean
Ah Puch added Tinzirean to CALS.
2008-12-01 18:15 Changed language: Lirakdom
- Lirakdom by Veoler was updated.
2008-12-01 17:26 New language: Lirakdom
Veoler added Lirakdom to CALS.
2008-11-30 19:33 Changed language: Sngõlpowhetet
- Sngõlpowhetet by Josh Roth was updated.
2008-11-30 19:33 Changed language: Sngõlpowhetet
- Sngõlpowhetet by Josh Roth was updated.
2008-11-30 19:33 New language: Sngõlpowhetet
tanuef added Sngõlpowhetet to CALS.
2008-11-28 23:57 Vocabulary-stats now up
There are now various statistics about the vocabulary-size of the conlangs that are registered here. That Esperanto wins is no surprise, but as per this post being published, it is said to have only 16000 words. I thought there were more. The mean is well below 2000.
2008-11-28 06:21 Changed language: Bashika
- Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-11-28 06:21 Changed language: Bashika
- Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-11-25 20:32 Descriptions of language features now work!
The features on the language-detail page now sport links: Links to a page for the description of the feature! This was turned off for a while because of bugs.
- versioning (that means the old version still exist in the database after a change, it's just been hidden from view!)
- show versions to managers/editors of a language
- allow managers/editors to change which version is visible
- allow a markup-language for prettier text, preferably markdown
Remember that you can request enhancements and changes at Bugs & features.
2008-11-25 17:58 Brightest just joined
Welcome Brightest!
2008-11-24 21:00 Changed language: Asha'ille
- Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2008-11-18 08:53 Changed language: Bashika
- Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-11-17 15:47 All feeds now in atom-format
All feeds are now in Atom-format instead of RSS 2.0. Why? Simply because Atom has a more sensible date-format and a validatable structure. This makes building stuff that reuses the feeds much easier.
2008-11-13 11:48 Changes to the statistics-page...
- Languages lacking any features are no longer shown in the Averageness of conlangs-listing. They've been moved to a new listing, Conlangs with no features.
2008-11-12 03:30 Changed language: Bashika
- Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-11-12 02:30 SaiyaMel just joined
Welcome SaiyaMel!
2008-11-10 22:24 Changed language: Bashika
- Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-11-09 23:11 Sano just joined
Welcome Sano!
2008-11-09 12:01 Changed language: Malabas
- Malabas by Bipapo was updated.
2008-11-09 12:01 Changed language: Malabas
- Malabas by Bipapo was updated.
2008-11-09 11:59 New translation of "Farewell" into Malabas by Bipapo
bye $
2008-11-09 11:58 Changed language: Bashika
- Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-11-09 11:55 Changed language: Malabas
- Malabas by Bipapo was updated.
2008-11-09 11:55 Changed language: Bashika
- Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-11-09 11:34 Changed language: Malabas
- Malabas by Bipapo was updated.
2008-11-09 11:32 New language: Malabas
Bipapo added Malabas to CALS.
Malabas's homepage is at http://www.omniglot.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=669.
2008-11-09 11:14 Changed language: Bashika
- Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-11-09 11:00 Bipapo just joined
Welcome Bipapo!
2008-11-09 06:26 Changed language: Bashika
- Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-11-09 05:48 Changed language: NA
- NA by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-11-09 00:55 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2008-11-06 07:29 Changed language: Arahod
- Arahod by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-11-04 22:06 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2008-11-04 17:52 Some backend-changes to translations
The translation-section was a real mess and I've worked a little to make things more obvious. The urls have changed but that's about that. If something is broken do tell at the usual place.
2008-11-03 22:38 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Taruven by kaleissin
ēisaþ segirram
ēisaþQ:PATseg-irramcarry-mustWhat do you need?
2008-10-30 04:47 Changed language: Arahod
- Arahod by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-10-30 00:35 Changed language: Nawe
- Nawe by Hakaku was updated.
2008-10-30 00:35 Changed language: Nawe
- Nawe by Hakaku was updated.
2008-10-29 18:55 Changed language: Laadan
- Laadan by Suzette Haden Elgin was updated.
2008-10-29 18:53 Changed language: Laadan
- Laadan by Suzette Haden Elgin was updated.
2008-10-29 13:24 Changed language: Taraitola
- Taraitola by Feaelin was updated.
2008-10-29 13:24 Changed language: Taraitola
- Taraitola by Feaelin was updated.
2008-10-29 07:45 Changed language: Arahod
- Arahod by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-10-29 07:44 Changed language: Dainyu
- Dainyu by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-10-29 07:44 Changed language: Dainyu
- Dainyu by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-10-29 00:46 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Jarolim by Raluv
Lužnuzoġê pjégwê sémaramjo êtís wéson.
sleep-3PL angry dream-P;F;PL without color.PREP;F;SG
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2008-10-26 21:36 Changed language: Arahod
- Arahod by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-10-26 20:35 Changed language: Sjs'howiisje Wuluuwi
- Sjs'howiisje Wuluuwi by Jakob Colle was updated.
2008-10-26 20:34 Changed language: Waysignig
- Waysignig by Sheidhaf was updated.
2008-10-26 20:34 Changed language: Waysignig
- Waysignig by Sheidhaf was updated.
2008-10-26 20:20 New language: Waysignig
sheidhaf added Waysignig to CALS.
Whsaqiniqeq Gaalakh (And that's how you greet someone in Waysignig.)
2008-10-26 01:16 Changed language: Dainyu
- Dainyu by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-10-25 15:16 Changed language: Sjs'howiisje Wuluuwi
- Sjs'howiisje Wuluuwi by Jakob Colle was updated.
2008-10-25 15:03 New language: Sjs'howiisje Wuluuwi
sheidhaf added Sjs'howiisje Wuluuwi to CALS.
Analawe Siso šshowîše wulûwi! (And that's how you greet someone in Sjs'howiisje Wuluuwi.)
2008-10-25 14:41 sheidhaf just joined
Welcome sheidhaf!
2008-10-25 08:10 Changed language: Naal
- Naal by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-10-25 08:05 New language: Naal
penguinsquishy added Naal to CALS.
2008-10-24 04:41 Changed language: Arahod
- Arahod by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-10-23 21:53 Changed language: Tsolyani
- Tsolyani by M.A.R. Barker was updated.
2008-10-21 22:49 Changed language: Arahod
- Arahod by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-10-21 08:01 Changed language: Arrahma
- Arrahma by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-10-19 06:25 Changed language: Arahma
- Arahma by penguinsquishy was updated.
2008-10-19 06:22 New language: Arahma
penguinsquishy added Arahma to CALS.
2008-10-19 06:09 penguinsquishy just joined
Welcome penguinsquishy!
2008-10-15 02:33 darkmoonman just joined
Welcome darkmoonman!
2008-10-14 05:03 Changed language: Konishien
- Konishien by arimaz was updated.
2008-10-14 05:03 Changed language: Konishien
- Konishien by arimaz was updated.
2008-10-14 04:54 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Konishien by arimaz
Lovla kil lodjolem?
What's the plan?
2008-10-14 04:51 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Konishien by arimaz
Nyked kal kanala kidjak zunadjo.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2008-10-14 04:46 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Konishien by arimaz
Pika Jijikh!
Happy birthday!
2008-10-14 04:45 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Konishien by arimaz
2008-10-14 04:44 New translation of "Farewell" into Konishien by arimaz
bye $
2008-10-14 04:39 Changed language: Konishien
- Konishien by arimaz was updated.
2008-10-14 04:38 New language: Konishien
arimaz added Konishien to CALS.
Chem Kdjasom Hislei! (And that's how you greet someone in Konishien.)
2008-10-11 06:19 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Dahilese by TaylorSelseth
Shiinasuuxryademna qramvubnim khlarwub hiidusa.
Shiina-suuxry-ad-em-na qramv-ub-nim khlarw-ub hiidus-a sleep-anger-ADV-HABIT-SBJ.3PL color-ADJ-NEG green-ADJ idea-NMLZ.DIRECT sleep-furiously colorful-less greenish ideas
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2008-10-11 05:33 Changed language: Dahilese
- Dahilese by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2008-10-11 05:28 Changed language: Dahilese
- Dahilese by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2008-10-07 20:56 New format for interlinears available
It is now possible to have a Leipzig-style interlinear for a translation. There's now an extra field on the add/change translations-page, for changing the format. You can safely attempt to turn your existing interlinears into the new type by changing the format and saving, as what's in the interlinear-box isn't affected directly.
2008-10-05 12:21 Changed language: Ngengenoef
- Ngengenoef by Josh Roth was updated.
2008-10-05 12:21 Changed language: Ngengenoef
- Ngengenoef by Josh Roth was updated.
2008-10-05 11:46 Changed language: Icnac
- Icnac by Josh Roth was updated.
2008-10-05 11:46 Changed language: Icnac
- Icnac by Josh Roth was updated.
2008-10-05 11:46 New language: Icnac
tanuef added Icnac to CALS.
2008-10-05 00:00 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Testarossa by kaleissin
All peeps be free'n stuff and should be nice to each other.
AllDETpeepshuman.beingsbeCOPfree'nfree-andstuffetc.andandshouldshouldbeCOPnicenicetoPARTeachDETother.DET"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2008-10-04 23:18 Rearranged the navbars a little
Thanks has been moved to the bottom navbar, Changes has been replaced with News, and there's now an About-page.
2008-10-03 18:29 Changed language: Latadid
- Latadid by Qwynegold was updated.
2008-10-03 18:29 Changed language: Latadid
- Latadid by Qwynegold was updated.
2008-10-03 18:23 New language: Latadid
Qwynegold added Latadid to CALS.
2008-10-03 17:45 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Songulda by Qwynegold
Raarokhunnuytus ilgisa röbüri. Lolgannuytus ilgis!
battle-IMP-2S-ERG languagelike-(ABS) obliteration-(ABS) invent-IMP-2S-ERG language-(ABS)
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2008-10-03 17:43 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Songulda by Qwynegold
Dzebelnongur sabdos umunur umukhuto suurkaramato.
color-(ABS)-ABES green-(ABS) dream-PL sleep-3PL-(ABS) INTENS-angrily-3PL
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2008-10-03 15:56 Changed language: Ryupisasa
- Ryupisasa by Several was updated.
2008-10-02 18:47 Changed language: Tsolyani
- Tsolyani by M.A.R. Barker was updated.
2008-10-02 18:01 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Rejistanian by ntena
Sijiv rijeva isin!
Day birth[adjectivized] happy!
Happy birthday!
2008-10-02 17:58 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Rejistanian by ntena
Asav'tan'ny jasam'ta veran min'unidu xalki.
Head-concept-pl. color-neg. green (3rdp.-pl)-sleep furious.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2008-10-02 17:52 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Rejistanian by ntena
Move out!
2008-10-02 17:50 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Rejistanian by ntena
Xan'het mi'aru sunjet?
plan-(noun) (3rdp.-sing.)-is what?
What's the plan?
2008-10-02 17:48 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Rejistanian by ntena
Il'ena sunjet?
(2ndp.-sing)-need what?
What do you need?
2008-10-02 17:46 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 7" into Rejistanian by ntena
Il'shensa sunjet?
(2ndp.-sing.)-order what?
Your orders?
2008-10-02 17:45 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 3" into Rejistanian by ntena
Xen'va jilih.
(1stp.-pl)-do this.
We're on it.
2008-10-02 17:43 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Rejistanian by ntena
Very well.
2008-10-02 17:42 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into Rejistanian by ntena
Visko'il xe, xe'va sunjet.
Tell-(imp.-2ndp.-sing.) I, (1stp.-sing.)-do what.
Tell me what to do.
2008-10-02 17:41 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Rejistanian by ntena
2008-10-02 17:39 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Rejistanian by ntena
Kaju'il vaixunus'tan viskoreja! Ines'il viskoreja!
Fight-(imp.-2ndp.-sing.) extinction language-related! New-(imp.-2ndp.-sing.) language!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2008-10-02 17:35 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Rejistanian by ntena
2008-10-02 17:33 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Rejistanian by ntena
Tekneluru'het'ny jasam'ta veran min'unidu xalki.
dream-noun-pl. color-negation green (3rdp.-pl.)-sleep furious.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2008-10-02 17:28 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Rejistanian by ntena
Let's get moving.
2008-10-02 17:26 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Rejistanian by ntena
Xe'ma 'ovik kelas'het, xe'tore'ta mi.
(1stp.-sing.)-can (inf.)eat glass, (1stp.-sing.)-(be in pain)-not [by] it
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2008-10-02 17:20 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Rejistanian by ntena
No problem.
2008-10-02 17:18 New translation of "Farewell" into Rejistanian by ntena
Va'il veka, $
Do-(imp.-2ndps.) good,
bye $
2008-10-02 16:46 Changed language: Rejistanian
- Rejistanian by Ntena was updated.
2008-10-02 16:17 New language: Rejistanian
ntena added Rejistanian to CALS.
Hejida, Rejistaniha'he! (And that's how you greet someone in Rejistanian.)
Rejistanian's homepage is at http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/rejistanian.html.
2008-10-01 01:10 Changed language: Dahilese
- Dahilese by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2008-09-30 23:37 New language: Dahilese
TaylorSelseth added Dahilese to CALS.
Lukhaash Dahilak! (And that's how you greet someone in Dahilese.)
Dahilese's homepage is at http://www.spinnoff.com/zbb/viewtopic.php?t=29187.
2008-09-30 13:52 Changed language: Ryupisasa
- Ryupisasa by Several was updated.
2008-09-30 13:28 New language: Ryupisasa
qasao added Ryupisasa to CALS.
2008-09-29 17:50 Changed language: Songulda
- Songulda by Qwynegold was updated.
2008-09-29 17:50 Changed language: Songulda
- Songulda by Qwynegold was updated.
2008-09-29 17:48 Changed language: Liu
- Liu by Qwynegold was updated.
2008-09-29 17:45 New language: Liu
Qwynegold added Liu to CALS.
2008-09-29 04:19 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Lajik by ntena
Henakari tanhkuilasna atefajinhji! Iehaneil tanhkueji!
Fight-imp.-pl. language-related extinction-acc.! Invent-imp.-pl. language-acc.!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2008-09-29 02:35 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Lajik by ntena
Eahanan susis!
Move-(imp.-2ndp.) loc.-outside!
Move out!
2008-09-29 02:17 New translation of "Farewell" into Tirelat by Herman Miller
Vujaa ee $
bye $
2008-09-29 02:14 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Tirelat by Herman Miller
Maavi kažnasopu!
Happy birthday!
2008-09-29 02:13 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Tirelat by Herman Miller
Dĕbaxak my łatĕnużu. Nivgak my łat!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2008-09-29 02:12 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Tirelat by Herman Miller
Saj žarĕšaj ziimi żula żazaŕpini vyzëzišaj.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2008-09-29 01:01 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 3" into Lajik by ntena
Kjaniljesa, afukalila!
Try-(1stp.-pl.-excl.-pres.), solve-(1stp.-pl.-excl.-pres.)!
We're on it.
2008-09-29 00:48 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 0" into Lajik by ntena
Faninja natikasiru!
present-1stp.-pres. [myself] serve-inf.
Reporting for duty.
2008-09-28 23:34 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Lajik by ntena
Kjaniljesa, kjufuljesa!
Try-(1stp.-pl.-excl.-pres.), go-(1stp.-pl.-excl.-pres.)!
On our way.
2008-09-28 23:29 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Lajik by ntena
Infim temxi vekan!
be-(4thp.-pl.-pres.) highly good!
Very well.
2008-09-28 23:15 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Lajik by ntena
Lelju jefuhemiti, jiva anjidi vinkise!
sleep-3rd-habit. colorless, blue/green dream fury-instr.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2008-09-28 18:38 Interlinears!
There's now a way to store interlinears for translations. Right now the format is plain monospace, but that also means the words'll line up exactly as desired.
2008-09-27 20:30 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2008-09-22 23:23 New translation of "Farewell" into Esperanto by ntena
Ĝis revido
Until again-seeing!
bye $
2008-09-22 10:58 Changed language: Lajik
- Lajik by Ntena was updated.
2008-09-22 10:58 Changed language: Lajik
- Lajik by Ntena was updated.
2008-09-22 10:45 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Lajik by ntena
Let's get moving.
2008-09-21 15:52 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Lajik by ntena
2008-09-21 15:49 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Lajik by ntena
Savujau ltaniru ficiskje, jefu mejisu kei!
can-(1stp.-sing-habit.) eat-inf. glass-nom., not hurt-(3rdp.-pl-habit.) me-acc.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2008-09-21 15:48 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Lajik by ntena
Sju vej?
Questionparticle yes
2008-09-21 15:44 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Lajik by ntena
Ikjusemufac tekne, sketail nhi!
Worker-pl.-revgen. world, become one!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2008-09-16 14:49 Bugtracker is back
- Data on most tickets have been recovered.
2008-09-15 21:54 New translation exercises: scripted dialogue from Civilization IV
As per the thread Languages in Civ IV on the ZBB.
2008-09-15 16:47 Changed language: Raikudu
- Raikudu by Veoler was updated.
2008-09-15 12:50 Help needed: Need missing bugtracker-pages
It's a Monday alright.
The bugtracker is toast, the database with the tickets is gone, so while it is rebuilt (from scratch) send bug-reports to calsbot@gmail.com.
Now, there were no open (that is: not fixed) bugs when the database went byebye, this is good. There were lots of open suggestions for enhancements though, and suggestions to change features, and suggestions to add one feature. That's all gone. So: if you've got any of the old pages (in your caches, saved on disk, screenshots etc.) please mail 'em to calsbot@gmail.com, preferrably ASAP. There were 57 tickets alltogether when this happened.
Fortunately the wiki wasn't used much, just five relevant/missing pages there: a page with a single question, the page listing requested new features, and two features and finally the front-page of course...
Some days...
2008-09-15 07:34 Changed language: Naisek
- Naisek by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2008-09-15 05:41 Changed language: Cirena
- Cirena by He/Sidhe was updated.
2008-09-15 05:41 Changed language: Cirena
- Cirena by He/Sidhe was updated.
2008-09-15 05:17 New language: Cirena
hesidhe added Cirena to CALS.
2008-09-14 20:14 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii
Ve'gir migrá sshókev krithánisi vallidim 'sa tuya.
Ve-girADV-verymigráangrysshókevsleepkrith-ánisiwithout-colorvallid-imidea-PLalunsaPREVIOUStuya.greenColorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2008-09-14 12:00 boylansr just joined
Welcome boylansr!
2008-09-13 18:25 Latest changes: Mini-change to translations
It is now possible to delete a translation you've added. Go to the change-page for the translation in question (the link is at /language/<language>/translations/). There's now a new entry in the green box to the right, "Delete". You'll get an opportunity to change your mind but if you click "yes", it's gone forever.
2008-09-11 21:07 New translation of "Farewell" into Lajik by ntena
$ , infi lari!
Be-(imperative) safe!
bye $
2008-09-11 20:41 New language: Lajik
ntena added Lajik to CALS.
He ala Lajikin! (And that's how you greet someone in Lajik.)
2008-09-11 06:08 New translation of "Farewell" into Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii
Vel'$ jonae
vel- $ jonae to $ goodbye
bye $
2008-09-10 17:40 New language: Vilani
kuroda added Vilani to CALS.
2008-09-10 17:08 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Neo-Khitanese by kuroda
Döndenggi ülemnilin-büri, jalgamatkalsun!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2008-09-10 17:01 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Neo-Khitanese by kuroda
Borkolon añčï ñölmö tolkïr doksïñjï mokorojaratan.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2008-09-10 16:55 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Neo-Khitanese by kuroda
Bi mölsü jepmi mütem. Baïlïpkar etere.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2008-09-10 03:10 New language: Pilovese
scotto added Pilovese to CALS.
Bon journ Pilovese! (And that's how you greet someone in Pilovese.)
Pilovese's homepage is at http://www3.telus.net/scottoh/pilovese.
2008-09-09 20:20 New translation of "Farewell" into Songulda by Qwynegold
Sargaa ne$
goodbye VOC-$
bye $
2008-09-09 16:48 ntena just joined
Welcome ntena!
2008-09-08 11:28 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Torain by Matthew Turnbull
ma'krinsibiippoomo ya'kko makromurrol surol novarrundiita
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2008-09-08 11:22 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Torain by Matthew Turnbull
monatyoblo triiyis, na'tokranetoòj
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2008-09-08 11:17 New translation of "Farewell" into Torain by Matthew Turnbull
bye $
2008-09-08 10:08 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Khafos by Josh Roth
putrof vinve kamonof; puiunakoshuf.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2008-09-08 00:00 New language: Vallese
qiihoskeh added Vallese to CALS.
2008-09-07 21:32 Changed language: gzb
- gzb by Jim Henry was updated.
2008-09-07 21:32 Changed language: gzb
- gzb by Jim Henry was updated.
2008-09-07 21:12 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Celíminé by Foxfire
Cír castanur; sa ta ídragas.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2008-09-07 21:12 Changed language: Toki Pona
- Toki Pona by Sonja Elen Kisa was updated.
2008-09-07 21:12 Changed language: Toki Pona
- Toki Pona by Sonja Elen Kisa was updated.
2008-09-07 21:06 Changed language: Celíminé
- Celíminé by Logan Kearsley was updated.
2008-09-07 21:06 Changed language: Celíminé
- Celíminé by Logan Kearsley was updated.
2008-09-07 20:53 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Tirelat by Herman Miller
Saj žarĕšaj ziimi žaadi żazaŕpini vyzëzišaj.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2008-09-07 20:47 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Tirelat by Herman Miller
Lĕkażaban my łaav, keŕełanekaj.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2008-09-07 20:03 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker
Le ming kondyang ginam, nupoyreng yas.
Le ming kond-yang ginam-Ø , nupa-oy -reng yas. PATFOC:inan can eat -1s.AGT glass-FOC, hurt-NEG-3s.AGT:inan 1s.PAT
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2008-09-07 20:00 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker
Toriyon krito manganyeang dano binorya.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2008-09-07 13:17 Latest changes: Translations
- New Translations-section now up. Can't add translations from there yet though.
- The backend-bits for translating the background into other languages are now in place, see the list of languages with background and all their translations.
- A system for viewing/adding/changing translatoins have been added. See for instance translations in Testarossa. The "greeting"-field now uses this system, there was some bugs connected to that fact (trouble with "greeting3"), these are now fixed.
2008-09-07 13:17 Latest changes: Source now downloadable
The source of CALS can now be downloaded from the Downloads-tab in trac. Ticket #48
2008-09-07 04:30 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Terpish by Eddy Ohlms
K//'orúg‡íbatórimi, t’ânunamátsé.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2008-09-07 04:14 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Terpish by Eddy Ohlms
N/ákúbê k‡xosási, tsuk’urídas!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2008-09-07 04:07 Changed language: Terpish
- Terpish by Eddy1701 was updated.
2008-09-07 04:07 Changed language: Terpish
- Terpish by Eddy1701 was updated.
2008-09-07 03:27 New translation of "Farewell" into Zereskaoate by Brian Conover
bye $
2008-09-07 03:27 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Zereskaoate by Brian Conover
kyo gia jeku hagi hise.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2008-09-07 03:22 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Zereskaoate by Brian Conover
taidoje bakatsu, sujichia!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2008-09-07 03:19 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Zereskaoate by Brian Conover
ikidakonai hachedaska!
Happy birthday!
2008-09-06 23:55 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Bloppabop by Soap
Ssaepsas džafwapene nala, bimptukupi tala!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2008-09-06 23:51 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Bloppabop by Soap
Basluptube banambwel pipe!
Happy birthday!
2008-09-06 22:18 Latest changes: Kennaway-style language-list
A Kennaway-style list of languages have been added, the JRK list.
2008-09-06 01:00 Changed language: Mikiana
- Mikiana by Rebecca Bettencourt was updated.
2008-09-05 19:08 New translation of "Farewell" into Testarossa by admin
bye $
2008-09-05 15:32 Changed language: Gogido
- Gogido by Logan Kearsley was updated.
2008-09-05 15:32 Changed language: Gogido
- Gogido by Logan Kearsley was updated.
2008-09-05 15:31 New language: Gogido
Foxfire added Gogido to CALS.
?aro Gogido! (And that's how you greet someone in Gogido.)
Gogido's homepage is at http://timesurfer.linuxcowboy.net/langs/gogidoIntro.html.
2008-09-04 16:22 New language: Celíminé
Foxfire added Celíminé to CALS.
Lé íllí Celíminé! (And that's how you greet someone in Celíminé.)
2008-09-04 16:00 New language: gzb
jimhenry added gzb to CALS.
gzb's homepage is at http://www.pobox.com/~jimhenry/gzb/gzb.htm.
2008-09-04 12:52 New language: Calénnawn
Rene Uittenbogaard added Calénnawn to CALS.
bóllo Calénnawn! (And that's how you greet someone in Calénnawn.)
Calénnawn's homepage is at http://www.joekewoud.nl/ruittenb/calennawn.
2008-09-04 12:21 Rene Uittenbogaard just joined
Welcome Rene Uittenbogaard!
2008-09-04 09:32 Bug fixed: error when adding new users and languages
An update in the underlying framework, Django, had a very annoying backwards incompatible change that, among other things, made it impossible to add a new user properly and fscked the home-page. I also suspect the same bug made it impossible to add new languages. I've fixed the profiles manually, but: Foxfire and Psychrophile, you might want to pop by and set it up right. *grmbl!* now I have to fix the zillion other django-things I develop also...
2008-09-03 21:18 Psychrophile just joined
Welcome Psychrophile!
2008-09-03 21:17 Foxfire just joined
Welcome Foxfire!
2008-09-02 02:10 Changed language: Tirelat
- Tirelat by Herman Miller was updated.
2008-09-02 02:10 Changed language: Tirelat
- Tirelat by Herman Miller was updated.
2008-08-29 17:45 New language: Tsolyani
kuroda added Tsolyani to CALS.
Ohe Tsolyani! (And that's how you greet someone in Tsolyani.)
2008-08-27 17:14 New language: Neo-Khitanese
kuroda added Neo-Khitanese to CALS.
Neo-Khitanese's homepage is at http://wiki.frath.net/Kilda_Kelen.
2008-08-26 15:45 Changed language: Ngetsurt
- Ngetsurt by Xerxes B was updated.
2008-08-26 15:45 Changed language: Ngetsurt
- Ngetsurt by Xerxes B was updated.
2008-08-22 22:49 New language: Taraitola
feaelin added Taraitola to CALS.
Dellu Taraitola! (And that's how you greet someone in Taraitola.)
Taraitola's homepage is at http://www.kemenel.org/kemenel/.
2008-08-22 17:32 cafaristeir just joined
Welcome cafaristeir!
2008-08-20 17:23 Changed language: Torain
- Torain by Matthew Turnbull was updated.
2008-08-20 17:23 Changed language: Torain
- Torain by Matthew Turnbull was updated.
2008-08-20 09:31 Changed language: Khafos
- Khafos by Josh Roth was updated.
2008-08-20 09:31 Changed language: Khafos
- Khafos by Josh Roth was updated.
2008-08-20 09:25 Changed language: Pasgemanh
- Pasgemanh by Josh Roth was updated.
2008-08-20 09:25 Changed language: Pasgemanh
- Pasgemanh by Josh Roth was updated.
2008-08-20 02:05 butonlang just joined
Welcome butonlang!
2008-08-19 20:58 Changed language: Esperanto
- Esperanto by Ludwik Leyzer Zamenhof was updated.
2008-08-19 20:58 Changed language: Esperanto
- Esperanto by Ludwik Leyzer Zamenhof was updated.
2008-08-18 16:21 kuroda just joined
Welcome kuroda!
2008-08-18 12:47 feaelin just joined
Welcome feaelin!
2008-08-18 12:47 Yihaa! 100 people!
Conlanger number 100 to join CALS is feaelin!
2008-08-18 11:36 New language: Sathir
Dedalvs added Sathir to CALS.
Espho Saþir! (And that's how you greet someone in Sathir.)
Sathir's homepage is at http://dedalvs.free.fr/sathir/.
2008-08-16 20:17 New language: Ngengenoef
tanuef added Ngengenoef to CALS.
Krmafòa Ngengenoef! (And that's how you greet someone in Ngengenoef.)
2008-08-16 20:17 Woohoo! 100 languages!
Let it be known that Ngengenoef (by Josh Roth) is the 100th language on CALS!
2008-08-16 08:31 Changed language: Adeyan
- Adeyan by Faiuwle was updated.
2008-08-16 08:31 Changed language: Adeyan
- Adeyan by Faiuwle was updated.
2008-08-16 07:41 New language: Adeyan
faiuwle added Adeyan to CALS.
2008-08-16 07:36 faiuwle just joined
Welcome faiuwle!
2008-08-15 17:49 New language: Modern Arithide
undoing added Modern Arithide to CALS.
Alla Arithīde! (And that's how you greet someone in Modern Arithide.)
Modern Arithide's homepage is at http://wiki.frath.net/Modern_Arithide.
2008-08-15 17:49 Changed language: Modern Arithide
- Modern Arithide by Eugene Oh was updated.
2008-08-15 17:49 Changed language: Modern Arithide
- Modern Arithide by Eugene Oh was updated.
2008-08-15 17:16 jatzail just joined
Welcome jatzail!
2008-08-15 08:46 New language: Kotanian
jal added Kotanian to CALS.
2008-08-15 08:42 jal just joined
Welcome jal!
2008-08-15 05:21 Changed language: Rithande
- Rithande by Reyaln was updated.
2008-08-15 05:21 Changed language: Rithande
- Rithande by Reyaln was updated.
2008-08-15 04:57 New language: Rithande
Reyaln added Rithande to CALS.
Aví Rithande! (And that's how you greet someone in Rithande.)
2008-08-15 04:29 Reyaln just joined
Welcome Reyaln!
2008-08-14 02:44 New language: Omniglot forum language
Vortex added Omniglot forum language to CALS.
2008-08-14 02:44 Changed language: Omniglot forum language
- Omniglot forum language by Members of omniglot forum was updated.
2008-08-14 02:44 Changed language: Omniglot forum language
- Omniglot forum language by Members of omniglot forum was updated.
2008-08-14 00:51 New language: Eridanian
TaylorSelseth added Eridanian to CALS.
Ealo Eridaonzbiek! (And that's how you greet someone in Eridanian.)
Eridanian's homepage is at http://www.spinnoff.com/zbb/viewtopic.php?t=28422&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0.
2008-08-14 00:43 TaylorSelseth just joined
Welcome TaylorSelseth!
2008-08-13 23:51 Changed language: Sa'nakkan
- Sa'nakkan by Ilasir Maroa was updated.
2008-08-13 23:51 Changed language: Sa'nakkan
- Sa'nakkan by Ilasir Maroa was updated.
2008-08-13 23:17 New language: Terpish
Eddy1701 added Terpish to CALS.
K!'ônatén K‡xosánerubé! (And that's how you greet someone in Terpish.)
Terpish's homepage is at http://terp.bravehost.com/.
2008-08-13 22:34 New language: Socialese
Eddy1701 added Socialese to CALS.
Socialese's homepage is at http://terp.bravehost.com.
2008-08-13 21:58 Eddy1701 just joined
Welcome Eddy1701!
2008-08-13 20:44 New language: Ilvarii
Ilasir Maroa added Ilvarii to CALS.
2008-08-13 20:44 Changed language: Ilvarii
- Ilvarii by Ilasir Maroa was updated.
2008-08-13 20:44 Changed language: Ilvarii
- Ilvarii by Ilasir Maroa was updated.
2008-08-13 20:04 Changed language: Héhà
- Héhà by Matt Northup was updated.
2008-08-13 20:04 Changed language: Héhà
- Héhà by Matt Northup was updated.
2008-08-12 18:52 New language: Toki Pona
jimhenry added Toki Pona to CALS.
toki toki pona! (And that's how you greet someone in Toki Pona.)
Toki Pona's homepage is at http://www.tokipona.org/.
2008-08-12 18:37 jimhenry just joined
Welcome jimhenry!
2008-08-12 09:42 Changed language: Classical Arithide
- Classical Arithide by Eugene Oh was updated.
2008-08-12 09:42 Changed language: Classical Arithide
- Classical Arithide by Eugene Oh was updated.
2008-08-12 09:27 New language: Classical Arithide
undoing added Classical Arithide to CALS.
Elai Lazēide! (And that's how you greet someone in Classical Arithide.)
Classical Arithide's homepage is at http://wiki.frath.net/Classical_Arithide.
2008-08-12 07:35 SandChigger just joined
Welcome SandChigger!
2008-08-12 07:03 undoing just joined
Welcome undoing!
2008-08-12 00:37 rhamantus just joined
Welcome rhamantus!
2008-08-11 03:23 New language: Wikilret
dragar added Wikilret to CALS.
Wikilret's homepage is at http://homepage.mac.com/sjcaldwell/Wikilret/.
2008-08-11 03:23 Changed language: Wikilret
- Wikilret by dragar was updated.
2008-08-11 03:23 Changed language: Wikilret
- Wikilret by dragar was updated.
2008-08-11 02:49 dragar just joined
Welcome dragar!
2008-08-10 17:15 Changed language: Ngeyunh
- Ngeyunh by Matt rolka was updated.
2008-08-10 17:15 Changed language: Ngeyunh
- Ngeyunh by Matt rolka was updated.
2008-08-08 04:40 Changed language: Zereskaoate
- Zereskaoate by Brian L. Conover Jr. was updated.
2008-08-08 04:40 Changed language: Zereskaoate
- Zereskaoate by Brian L. Conover Jr. was updated.
2008-08-07 09:03 New language: Songulda
Qwynegold added Songulda to CALS.
Chimi Songulda! (And that's how you greet someone in Songulda.)
2008-08-07 00:27 Changed language: Senjecas
- Senjecas by Charles W. Brickner was updated.
2008-08-07 00:27 Changed language: Senjecas
- Senjecas by Charles W. Brickner was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Þrjótrunn
- Þrjótrunn by Henrik Theiling was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Þrjótrunn
- Þrjótrunn by Henrik Theiling was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Zhytjetji
- Zhytjetji by Avaja was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Zhytjetji
- Zhytjetji by Avaja was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Yasaro
- Yasaro by Herman Miller was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Yasaro
- Yasaro by Herman Miller was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Viksen
- Viksen by James Baker was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Viksen
- Viksen by James Baker was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Velu
- Velu by Kyle teeman was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Velu
- Velu by Kyle teeman was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: *Unnamed
- *Unnamed by Encolpius was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: *Unnamed
- *Unnamed by Encolpius was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Tseeyo
- Tseeyo by wycoval was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Tseeyo
- Tseeyo by wycoval was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Terkunan
- Terkunan by Henrik Theiling was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Terkunan
- Terkunan by Henrik Theiling was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Tauro-Piscean
- Tauro-Piscean by S.C. Anderson was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Tauro-Piscean
- Tauro-Piscean by S.C. Anderson was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Skerre
- Skerre by Doug Ball was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Skerre
- Skerre by Doug Ball was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Sindarin
- Sindarin by J. R. R. Tolkien was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Sindarin
- Sindarin by J. R. R. Tolkien was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Shemspreg
- Shemspreg by Dirk Elzinga was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Shemspreg
- Shemspreg by Dirk Elzinga was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Saya
- Saya by brandrinn was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Saya
- Saya by brandrinn was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: SASXSEK
- SASXSEK by Dana Nutter was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: SASXSEK
- SASXSEK by Dana Nutter was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Rnihonön
- Rnihonön by pmva was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Rnihonön
- Rnihonön by pmva was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Rhean
- Rhean by Mike Ellis was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Rhean
- Rhean by Mike Ellis was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Regimonti
- Regimonti by Scott Hlad was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Regimonti
- Regimonti by Scott Hlad was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Raitoliste
- Raitoliste by Tolkien_Freak was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Raitoliste
- Raitoliste by Tolkien_Freak was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Qþyn|gài
- Qþyn|gài by Henrik Theiling was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Qþyn|gài
- Qþyn|gài by Henrik Theiling was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Quenya
- Quenya by J. R. R. Tolkien was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Quenya
- Quenya by J. R. R. Tolkien was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Qahta
- Qahta by krinnen was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Qahta
- Qahta by krinnen was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Proto-Adpihi
- Proto-Adpihi by eldin raigmore was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Proto-Adpihi
- Proto-Adpihi by eldin raigmore was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Novegradian
- Novegradian by Mecislau was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Novegradian
- Novegradian by Mecislau was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Neo Patwa
- Neo Patwa by Jens Wilkinson was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Neo Patwa
- Neo Patwa by Jens Wilkinson was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Miapimoquitch
- Miapimoquitch by Dirk Elzinga was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Miapimoquitch
- Miapimoquitch by Dirk Elzinga was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Marijo
- Marijo by Jon was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Marijo
- Marijo by Jon was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Lojban
- Lojban by The Logical Language Group, Inc. was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Lojban
- Lojban by The Logical Language Group, Inc. was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Livagian [phonologically]
- Livagian [phonologically] by And Rosta was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Livagian [phonologically]
- Livagian [phonologically] by And Rosta was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Livagian [phonologically]
- Livagian [phonologically] by And Rosta was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Livagian [phonetically]
- Livagian [phonetically] by And Rosta was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Livagian [phonetically]
- Livagian [phonetically] by And Rosta was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Lembrin
- Lembrin by Sander Dieleman was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Lembrin
- Lembrin by Sander Dieleman was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Kisuna
- Kisuna by Herman Miller was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Kisuna
- Kisuna by Herman Miller was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Khangathyagon
- Khangathyagon by Pete Bleackley was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Khangathyagon
- Khangathyagon by Pete Bleackley was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Kelanian
- Kelanian by Andre was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Kelanian
- Kelanian by Andre was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Kazujisha
- Kazujisha by Avaja was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Kazujisha
- Kazujisha by Avaja was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Käläli
- Käläli by Serali was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Käläli
- Käläli by Serali was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Jarolim
- Jarolim by Brice Roberts was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Jarolim
- Jarolim by Brice Roberts was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Jarda
- Jarda by Herman Miller was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Jarda
- Jarda by Herman Miller was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Jaibi
- Jaibi by Chrisdb was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Jaibi
- Jaibi by Chrisdb was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Jaghri
- Jaghri by Herman Miller was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Jaghri
- Jaghri by Herman Miller was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Isuhuwum
- Isuhuwum by Piotr Gepfert was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Isuhuwum
- Isuhuwum by Piotr Gepfert was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: inapo-sakai
- inapo-sakai by Hayate was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: inapo-sakai
- inapo-sakai by Hayate was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Hasu Khomiyo
- Hasu Khomiyo by Matt Rolka was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Hasu Khomiyo
- Hasu Khomiyo by Matt Rolka was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Ghaf
- Ghaf by Corumayas was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Ghaf
- Ghaf by Corumayas was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Gevey
- Gevey by Rik Roots was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Gevey
- Gevey by Rik Roots was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Dravean
- Dravean by Deiniol Jones was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Dravean
- Dravean by Deiniol Jones was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Deini
- Deini by Dana Nutter was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Deini
- Deini by Dana Nutter was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Cholnish
- Cholnish by Andre was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Cholnish
- Cholnish by Andre was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Chamanar
- Chamanar by Ave94 was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Chamanar
- Chamanar by Ave94 was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Bryatesle
- Bryatesle by Miekko was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Bryatesle
- Bryatesle by Miekko was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Bloppabop
- Bloppabop by Andrew Leventis was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Bloppabop
- Bloppabop by Andrew Leventis was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Altian
- Altian by Ketzia Ren was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Altian
- Altian by Ketzia Ren was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Alashian
- Alashian by Mecislau was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Alashian
- Alashian by Mecislau was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Akat
- Akat by Rik Roots was updated.
2008-08-03 13:30 Changed language: Akat
- Akat by Rik Roots was updated.
2008-08-01 19:39 New language: Senjecas
caeruleancentaur added Senjecas to CALS.
alaa Senjecas! (And that's how you greet someone in Senjecas.)
Senjecas's homepage is at http://wiki.frath.net/Senjecas.
2008-07-30 10:05 New language: Rugian
Piotr added Rugian to CALS.
2008-07-29 16:33 New language: Torain
ave_matthew added Torain to CALS.
Torain's homepage is at http://avematthew.10gbfreehost.com/jorain/.
2008-07-29 15:17 ave_matthew just joined
Welcome ave_matthew!
2008-07-18 13:05 WeepingElf just joined
Welcome WeepingElf!
2008-07-16 17:19 New language: Ngetsurt
Xerxes B added Ngetsurt to CALS.
2008-07-14 21:08 Xerxes B just joined
Welcome Xerxes B!
2008-07-07 00:25 New language: Jaghri
Talanor added Jaghri to CALS.
2008-07-07 00:15 New language: Yasaro
Talanor added Yasaro to CALS.
Yasaro's homepage is at http://wiki.frath.net/Yasaro.
2008-07-07 00:08 New language: Kisuna
Talanor added Kisuna to CALS.
2008-07-06 23:25 New language: Tirelat
Talanor added Tirelat to CALS.
Isaa Tirĕłat! (And that's how you greet someone in Tirelat.)
Tirelat's homepage is at http://www.io.com/~hmiller/lang/Tirelat/index.html.
2008-07-06 22:43 New language: Jarda
Talanor added Jarda to CALS.
Jarda's homepage is at http://www.io.com/~hmiller/lang/Jarda/.
2008-07-02 20:53 Gregorius just joined
Welcome Gregorius!
2008-07-02 03:09 New language: Ngeyunh
Vortex added Ngeyunh to CALS.
Yùtįįw Ŋéyunh! (And that's how you greet someone in Ngeyunh.)
2008-07-01 00:43 New language: Skerre
tsketar added Skerre to CALS.
Teris Sires! (And that's how you greet someone in Skerre.)
Skerre's homepage is at http://tsketar.tripod.com/.
2008-06-30 23:47 tsketar just joined
Welcome tsketar!
2008-06-29 19:37 New language: Raitoliste
Tolkien_Freak added Raitoliste to CALS.
Erai! Raitoliste! (And that's how you greet someone in Raitoliste.)
2008-06-29 03:44 Tolkien_Freak just joined
Welcome Tolkien_Freak!
2008-06-29 00:17 Alatos just joined
Welcome Alatos!
2008-06-28 12:56 New language: *Unnamed
encolpius added *Unnamed to CALS.
2008-06-28 12:48 encolpius just joined
Welcome encolpius!
2008-06-24 19:29 seniorbanco just joined
Welcome seniorbanco!
2008-06-23 23:28 New language: Velu
drpxl added Velu to CALS.
2008-06-23 22:42 drpxl just joined
Welcome drpxl!
2008-06-21 06:57 Llore_ just joined
Welcome Llore_!
2008-06-19 15:12 New language: Laadan
ozarque added Laadan to CALS.
Laadan's homepage is at http://www.sfwa.org/members/elgin.
2008-06-18 22:26 New language: Sindarin
DavidMcCann added Sindarin to CALS.
Mae govannen Sindarin! (And that's how you greet someone in Sindarin.)
2008-06-18 14:15 New language: Chamanar
Ave94 added Chamanar to CALS.
2008-06-18 13:47 Ave94 just joined
Welcome Ave94!
2008-06-18 13:37 ozarque just joined
Welcome ozarque!
2008-06-17 22:53 New language: Quenya
DavidMcCann added Quenya to CALS.
Elen síla tielyanna Quenya! (And that's how you greet someone in Quenya.)
2008-06-17 22:23 New language: Marijo
Jon added Marijo to CALS.
Alu / evûstas gheain Dengurse Marijo! (And that's how you greet someone in Marijo.)
2008-06-17 22:08 Jon just joined
Welcome Jon!
2008-06-17 20:04 New language: Tauro-Piscean
Pisceesumsprecan added Tauro-Piscean to CALS.
Jodende Täropiskes'um! (And that's how you greet someone in Tauro-Piscean.)
Tauro-Piscean's homepage is at http://wiki.frath.net/Tauro-Piscean_language.
2008-06-17 19:55 Pisceesumsprecan just joined
Welcome Pisceesumsprecan!
2008-06-17 17:31 New language: Zereskaoate
Zereskaoate added Zereskaoate to CALS.
Zereskaoate's homepage is at http://www.himatsuzelse.site.io.
2008-06-17 17:00 Zereskaoate just joined
Welcome Zereskaoate!
2008-06-17 15:51 cctoide just joined
Welcome cctoide!
2008-06-17 15:50 New language: Qwynegold
Qwynegold added Qwynegold to CALS.
Heij Qwynegold! (And that's how you greet someone in Qwynegold.)
2008-06-17 10:51 New language: Khangathyagon
PeteTheMadScientist added Khangathyagon to CALS.
iðuzhalt ya sarmneye Khangaþyagon! (And that's how you greet someone in Khangathyagon.)
Khangathyagon's homepage is at http://wiki.frath.net/Khanga%FEyagon.
2008-06-16 10:58 PeteTheMadScientist just joined
Welcome PeteTheMadScientist!
2008-06-16 05:49 Deinjur just joined
Welcome Deinjur!
2008-06-15 21:18 New language: inapo-sakai
Hayate added inapo-sakai to CALS.
2008-06-15 20:37 Opera just joined
Welcome Opera!
2008-06-15 19:32 Hayate just joined
Welcome Hayate!
2008-06-15 16:44 New language: Altian
ketzianaren added Altian to CALS.
2008-06-15 16:40 ketzianaren just joined
Welcome ketzianaren!
2008-06-15 15:30 qasao just joined
Welcome qasao!
2008-06-13 21:14 New language: Ghaf
Corumayas added Ghaf to CALS.
2008-06-13 21:08 New language: Proto-Adpihi
eldin raigmore added Proto-Adpihi to CALS.
(not known) (not known)! (And that's how you greet someone in Proto-Adpihi.)
Proto-Adpihi's homepage is at http://conlang.wikia.com/wiki/Old_Adpihi.
2008-06-13 20:31 New language: Old Adpihi
eldin raigmore added Old Adpihi to CALS.
Old Adpihi's homepage is at http://conlang.wikia.com/wiki/Adpihi.
2008-06-13 20:21 Corumayas just joined
Welcome Corumayas!
2008-06-13 20:10 New language: Jarolim
Raluv added Jarolim to CALS.
Jarolim's homepage is at http://egarol.jarolim.googlepages.com/.
2008-06-13 20:02 Raluv just joined
Welcome Raluv!
2008-06-13 19:10 Glenn just joined
Welcome Glenn!
2008-06-13 14:55 Torco just joined
Welcome Torco!
2008-06-12 22:38 New language: Rhean
Berek added Rhean to CALS.
Ižna Niir Rheava Izka! (And that's how you greet someone in Rhean.)
Rhean's homepage is at http://suzsoiz.free.fr/rhean.
2008-06-12 22:33 Berek just joined
Welcome Berek!
2008-06-12 22:08 New language: Jaibi
chrisdb added Jaibi to CALS.
Jaibi's homepage is at http://www.chrisdb.me.uk.
2008-06-11 21:34 New language: Zhytjetji
Avaja added Zhytjetji to CALS.
Iddu n' Žytjeäǩir galo! (And that's how you greet someone in Zhytjetji.)
2008-06-11 20:50 New language: Kazujisha
Avaja added Kazujisha to CALS.
2008-06-11 20:48 Avaja just joined
Welcome Avaja!
2008-06-11 20:36 chrisdb just joined
Welcome chrisdb!
2008-06-11 18:00 New language: Yanusu
Qwynegold added Yanusu to CALS.
2008-06-11 17:14 New language: Dravean
DeiniolJones added Dravean to CALS.
2008-06-11 17:05 DavidMcCann just joined
Welcome DavidMcCann!
2008-06-11 15:01 New language: Jezzali
sakir added Jezzali to CALS.
2008-06-11 14:47 sakir just joined
Welcome sakir!
2008-06-11 10:22 New language: Zhyler
Dedalvs added Zhyler to CALS.
Zhyler's homepage is at http://dedalvs.free.fr/zhyler/.
2008-06-11 00:29 New language: Alashian
Mecislau added Alashian to CALS.
Hassalūm Halēkun Hallasūn Hanalasiyyā! (And that's how you greet someone in Alashian.)
2008-06-11 00:17 New language: Þrjótrunn
Henrik added Þrjótrunn to CALS.
Bon dé Þrjótrunn! (And that's how you greet someone in Þrjótrunn.)
Þrjótrunn's homepage is at http://www.kunstsprachen.de/s17/.
2008-06-10 23:17 New language: Novegradian
Mecislau added Novegradian to CALS.
Novegradian's homepage is at http://maknas.deinioljones.net/grammar/.
2008-06-10 22:44 New language: Bryatesle
Miekko added Bryatesle to CALS.
2008-06-10 22:18 Miekko just joined
Welcome Miekko!
2008-06-10 22:18 Mecislau just joined
Welcome Mecislau!
2008-06-10 21:25 eldin raigmore just joined
Welcome eldin raigmore!
2008-06-09 21:58 New language: Rnihonön
pmva added Rnihonön to CALS.
2008-06-09 21:42 pmva just joined
Welcome pmva!
2008-06-09 20:44 New language: Sa'nakkan
Ilasir Maroa added Sa'nakkan to CALS.
2008-06-09 20:39 Ilasir Maroa just joined
Welcome Ilasir Maroa!
2008-06-09 20:09 New language: Tseeyo
wycoval added Tseeyo to CALS.
Tseeyo's homepage is at http://wycoval.googlepages.com/home.
2008-06-09 19:58 wycoval just joined
Welcome wycoval!
2008-06-09 18:14 New language: Vielan
twenex added Vielan to CALS.
Vielan's homepage is at http://wiki.frath.net/Vielan.
2008-06-09 18:06 twenex just joined
Welcome twenex!
2008-06-09 17:37 ketske just joined
Welcome ketske!
2008-06-09 17:11 Qwynegold just joined
Welcome Qwynegold!
2008-06-09 16:00 New language: Akat
Rik added Akat to CALS.
Akat's homepage is at http://www.rikweb.co.uk/kalieda/wakat/index.php.
2008-06-09 15:56 New language: Raikudu
Veoler added Raikudu to CALS.
Raikudu's homepage is at http://veoler.googlepages.com/raikudu.html.
2008-06-09 15:33 Veoler just joined
Welcome Veoler!
2008-06-09 15:07 prmysl just joined
Welcome prmysl!
2008-06-09 14:31 jhchalmers just joined
Welcome jhchalmers!
2008-06-09 14:23 New language: Saya
brandrinn added Saya to CALS.
2008-06-09 14:10 brandrinn just joined
Welcome brandrinn!
2008-06-09 09:10 New language: Isuhuwum
Piotr added Isuhuwum to CALS.
Kutebih a maja Isuhuwum! (And that's how you greet someone in Isuhuwum.)
Isuhuwum's homepage is at http://pittmirg.ovh.org.
2008-06-09 08:42 Piotr just joined
Welcome Piotr!
2008-06-09 08:40 New language: Pasgemanh
tanuef added Pasgemanh to CALS.
2008-06-09 05:01 New language: Neo Patwa
Jens added Neo Patwa to CALS.
Neo Patwa's homepage is at http://patwa.pbwiki.com.
2008-06-09 04:54 Jens just joined
Welcome Jens!
2008-06-09 04:53 New language: Ayasthi
zhenlin added Ayasthi to CALS.
2008-06-09 03:50 New language: Käläli
Serali added Käläli to CALS.
Käläli's homepage is at http://weblog.xanga.com/wapo_gipo88.
2008-06-09 02:58 Serali just joined
Welcome Serali!
2008-06-09 02:34 New language: Cholnish
Andre added Cholnish to CALS.
2008-06-09 02:01 New language: Kelanian
Andre added Kelanian to CALS.
2008-06-09 01:38 New language: Naisek
qiihoskeh added Naisek to CALS.
Naisek's homepage is at http://qiihoskeh.googlepages.com/Ntoc.htm.
2008-06-09 01:26 qiihoskeh just joined
Welcome qiihoskeh!
2008-06-09 01:08 New language: Minza
Talanor added Minza to CALS.
Minza's homepage is at http://www.io.com/~hmiller/lang/Minza/index.html.
2008-06-09 01:05 RJCraig just joined
Welcome RJCraig!
2008-06-09 00:31 New language: Mikiana
BeckieRGB added Mikiana to CALS.
Lola Mik̃ana! (And that's how you greet someone in Mikiana.)
2008-06-09 00:27 Talanor just joined
Welcome Talanor!
2008-06-08 23:49 Andre just joined
Welcome Andre!
2008-06-08 23:26 Hinthese just joined
Welcome Hinthese!
2008-06-08 23:21 New language: Viksen
Curlyjimsam added Viksen to CALS.
2008-06-08 23:19 Curlyjimsam just joined
Welcome Curlyjimsam!
2008-06-08 22:46 caeruleancentaur just joined
Welcome caeruleancentaur!
2008-06-08 22:10 New language: Nawe
Hakaku added Nawe to CALS.
2008-06-08 21:33 Hakaku just joined
Welcome Hakaku!
2008-06-08 21:08 New language: Héhà
kamplopardali added Héhà to CALS.
Héhà's homepage is at http://wiki.frath.net/H%C3%A9h%C3%A0.
2008-06-08 21:03 'ek'obore just joined
Welcome 'ek'obore!
2008-06-08 21:01 kamplopardali just joined
Welcome kamplopardali!
2008-06-08 20:33 New language: Kelenala
Dedalvs added Kelenala to CALS.
Hasa Kelenala! (And that's how you greet someone in Kelenala.)
Kelenala's homepage is at http://dedalvs.free.fr/kelenala/.
2008-06-08 20:07 New language: Naidda
Tzinacan added Naidda to CALS.
2008-06-08 20:02 New language: Qahta
krinnen added Qahta to CALS.
Qahta's homepage is at http://krinnen.com.ar/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=qahta.
2008-06-08 19:52 New language: Khafos
tanuef added Khafos to CALS.
iynnef loshtosfo! (And that's how you greet someone in Khafos.)
2008-06-08 19:41 krinnen just joined
Welcome krinnen!
2008-06-08 19:15 New language: Hasu Khomiyo
Vortex added Hasu Khomiyo to CALS.
Hápyongku itáryu Hásu Khómiyo! (And that's how you greet someone in Hasu Khomiyo.)
2008-06-08 19:09 Tzinacan just joined
Welcome Tzinacan!
2008-06-08 19:00 Vortex just joined
Welcome Vortex!
2008-06-08 18:46 New language: Bloppabop
Soap added Bloppabop to CALS.
2008-06-08 18:31 New language: Gevey
Rik added Gevey to CALS.
Haetu Geve! (And that's how you greet someone in Gevey.)
Gevey's homepage is at http://www.rikweb.co.uk/kalieda/gevey/index.php.
2008-06-08 18:29 Rik just joined
Welcome Rik!
2008-06-08 18:14 BeckieRGB just joined
Welcome BeckieRGB!
2008-06-08 18:12 Soap just joined
Welcome Soap!
2008-06-08 17:14 New language: Lembrin
benanne added Lembrin to CALS.
on tía vana lhemvrin eitherial! (And that's how you greet someone in Lembrin.)
Lembrin's homepage is at http://lemuria-nation.net/com.pdf.
2008-06-08 17:05 benanne just joined
Welcome benanne!
2008-06-08 16:58 New language: Regimonti
scotto added Regimonti to CALS.
Regimonti's homepage is at http://www3.telus.net/scottoh/rumansa.
2008-06-08 16:56 bigfriendlyfatguy just joined
Welcome bigfriendlyfatguy!
2008-06-08 16:53 scotto just joined
Welcome scotto!
2008-06-08 15:19 tanuef just joined
Welcome tanuef!
2008-06-08 14:56 zhenlin just joined
Welcome zhenlin!
2008-06-08 14:51 New language: Livagian [phonetically]
And added Livagian [phonetically] to CALS.
2008-06-08 14:39 New language: Livagian [phonologically]
And added Livagian [phonologically] to CALS.
2008-06-08 14:18 DeiniolJones just joined
Welcome DeiniolJones!
2008-06-08 14:09 And just joined
Welcome And!
2008-06-08 14:02 New language: Deini
dananutter added Deini to CALS.
Deini's homepage is at http://www.nutter.net/dana/language.
2008-06-08 13:49 New language: SASXSEK
dananutter added SASXSEK to CALS.
SASXSEK's homepage is at http://www.nutter.net/sasxsek.
2008-06-08 13:37 FSI just joined
Welcome FSI!
2008-06-08 13:28 New language: Ayeri
carbeck added Ayeri to CALS.
Ayeri's homepage is at http://benung.freehostia.com/.
2008-06-08 13:11 carbeck just joined
Welcome carbeck!
2008-06-08 13:05 dananutter just joined
Welcome dananutter!
2008-06-07 13:40 New language: Qþyn|gài
Henrik added Qþyn|gài to CALS.
try||káitúxkai Qþyn|gài! (And that's how you greet someone in Qþyn|gài.)
Qþyn|gài's homepage is at http://www.kunstsprachen.de/s7/.
2008-06-07 12:55 New language: Terkunan
Henrik added Terkunan to CALS.
Bon di Terkunan! (And that's how you greet someone in Terkunan.)
Terkunan's homepage is at http://www.kunstsprachen.de/s25/.
2008-06-07 12:25 Henrik just joined
Welcome Henrik!
2008-06-07 00:32 New language: Kamakawi
Dedalvs added Kamakawi to CALS.
I elea Kamakawi! (And that's how you greet someone in Kamakawi.)
Kamakawi's homepage is at http://dedalvs.free.fr/kamakawi/.
2008-06-06 23:00 Dedalvs just joined
Welcome Dedalvs!
2008-05-30 16:18 Changes in May 2008
CALS was started in May of 2008. Prior to June 2008 neither the Changes-page nor the bugtracker existed yet, so here's a recap of what happened.
- Greetings now show on all pages.
- All features but the flawed 141 (
) is now in. Big thanks to Arthaey Angosii!
- All the stuff in the TODO has either been done or been added as tickets at Bugs and features.
- The homepage of a language is now actually linked up on the details-page...
- It is now possible to mark whether or not the conlang can be considered to be "of earth", internal history wise.
- Tagging of languages is now possible.
- Languages now have friendlier urls.
- The person who added a language is now stored automatically.
- It is now possible to both change passwords and have them reset. Change away!
- There was an error in the names of values in feature 137, this is now fixed.
- All pages now validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict. Yes, this means it is a bug if they stop validating, so report away.
- Twitter-support... because it is extremely easy!
- After logging in, you're now sent back to the page you where on when you pressed the "log in"-link.
- A language can now be set to readonly for all but the adder (the change-link is hidden to all but the adder).
- Added a random greeting in front of your name when logged in.
- Added a favicon.
- Added a bugtracker. If you want to change something or report bugs, go there and make a New ticket.
- A person's displayed name can now be different from username.
- All relevant WALS-features are in.
- Languages can now have both an ascii-safe name and an internal, full-unicode, name.
- There are now links in the footer.
- Started CALS
2008-05-22 23:54 New language: Shemspreg
Dirk added Shemspreg to CALS.
Shemspreg's homepage is at http://wiki.frath.net/Shemspreg.
2008-05-22 23:09 New language: Miapimoquitch
Dirk added Miapimoquitch to CALS.
2008-05-22 22:43 Dirk just joined
Welcome Dirk!
2008-05-22 17:35 Uttrediay just joined
Welcome Uttrediay!
2008-05-20 20:54 New language: Asha'ille
arthaey added Asha'ille to CALS.
Vel'Asha'ille jhurla (And that's how you greet someone in Asha'ille.)
Asha'ille's homepage is at http://conlang.arthaey.com/.
2008-05-20 16:02 arthaey just joined
Welcome arthaey!
2008-05-20 10:35 New language: Lojban
arj added Lojban to CALS.
Lojban's homepage is at http://www.lojban.org/.
2008-05-20 02:11 alb just joined
Welcome alb!
2008-05-19 21:05 New language: Klingon
kaleissin added Klingon to CALS.
Qapla' tlhIngan Hol! (And that's how you greet someone in Klingon.)
Klingon's homepage is at http://www.kli.org/.
2008-05-19 18:18 rakko just joined
Welcome rakko!
2008-05-19 01:06 paul.w.bennett just joined
Welcome paul.w.bennett!
2008-05-18 22:58 MrFish just joined
Welcome MrFish!
2008-05-18 21:36 alexfink just joined
Welcome alexfink!
2008-05-18 20:56 saizai just joined
Welcome saizai!
2008-05-15 19:14 New language: Esperanto
kaleissin added Esperanto to CALS.
Esperanto's homepage is at http://esperanto.net/.
2008-05-13 14:40 arj just joined
Welcome arj!
2008-05-12 22:25 kaleissin just joined
Welcome kaleissin!
2008-05-12 22:07 New language: Taruven
kaleissin added Taruven to CALS.
sažu tāruven! (And that's how you greet someone in Taruven.)
Taruven's homepage is at http://taliesin.nvg.org/taruven/.
2008-05-12 12:48 admin just joined
Welcome admin!