
« October November December »

2008-11-30 19:33 Changed language: Sngõlpowhetet

Sngõlpowhetet by Josh Roth was updated.

2008-11-30 19:33 Changed language: Sngõlpowhetet

Sngõlpowhetet by Josh Roth was updated.

2008-11-30 19:33 New language: Sngõlpowhetet

tanuef added Sngõlpowhetet to CALS.

2008-11-28 23:57 Vocabulary-stats now up

There are now various statistics about the vocabulary-size of the conlangs that are registered here. That Esperanto wins is no surprise, but as per this post being published, it is said to have only 16000 words. I thought there were more. The mean is well below 2000.

2008-11-28 06:21 Changed language: Bashika

Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.

2008-11-28 06:21 Changed language: Bashika

Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.

2008-11-25 20:32 Descriptions of language features now work!

The features on the language-detail page now sport links: Links to a page for the description of the feature! This was turned off for a while because of bugs.


  • versioning (that means the old version still exist in the database after a change, it's just been hidden from view!)


  • show versions to managers/editors of a language
  • allow managers/editors to change which version is visible
  • allow a markup-language for prettier text, preferably markdown

Remember that you can request enhancements and changes at Bugs & features.

2008-11-25 17:58 Brightest just joined

Welcome Brightest!

2008-11-24 21:00 Changed language: Asha'ille

Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii was updated.

2008-11-18 08:53 Changed language: Bashika

Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.

2008-11-17 15:47 All feeds now in atom-format

All feeds are now in Atom-format instead of RSS 2.0. Why? Simply because Atom has a more sensible date-format and a validatable structure. This makes building stuff that reuses the feeds much easier.

2008-11-13 11:48 Changes to the statistics-page...

Languages lacking any features are no longer shown in the Averageness of conlangs-listing. They've been moved to a new listing, Conlangs with no features.

2008-11-12 03:30 Changed language: Bashika

Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.

2008-11-12 02:30 SaiyaMel just joined

Welcome SaiyaMel!

2008-11-10 22:24 Changed language: Bashika

Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.

2008-11-09 23:11 Sano just joined

Welcome Sano!

2008-11-09 12:01 Changed language: Malabas

Malabas by Bipapo was updated.

2008-11-09 12:01 Changed language: Malabas

Malabas by Bipapo was updated.

2008-11-09 11:59 New translation of "Farewell" into Malabas by Bipapo


bye $

2008-11-09 11:58 Changed language: Bashika

Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.

2008-11-09 11:55 Changed language: Malabas

Malabas by Bipapo was updated.

2008-11-09 11:55 Changed language: Bashika

Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.

2008-11-09 11:34 Changed language: Malabas

Malabas by Bipapo was updated.

2008-11-09 11:32 New language: Malabas

Bipapo added Malabas to CALS.

Malabas's homepage is at http://www.omniglot.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=669.

2008-11-09 11:14 Changed language: Bashika

Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.

2008-11-09 11:00 Bipapo just joined

Welcome Bipapo!

2008-11-09 06:26 Changed language: Bashika

Bashika by penguinsquishy was updated.

2008-11-09 05:48 Changed language: NA

NA by penguinsquishy was updated.

2008-11-09 00:55 Changed language: Taruven

Taruven by kaleissin was updated.

2008-11-06 07:29 Changed language: Arahod

Arahod by penguinsquishy was updated.

2008-11-04 22:06 Changed language: Taruven

Taruven by kaleissin was updated.

2008-11-04 17:52 Some backend-changes to translations

The translation-section was a real mess and I've worked a little to make things more obvious. The urls have changed but that's about that. If something is broken do tell at the usual place.

2008-11-03 22:38 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Taruven by kaleissin

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