Jan. 1, 2009
2009-12-31 14:43 Maruko just joined
Welcome Maruko!
2009-12-30 04:22 New translation of "LCC3 live relay" into Eezee by tmoy
Standiq on tha iilend'z xor, Driftiq awf tuu see. Ii wix that Ii kuhd bee, Driftiq awf tuu see. Awl uv mii hoops and dreemz, Driftiq awf tuu see. Ii woc mii luver'z boot, Driftiq awf tuu see.
Standiq on tha iilend'z xor, Standing on the island's shore, Driftiq awf tuu see. Drifting off to sea. Ii wix that Ii kuhd bee, I wish that I could be, Driftiq awf tuu see. Drifting off to sea. Awl uv mii hoops and dreemz, All of my hopes and dreams, Driftiq awf tuu see. Drifting off to sea. Ii woc mii luver'z boot, I watch my lover's boat, Driftiq awf tuu see. Drifting off to sea.
Standing on the island's shore, Drifting off to sea. I wish that I could be, Drifting off to sea. All of my hopes and dreams, Drifting off to sea. I watch my lover's boat, Drifting off to sea.
2009-12-30 04:19 New translation of "LCC2 live relay" into Eezee by tmoy
"Tha Tawkiq Rok" Yesterdaa Ii wuz wawkiq alawq tha beec wen Ii tripd oover a rok that kuhd tawk. Ii pikt up tha tawkiq rok and sed, "Haa! Ahr yuu a tawkiq rok?" Tha tawkiq rok sed, "Yes, Ii am a tawkiq rok." Ii askt tha tawkiq rok, "Wii didn't yuu tel mee tuu avoyd yuu?" Tha tawkiq rok ripliid, "Bikawz Ii'm a meen tawkiq rok." Tha tawkiq rok's wurdz maad mee aqgree, soo Ii fhruu it intuu tha ooxen. Ii never saw tha tawkiq rok agen.
"Tha Tawkiq Rok" "The Talking Rock" Yesterdaa Ii wuz wawkiq alawq tha beec wen Ii tripd oover a rok that kuhd tawk. Yesterday I was walking along the beach when I tripped over a rock that could talk. Ii pikt up tha tawkiq rok and sed, "Haa! Ahr yuu a tawkiq rok?" I picked up the talking rock and said, "Hey! Are you a talking rock?" Tha tawkiq rok sed, "Yes, Ii am a tawkiq rok." The talking rock said, "Yes, I am a talking rock." Ii askt tha tawkiq rok, "Wii didn't yuu tel mee tuu avoyd yuu?" I asked the talking rock, "Why didn't you tell me to avoid you?" Tha tawkiq rok ripliid, "Bikawz Ii'm a meen tawkiq rok." The talking rock replied, "Because I'm a mean talking rock." Tha tawkiq rok's wurdz maad mee aqgree, soo Ii fhruu it intuu tha ooxen. Ii never saw tha tawkiq rok agen. The talking rock's words made me angry, so I threw it into the ocean. I never saw the talking rock again.
"The Talking Rock" Yesterday I was walking along the beach when I tripped over a rock that could talk. I picked up the talking rock and said, "Hey! Are you a talking rock?" The talking rock said, "Yes, I am a talking rock." I asked the talking rock, "Why didn't you tell me to avoid you?" The talking rock replied, "Because I'm a mean talking rock." The talking rock's words made me angry, so I threw it into the ocean. I never saw the talking rock again.
2009-12-30 04:14 New translation of "#9: Borromean Relay" into Eezee by tmoy
Winter iz tha wuhlf that taaks tha oold, tha sik, and tha vairee yuq Winter iz tha hahrd rok on wic nufhiq grooz Winter iz tha kruul beek and tha xahrp talen And soo wee beg yuu, bowndiq boy uv spriq, dans oover tha urfh Soo that tha sun yor muther wil luhk down apon us And flowerz wil spriq frum yor fuhtstep.
Winter iz tha wuhlf that taaks tha oold, tha sik, and tha vairee yuq Winter is the wolf that takes the old, the sick, and the very young Winter iz tha hahrd rok on wic nufhiq grooz Winter is the hard rock on which nothing grows Winter iz tha kruul beek and tha xahrp talen Winter is the cruel beak and the sharp talon And soo wee beg yuu, bowndiq boy uv spriq, dans oover tha urfh And so we beg you, bounding boy of spring, dance over the earth Soo that tha sun yor muther wil luhk down apon us So that the sun your mother will look down upon us And flowerz wil spriq frum yor fuhtstep. And flowers will spring from your footsteps.
Winter is the wolf that takes the old, the sick, and the very young Winter is the hard rock on which nothing grows Winter is the cruel beak and the sharp talon And so we beg you, bounding boy of spring, dance over the earth So that the sun your mother will look down upon us And flowers will spring from your footsteps.
2009-12-30 04:11 New translation of "#8" into Eezee by tmoy
A wikid man livd neer a monestairee. Hee bileevd [unfowdedlee] that tha muqks had graat trezjer, and kuvitid it. Tha wikid man bikaam a paleesmen. Wun daa, hee akostid a muqk huu wuz riturniq tuu tha monestairee. "Giv mee yor kee," hee sed. "Ii wont tuu surc tha monestairee for enee kriminulz huu maa bee hiidiq thair." Tha muqk sed, "Ii hav noo kee." Tha wikid paleesmen fluu intuu a raaj [lit. hurld himself intuu a raaj], but tha muqk went intuu tha monestairee fhruu tha oopen dor.
A wikid man livd neer a monestairee. Hee bileevd [unfowdedlee] that tha muqks had graat trezjer, and kuvitid it. A wicked man lived near a monastery. He believed [unfoundedly] that the monks had great treasure, and covetted it. Tha wikid man bikaam a paleesmen. Wun daa, hee akostid a muqk huu wuz riturniq tuu tha monestairee. The wicked man became a policeman. One day, he accosted a monk who was returning to the monastery. "Giv mee yor kee," hee sed. "Ii wont tuu surc tha monestairee for enee kriminulz huu maa bee hiidiq thair." "Give me your key," he said. "I want to search the monastery for any criminals who may be hiding there." Tha muqk sed, "Ii hav noo kee." The monk said, "I have no key." Tha wikid paleesmen fluu intuu a raaj [lit. hurld himself intuu a raaj], but tha muqk went intuu tha The wicked policeman flew into a rage [lit. hurled himself into a rage], but the monk went into the monestairee fhruu tha oopen dor. monastery through the open door.
A wicked man lived near a monastery. He believed [unfoundedly] that the monks had great treasure, and covetted it. The wicked man became a policeman. One day, he accosted a monk who was returning to the monastery. "Give me your key," he said. "I want to search the monastery for any criminals who may be hiding there." The monk said, "I have no key." The wicked policeman flew into a rage [lit. hurled himself into a rage], but the monk went into the monastery through the open door.
2009-12-30 04:08 New translation of "#7" into Eezee by tmoy
A fizixen iz wawkiq on tha rood and seez a wuhmen, bairlee koncus and with her legz kut awf, liiiq in a dic. Hee aproociz, hoopiq tuu help her, saaiq, "Don't feer! I'll maak xuhr that yuu riseev help." Tha wuhmen luhks at him and sed, "Mii huzbend truulee needz yor help." Tha fizixen asks, "Wii? Wair iz hee?" Xee anserz, "He's at hoom, raaziq ahr fhree adlesent dawterz."
A fizixen iz wawkiq on tha rood and seez a wuhmen, bairlee koncus and with her legz kut awf, liiiq in a dic. A physician is walking on the road and sees a woman, barely conscious and with her legs cut off, lying in a ditch. Hee aproociz, hoopiq tuu help her, saaiq, "Don't feer! I'll maak xuhr that yuu riseev help." He approaches, hoping to help her, saying, “Don’t fear! I’ll make sure that you receive help.” Tha wuhmen luhks at him and sed, "Mii huzbend truulee needz yor help." The woman looks at him and said, “My husband truly needs your help.” Tha fizixen asks, "Wii? Wair iz hee?" The physician asks, “Why? Where is he?” Xee anserz, "He's at hoom, raaziq ahr fhree adlesent dawterz." She answers, “He’s at home, raising our three adolescent daughters.”
A physician is walking on the road and sees a woman, barely conscious and with her legs cut off, lying in a ditch. He approaches, hoping to help her, saying, “Don’t fear! I’ll make sure that you receive help.” The woman looks at him and said, “My husband truly needs your help.” The physician asks, “Why? Where is he?” She answers, “He’s at home, raising our three adolescent daughters.”
2009-12-30 04:03 New translation of "#6" into Eezee by tmoy
Kunsurniq tha Stahrz. Thair ahr for tiips uv stahrz. Tha naam uv tha furst iz wawkiq stahrz, bikawz thaa wahnder tha niit skii. Tha naam uv tha sekend iz staaxenairee stahrz. Thaa ahr distent sunz. Tha naam uv tha fhurd iz diiiq, or fawliq, stahrz. Thaa ahr roks that fawl frum tha niit skii. Tha naam uv tha forfh iz foren stahrz. Thaa ahr tha stahrz that apeer for a xort tiim in tha niit skii. Thaa ahr sunz uv wurldz huum Godes distroyd in her rafh.
Kunsurniq tha Stahrz. Concerning the Stars. Thair ahr for tiips uv stahrz. There are four types of stars. Tha naam uv tha furst iz wawkiq stahrz, bikawz thaa wahnder tha niit skii. The name of the first is walking stars, because they wander the night sky. Tha naam uv tha sekend iz staaxenairee stahrz. The name of the second is stationary stars. Thaa ahr distent sunz. They are distant suns. Tha naam uv tha fhurd iz diiiq, or fawliq, stahrz. The name of the third is dying, or falling, stars. Thaa ahr roks that fawl frum tha niit skii. They are rocks that fall from the night sky. Tha naam uv tha forfh iz foren stahrz. The name of the fourth is foreign stars. Thaa ahr tha stahrz that apeer for a xort tiim in tha niit skii. They are the stars that appear for a short time in the night sky. Thaa ahr sunz uv wurldz huum Godes distroyd in her rafh. They are suns of worlds whom Goddess destroyed in her wrath.
Concerning the Stars. There are four types of stars. The name of the first is walking stars, because they wander the night sky. The name of the second is stationary stars. They are distant suns. The name of the third is dying, or falling, stars. They are rocks that fall from the night sky. The name of the fourth is foreign stars. They are the stars that appear for a short time in the night sky. They are suns of worlds whom Goddess destroyed in her wrath.
2009-12-30 03:57 New translation of "#5: From the book of chaos" into Eezee by tmoy
Risiit tha buhk uv tha priimul kaaos: Tha esens uv tha see uv kaaos iz kuntendiq fhiqz, soo that thaa rimaan stil, and duu not muuv. Wen a majixen dips frum this see, tha kaaos biginz tuu muuv vairee muc. Byuutiful kaaos! Thow ahrt fuhl uv endles bits uv infermaaxen; thow ahrt tha wurld.
Risiit tha buhk uv tha priimul kaaos: Tha esens uv tha see uv kaaos iz kuntendiq fhiqz, soo that thaa Recite the book of the primal chaos: The essence of the sea of chaos is contending things, so that they rimaan stil, and duu not muuv. Wen a majixen dips frum this see, tha kaaos biginz tuu muuv vairee muc. remain still, and do not move. When a magician dips from this sea, the chaos begins to move very much. Byuutiful kaaos! Thow ahrt fuhl uv endles bits uv infermaaxen; thow ahrt tha wurld. Beautiful chaos! Thou art full of endless bits of information; thou art the world.
Recite the book of the primal chaos: The essence of the sea of chaos is contending things, so that they remain still, and do not move. When a magician dips from this sea, the chaos begins to move very much. Beautiful chaos! Thou art full of endless bits of information; thou art the world.
2009-12-30 03:54 New translation of "#1: Starlings' song" into Eezee by tmoy
Tha soq uv tha stahrliqz speeks uv heerooik deedz In tha morniq raan tha heeron duz its lawndree In tha niit tha lahrk wurxips tha stahrz Huu seez tha truu naacer uv burdz?
Tha soq uv tha stahrliqz speeks uv heerooik deedz The song of the starlings speaks of heroic deeds In tha morniq raan tha heeron duz its lawndree In the morning rain the heron does its laundry In tha niit tha lahrk wurxips tha stahrz In the night the lark worships the stars Huu seez tha truu naacer uv burdz? Who sees the true nature of birds?
The song of the starlings speaks of heroic deeds In the morning rain the heron does its laundry In the night the lark worships the stars Who sees the true nature of birds?
2009-12-30 03:52 New translation of "#15: The Dancing Out Of Time Relay" into Eezee by tmoy
A Ridul See them dans. Tha hav noo leeder. Thaa hav noo myuuzik but thair oon voysiz, nor hav thaa studeed enee koreeografee. Eec gooz wair hee wil. But thair dans iz tha moost graasful, tha moost hahrmooneeus uv awl dansiz. Thair ahr noo danserz mor liith than thaa ahr. Thaa turn and weev soo that thaa seem tuu hav a siqgul miind. This seemz tha leest difakult wurk for them. Duu enee danserz maak graater byuutee with les efert? But thaa taak not a siqgul step.
A Ridul A Riddle See them dans. Tha hav noo leeder. Thaa hav noo myuuzik but thair oon voysiz, nor hav thaa studeed enee See them dance. The have no leader. They have no music but their own voices, nor have they studied any koreeografee. Eec gooz wair hee wil. But thair dans iz tha moost graasful, tha moost hahrmooneeus uv awl choreography. Each goes where he will. But their dance is the most graceful, the most harmonious of all dansiz. Thair ahr noo danserz mor liith than thaa ahr. Thaa turn and weev soo that thaa seem tuu hav a dances. There are no dancers more lithe than they are. They turn and weave so that they seem to have a siqgul miind. This seemz tha leest difakult wurk for them. Duu enee danserz maak graater byuutee with single mind. This seems the least difficult work for them. Do any dancers make greater beauty les efert? But thaa taak not a siqgul step. less effort? But they take not a single step.
A Riddle See them dance. The have no leader. They have no music but their own voices, nor have they studied any choreography. Each goes where he will. But their dance is the most graceful, the most harmonious of all dances. There are no dancers more lithe than they are. They turn and weave so that they seem to have a single mind. This seems the least difficult work for them. Do any dancers make greater beauty with less effort? But they take not a single step.
2009-12-30 03:48 New translation of "#14: Wedding" into Eezee by tmoy
PORXENZ UV THA MAIRIJ SAIRAMOONEE (PAHRT 1) [Now tha preest wil giv a goolden caan that hee haz just blesed, tuu wun uv tha kandadaats, and tha kandadaat wil plaas it on tha nek uv tha uther kandadaat, and risiit after tha preest: Ii [naam] biind miiself tuu yuu [naam] frum this daa forwerd, wether in tiimz uv hapeenis or sadnis, wether in daaz (fuhl) uv sun or raan, in guhd helfh or bad, welfh or povertee, and wee wil set forfh on tha kors uv ahr nuu liif, awlwaaz bownd and yuuniitid in sool and bodee. Thus Ii plej tuu yuu mii luv and oner ferever. [And tha uther kandadaat wil duu and risiit tha saam] (PAHRT 2) [Now tha preest wil saa:] Let us praa tuu kawl apon tha Spirits [And evreewun in atendens wil saa or siq:] Fahther Sun, xiin apon thair liif, Skii, bee awlwaaz kleer, Urfh and Raan, help them tuu groo, Sister Vuruna iluuminaat thair niits, Bruther Lalap let yor bihaavyer tord them bee guhd, Muther See, bee kahm wen thaa saal on yor surfes, Wind, inflaat thair saal(z) and kuul thair faasiz, Forest, giv them xaad and xelter, Rok Spirits, duu not obstrukt thair pafh, Litul (goolden) caanz maad uv luv, biind them, Awl yuu Spirits and Kuzinz tuu, giid and bles them wen thaa set forfh on thair kors with faafh and luv. Maa it bee soo, vairalee, maa it bee soo ferever.
PORXENZ UV THA MAIRIJ SAIRAMOONEE PORTIONS OF THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY (PAHRT 1) (PART 1) [Now tha preest wil giv a goolden caan that hee haz just blesed, tuu wun uv tha kandadaats, and tha kandadaat [Now the priest will give a golden chain that he has just blessed, to one of the candidates, and the candidate wil plaas it on tha nek uv tha uther kandadaat, and risiit after tha preest:] will place it on the neck of the other candidate, and recite after the priest:] Ii [naam] biind miiself tuu yuu [naam] frum this daa forwerd, wether in tiimz uv hapeenis or sadnis, wether I [name] bind myself to you [name] from this day forward, whether in times of happiness or sadness, whether in daaz (fuhl) uv sun or raan, in guhd helfh or bad, welfh or povertee, and wee wil set forfh on tha kors uv in days (full) of sun or rain, in good health or bad, wealth or poverty, and we will set forth on the course of ahr nuu liif, awlwaaz bownd and yuuniitid in sool and bodee. Thus Ii plej tuu yuu mii luv and oner ferever. our new life, always bound and united in soul and body. Thus I pledge to you my love and honor forever. [And tha uther kandadaat wil duu and risiit tha saam] [And the other candidate will do and recite the same] (PAHRT 2) (PART 2) [Now tha preest wil saa:] Let us praa tuu kawl apon tha Spirits [Now the priest will say:] Let us pray to/call upon/ the Spirits [And evreewun in atendens wil saa or siq:] [And everyone in attendance will say or sing:] Fahther Sun, xiin apon thair liif, Father Sun, shine upon their life, Skii, bee awlwaaz kleer, Sky, be always clear, Urfh and Raan, help them tuu groo, Earth and Rain, help them to grow, Sister Vuruna iluuminaat thair niits, Sister Vuruna, illuminate their nights, Bruther Lalap let yor bihaavyer tord them bee guhd, Brother Lalap, let your behavior toward them be good, Muther See, bee kahm wen thaa saal on yor surfes, Mother Sea, be calm when they sail on your surface, Wind, inflaat thair saal(z) and kuul thair faasiz, Wind, inflate their sail(s) and cool their faces, Forest, giv them xaad and xelter, Forest, give them shade and shelter, Rok Spirits, duu not obstrukt thair pafh, Rock Spirits, do not obstruct their path, Litul (goolden) caanz maad uv luv, biind them, Little (golden) chains made of love, bind them, Awl yuu Spirits and Kuzinz tuu, giid and bles them All you Spirits and Cousins too, guide and bless them wen thaa set forfh on thair kors with faafh and luv. when they set forth on their course with faith and love. Maa it bee soo, vairalee, maa it bee soo ferever. May it be so, verily, may it be so forever.
PORTIONS OF THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY (PART 1) [Now the priest will give a golden chain that he has just blessed, to one of the candidates, and the candidate will place it on the neck of the other candidate, and recite after the priest:] I [name] bind myself to you [name] from this day forward, whether in times of happiness or sadness, whether in days (full) of sun or rain, in good health or bad, wealth or poverty, and we will set forth on the course of our new life, always bound and united in soul and body. Thus I pledge to you my love and honor forever. [And the other candidate will do and recite the same] (PART 2) [Now the priest will say:] Let us pray to/call upon/ the Spirits [And everyone in attendance will say or sing:] Father Sun, shine upon their life, Sky, be always clear, Earth and Rain, help them to grow, Sister Vuruna, illuminate their nights, Brother Lalap, let your behavior toward them be good, Mother Sea, be calm when they sail on your surface, Wind, inflate their sail(s) and cool their faces, Forest, give them shade and shelter, Rock Spirits, do not obstruct their path, Little (golden) chains made of love, bind them, All you Spirits and Cousins too, guide and bless them when they set forth on their course with faith and love. May it be so, verily, may it be so forever.
2009-12-30 03:32 New translation of "#13: The Missed Bus Relay" into Eezee by tmoy
Wun morniq in Deesember Ii kuhd woc tha folooiq seen akraws tha street frum a bus stop: A boy, obveeuslee on hiz waa tuu skuul, stuhd in frunt uv a gahrden wawl. Hee had an inormus red tomkat on hiz xoolder and this anumul balensd skilfulee wiil tha boy triid hahrd tuu xaak him awf. With inkreesiq panik hee woct tha bus stop nooiq tha bus wuhd bee duu enee sekend now... Tha kat wuz kwiit undisturbd. Wuns, hee puht a paw on tha wawl, but seemiqlee it felt tuu koold, soo hee kwiklee ritreeted tuu tha boy'z bakpak. Tha mooment wen hee wuz kumfertabulee sitiq, haviq tukd up hiz legz, tha skuul bus ariivd. Ii supooz tha kat spent kwiit an interestiq daa.
One morning in December I could watch the following scene across the street from a bus stop: Wun morniq in Deesember Ii kuhd woc tha folooiq seen akraws tha street frum a bus stop: A boy, obviously on his way to school, stood in front of a garden wall. He had an enormous red tomcat on his A boy, obveeuslee on hiz waa tuu skuul, stuhd in frunt uv a gahrden wawl. Hee had an inormus red tomkat on hiz shoulder and this animal balanced skilfully while the boy tried hard to shake him off. With increasing panic he xoolder and this anumul balensd skilfulee wiil tha boy triid hahrd tuu xaak him awf. With inkreesiq panik hee watched the bus stop knowing the bus would be due any second now... The cat was quite undisturbed. Once, he put a woct tha bus stop nooiq tha bus wuhd bee duu enee sekend now... Tha kat wuz kwiit undisturbd. Wuns, hee puht a paw on the wall, but seemingly it felt too cold, so he quickly retreated to the boy's backpack. The moment when he paw on tha wawl, but seemiqlee it felt tuu koold, soo hee kwiklee ritreeted tuu tha boy'z bakpak. Tha mooment wen hee was comfortably sitting, having tucked up his legs, the school bus arrived. wuz kumfertabulee sitiq, haviq tukd up hiz legz, tha skuul bus ariivd. I suppose the cat spent quite an interesting day. Ii supooz tha kat spent kwiit an interestiq daa.
One morning in December I could watch the following scene across the street from a bus stop: A boy, obviously on his way to school, stood in front of a garden wall. He had an enormous red tomcat on his shoulder and this animal balanced skilfully while the boy tried hard to shake him off. With increasing panic he watched the bus stop knowing the bus would be due any second now... The cat was quite undisturbed. Once, he put a paw on the wall, but seemingly it felt too cold, so he quickly retreated to the boy's backpack. The moment when he was comfortably sitting, having tucked up his legs, the school bus arrived. I suppose the cat spent quite an interesting day.
2009-12-30 03:26 New translation of "#10: Olympic Relay" into Eezee by tmoy
Beewair uv tha baabee! Oo deer, wut's hapend? Yesterdaa, a pritee yuq gurl kaam tuu ahr hoom tuu woc oover tha baabee. Xee did wut xee kuhd tuu entertaan tha ciild: xee plaad with it, suq soqz for it, ets. But neverthales, tha baabee atakd her, tor her intuu peesiz, divower her, and it fhruu tha rest owt tha windoo. Wut tuu duu, wut tuu duu? Ii reeulee doon't noo. And soo, for tha tiim beeiq, wee keep tha afair siilent, in order tuu privent tha pulees frum stahrtiq tuu ask anoyiq kwescinz.
Beewair uv tha baabee! Beware of the baby! Oo deer, wut's hapend? Yesterdaa, a pritee yuq gurl kaam tuu ahr hoom tuu woc oover tha baabee. Xee did wut xee O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she kuhd tuu entertaan tha ciild: xee plaad with it, suq soqz for it, ets. But neverthales, tha baabee atakd her, could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tor her intuu peesiz, divower her, and it fhruu tha rest owt tha windoo. Wut tuu duu, wut tuu duu? Ii reeulee tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really doon't noo. And soo, for tha tiim beeiq, wee keep tha afair siilent, in order tuu privent tha pulees frum don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from stahrtiq tuu ask anoyiq kwescinz. starting to ask annoying questions.
Beware of the baby! O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions.
2009-12-28 04:01 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into SIAL by Jeff Jones
novo anno le felice!
Happy New Year!
2009-12-27 03:39 Changed language: FIAL
- FIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-12-27 03:39 Language families!
Since the natlangs in WALS are sorted into language families, CALS also has language families now. There is one big difference from WALS though: WALS considers a language to belong to a specfic genus, and each genus belongs to a family or subfamily. That's a bit too Earth-and biology-centric for CALS, so here, all languages belong to a family, which might belong to a superfamily, recursively.
The family-hierarchy of WALS is quite flat, so that it doesn't separate say Germanic the way for instance Wikipedia does it, into North Germanic, West Germanic and East Germanic.
TODO: adding language families directly, and adding language families to conlangs.
2009-12-27 03:36 Changed language: SIAL
- SIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-12-27 01:37 Changed language: Alpic
- Alpic by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2009-12-27 01:37 Changed language: Alpic
- Alpic by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2009-12-26 22:36 New language: Alpic
TaylorSelseth added Alpic to CALS.
Elu'a Seqako Olpea! (And that's how you greet someone in Alpic.)
2009-12-26 18:05 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Eezee by tmoy
Tha boyz huum Ii saw yesterdaa wer Karl and Jake
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2009-12-26 18:04 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Eezee by tmoy
Doon't tuc mee thair!
Don't touch me there!
2009-12-26 18:04 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Eezee by tmoy
Wair iz tha bahr?
Where is the bar?
2009-12-26 18:04 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Eezee by tmoy
Wair iz tha beec?
Where is the beach?
2009-12-26 18:03 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Eezee by tmoy
Wair iz mii ruum?
Where is my room?
2009-12-26 18:03 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 9" into Eezee by tmoy
Awl prizent and akowtid for.
All present and accounted for.
2009-12-26 18:03 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Eezee by tmoy
Wut duu yuu need?
What do you need?
2009-12-26 18:03 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 7" into Eezee by tmoy
Yor orderz?
Your orders?
2009-12-26 18:02 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Eezee by tmoy
2009-12-26 18:02 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Eezee by tmoy
Wut's tha plan?
What's the plan?
2009-12-26 18:02 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 4" into Eezee by tmoy
Redee for akxen.
Ready for action.
2009-12-26 18:01 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 3" into Eezee by tmoy
Awaatiq yor orderz.
Awaiting your orders.
2009-12-26 18:01 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into Eezee by tmoy
Tel mee wut tuu duu.
Tell me what to do.
2009-12-26 18:01 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 1" into Eezee by tmoy
At yor survis.
At your service.
2009-12-26 18:01 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 0" into Eezee by tmoy
Riportiq for duutee.
Reporting for duty.
2009-12-26 18:00 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 9" into Eezee by tmoy
Yuu kan kownt on us.
You can count on us.
2009-12-26 18:00 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Eezee by tmoy
Let'z get muuviq.
Let's get moving.
2009-12-26 18:00 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Eezee by tmoy
On ahr waa.
On our way.
2009-12-26 17:59 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Eezee by tmoy
Vairee wel.
Very well.
2009-12-26 17:59 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 5" into Eezee by tmoy
Kunsider it dun.
Consider it done.
2009-12-26 17:59 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Eezee by tmoy
Noo problum.
No problem.
2009-12-26 17:59 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 3" into Eezee by tmoy
We'r on it.
We're on it.
2009-12-26 17:55 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Eezee by tmoy
Hapee Nuu Yeer!
Happy New Year!
2009-12-26 17:54 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Eezee by tmoy
Mairee Krismes!
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-26 17:42 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Eezee by tmoy
2009-12-26 17:42 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Eezee by tmoy
Muuv owt!
Move out!
2009-12-26 17:41 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Eezee by tmoy
Az yuu wix.
As you wish.
2009-12-26 17:41 New translation of "Genesis 11:9" into Eezee by tmoy
9. Thairfor iz tha naam uv it kawld Babul; bikawz tha LORD did thair konfowd tha laqgwij uv awl tha urfh: and frum thens did tha LORD skater them abrawd apon tha faas uv awl tha urfh.
9. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
2009-12-26 17:40 New translation of "Genesis 11:8" into Eezee by tmoy
8. Soo tha LORD skaterd them abrawd frum thens apon tha faas uv awl tha urfh: and thaa left awf tuu bild tha sitee.
8. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
2009-12-26 17:40 New translation of "Genesis 11:7" into Eezee by tmoy
7. Goo tuu, let us goo down, and thair konfowd thair laqgwij, that thaa maa not understand wun another'z speec.
7. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
2009-12-26 17:39 New translation of "Genesis 11:6" into Eezee by tmoy
6. And tha LORD sed, Beehoold, tha peepul iz wun, and thaa hav awl wun laqgwij; and this thaa bigin tuu duu: and now nufhiq wil bee ristraand frum them, wic thaa hav imajend tuu duu.
6. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
2009-12-26 17:39 New translation of "Genesis 11:5" into Eezee by tmoy
5. And tha LORD kaam down tuu see tha sitee and tha tower, wic tha cildren uv men bildid.
5. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
2009-12-26 17:39 New translation of "Genesis 11:4" into Eezee by tmoy
4. And thaa sed, Goo tuu, let us bild us a sitee and a tower, huuz top maa reec untuu heven; and let us maak us a naam, lest wee bee skaterd abrawd apon tha faas uv tha hool urfh.
4. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
2009-12-26 17:38 New translation of "Genesis 11:3" into Eezee by tmoy
3. And thaa sed wun tuu anuther, Goo tuu, let us maak brik, and burn them fhuroolee. And thaa had brik for stoon, and sliim had thaa for morter.
3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
2009-12-26 17:37 New translation of "Genesis 11:2" into Eezee by tmoy
2. And it kaam tuu pas, az thaa jurneed frum tha eest, that thaa fownd a plaan in tha land uv Shinar; and thaa dwelt thair.
2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
2009-12-26 17:36 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Eezee by tmoy
1. And tha hool urfh wuz uv wun laqgwij, and uv wun speec.
1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2009-12-26 17:35 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Eezee by tmoy
Awl hyuumen beeiqz ahr born free and eekwul in dignitee and riits. Thaa ahr endowd with reezen and koncens and xuhd akt tordz wun anuther in a speerit uv brutherhuhd.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2009-12-26 17:32 New translation of "The Tower of Babel" into Eezee by tmoy
And awl tha urfh had wun laqgwij and wun tuq. And it kaam abowt that in thair wahnderiq frum tha eest, thaa kaam tuu a strec uv flat kuntree in tha land uv Shinar and thair thaa maad thair liviq-plaas And thaa sed wun tuu anuther, Kum, let us maak briks, burniq them wel. And thaa had briks for stoon, putiq them tagether with stikee urfh. And thaa sed, Kum, let us maak a town, and a tower huuz top wil goo up az hii az heven; and let us maak a graat naam for ahrselvz, soo that wee maa not bee wahndererz oover tha faas uv tha urfh. And tha Lord kaam down tuu see tha town and tha tower wic tha cildren uv men wer bildiq. And tha Lord sed, See, thaa ahr awl wun peepul and hav awl wun laqgwij; and this iz oonlee tha stahrt uv wut thaa maa duu: and now it wil not bee posabul tuu keep them frum enee purpis uv thairz. Kum, let us goo down and taak awaa tha sens uv thair laqgwij, soo that thaa wil not bee aabul tuu maak themselvz kleer tuu wun anuther. Soo tha Lord God sent them awaa intuu evree pahrt uv tha urfh: and thaa gaav up bildiq thair town. Soo it wuz naamd Babul, bikawz thair tha Lord tuhk awaa tha sens uv awl laqgwijiz and frum thair tha Lord sent them awaa oover awl tha faas uv tha urfh.
And awl tha urfh had wun laqgwij and wun tuq. And it kaam abowt that in thair wahnderiq frum tha eest, thaa kaam tuu a strec uv flat kuntree in tha land uv And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar and thair thaa maad thair liviq-plaas And thaa sed wun tuu anuther, Kum, let us maak briks, burniq them wel. And thaa had briks for stoon, putiq Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them tagether with stikee urfh. And thaa sed, Kum, let us maak a town, and a tower huuz top wil goo up az hii az heven; and let us maak a graat naam for them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ahrselvz, soo that wee maa not bee wahndererz oover tha faas uv tha urfh. And tha Lord kaam down tuu see tha town and tha tower wic tha cildren uv men wer ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were bildiq. And tha Lord sed, See, thaa ahr awl wun peepul and hav awl wun laqgwij; and this iz oonlee tha stahrt uv wut thaa maa duu: and now it wil not bee posabul tuu building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them frum enee purpis uv thairz. Kum, let us goo down and taak awaa tha sens uv thair laqgwij, soo that thaa wil not bee aabul tuu maak themselvz kleer tuu keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to wun anuther. Soo tha Lord God sent them awaa intuu evree pahrt uv tha urfh: and thaa gaav up bildiq thair town. Soo it wuz naamd Babul, bikawz thair tha Lord one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord tuhk awaa tha sens uv awl laqgwijiz and frum thair tha Lord sent them awaa oover awl tha faas uv tha urfh. took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
2009-12-26 17:16 New translation of "The Rain Song" into Eezee by tmoy
Tha Raan Soq It iz raaniq in tha niit in tha dizurt It iz raaniq Mii sool iz peesful. Tha raandrops ahr fawliq in tha daatiim on tha leevz Tha raandrops ahr fawliq Mii hahrt lifts. Tha tiim uv raan haz kum For a tiim in tha mowntenz Tha tiim uv raan haz kum Mii sool rijoys.
Tha Raan Soq The Rain Song It iz raaniq It is raining in tha niit in tha dizurt in the night in the desert It iz raaniq It is raining Mii sool iz peesful. My soul is peaceful. Tha raandrops ahr fawliq The raindrops are falling in tha daatiim on tha leevz in the daytime on the leaves Tha raandrops ahr fawliq The raindrops are falling Mii hahrt lifts. My heart lifts. Tha tiim uv raan haz kum The time of rain has come For a tiim in tha mowntenz For a time in the mountains Tha tiim uv raan haz kum The time of rain has come Mii sool rijoysiz. My soul rejoices.
The Rain Song It is raining in the night in the desert It is raining My soul is peaceful. The raindrops are falling in the daytime on the leaves The raindrops are falling My heart lifts. The time of rain has come For a time in the mountains The time of rain has come My soul rejoices.
2009-12-26 17:08 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Eezee by tmoy
Prolataireeit uv tha wurld, yuuniit!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2009-12-26 17:08 New translation of "Pity" into Eezee by tmoy
Let him bee piteed, huu fhiqks thair iz oonlee wun waa tuu maak a laqgwij.
Let him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language.
2009-12-26 17:07 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Eezee by tmoy
Ii kan eet glas, it duz not hurt mee.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-12-26 17:06 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Eezee by tmoy
Hapee burfhdaa!
Happy birthday!
2009-12-26 17:04 New translation of "Grandfather and the Dragon" into Eezee by tmoy
Wen mii graat-graat-grandfahther wuz a yuq man, hee travuld owt intuu tha wurld. Furst hee went west; thair wuz oonlee sand thair. Then hee went norfh; thair wuz oonlee snoo thair. Then hee went eest; thair tha mowntenz wer tuu hii and graat-graat-grandfahther kuhden't kliim them. At last hee disiidid tuu travul sowfh, on fuht, on horsbak, bii kahrt and bii boot. In tha sowfh hee saw tha lahrjist sitee in awl tha wurld.
Wen mii graat-graat-grandfahther wuz a yuq man, hee travuld owt intuu tha When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the wurld. Furst hee went west; thair wuz oonlee sand thair. Then hee went norfh; world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north; thair wuz oonlee snoo thair. Then hee went eest; thair tha mowntenz wer tuu there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too hii and graat-graat-grandfahther kuhden't kliim them. At last hee disiidid tuu high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to travul sowfh, on fuht, on horsbak, bii kahrt and bii boot. In tha sowfh hee travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he saw tha lahrjist sitee in awl tha wurld. saw the largest city in all the world.
When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north; there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he saw the largest city in all the world.
2009-12-26 16:52 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Eezee by tmoy
Ii am yesterdaa, tudaa and tumahroo, and Ii hav tha power tuu bee born a sekend tiim. Ii am tha diviin hiden sool huu kreeaatid tha Godz and givz sapulkrul meelz tuu tha denazinz uv tha deep, tha plaas uv tha ded, and heven... Haal, lord uv tha xriin that standz in tha senter uv tha urfh. Hee iz Ii and Ii am hee!
Ii am yesterdaa, tudaa and tumahroo, I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and Ii hav tha power tuu bee born a sekend tiim. and I have the power to be born a second time. Ii am tha diviin hiden sool huu kreeaatid tha Godz I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and givz sapulkrul meelz tuu tha denazinz uv tha deep, and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, tha plaas uv tha ded, and heven... the place of the dead, and heaven... Haal, lord uv tha xriin that standz in tha senter uv tha Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the urfh. earth. Hee iz Ii and Ii am hee! He is I and I am he!
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
2009-12-26 16:42 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Eezee by tmoy
Fiit liqwistik ikstiqkxen. Invent a laqgwij!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-12-26 16:41 New translation of "Farewell" into Eezee by tmoy
bii $
bye $
2009-12-26 16:39 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Eezee by tmoy
Kulerles green iideeaz sleep fyureeuslee.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2009-12-26 16:39 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Eezee by tmoy
Kulerles green dreemz sleep fyureeuslee.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2009-12-26 16:38 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Eezee by tmoy
Ii fhiqk, thairfor Ii am
I think, therefore I am
2009-12-26 16:37 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Eezee by tmoy
Doon't wox tha botul in tha dixwaxer
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2009-12-26 16:29 Changed language: Eezee
- Eezee by Todd Moyer was updated.
2009-12-26 16:29 Changed language: Eezee
- Eezee by Todd Moyer was updated.
2009-12-24 21:40 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Ouxu by Jay Scott
Agasun gi!
agas-un gi year-change.to joy
Happy New Year!
2009-12-24 21:24 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Japanese by Jay Scott
I think, therefore I am
2009-12-24 21:16 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into German by Jay Scott
Ich denke, also bin ich.
I think, therefore I am
2009-12-24 20:19 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii
Chéjh ne senîchunîm!
cheOPTéjhîllevenjoyneOBJsenîchun-îmholiday-PLMerry Christmas!
2009-12-24 18:33 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Classical Arithide by undoing
Aidonne erīni!
ai'don-n-ejoy-ADJ-ACCer'i-ininew-year\ACCHappy New Year!
2009-12-24 18:27 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Korean by undoing
메리 크리스마스
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 18:21 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Japanese by undoing
ake-maɕi-tenew.year.dawn-POLIT-GERUNDomedeto:congratulationsHappy New Year!
2009-12-24 18:14 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Esperanto by undoing
Feliĉan novan jaron!
Happy New Year!
2009-12-24 18:13 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Greek (Modern) by undoing
Πολλά Χρονία!
po'l-ahappy-ADVxrɔ'ɲayearHappy New Year!
2009-12-24 18:11 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Mandarin by undoing
Πολλά Χρονία!
Happy New Year!
2009-12-24 18:07 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Modern Arithide by undoing
Aidonē Kristalirēs eg!
'e:don-e:joy-ADVkris'tɔ-lɪresChrist-birthdayjɛACCMerry Christmas!
2009-12-24 18:04 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Greek (Modern) by undoing
Ωραία Χριστούγεννα!
o're-anice-NPLxris'tu-jenachrist-birth\NPLMerry Christmas!
2009-12-24 18:02 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Mandarin by undoing
shènglorddànbirthkuàilèhappyMerry Christmas!
2009-12-24 18:00 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Classical Arithide by undoing
Aidonne Kristalidhrē!
aidon-n-ejoy-ADJ-ACCkrista-lidhrēChrist-birthday\ACCMerry Christmas!
2009-12-24 17:42 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into German by Carsten Becker
Frohes neues Jahr!
Happy New Year!
2009-12-24 17:42 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker
Perican hiro mino!
Happy New Year!
2009-12-24 17:40 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker
Sirutay ternu ban!
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 17:27 Changed language: Jezzali
- Jezzali by Sakir was updated.
2009-12-24 17:27 Changed language: Jezzali
- Jezzali by Sakir was updated.
2009-12-24 17:20 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Rejistanian by ntena
Sidin'het mevika kiristi isin!
Day-C1 birth christ happy!
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 17:16 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Jezzali by sakir
Kuridhe Seldhe!
Happy Solstice
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 16:17 New translation exercises: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Translate Merry Christmas! and Happy New Year! into a language of your choosing and help liven up the home page!
2009-12-24 15:30 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Swahili by admin
Mwaka Mpya furahifu!
Happy New Year!
2009-12-24 15:29 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into French by admin
Bonne Année!
Happy New Year!
2009-12-24 15:28 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Finnish by admin
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!
Happy New Year!
2009-12-24 15:27 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Basque by admin
Urte Berri On!
Happy New Year!
2009-12-24 15:19 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into English by admin
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
2009-12-24 14:37 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Spanish by admin
¡Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 14:36 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Quenya by admin
Alassëa Hristomerendë!
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 14:35 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Maori by admin
Meri Kirihimete!
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 14:34 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Klingon by admin
QISmaS botIvjaj!
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 14:33 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Japanese by admin
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 14:31 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into German by admin
Frohe Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 14:30 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into French by admin
Joyeux Noël!
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 14:30 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Esperanto by admin
Bonan Kristnaskon!
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 14:24 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Finnish by admin
Hyvää joulua
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-24 14:19 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into English by admin
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
2009-12-22 16:38 Changed language: Eezee
- Eezee by Todd Moyer was updated.
2009-12-22 03:17 Changed language: Ryupisasa
- Ryupisasa by Several was updated.
2009-12-22 03:17 Changed language: Ryupisasa
- Ryupisasa by Several was updated.
2009-12-20 05:25 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Senire by Lycus
Lúomishe omniàli nieqetö soniàli àgu zhaltiàli sa niolote àgu mo'ote. Whálu jenetö lishé nostatom àgu nostìlum. Líshe niledosö sa sha siamatu nirìl'etur.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2009-12-20 05:13 New language: Eezee
tmoy-2009-12-20-001400639748 added Eezee to CALS.
Eezee's homepage is at http://home.comcast.net/~tmoy/EZ-intro.htm.
2009-12-20 00:14 tmoy-2009-12-20-001400639748 just joined
Welcome tmoy-2009-12-20-001400639748!
2009-12-20 00:12 tmoy just joined
Welcome tmoy!
2009-12-16 23:13 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Ouxu by Jay Scott
Pi uugaoa paoahaae he. Gi atugufta paoahaae he!
Pi uug-aoa paoaha-ae he. Gi at-uguf-ta paoaha-ae he! desire broken-avoid language-OBJ IMP. joy you-author-agent language-OBJ IMP
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-12-16 22:41 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Ouxu by Jay Scott
Ohe liaganputko xatso gafoaoglata saaso gafoha.
Ohe liagan-put-ko xat-so gafo-aogla-ta saa-so gafo-ha. realis color-none-and green-ADJ sleep-hallucination-agent angry-ADJ sleep-agentiveaction
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2009-12-16 21:20 Changed language: Senire
- Senire by Justin M.G. was updated.
2009-12-16 21:20 New language: Senire
Lycus added Senire to CALS.
2009-12-16 21:04 Lycus just joined
Welcome Lycus!
2009-12-16 17:38 aw1231 just joined
Welcome aw1231!
2009-12-15 15:32 Changed language: Longrimol
- Longrimol by Toms Deimonds Barvidis was updated.
2009-12-15 15:32 Changed language: Longrimol
- Longrimol by Toms Deimonds Barvidis was updated.
2009-12-14 12:16 Changed language: Moten
- Moten by Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets was updated.
2009-12-14 00:08 Changed language: Voinich
- Voinich by itzal was updated.
2009-12-13 23:59 Changed language: Mae
- Mae by itzal was updated.
2009-12-13 22:22 Changed language: Ouxu
- Ouxu by Jay Scott was updated.
2009-12-13 22:22 Changed language: Ouxu
- Ouxu by Jay Scott was updated.
2009-12-13 21:40 New translation of "Farewell" into Ouxu by Jay Scott
bye $
2009-12-13 21:11 Changed language: Ouxu
- Ouxu by Jay Scott was updated.
2009-12-13 21:04 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Ouxu by jjps
Ohe oftao ohoxoet ofpe.
I think, therefore I am
2009-12-13 20:40 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Ouxu by jjps
Ohe ofta uttuae ehoha hepoisfa pifanaun.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-12-13 20:38 Changed language: Ouxu
- Ouxu by Jay Scott was updated.
2009-12-13 19:24 New language: Ouxu
jjps added Ouxu to CALS.
lit Ouxu! (And that's how you greet someone in Ouxu.)
Ouxu's homepage is at http://satirist.org/language/ouxu/.
2009-12-12 21:22 Changed language: Tama
- Tama by penguinsquishy was updated.
2009-12-12 21:22 Changed language: Tama
- Tama by penguinsquishy was updated.
2009-12-12 21:08 jjps just joined
Welcome jjps!
2009-12-12 20:22 Improved language comparisons!
It is now very easy to compare more than two languages. Languages can be added to or removed from the comparison, and all/same/different can be flipped at will.
Note: comparing different features for more than two languages lists all features where at least one language differs, so it's a bit less useful than when there are only two languages.
2009-12-11 22:03 Changed language: Surnichian
- Surnichian by Agricola Avicula was updated.
2009-12-11 20:18 New badge: Yearling
Anyone who joined a year or more ago, and who also logged in recently (for a secret definition for "recently") now gets a badge to prove it.
2009-12-11 17:53 Changed language: Longrimol
- Longrimol by Toms Deimonds Barvidis was updated.
2009-12-11 14:42 New language: Longrimol
caleweth added Longrimol to CALS.
Darthon Sanír Longrimol! (And that's how you greet someone in Longrimol.)
2009-12-11 14:24 caleweth just joined
Welcome caleweth!
2009-12-11 13:10 Changed language: Moten
- Moten by Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets was updated.
2009-12-10 11:49 New language: Moten
Tsela added Moten to CALS.
Mejto motenku|lu! (And that's how you greet someone in Moten.)
Moten's homepage is at http://christophoronomicon.blogspot.com/.
2009-12-10 08:21 Tsela just joined
Welcome Tsela!
2009-12-09 21:03 Changed language: Surnichian
- Surnichian by Agricola Avicula was updated.
2009-12-09 20:31 New language: Surnichian
Agricola Avicula added Surnichian to CALS.
Álé Syrnícíísk! (And that's how you greet someone in Surnichian.)
2009-12-09 20:20 Agricola Avicula just joined
Welcome Agricola Avicula!
2009-12-09 07:42 Changed language: Nakio
- Nakio by emptyeyed was updated.
2009-12-08 23:33 Changed language: Nakio
- Nakio by emptyeyed was updated.
2009-12-08 17:44 Selected natural languages now added
The ten languages with the most features (more than 130 per language) in WALS have now been copied to CALS. They are all read only, and all owned by the special user wals. This'll make it possible to compare conlangs to them. Currently the natlangs are included in the averageness calculations.
The ten languages are:
There are more than 2000 languages and dialects with one or more features in WALS, and importing all of them would make it tricky to find the conlangs. As the number of conlangs grow however, more of the well-featured natlangs in WALS will be represented here.
2009-12-07 19:59 Changed language: Vitruvian
- Vitruvian by j. jambec was updated.
2009-12-07 19:59 Changed language: Vitruvian
- Vitruvian by j. jambec was updated.
2009-12-07 14:36 wals just joined
Welcome wals!
2009-12-07 04:58 New language: Nakio
emptyeyed added Nakio to CALS.
2009-12-04 07:16 Changed language: Lhenazi
- Lhenazi by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-12-04 07:16 Changed language: Lhenazi
- Lhenazi by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-12-03 04:49 Changed language: Angosey
- Angosey by Daniel Bowman was updated.
2009-12-03 01:40 Changed language: Lhenazi
- Lhenazi by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-12-02 23:46 Changed language: patakasama
- patakasama by calo was updated.
2009-12-02 23:46 Changed language: patakasama
- patakasama by calo was updated.
2009-12-02 22:23 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into patakasama by calo
kipa-kipa puka kaku puki muki muki: kika-kika puka kaki puki tupa
Tell me what to do.
2009-12-02 22:21 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Lhenazi by Arthaey Angosii
Aikanei an tarei a some ateilh Karal na Teik.
ai-kanei a-n tare-ei a some-0 atei-lh Karal na Teik PL-male(III) REL-ABS see-III REL near-IV 1SG.FEMALE.III-ERG.PST Karl and Jake
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2009-12-02 22:11 Changed language: patakasama
- patakasama by calo was updated.
2009-11-29 23:40 Changed language: Buruya Nzaysa
- Buruya Nzaysa by cedh audmanh was updated.
2009-11-29 23:40 Changed language: Buruya Nzaysa
- Buruya Nzaysa by cedh audmanh was updated.
2009-11-29 23:39 New language: Buruya Nzaysa
cedh audmanh added Buruya Nzaysa to CALS.
Buruya Nzaysa's homepage is at http://www.superlush.co.uk/~akana/index.php/Buruya_Nzaysa.
2009-11-29 10:53 Yagia just joined
Welcome Yagia!
2009-11-28 17:34 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Eeq qae-yif aed weq ra laj Karhl ach Djeik.
Ee-q qae-yif aed we-q ra laj Karhl ach Djeik. is-PAST yesterday as.opposed.to.something.else see-PAST boy 1SG.N Karl and Jake
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2009-11-28 17:19 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Sùej eeng chuloung eev laj jèng?
Sùej eeng chuloung eev laj jèng? INT is room GEN 1SG.N where
Where is my room?
2009-11-28 05:03 neurose just joined
Welcome neurose!
2009-11-28 02:00 Abi just joined
Welcome Abi!
2009-11-26 00:43 Changed language: Manich
- Manich by itzal was updated.
2009-11-25 22:27 New language: Manich
itzal added Manich to CALS.
2009-11-25 20:57 Changed language: Mae
- Mae by itzal was updated.
2009-11-22 18:02 emptyeyed just joined
Welcome emptyeyed!
2009-11-22 03:02 Changed language: Torena
- Torena by ekobor was updated.
2009-11-22 00:42 New language: Torena
ekobor added Torena to CALS.
2009-11-21 11:11 New translation of "Genesis 11:5" into Taruven by kaleissin
aò jahel xušvuašra letšahra gaìn-taniaòið þyóryra terraaìna talið
aò jah-el xušvu=aš-ra le-tšah-ra gaìn-tani-aò-ið and.then God-EXP descend-EXP-PST SS-see-PST city-tower-and-BEN conj n-NS.case v-VSuf-VSuf VPref-vexp-VSuf n-n-conj-NSuf þyó-ry-ra terra=aì=na tal-ið make-this-PST Earth-people.of-some REL-BEN vt-n-VSuf Name-n-NSuf S-NSuf
5. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
2009-11-18 19:41 darin.arrick just joined
Welcome darin.arrick!
2009-11-17 19:58 im_dario just joined
Welcome im_dario!
2009-11-17 13:38 New translation of "Genesis 11:2" into Taruven by kaleissin
tsar yn džinra lyèhsvu leševa šaỳamrues šinariaeres aò letšēras ryes
tsar yn džin -ra lyèhs -vu le- ševa šaỳam -ru -es when 3p travel -PST east -LOC.towards SS- go plain,field -LOC.g -LOC n pro v -VSuf n -NSuf VP.2- v n -NSuf -Suf šinar =ia -es -es aò le- tšēras ry -es Shinar -place.of -LOC -LOC and.then SS- settle that -LOC Name -n -Suf -Suf conj VP.2- vt n -Suf
2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
2009-11-17 03:18 Changed language: Angosey
- Angosey by Daniel Bowman was updated.
2009-11-16 17:41 Changed language: Avorenta
- Avorenta by Répai Attila was updated.
2009-11-16 17:41 Changed language: Avorenta
- Avorenta by Répai Attila was updated.
2009-11-16 17:38 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
Forven mínâl ö-rión migat főr et anigêt uruddagánum e juvassum ájd. I míne, rázum e śamorollánum ájdix, ellanen bidál fódio lájch epízenest.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2009-11-16 17:35 New translation of "The Tower of Babel" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
I h-elón’ Edzúr elum errákum et elu h-encóru h-ájdó. Ênnil nőgir oggefinestó, Śińáris lannor nágest a bós entrelannum e hatt diflázestó. Śe cárest ellanáj: “¡Fimminz, dífenz berikku het únűrenz u feltat!" I berikkum tildestúnoj, i beśtum roêndájgánoj iskidestó. Lapte śe cárest: “¡Ejja, tildenz dúnum e tijórum, follis refitt il eskálti h-ám! Oftájnenz fendáj missum, e gin igestréjenz il Edzúror!” Lájk i h-Allas difortó, ćo gefűloz i dúnum et i tijórum, follum i míne tildestó. Śe laum: “Révinz, ill an fox e h-an errákum límest. Ill or i h-úzán i ves ferkis. Ipte freńńa son rá démaneńńa váj, follis rekkarvelánum ogelorronstá. ¡Illad ortanz dif e dichtanz têr i ves errákum, ćo qweńńa gin sinoz i lojgis errákum!" I h-Allas fixi h-igestroj veum hatti l-elón’ Edzúror, et inasófen lájchestó hi dúnis tildán. Illad mísontu la Bábeláj, dé l-Allas hatt têrdichtó l-elón’ Edzúris errákum e hatti h- igestrojüst i h-Allas i h-elón’ Edzúror.
And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
2009-11-16 17:31 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
¡Éjti főrtikum!
Happy birthday!
2009-11-16 17:27 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
Iss re hi gürra, i píl et i hatas, e warífe dauxoj gefőren. Iss re l-onće qwité gazúg, laqwin i h-allazu fettó t-edzúrogoffau hekku dont i bőregáns, i bowévisse h-iśtes et il eskálagenirs bílióno... Agêtútiz, mín il omenidas, lafor il edzúrs pittio h-est. ¡Hog - iss, et iss - hog!
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
2009-11-16 17:09 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
T'eltoppon i h-errakúbowán inau. Fettiz ad errak!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-11-16 17:03 New translation of "Farewell" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
Ájfűlán / Ćüs
bye $
2009-11-16 17:01 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
Elorringe, fixi h-étte.
I think, therefore I am
2009-11-16 16:56 Changed language: Avorenta
- Avorenta by Répai Attila was updated.
2009-11-16 16:38 Changed language: Old Adpihi
- Old Adpihi by eldin raigmore was updated.
2009-11-16 16:38 Changed language: Old Adpihi
- Old Adpihi by eldin raigmore was updated.
2009-11-15 20:17 Changed language: Avorenta
- Avorenta by Répai Attila was updated.
2009-11-15 19:25 New language: Avorenta
Karavilkas added Avorenta to CALS.
Avé avorenta! (And that's how you greet someone in Avorenta.)
Avorenta's homepage is at http://avorenta.uw.hu/.
2009-11-15 19:16 Karavilkas just joined
Welcome Karavilkas!
2009-11-15 10:25 Changed language: SIAL
- SIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-11-15 08:31 New language: SIAL
qiihoskeh added SIAL to CALS.
ave SIAL! (And that's how you greet someone in SIAL.)
2009-11-14 11:24 wilkins just joined
Welcome wilkins!
2009-11-14 07:26 Changed language: Aveata
- Aveata by Justin R Logan was updated.
2009-11-14 07:26 Changed language: Aveata
- Aveata by Justin R Logan was updated.
2009-11-14 07:26 New language: Aveata
froogleyboy added Aveata to CALS.
Zhabedi Aveata! (And that's how you greet someone in Aveata.)
2009-11-14 06:49 Changed language: Me Nin
- Me Nin by itzal was updated.
2009-11-14 05:20 froogleyboy just joined
Welcome froogleyboy!
2009-11-14 01:05 Changed language: Me Nin
- Me Nin by itzal was updated.
2009-11-13 18:17 shirkamisamyogai just joined
Welcome shirkamisamyogai!
2009-11-13 09:22 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2009-11-13 09:22 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2009-11-05 22:25 Changed language: Langam
- Langam by Veoler was updated.
2009-11-05 22:25 Changed language: Langam
- Langam by Veoler was updated.
2009-11-02 23:46 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Seisvakl by itzal
itʃinɛn svaksvɑtsɑkʎi sɛn. itʃiʃɛn insvakʎɑ!
ᐃᓇᓱᔅᐧᐯᔾᐯᒻᑭᔾᐃᐧᒍᔅ ᐃᓇᓗᔅᐧᔐᐯᔾᐁ i tʃi nɛn svakl svɑt tsɑkʎ i sɛn VERBAL INCEPTIVE ASPECT fight sound system science ATTRIBUTE end i tʃi ʃɛn in svakʎ ɑ create one sound EMPHATIC
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-11-02 23:40 Changed language: Isitya
- Isitya by Syoci was updated.
2009-11-02 23:40 Changed language: Isitya
- Isitya by Syoci was updated.
2009-11-02 23:21 New language: Isitya
Syoci added Isitya to CALS.
E yo! Isitya! (And that's how you greet someone in Isitya.)
2009-11-02 23:17 Syoci just joined
Welcome Syoci!
2009-11-02 01:29 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Seisvakl by itzal
ikɛs ʃɑkɛkʎɛt iʃ tɑtʃnɑnkɛs ɛ
ᐃᑕᒡᐧᓕᑕᔪᒻᐧᐃᓪᐧᒥᓐᓯᔅᑕᒡᐧᐊ ᐃ ᑕᒡ ᓕᑕ ᔪᒻ ᐃᓪ ᒥᓐ ᓯᔅ ᑕᒡ ᐊ i kɛs ʃɑkɛ kʎɛt iʃ tɑtʃ nɑn kɛs ɛ VERBAL cleanliness thin container in alive object cleanliness NEGATION
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2009-11-01 22:07 Changed language: Seisvakl
- Seisvakl by itzal was updated.
2009-10-31 17:14 Changed language: Angosey
- Angosey by Daniel Bowman was updated.
2009-10-31 02:05 Changed language: Seisvakl
- Seisvakl by itzal was updated.
2009-10-31 01:42 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Seisvakl by itzal
nɑsɑ inɛsvɑntɑtɑ
ᓯᒡᐁᐧᐃᓱᐯᔅᒥᒻᐁ ᓯᒡ ᐁ ᐃ ᓱ ᐯᔅ ᒥᒻ ᐁ nɑs ɑ i nɛ / svɑn tɑt ɑ LOCATION VERY CLOSE VERB DERIV. CONT. ASPECT PRES. TENSE light phys. touch NEGATION EMPHATIC
Don't touch me there!
2009-10-31 01:21 Changed language: Seisvakl
- Seisvakl by itzal was updated.
2009-10-30 08:07 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Kata by Katapraktoi
Taraeiera ptecexotonopi nuphos. Serriobzjera mi moneiptec!
[taraɛɪɛra ptɛʰkɛxotonopɪ n̪ɵφos. sɛr:ɪobʝɛra mɪʰ mon̪ɛɪptɛʰk] stop-IMP linguistic+ADJ SUFFIX extermination invent-IMP IND.ART. SING. language Stop lingustic extermination. Invent a language!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-10-30 06:56 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Kata by Katapraktoi
Esh asondar, sofi creilar esh.
Esh asondar, sofi creilar esh. [ɛç ason̪d̪ar, sofɪ creɪʎar ɛç.] I think-INF that is why exist-INF I.
I think, therefore I am
2009-10-30 06:52 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Kata by Katapraktoi
Mieshcen djor edosliwer ceolei inskaapirij.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2009-10-29 21:17 Changed language: Seisvakl
- Seisvakl by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-10-29 07:13 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Kata by Katapraktoi
Mieshcen djor celwer ceolei inskaapirij. miesh-cen djor cel-wer ceolei inskaa-pirij colour NEG green dream-PL sleep INF furious-ADV SUFFIX
No colour green dreams sleep furiously.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2009-10-29 05:54 Changed language: Seisvakl
- Seisvakl by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-10-29 05:03 Changed language: Angosey
- Angosey by Daniel Bowman was updated.
2009-10-29 04:43 New language: Angosey
dantayaga added Angosey to CALS.
2009-10-29 04:14 dantayaga just joined
Welcome dantayaga!
2009-10-28 23:38 Changed language: Rejistanian
- Rejistanian by Ntena was updated.
2009-10-28 23:38 Changed language: Rejistanian
- Rejistanian by Ntena was updated.
2009-10-28 23:04 Changed language: Seisvakl
- Seisvakl by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-10-28 23:03 Changed language: Seisikl
- Seisikl by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-10-28 22:55 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-10-27 23:49 New translation of "Grandfather and the Dragon" into Rejistanian by ntena
Kekeva'he'mi kekeva'he'xe mi'la'neteva tekne'ra ,mi'la'hekax, la. Mi'la'isa'han kisut, alhika'het aji mi'aru sike. Kekeva'he'mi kekeva'he'xe mi'la'isa'han nahtaj lajitax jolu, javuke'het kimi aji mi'la'aru sike. Kekeva'he'mi kekeva'he'xe mi'la'isa'han jya lajitax jolu, salankij'ny sike min'la'salan yi ji kekeva'he'mi kekeva'he'xe mi'ma'ta 'jlunu jilih. Mi'la'disde 'neteva'han nahsua lune jvenu'ny'sy ji holesa'het'sy ji holesalki'het'sy ji xatrem'het'sy. Mi'la'vesu kali'het esda altena tekne'ra nahsua'ra.
Grandfather'GEN-3S grandfather'GEN-1S 3S'PST'travel world'IN ,3S'PST'adolescent, when-PST. 3S'PST'go'TO west, sand only 3S'be there. Grandfather'GEN-3S grandfather'GEN-1S 3S'PST'GO'TO north later direct, mud white only 3S'PST'be there. Grandfather'GEN-3S grandfather'GEN-1S 3S'PST'go'TO east later direct, mountain'PL there 3PL'PST'high too and Grandfather'GEN-3S grandfather'GEN-1S 3S'being-able-to'NEG [INF]'climb this. 3S'PAST'decide [INF]'travel'TO south last leg'PL'INSTR and horse'INSTR and cart'INSTR and boat'INSTR. 3S'PAST'see city big most world'IN south'IN.
When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north; there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he saw the largest city in all the world.
2009-10-27 01:18 Changed language: Naisek
- Naisek by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-10-27 01:18 Changed language: Naisek
- Naisek by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-10-26 21:50 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-10-26 07:25 Changed language: K'tle
- K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-10-26 07:25 Changed language: K'tle
- K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-10-26 01:41 Changed language: Taiwazaiho
- Taiwazaiho by Ave94 was updated.
2009-10-26 01:41 Changed language: Taiwazaiho
- Taiwazaiho by Ave94 was updated.
2009-10-26 01:22 New language: Taiwazaiho
Ave94 added Taiwazaiho to CALS.
2009-10-25 10:39 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Kata by Katapraktoi
Nassieieracen mith psootecroc the mith nassiechiwanti.
nassiei -era -cen mith psoot -e- croc the mith nassie -chiwanti VERB wash IMP. NEG. DEF.ART.SING glass NOUN+NOUN binder keeper PREP. inside DEF.ART.SING unclean dishes machine [n̪as:ɪɛɪɛrakɛn̪ mɪθ pso:tɛkroʰk θɛ mɪθ n̪as:ɪɛtʃɪwan̪tɪ] Wash not the glasskeeper in the unclean dishes-machine.
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2009-10-25 02:32 New translation of "LCC3 live relay" into K'tle by Jeff Jones
niôtepzaz tînno zôno' tîklozatl, zenko zantacîmozto. leohoepzô t'hazatl, tacîm k'hênaka. leohoepzô k'katêônatl k'lanit'pata. k'zohla k'zipateaz leohoepzoin zôno' k'halzina. t'hazê, k'xazômê kiazzonkêhaz. mok'tip'me leohoepzô kiaclôpa hîk'mazza zôno' halzipa. * translation (corrected) from relay, not original *
ni-ô-te-pza-z tînno IND.DIR-tell-RET-THMS-NOM child zôno' tî= kloz-a-£, mol-ko zantacîmozto-0 very now=before-IND-CON, sit.IPF-1S at_an_ocean-PCD leohoepzô t'haz-a-£, tacîm k'-hên-ak-a wave die.PRF-IND-CON, saltwater 1S.DIR-above-PER.PRF-3S leohoepzô k'-katê-ôn-a-£ k'-lanit'-pat-a wave 1S.DIR-fight.PRF-NEG-3S-CON 1S.DIR-joyful-INC.PRF-IND k'-zohl-a k'-zi-pat-e-a-z leohoepzo-in 1S.DIR-dream.PRF-IND 1S.DIR-near-INC-IPF-IND-NOM wave-P zôno' k'-halzi-na very 1S.DIR-far_away-INAP t'haz-ê-0, k'-xazôm-ê kia-z-zonk-ê-ha-z mok'-tip'-me die-IPF-PCD, 1S.DIR-feel.IPF-3P 1S.INV-ITR-stroke-IPF-3S-NOM CAP-go/come-ACD leohoepzô kia-clôp-a hî=k'-ma-z-za zôno' 0-halzi-pa wave 1S.INV-carry.PRF-3S then=1S-INV-at-INAS very 3S-far_away-RSL
Standing on the island's shore, Drifting off to sea. I wish that I could be, Drifting off to sea. All of my hopes and dreams, Drifting off to sea. I watch my lover's boat, Drifting off to sea.
2009-10-24 23:50 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-10-24 19:39 Changed language: Rossan
- Rossan by Colleen was updated.
2009-10-24 04:57 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-10-23 04:30 Changed language: Kata
- Kata by Katapraktoi was updated.
2009-10-23 04:30 Changed language: Kata
- Kata by Katapraktoi was updated.
2009-10-22 22:02 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-10-22 13:38 Changed language: Kata
- Kata by Katapraktoi was updated.
2009-10-21 08:49 New language: Kata
Katapraktoi added Kata to CALS.
2009-10-21 05:22 Changed language: Rossan
- Rossan by Colleen was updated.
2009-10-20 22:27 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Zhontós by aioinae
Ja maefe yè hónji yè aśhta da, sośhe ja tonèmia ten umaran de ukóicè a. Ja shamira fetaia fukaa yè ikitara de mas yè śhiengwó de haabitaara è hakaia śhokura kuraia shamiia kashia mónt da... Gakao, maksimaru de naka ni tatsia inorimas de maksirègun. Èn ja da sośhe ja èn da!
Ja maefe yè hónji yè aśhta da, sośhe ja ton-èm -ia 1sg yesterday and today and tomorrow be.prs and 1sg two-ord-adj.app ten umar-an de ukóicè a instance born-ger gen power have.prs Ja shami-ra fe- ta -ia fukaa yè ikita-ra de mas yè śhiengwó 1sg god -pl make-pst-adj.app deep and dead -pl gen place and heaven de haabit-aa-ra è haka -ia śhoku-ra kura-ia shami-ia gen reside-er-pl to grave-adj.app meal -pl give-adj.app god -adj.app kash-ia mónt da hide-adj.app soul be.prs Gaka -o, maksimaru de naka ni tats -ia inorimas de maksirègun praise-imp earth gen center in stand-adj.app shrine gen lord Èn ja da sośhe ja èn da 3sg.g 1sg be.prs and 1sg 3sg.g be.prs
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
2009-10-20 20:35 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-10-20 20:00 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Zhontós by aioinae
Saara-araa ni búteea araonu
Saara-ar -aa ni búteea ara -o -nu plate-wash-er in bottle wash-imp-neg
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2009-10-18 21:28 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-10-18 16:09 New translation exercise added: From the Egyptian Book of the Dead
From the Egyptian Book of the Dead as used in the game Diablo.
2009-10-14 22:57 Changed language: Alopian
- Alopian by Étienne Poisson was updated.
2009-10-14 22:57 Changed language: Alopian
- Alopian by Étienne Poisson was updated.
2009-10-14 16:08 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic
Erses proletaren manns, änän wej!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2009-10-14 16:06 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic
Ek kanne glass eßa; ða mikk smerts ny.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-10-14 16:04 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic
Glá bebere!
Happy birthday!
2009-10-14 16:00 New translation of "Grandfather and the Dragon" into Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic
Wann minn gräß-gräß-gräßfär weses än jung mann, ða gös oß ðam erses. Furmlikk göß ða in west; ðarr habbäs sann alen. Ðann gös ða in norð; ðarr habbäs sná alen. Ðann gös ða in ást; ðarrs bergs wesen háj troppe, so gräß-gräß-gräßfär konns nie ens klimma. Uß annlikk, májäs an in sunders geo, fots, huses, karts unn skyps. An ðam sunders saas ða ðann welekest burg an ðam erses.
When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north; there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he saw the largest city in all the world.
2009-10-14 15:38 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic
Dreu angeg linguistikkes avblesings. Skaff än sprak up!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-10-14 15:35 New translation of "Farewell" into Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic
bye $
2009-10-14 15:33 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic
Kolorláse groon geðankjes im wräs släpen.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2009-10-14 15:32 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic
Kolorláse groone ðráms im wräs släpen.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2009-10-14 15:30 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic
Wask nie ðann flask in ðam platten wasker.
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2009-10-14 15:29 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic
Ðankje ek, ðann ben ek.
I think, therefore I am
2009-10-14 14:04 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Alopian by Siuato
Pirąu aisumida egetảroime. Syntęu egei!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-10-14 13:59 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Alopian by Siuato
Oharrhi ỉrhid, tastasika.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-10-14 13:56 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Alopian by Siuato
Rhirumo tůmo kitsa osuosen otohima.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2009-10-14 13:47 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Alopian by Siuato
ogami, tsadi kama.
I think, therefore I am
2009-10-14 02:50 Changed language: Alopian
- Alopian by Étienne Poisson was updated.
2009-10-13 14:43 Changed language: Rossan
- Rossan by Colleen was updated.
2009-10-13 02:24 Changed language: Sjal
- Sjal by Erik Kąlþi was updated.
2009-10-13 01:01 New language: Sjal
Sjal added Sjal to CALS.
Arjaa Sjal! (And that's how you greet someone in Sjal.)
Sjal's homepage is at http://vaalan.blogspot.com/.
2009-10-13 00:57 Sjal just joined
Welcome Sjal!
2009-10-12 23:58 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Jezzali by sakir
Ec samer
Let's get moving.
2009-10-12 23:58 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Jezzali by sakir
In Samer
On our way.
2009-10-12 23:56 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Jezzali by sakir
Akri tete
Without difficulty-X
No problem.
2009-10-12 23:56 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 3" into Jezzali by sakir
In memer.
We're doing it.
We're on it.
2009-10-12 23:55 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Jezzali by sakir
2009-10-12 23:55 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Jezzali by sakir
Move out!
2009-10-12 23:52 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Jezzali by sakir
Ira su nese
for-the-benefit-of you-G wish-X
As you wish.
2009-10-12 23:50 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Jezzali by sakir
Merar Ila Nanika!
Deserve-1 The-P House-P
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2009-10-12 23:49 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Jezzali by sakir
Sakake kakamsa senu. Mare sena!
Attack-IMP fading-P language-G. Create-IMP language-P
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-10-12 23:45 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Jezzali by sakir
Ritar itu minar
Think-1INT therefore Exist-1INT
I think, therefore I am
2009-10-12 23:43 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Jezzali by sakir
Al cere lersa ibi delemskeu ceure.
NEG wash-IMP bottle-P via machine-REL wash-AUG
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2009-10-12 23:35 Changed language: Jezzali
- Jezzali by Sakir was updated.
2009-10-12 23:12 Changed language: Alopian
- Alopian by Étienne Poisson was updated.
2009-10-12 21:04 New language: Alopian
Siuato added Alopian to CALS.
Ůųi / Ųia Siųamo! (And that's how you greet someone in Alopian.)
2009-10-12 20:55 Siuato just joined
Welcome Siuato!
2009-10-12 05:05 Changed language: Rång
- Rång by Maximillian Alvedansen was updated.
2009-10-12 05:05 Changed language: Rång
- Rång by Maximillian Alvedansen was updated.
2009-10-11 19:44 Changed language: Deata
- Deata by Loren Bowman III was updated.
2009-10-11 00:49 Katapraktoi just joined
Welcome Katapraktoi!
2009-10-10 17:05 Changed language: Langam
- Langam by Veoler was updated.
2009-10-09 18:03 Changed language: Raong
- Raong by Maximillian Alvedansen was updated.
2009-10-09 16:39 New language: Raong
Maximillian added Raong to CALS.
2009-10-09 16:16 Maximillian just joined
Welcome Maximillian!
2009-10-08 22:54 Changed language: Main conlang 2009
- Main conlang 2009 by Veoler was updated.
2009-10-08 16:04 Changed language: Deatta
- Deatta by Loren Bowman III was updated.
2009-10-07 19:56 Changed language: Austrian
- Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic was updated.
2009-10-07 19:56 Changed language: Austrian
- Austrian by Daniel Stanojevic was updated.
2009-10-07 19:22 New language: Austrian
Daniel Stanojevic added Austrian to CALS.
Hall Áströumikk! (And that's how you greet someone in Austrian.)
2009-10-07 18:49 peterofthecorn just joined
Welcome peterofthecorn!
2009-10-07 18:48 stan-2009-10-07-184804815431 just joined
Welcome stan-2009-10-07-184804815431!
2009-10-07 18:46 Stan just joined
Welcome Stan!
2009-10-07 18:45 Stanojevic just joined
Welcome Stanojevic!
2009-10-07 18:44 Daniel Stanojevic just joined
Welcome Daniel Stanojevic!
2009-10-07 17:38 Changed language: Deatta
- Deatta by Loren Bowman III was updated.
2009-10-07 16:41 Changed language: Feayran
- Feayran by David Edwards was updated.
2009-10-07 16:41 Changed language: Feayran
- Feayran by David Edwards was updated.
2009-10-07 16:08 Changed language: Deatta
- Deatta by Loren Bowman III was updated.
2009-10-07 16:02 New language: Deatta
Shujinkou added Deatta to CALS.
2009-10-07 15:57 Veritas just joined
Welcome Veritas!
2009-10-07 15:55 Shujinkou just joined
Welcome Shujinkou!
2009-10-07 15:55 adrian-2009-10-07-155503040719 just joined
Welcome adrian-2009-10-07-155503040719!
2009-10-07 11:24 Wanna make a teeny tiny star?
Experimentally, it is now possible to star languages and translations. Doing this will add a link to your profile page pointing to the language or translation in question. The icons used, however (
for "starred" and
for "not starred", currently just a grayscale version of the first), needs a little improvement. So, if you like making eensy graphics and have a star to lend/donate, please leave a message.
The image needs to be approx. square, no smaller than 12 pixels high and no bigger than 16 pixels high, and the star itself needs to be goldenish with a darkerish border.
2009-10-05 13:51 Changed language: Yulasa
- Yulasa by snapdragongirl was updated.
2009-10-05 13:51 Changed language: Yulasa
- Yulasa by snapdragongirl was updated.
2009-10-04 06:35 Changed language: HAI
- HAI by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-10-04 06:35 Changed language: HAI
- HAI by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-10-04 05:23 New language: HAI
qiihoskeh added HAI to CALS.
2009-10-03 17:07 Changed language: Raikudu
- Raikudu by Veoler was updated.
2009-10-03 17:07 Changed language: Raikudu
- Raikudu by Veoler was updated.
2009-09-30 19:06 Changed language: SAE
- SAE by Martin Haspelmath was updated.
2009-09-30 19:06 Changed language: SAE
- SAE by Martin Haspelmath was updated.
2009-09-29 11:50 Changed language: Main conlang 2009
- Main conlang 2009 by Veoler was updated.
2009-09-27 18:40 More new stuff
When editing feature-descriptions you can now use reStructuredText (rst for short), a lightweight markup-language that is easy to extend and improve. There is one extension in already, for marking up prettier interlinears.
2009-09-26 23:53 Changed language: Main conlang 2009
- Main conlang 2009 by Veoler was updated.
2009-09-25 22:51 Previews
There's now a preview-button when changing a description for a feature. Try it out on for example Testarossa's most important feature.
2009-09-25 21:54 Changed language: Main conlang 2009
- Main conlang 2009 by Veoler was updated.
2009-09-25 19:57 Changed language: Main conlang 2009
- Main conlang 2009 by Veoler was updated.
2009-09-25 15:02 Changed language: Raikudu
- Raikudu by Veoler was updated.
2009-09-25 14:49 Changed language: Main conlang 2009
- Main conlang 2009 by Veoler was updated.
2009-09-24 14:52 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Rugian by Piotr Gepfert
Jå müslum, ĕ tok jå jims.
1sg.NOM think:1sg and so 1sg.NOM be:1sg
I think, therefore I am
2009-09-24 14:48 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Esperanto by Piotr Gepfert
Mi pensas, do mi estas.
I think, therefore I am
2009-09-22 22:25 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-09-21 11:54 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2009-09-19 20:30 New translation exercise added: The Rain Song
The Rain Song by Daniel Bowman, originally published on CONLANG-L.
2009-09-18 14:20 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2009-09-18 14:13 New: Show how a feature manifests in a language
Take a look at for instance Lhenazi. Notice that the features now have a description (in pale blue)? Now, these descriptions aren't new, it's been possible to add them for some time, but it wasn't very user friendly.
Click on Consonant Inventories on that page. Now you get to the details-page for Lhenazi's consonant inventory. If you may edit Lhenazi, you'll have a "Change description" in the navbox to the right. That's old hat too...
In the same navbox, notice the link that says History? Click away! Those who may edit Lhenazi can choose which version to use here, also.
2009-09-18 13:03 Changed language: Morlandian
- Morlandian by Bryony was updated.
2009-09-18 13:03 Changed language: Morlandian
- Morlandian by Bryony was updated.
2009-09-18 11:59 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2009-09-16 10:30 Changed language: Morlandian
- Morlandian by Bryony was updated.
2009-09-16 10:12 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Morlandian by Bryony
Ar bucaneu bhadanh ma zê gweldu dec eniruf Karl ha Dêk.
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2009-09-16 10:02 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Morlandian by Bryony
Vo kevuwrd men bhasen!
Don't touch me there!
2009-09-16 09:59 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Esperanto by Bryony
Ne tuŝu min tie!
Don't touch me there!
2009-09-16 09:58 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Esperanto by Bryony
Kie estas la trinkejo?
Where is the bar?
2009-09-16 09:56 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Morlandian by Bryony
Bhatea eo'r tavern?
Where is the bar?
2009-09-16 09:55 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Morlandian by Bryony
Bhatea eo'r traezen?
Where is the beach?
2009-09-16 09:55 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Esperanto by Bryony
Kie estas la plaĝo?
Where is the beach?
2009-09-16 09:52 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Morlandian by Bryony
Bhatea eo sal me?
Where is my room?
2009-09-16 09:51 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Esperanto by Bryony
Kie estas mia ĉambro?
Where is my room?
2009-09-15 22:16 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-09-15 21:23 Changed language: Morlandian
- Morlandian by Bryony was updated.
2009-09-15 18:52 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Esperanto by Bryony
Mi povas manĝi vitron, ĝi ne damaĝas min.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-09-15 18:46 New translation of "Pity" into Esperanto by Bryony
Lasu lin esti kompatita, kiu opinias, ke estas nur unu metodo, kiel fari lingvon.
Let him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language.
2009-09-15 18:40 New translation of "Pity" into Morlandian by Bryony
Gadael ez eranh truazev, bhadanh mê gu eo i unenh onh duwl guwnadanh es edeadev.
Let him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language.
2009-09-15 18:27 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Morlandian by Bryony
Ma bor deubhanh gwer, vo brivas men.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-09-15 18:23 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Morlandian by Bryony
Gandeve lawen!
Happy birthday!
2009-09-15 18:15 New translation of "Farewell" into Morlandian by Bryony
Kenabh, $!
bye $
2009-09-15 18:12 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Morlandian by Bryony
Menoseu gwerd diliv kuskuf i froc.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2009-09-15 18:11 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Morlandian by Bryony
Ma mel, fel ma ea.
I think, therefore I am
2009-09-15 18:02 Changed language: Morlandian
- Morlandian by Bryony was updated.
2009-09-15 15:40 New language: Morlandian
Bryony added Morlandian to CALS.
2009-09-15 15:35 Bryony just joined
Welcome Bryony!
2009-09-14 23:21 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-09-14 01:36 Changed language: FIAL
- FIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-09-14 00:59 Changed language: 'Yemls
- 'Yemls by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-09-14 00:59 Changed language: 'Yemls
- 'Yemls by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-09-13 23:02 Changed language: FIAL
- FIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-09-13 03:19 Afo!ahe just joined
Welcome Afo!ahe!
2009-09-13 00:53 Changed language: Eridanian
- Eridanian by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2009-09-13 00:53 Changed language: Eridanian
- Eridanian by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2009-09-11 23:00 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Qwynegold by Qwynegold
Ix tequah, atong ejng. (Qwadralónia dialect) Ix tana'khah, atong ejng. (Quadralónia dialect)
Ix tequa-h, atong ejn-g. I think-PRES, therefore exist-PRES Ix tana'kha-h, atong ejng. I think-PRES, therefore exist-PRES
I think, therefore I am
2009-09-11 22:51 Changed language: Qwynegold
- Qwynegold by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-09-11 22:51 Changed language: Qwynegold
- Qwynegold by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-09-10 14:23 Changed language: FIAL
- FIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-09-09 15:00 Changed language: Rugian
- Rugian by Piotr Gepfert was updated.
2009-09-09 15:00 Changed language: Rugian
- Rugian by Piotr Gepfert was updated.
2009-09-09 11:20 Changed language: FIAL
- FIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-09-09 08:48 New language: FIAL
qiihoskeh added FIAL to CALS.
2009-09-08 23:49 Changed language: Lhenazi
- Lhenazi by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-09-08 23:42 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-09-08 22:13 Changed language: Lhenazi
- Lhenazi by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-09-08 00:09 Changed language: Yulasa
- Yulasa by snapdragongirl was updated.
2009-09-07 19:40 Changed language: Lhenazi
- Lhenazi by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-09-07 13:40 Changed language: Yulasa
- Yulasa by snapdragongirl was updated.
2009-09-07 10:56 Changed language: Asha'ille
- Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-09-07 10:56 Changed language: Asha'ille
- Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-09-07 10:55 Changed language: Lhenazi
- Lhenazi by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-09-06 18:12 Changed language: Yulasa
- Yulasa by snapdragongirl was updated.
2009-09-06 08:25 Changed language: Asha'ille
- Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-09-06 08:06 Changed language: Lhenazi
- Lhenazi by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-09-05 18:47 Changed language: Asha'ille
- Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-09-05 18:45 New language: Lhenazi
arthaey added Lhenazi to CALS.
2009-09-05 18:41 Changed language: Asha'ille
- Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii was updated.
2009-09-05 16:20 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Yulasa by snapdragongirl
Kachya/kachru, ha'hia.
want-2SG want-2PL do-INDEFINITE (You want, it is done)
As you wish.
2009-09-05 15:21 New translation of "LCC3 live relay" into Yulasa by snapdragongirl
Ukaik tainyaid lhanhia, Nyaduta tain. Kachli tinku had chidli. Nyaduta tain. Tudu liitin likachinka, Nyaduta tain. Ligaisaisulak yai'hutang jatli. Nyaduta tain.
island-of shore-at stand-INDEFINITE sea-toward drift-3SG wish-1SG that also be-able-1SG sea-toward drift-3SG all 1SG-POSSESSIVE-hope-PARTICIPLE 1SG-POSSESSIVE-want-PARTICIPLE-and sea-toward drift-3SG 1SG-POSSESSIVE-love-person-of boat-ACC watch-1SG sea-toward drift-3SG
Standing on the island's shore, Drifting off to sea. I wish that I could be, Drifting off to sea. All of my hopes and dreams, Drifting off to sea. I watch my lover's boat, Drifting off to sea.
2009-09-05 00:51 orbpic just joined
Welcome orbpic!
2009-09-04 19:02 Changed language: Yulasa
- Yulasa by snapdragongirl was updated.
2009-09-04 12:48 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Yulasa by snapdragongirl
Du'tilu juya'ang kukutilun nyinyatchig.
no-wash bottle-ACC dish-washing machine-in
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2009-09-04 03:22 New translation of "Farewell" into Yulasa by snapdragongirl
bye $
2009-09-04 03:11 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Yulasa by snapdragongirl
Nyunaili tinku si.
I think, therefore I am
2009-09-04 02:50 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Yulasa by snapdragongirl
Karl ka Jake sid tisul aiul jatli sai.
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2009-09-04 02:44 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Yulasa by snapdragongirl
2009-09-04 02:40 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Yulasa by snapdragongirl
2009-09-04 02:15 Changed language: Yulasa
- Yulasa by snapdragongirl was updated.
2009-09-03 12:43 New translation of "Grandfather and the Dragon" into Taruven by kaleissin
kaìrfaì a gvaìr kaìrfaìdudžall; īru džinra eìšany ī xuaìš rūkh; raellia aò ī xu hruš; syellia aò ī xu lēkh; žūarrinn vaeren a kaìrfaì šthaëlann īel hsyardris džin xu khyš; khāon; tahaon; brenon; a tiron īruel khyšeles tšahra geàlarreið gaìnruið eìšaiðes
When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north; there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he saw the largest city in all the world.
2009-09-02 17:49 Changed language: Yulasa
- Yulasa by snapdragongirl was updated.
2009-09-02 17:42 New language: Yulasa
snapdragongirl added Yulasa to CALS.
Kala Yulasa! (And that's how you greet someone in Yulasa.)
2009-09-02 15:40 snapdragongirl just joined
Welcome snapdragongirl!
2009-08-31 15:12 Changed language: Yanusu
- Yanusu by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-08-31 15:12 Changed language: Yanusu
- Yanusu by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-08-30 16:25 Changed language: Qwynegold
- Qwynegold by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-08-29 16:04 Changed language: Tseltsolian
- Tseltsolian by Piotr Gepfert was updated.
2009-08-29 16:04 Changed language: Tseltsolian
- Tseltsolian by Piotr Gepfert was updated.
2009-08-29 15:22 Changed language: Qwynegold
- Qwynegold by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-08-29 11:43 Changed language: Tseltsolian
- Tseltsolian by Piotr Gepfert was updated.
2009-08-28 23:08 New translation of "Farewell" into Qwynegold by Qwynegold
Heijehe $
heijehe bye.bye
bye $
2009-08-28 20:01 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii
Cha'kre pachav ne zafran vae'pachavonad.
cha-kre pachav ne zafran vae-pachavonad mood-adj v art n adv-n IMP-NEG wash OBJ bottle where-wash_machine
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2009-08-27 23:31 New language: Proteleman
colz35 added Proteleman to CALS.
2009-08-27 23:27 colz35 just joined
Welcome colz35!
2009-08-27 21:05 New translation exercise added: Bottle-washing
"Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher", from the warning label on a sports drinking bottle.
2009-08-24 18:16 tealnightmare just joined
Welcome tealnightmare!
2009-08-23 15:20 Scary backend redesign finished
If you've been wondering why lately there have been lots of disappearing new languages and new users, with names like "klimp" or starting with "AAA", it's because they were throwaway test-languages (and users) while getting rid of a seemingly minor design-flaw in the underlyingly database. The flaw has been rectified now and hopefully there will be a lot less weird things happening with managers and editors, among much else.
2009-08-23 14:07 Changed language: Tseltsolian
- Tseltsolian by Piotr Gepfert was updated.
2009-08-22 10:46 New language: Tseltsolian
Piotr Gepfert added Tseltsolian to CALS.
2009-08-22 06:15 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Eridanian by TaylorSelseth
Oukeneedi' tqees, tin'hoo'bou
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-08-21 05:28 Changed language: Eridanian
- Eridanian by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2009-08-20 12:39 And we're back!
We've been hard to reach (but still up) for several days due to trouble with a domain-transfer. In case this ever happens again: the ip-address is currently But: there is more than one website at that address so you'll need to change your hosts file.
2009-08-17 01:59 New translation of "Farewell" into Liberalian by Northern Sushi
bye $
2009-08-17 01:55 Changed language: Liberalian
- Liberalian by Liberalian Language Authority/Liberalisk Depoto di Langu was updated.
2009-08-17 01:55 Changed language: Liberalian
- Liberalian by Liberalian Language Authority/Liberalisk Depoto di Langu was updated.
2009-08-16 02:26 Experimental new stuff: Badges!
Have a look at your profile: Scroll down, maybe you've received some badges!
This is an experimental feature. The count of gadgets won't auto-update but is calculated about once a day now.
2009-08-16 02:01 Changed language: Katkagor
- Katkagor by C.M.Torrens was updated.
2009-08-16 02:01 Changed language: Katkagor
- Katkagor by C.M.Torrens was updated.
2009-08-15 12:53 Fixed problem with feeds...
It turns out that django-atompub (which is used for the feeds) and python-gdata (for talking to google) cannot coexist on the same system, since they both push the module "atom".
2009-08-14 22:21 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-08-13 18:56 Changed language: Katkagor
- Katkagor by C.M.Torrens was updated.
2009-08-13 05:22 Changed language: Tama
- Tama by penguinsquishy was updated.
2009-08-13 04:57 New language: Tama
penguinsquishy added Tama to CALS.
2009-08-12 21:55 Changed language: Katkagor
- Katkagor by C.M.Torrens was updated.
2009-08-12 18:14 New language: Katkagor
CMTorrens added Katkagor to CALS.
2009-08-12 18:06 CMTorrens just joined
Welcome CMTorrens!
2009-08-12 16:47 BartekChom just joined
Welcome BartekChom!
2009-08-09 22:02 Changed language: Rejistanian
- Rejistanian by Ntena was updated.
2009-08-07 04:19 Changed language: Liberalian
- Liberalian by Liberalian Language Authority/Liberalisk Depoto di Langu was updated.
2009-08-06 23:09 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-08-06 23:08 Changed language: Teinay
- Teinay by xroox was updated.
2009-08-06 23:08 Changed language: Teinay
- Teinay by xroox was updated.
2009-08-06 23:08 Changed language: Teinay
- Teinay by xroox was updated.
2009-08-06 23:08 Changed language: Teinay
- Teinay by xroox was updated.
2009-08-06 23:08 Changed language: Teinay
- Teinay by xroox was updated.
2009-08-01 05:20 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-07-31 16:19 Changed language: Liberalian
- Liberalian by Northern Sushi was updated.
2009-07-31 16:19 New language: Liberalian
Northern Sushi added Liberalian to CALS.
Halo Liberalisk Langunel! (And that's how you greet someone in Liberalian.)
Liberalian's homepage is at http://z7.invisionfree.com/liberalia.
2009-07-31 16:13 Northern Sushi just joined
Welcome Northern Sushi!
2009-07-27 05:03 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-07-21 22:57 Changed language: Eridanian
- Eridanian by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2009-07-21 15:58 Mosey12 just joined
Welcome Mosey12!
2009-07-18 18:03 Changed language: Velyan
- Velyan by Jeffrey Rollin was updated.
2009-07-18 18:03 Changed language: Velyan
- Velyan by Jeffrey Rollin was updated.
2009-07-18 17:47 Changed language: Velyan
- Velyan by Jeffrey Rollin was updated.
2009-07-17 20:31 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-07-17 19:21 cadavaca just joined
Welcome cadavaca!
2009-07-14 21:58 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-07-14 21:43 Changed language: Nisela
- Nisela by casvelyn was updated.
2009-07-14 21:43 Changed language: Nisela
- Nisela by casvelyn was updated.
2009-07-14 21:25 Changed language: Nisela
- Nisela by casvelyn was updated.
2009-07-14 21:09 New language: Nisela
casvelyn added Nisela to CALS.
2009-07-14 20:48 casvelyn just joined
Welcome casvelyn!
2009-07-13 20:39 New translation of "Farewell" into No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig!
ma viram ronami
my many wavings
bye $
2009-07-12 21:30 Changed language: No Nemu
- No Nemu by Elevator. Forsigtig! was updated.
2009-07-12 21:29 New language: No Nemu
Elevator. Forsigtig! added No Nemu to CALS.
2009-07-12 21:04 Elevator. Forsigtig! just joined
Welcome Elevator. Forsigtig!!
2009-07-05 18:00 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 7" into Missa by sodarayag
Your orders?
2009-07-05 17:56 New translation of "#10: Olympic Relay" into Missa by sodarayag
Aslamba teńgetvo! Umu,ĕńestej septa? Issep, rĕlk dúp ńeunte nukéllot nekta teńgette aslaliklum. De mevmabeńka ottajaš ĕńesre ontektajaš: desaj irptajaš, dejot ńesonsa ńesta, d.u. Dep dez'saj, teńget aš geddeta, sapsajot aš lutta, aš datante, untejol ĕlsejonza ulstale. 'Ńestej ollikte, 'Ńestej ollikte? Ollonna umumé. Unte nécalum, ĕntóssajumsejéza, bec beksa tejonza lubbo ĕksejumlikte.
Beware of the baby! O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions.
2009-07-05 17:47 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Missa by sodarayag
'Ńestej merm?
What's the plan?
2009-07-05 17:46 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 9" into Missa by sodarayag
Vézasaj uńkego.
You can count on us.
2009-07-05 17:45 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Missa by sodarayag
Let's get moving.
2009-07-05 17:45 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Missa by sodarayag
On our way.
2009-07-05 17:43 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Missa by sodarayag
Very well.
2009-07-05 17:43 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 5" into Missa by sodarayag
Dede anspa ottalese.
Consider it done.
2009-07-05 17:42 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Missa by sodarayag
Tep' ceskjum.
No problem.
2009-07-05 17:41 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 3" into Missa by sodarayag
We're on it.
2009-07-05 17:39 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Missa by sodarayag
Sĕl d'is.
2009-07-05 17:39 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Missa by sodarayag
Move out!
2009-07-05 17:36 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Missa by sodarayag
'Ńestej tamo?
What do you need?
2009-07-05 17:35 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Missa by sodarayag
Sirdeste vé štedumba!
Don't touch me there!
2009-07-05 17:34 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Missa by sodarayag
Sirdejde štap?
Where is the beach?
2009-07-05 17:34 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Missa by sodarayag
Sirdejde nolén?
Where is my room?
2009-07-05 17:33 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Missa by sodarayag
Sirdejde lep?
Where is the bar?
2009-07-05 17:31 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 9" into Missa by sodarayag
Mille sirseste duntante.
All present and accounted for.
2009-07-05 17:30 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Missa by sodarayag
Énte štejńerzavo dévva. Štejńer gimba!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-07-05 17:27 New translation of "Farewell" into Missa by sodarayag
bye $
2009-07-05 17:24 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Missa by sodarayag
As you wish.
2009-07-05 17:22 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Missa by sodarayag
Asé isseple úpsa Karl Jakente.
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2009-07-05 17:19 New translation of "#13: The Missed Bus Relay" into Missa by sodarayag
Mej mlunde Smenmidonta aslamektajé ollikses dalc becon-sepsavom tésĕlsede:Úp, sĕldispte roksot ukle, rej ĕmĕllekvode ĕntecca. Ĕltrunšame tepke tirntele dekék; ĕńeses reksaj truklata ak ukinĕlta úpsente. Lam ulklikvosaj becon-sepsavo aslatajak, umumle dapte sep neglimektyj umlik.... Dek geššejuńketa. Mej nétte rejme ep dyptajak, dep de trukke'pta, u mellitajak cevpte gep úbbojot. Dapte des dek tykkepte, kirza akvo gettale, sep roksvo neglita. Dek ĕnštištkele it septa seké.
One morning in December I could watch the following scene across the street from a bus stop: A boy, obviously on his way to school, stood in front of a garden wall. He had an enormous red tomcat on his shoulder and this animal balanced skilfully while the boy tried hard to shake him off. With increasing panic he watched the bus stop knowing the bus would be due any second now... The cat was quite undisturbed. Once, he put a paw on the wall, but seemingly it felt too cold, so he quickly retreated to the boy's backpack. The moment when he was comfortably sitting, having tucked up his legs, the school bus arrived. I suppose the cat spent quite an interesting day.
2009-07-05 17:05 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Missa by sodarayag
Serk damegé, de vé dĕlkum.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-07-05 17:04 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Missa by sodarayag
2009-07-05 17:04 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Missa by sodarayag
Štilpte bars nalconza malkvo ĕlreksajum.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2009-07-05 17:01 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Missa by sodarayag
Ĕńgessé, u ceskijé.
I think, therefore I am
2009-07-05 17:00 Changed language: Missa
- Missa by sodarayag was updated.
2009-07-05 16:41 Changed language: Missa
- Missa by sodarayag was updated.
2009-07-05 16:09 New language: Missa
sodarayag added Missa to CALS.
2009-07-05 16:02 sodarayag just joined
Welcome sodarayag!
2009-07-04 21:39 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into patakasama by calo
puki muki muki: kipa-kipa puka kaku puki muki
As you wish.
2009-07-04 21:29 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into patakasama by calo
kipa-kipa puka kaku puki tupa?
What do you need?
2009-07-04 20:58 Changed language: patakasama
- patakasama by calo was updated.
2009-06-28 22:36 New language: patakasama
calo added patakasama to CALS.
PI-TI-KI-SI-MI PA-TA-KA-SA-MA PU-TU-KU-SU-MU PATAKASAMA! (And that's how you greet someone in patakasama.)
2009-06-28 21:36 calo just joined
Welcome calo!
2009-06-22 22:04 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker
Sa vesayon keynam-hen sinanya diyaneri nay kaytanyēri kamo. Yam ilyon tenubanas nay iprangas, nay ang mya rankyon sitanyās miraneri netuyena.
PATFOC bear-3p:neut(-FOC) people=all freedom-LOC worth-INS and right-PL-INS same. BENFOC give-3p:neut(-FOC) common_sense.PAT and conscience.PAT, and AGTFOC shall treat-3p.neut(-FOC) each_other.PAT way-INS brother-PL-GEN.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2009-06-21 22:56 Changed language: Zhontós
- Zhontós by aioinae was updated.
2009-06-21 22:56 Changed language: Zhontós
- Zhontós by aioinae was updated.
2009-06-17 14:06 Whoa! 150 people!
Conlanger number 150 to join CALS is Arbitors!
2009-06-17 14:06 Arbitors just joined
Welcome Arbitors!
2009-06-11 17:59 Changed language: Main conlang 2009
- Main conlang 2009 by Veoler was updated.
2009-06-11 17:09 Changed language: Raikudu
- Raikudu by Veoler was updated.
2009-06-11 17:07 Changed language: Lirakdom
- Lirakdom by Veoler was updated.
2009-06-11 17:07 Changed language: Lirakdom
- Lirakdom by Veoler was updated.
2009-06-08 19:01 Changed language: Tinzirean
- Tinzirean by Ah Puch was updated.
2009-06-08 19:01 Changed language: Tinzirean
- Tinzirean by Ah Puch was updated.
2009-06-03 18:25 Changed language: Tinzirean
- Tinzirean by Ah Puch was updated.
2009-06-03 08:56 Changed language: Rejistanian
- Rejistanian by Ntena was updated.
2009-05-30 03:08 Changed language: Dharratta
- Dharratta by Far was updated.
2009-05-30 03:08 Changed language: Dharratta
- Dharratta by Far was updated.
2009-05-30 00:47 New language: arrara
Far added arrara to CALS.
2009-05-24 19:07 Changed language: Kiassan Turasta
- Kiassan Turasta by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.
2009-05-24 19:07 Changed language: Kiassan Turasta
- Kiassan Turasta by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.
2009-05-24 19:07 Changed language: Kiassan Turasta
- Kiassan Turasta by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.
2009-05-24 18:12 Changed language: Uscaniv
- Uscaniv by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.
2009-05-24 18:12 Changed language: Uscaniv
- Uscaniv by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.
2009-05-24 18:08 New language: Kiassan Turasta
vecfaranti added Kiassan Turasta to CALS.
2009-05-24 11:13 jaspertjie just joined
Welcome jaspertjie!
2009-05-24 00:54 Changed language: Imuthan
- Imuthan by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.
2009-05-24 00:51 Changed language: Imuthan
- Imuthan by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.
2009-05-24 00:50 Changed language: Uscaniv
- Uscaniv by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.
2009-05-23 21:48 Changed language: Imuthan
- Imuthan by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.
2009-05-23 21:41 New language: Imuthan
vecfaranti added Imuthan to CALS.
2009-05-23 21:40 Changed language: Klingon
- Klingon by Marc Okrand was updated.
2009-05-23 21:40 Changed language: Klingon
- Klingon by Marc Okrand was updated.
2009-05-15 20:46 Vardelm just joined
Welcome Vardelm!
2009-05-11 23:06 Changed language: Minza
- Minza by Herman Miller was updated.
2009-05-11 23:06 Changed language: Minza
- Minza by Herman Miller was updated.
2009-05-08 19:37 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Zhontós by aioinae
Maefe ja miretaia kuishura Kaaru yè Jeek da.
Maefe ja mir-eta-ia kuish-ura Kaaru yè Jeek da yesterday 1sg see-pst-adj.app boy -pl and be.prs
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2009-05-07 22:44 silenius13 just joined
Welcome silenius13!
2009-05-04 14:23 Changed language: SAE
- SAE by Martin Haspelmath was updated.
2009-05-04 14:22 New language: SAE
admin added SAE to CALS.
2009-05-03 01:10 New translation of "#9: Borromean Relay" into Zhontós by aioinae
Fuyu puruia yè waranatia yè mooto wakaia śhtóra dèraresasia pugaron da Fuyu ènú ookifuia gataia iwaru da Fuyu ènuwè meshaantia torigocu yè yaivaia cimi da Sośhe so jan ni shiri rezimire, unèmibóri de sootetia kuish, maksimaru de hokaiafuicu è danso Zhoo fye dee ni de oyamora jain suu vúrimirera Sośhe hanènura ni de arukinokorura dèra kwairi ookifuera.
Fuyu puru-ia yè waranat-ia yè mooto waka-ia śhtó -ra dèrar-esas-ia pugaron da winter old -adj.app and sick -adj.app and very young-adj.app person-pl leave-caus-adj.app wolf be.prs Fuyu ènú ookifu-ia gata-ia iwaru da winter nothing grow -adj.app hard-adj.app stone be.prs Fuyu ènuwè meshaant-ia torigocu yè yaiva-ia cimi da winter no.reason mean -adj.app beak and sharp-adj.app talon be.prs Sośhe so jan ni sh-iri rezimir-e, unèmibóri de soot-et -ia kuish, and so 1pl.2excl to do-adv search-prs, spring poss jump-prs.imprf-adj.app boy, maksimaru de hoka -ia -fuicu è dans -o earth poss other-adj.app-edge to dance-imp Zhoo fye dee ni de oyamora jain suu vúrimir-era thus sun of.a 2sg poss mother 1pl.incl on look -fut Sośhe hanèn -ura ni de arukinokoru-ra dèra kwa -iri ookifu-era and flower-pl 2sg poss footstep -pl from quick-adj grow -fut
Winter is the wolf that takes the old, the sick, and the very young Winter is the hard rock on which nothing grows Winter is the cruel beak and the sharp talon And so we beg you, bounding boy of spring, dance over the earth So that the sun your mother will look down upon us And flowers will spring from your footsteps.
2009-04-29 16:51 Changed language: Vilani
- Vilani by Frank Chadwick (?) was updated.
2009-04-29 16:51 Changed language: Vilani
- Vilani by Frank Chadwick (?) was updated.
2009-04-28 22:38 New translation of "LCC2 live relay" into Zhontós by aioinae
Úriri Dizia Iwaru Maefe ja śhuemija suu aruketeta tós ja úriri dizia iwaru uèo bandaeta. Ja úriri dizia iwaru uèróneta sośhe 「Naa! Ni úriri dizia iwaru kya?」 tè. 「We, ja úriri dizia iwaru da.」 tè úriri dizia iwaru. Ja 「『Ja úndúgo』 tè èwè dizetanu kya?」 tè kikueta. 「Ja meshaantia úriri dizia iwaru dèra.」 tè úriri dizia iwaru hènjeta. Úriri dizia iwaru de dizu ga ja ikaresaseta dèra ja úmi ni èt zhèteta. Ènuntós ja zaici úriri dizia iwaru mireta.
Úr -iri Diz -ia Iwaru can-adv speak-adj.app rock Maefe ja śhuemija suu aruke-teta tós yesterday 1sg beach on walk -pst.imprf when ja úr-iri diz -ia iwaru uèo banda-eta 1sg can-adv speak-adj.app rock over trip -pst ja úr-iri diz -ia iwaru uèrón -eta sośhe 1sg can-adv speak-adj.app rock pick.up-pst and 「Naa! Ni úr-iri diz -ia iwaru kya?」 tè "emot.n 2sg can-adv speak-adj.app rock q " quot 「We, ja úr-iri diz -ia iwaru da. 」 tè úr-iri diz -ia iwaru "Yes, 1sg can-adv speak-adj.app rock be.prs" quot can-adv speak-adj.app rock Ja 「『Ja úndúg-o 』 tè èwè diz-eta-nu kya?」 tè kiku-eta 1sg "'1sg avoid-imp' quot why say-pst-neg q " quot ask -pst 「Ja meshaant-ia úr-iri diz -ia iwaru dèra. 」 "1sg mean -adj.app can-adv speak-adj.app rock because" tè úr-iri diz -ia iwaru hènj -eta quot can-adv speak-adj.app rock reply-pst Úr-iri diz -ia iwaru de dizu ga ja ikar -esase-ta dèra can-adv speak-adj.app rock poss speech subj 1sg anger-caus -pst from ja úmi ni èt zhèt -eta 1sg ocean in 3sg.n throw-pst Ènuntós ja zaici úr-iri diz -ia iwaru mir-eta never 1sg again can-adv speak-adj.app rock see-pst
"The Talking Rock" Yesterday I was walking along the beach when I tripped over a rock that could talk. I picked up the talking rock and said, "Hey! Are you a talking rock?" The talking rock said, "Yes, I am a talking rock." I asked the talking rock, "Why didn't you tell me to avoid you?" The talking rock replied, "Because I'm a mean talking rock." The talking rock's words made me angry, so I threw it into the ocean. I never saw the talking rock again.
2009-04-27 01:40 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Zhontós by aioinae
Jèkee de papuruganyaara, uninaasho!
Jèkee de papuru-gany-aa-ra, uni-na -asho Society poss money -earn-a -pl, one-become-vol
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2009-04-27 01:22 New translation of "Pity" into Zhontós by aioinae
Kèngó de fan hoo un dakè da tè kagaia śhtó ni iihaṅ raade.
Kèngó de fan hoo un dakè da tè kaga -ia śhtó ni iihaṅ raad -e Language poss make.ger way one only be.prs quot think-adj.app person at pity allow-prs
Let him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language.
2009-04-27 01:07 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Zhontós by aioinae
Umarifeetèn zhúuhu!
umar -i -feetèn zhúuhu birth-adj-day congratulations
Happy birthday!
2009-04-26 17:46 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Zhontós by aioinae
Kèngóia tútikita vaatorasho. Wakaia kèngó fasho!
Kèngó -ia tútikita vaator-asho language-adj.app extinction fight -vol waka-ia kèngó f -asho new -adj.app language make-vol
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-04-26 13:37 New translation of "#10: Olympic Relay" into Zhontós by aioinae
Yashtó ni źhúuo! Iyaa, wè suufueta kya? Maefe kieria wakaia moish yashtó sumirizuan fóo jan de shawaimas è venireta. Èn yashtó tanoshian fóo tútúriri shita: èn èn wic zhúeta, èn ni uta utaeta zhoos. Me noomo, yashtó èn kogekieta, mósora ni èn deshireta, èn fuifuiri manzheta, sośhe kabidoro dèra nokoru zhèteta. Wè su kya, wè su kya? Ja vúriri savóenu. Sośhe so, zhontósiri poriicura usaaia kikura hajimiri kikuenusasan fóo jan suufu otoicui rèste.
Yashtó ni źhúu -o child at be.careful-imp Iyaa, wè suufu -eta kya oh.no, what happen-pst q Maefe kier -ia waka -ia moish yashtó sumirizu -an yesterday pretty-adj.app young-adj.app girl child watch.over-ger fóo jan de shawaimas è venir-eta for 3pl.2excl poss home to come -pst Èn yashtó tanoshi -an fóo tútúriri shita 3sg.g child entertain-ger for all.one.can do.pst èn èn wic zhú -eta, èn ni uta uta -eta zhoos 3sg.g 3sg.g with play-pst, 3sg.g at song sing-pst etc. Me noo -mo, yashtó èn kogeki-eta, móso -ra ni èn deshir-eta but like.this-even, child 3sg.g attack-pst, piece-pl to 3sg.g tear -pst èn fuifu-iri manzh-eta, sośhe kabidoro dèra nokoru zhèt -eta 3sg.g crazy-adv eat -pst, and window from remains throw-pst Wè su kya, wè su kya what do.prs q what do.prs q Ja vúr -iri savó-enu 1sg true-adv know-prs.neg Sośhe so, zhontós-iri poriicu-ra usaa -ia kiku -ra and therefore, now -adv police -pl annoying-adj.app question-pl hajim-iri kiku-enusas -an fóo jan suufu otoicu-i rèst-e begin-adv ask -prevent-ger for 3pl.2excl incident silent-adj stay-prs
Beware of the baby! O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions.
2009-04-26 01:43 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Zhontós by aioinae
Zhosavó wic.
Zhosavó wic certainty with
2009-04-26 01:38 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Zhontós by aioinae
Noma ni ja sawanuo!
Noma ni ja sawa -nuo there at 1sg touch-imp.neg
Don't touch me there!
2009-04-26 01:38 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Zhontós by aioinae
Baara wèma kya?
Baara wèma kya bar where q
Where is the bar?
2009-04-26 01:38 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Zhontós by aioinae
Śhuemija wèma kya?
Śhuemija wèma kya beach where q
Where is the beach?
2009-04-26 01:38 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Zhontós by aioinae
Ja de saaya wèma kya?
Ja de saaya wèma kya 1sg poss room where q
Where is my room?
2009-04-26 01:13 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Zhontós by aioinae
Ja viidoro úriri manzhe. Èt ja warusanenu.
Ja viidoro úr-iri manzh-e 1sg glass can.adv eat -prs Èt ja warusan-enu 3sg.n 1sg hurt -prs.neg
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-04-26 01:05 New translation of "Farewell" into Zhontós by aioinae
$ zuushirèsto!
zuushi-rèst-o cool -stay-imp
bye $
2009-04-26 01:03 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Zhontós by aioinae
Iroinu mibória wakagara ikariri nèzue.
Iro -inu mibór-ia wakaga -ra ikar -iri nèzue color-adj.neg green-adj.app thought-pl anger-adv sleep.prs
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2009-04-26 01:02 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Zhontós by aioinae
Iroinu mibória yumura ikariri nèzue.
Iro -inu mibór-ia yumu -ra ikar -iri nèzue color-adj.neg green-adj.app dream-pl anger-adv sleep.prs
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2009-04-26 00:52 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Zhontós by aioinae
Ja kagae, so da.
Ja kaga -e, so da 1sg think-prs, therefore be.prs
I think, therefore I am
2009-04-24 14:10 Changed language: Zhontós
- Zhontós by Alex DelPriore was updated.
2009-04-24 14:09 New language: Zhontós
aioinae added Zhontós to CALS.
Zuushirèsto Zhontós! (And that's how you greet someone in Zhontós.)
2009-04-24 11:28 Changed language: Reosian
- Reosian by Loren Bowman III was updated.
2009-04-24 11:28 Changed language: Reosian
- Reosian by Loren Bowman III was updated.
2009-04-24 11:26 Changed language: Reosian
- Reosian by Loren Bowman III was updated.
2009-04-24 11:07 New language: Reosian
Adrian added Reosian to CALS.
2009-04-24 11:02 Adrian just joined
Welcome Adrian!
2009-04-24 02:42 aioinae just joined
Welcome aioinae!
2009-04-22 06:59 New translation of "#10: Olympic Relay" into 'Yemls by Jeff Jones
** Wi gjBut pkFOF: KOr-n ** EoxeE!, Esk a: Cr? sQi But pkMOM DOl: Wxf CXrt-i, ENONq CFOF-i ggj. d: LKpf CFOF-i ESER, EwoZq dd. CFOF-i: EJ Nazf d ObL DOl EJ ATrNf dd EJ xTBf dd, EK Cspl: GrNnx DokfON. ii 2: AtQr? i: AtQc? i: YOMsg aa Kd, EK hmb IRS: YOXp Askq gjqYS, EK i: YOfORxr aa
Beware of the baby! O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions.
2009-04-18 22:02 Changed language: K'tle
- K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-04-18 11:53 Changed language: Ilaini
- Ilaini by Irina Rempt was updated.
2009-04-18 11:53 Changed language: Ilaini
- Ilaini by Irina Rempt was updated.
2009-04-18 11:42 New language: Ilaini
admin added Ilaini to CALS.
Ilaini's homepage is at http://www.valdyas.org/irina/valdyas/ilaini/.
2009-04-18 04:33 Changed language: Deynaese
- Deynaese by xroox was updated.
2009-04-18 03:45 Changed language: deynaese
- deynaese by xroox was updated.
2009-04-18 00:27 Changed language: K'tle
- K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-04-13 23:25 Changed language: Ainure
- Ainure by Far was updated.
2009-04-13 23:25 Changed language: Ainure
- Ainure by Far was updated.
2009-04-13 23:14 New language: Ainure
Far added Ainure to CALS.
2009-04-13 23:10 Far just joined
Welcome Far!
2009-04-13 06:48 Changed language: Classical Aldian
- Classical Aldian by Neqitan was updated.
2009-04-13 06:48 Changed language: Classical Aldian
- Classical Aldian by Neqitan was updated.
2009-04-13 06:11 Changed language: Classical Aldian
- Classical Aldian by Neqitan was updated.
2009-04-09 05:47 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Eridanian by TaylorSelseth
Outiix nzau oum
1SG.SBJ-think CONJ be[1SG.SBJ]
I think, therefore I am
2009-04-09 05:42 Changed language: Eridanian
- Eridanian by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2009-04-09 03:59 Changed language: Klem
- Klem by Colleen was updated.
2009-04-09 03:59 Changed language: Klem
- Klem by Colleen was updated.
2009-04-09 03:31 New language: Klem
colz added Klem to CALS.
2009-04-09 03:27 colz just joined
Welcome colz!
2009-04-09 02:21 Changed language: Mavakhalan
- Mavakhalan by Zhen Lin was updated.
2009-04-09 02:21 Changed language: Mavakhalan
- Mavakhalan by Zhen Lin was updated.
2009-04-09 01:57 Changed language: Qichiuqtluq
- Qichiuqtluq by Tengado was updated.
2009-04-09 01:57 Changed language: Qichiuqtluq
- Qichiuqtluq by Tengado was updated.
2009-04-09 01:49 Changed language: Qichiuqtluq
- Qichiuqtluq by Tengado was updated.
2009-04-09 01:23 New language: Qichiuqtluq
Tengado added Qichiuqtluq to CALS.
Qichiuqtluq's homepage is at http://sites.google.com/site/tengado/Home.
2009-04-09 01:17 Tengado just joined
Welcome Tengado!
2009-04-08 15:51 Changed language: Kuy'u:n
- Kuy'u:n by cedh audmanh was updated.
2009-04-08 15:51 Changed language: Kuy'u:n
- Kuy'u:n by cedh audmanh was updated.
2009-04-08 13:23 Changed language: Kuy'u:n
- Kuy'u:n by cedh audmanh was updated.
2009-04-08 13:06 New language: Kuy'u:n
cedh audmanh added Kuy'u:n to CALS.
Kāton! Kuyʔūn! (And that's how you greet someone in Kuy'u:n.)
Kuy'u:n's homepage is at http://www.superlush.co.uk/~akana/index.php/Kuy%CA%94%C5%ABn.
2009-04-08 12:59 cedh audmanh just joined
Welcome cedh audmanh!
2009-04-08 12:06 New language: Mavakhalan
zhenlin added Mavakhalan to CALS.
Mavakhalan's homepage is at http://www.geocities.com/low_zl/mavakhalan/.
2009-04-08 12:05 Changed language: Ayasthi
- Ayasthi by Zhen Lin was updated.
2009-04-08 12:05 Changed language: Ayasthi
- Ayasthi by Zhen Lin was updated.
2009-04-08 10:16 Changed language: Naidda
- Naidda by Aaron Toivo was updated.
2009-04-08 10:16 Changed language: Naidda
- Naidda by Aaron Toivo was updated.
2009-04-08 10:02 Changed language: Ayasthi
- Ayasthi by Zhen Lin was updated.
2009-04-08 02:11 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Uscaniv by vecfaranti
melant, tauśes ecas tirputat.
think-1sg,reason-SEPthat-SEPexist-1sg.PRES.IMP.IND.PASS.I think, therefore I am
2009-04-08 00:37 roninbodhisattva just joined
Welcome roninbodhisattva!
2009-04-08 00:10 Oeeh! 150 languages!
Let it be known that Feayran (by David Edwards) is the 150th language on CALS!
2009-04-08 00:10 New language: Feayran
Trailsend added Feayran to CALS.
Kau Laaoshte Kimuiotuaianoi! (And that's how you greet someone in Feayran.)
Feayran's homepage is at http://feayran.webs.com/.
2009-04-07 23:29 Changed language: Uscaniv
- Uscaniv by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.
2009-04-07 23:23 Trailsend just joined
Welcome Trailsend!
2009-04-07 21:10 Changed language: Uscaniv
- Uscaniv by Kári Emil Helgason was updated.
2009-04-07 21:05 New language: Uscaniv
vecfaranti added Uscaniv to CALS.
2009-04-07 21:02 vecfaranti just joined
Welcome vecfaranti!
2009-04-07 20:25 wikim3 just joined
Welcome wikim3!
2009-04-04 22:04 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker
Ang Yonyan nay Nasan yanyeas si məsilvyang tamala.
Ang Yonyan nay Nasan Ø yan-ye-as si mə- silv-yang tamala. AGT Yonyan and Nasan be boy-PL-PAT REL PST-see -1sg.AGT yesterday.
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2009-04-04 21:46 Changed language: Ayeri
- Ayeri by Carsten Becker was updated.
2009-04-04 21:46 Changed language: Ayeri
- Ayeri by Carsten Becker was updated.
2009-04-04 21:45 Changed language: Ayeri
- Ayeri by Carsten Becker was updated.
2009-04-04 04:30 Changed language: Classical Aldian
- Classical Aldian by Neqitan was updated.
2009-04-04 04:29 New language: Classical Aldian
Neqitan added Classical Aldian to CALS.
2009-04-04 04:08 Neqitan just joined
Welcome Neqitan!
2009-04-01 20:38 Better privmsgs
The box for typing a privmsg in is a bit bigger now. To send someone a private message, be logged in, go to their page and look in the menu to the right.
2009-04-01 20:18 Improved translation-pages
A lot of small improvements to the translation-pages have been made. Among other things you can now add a translation directly from the page that shows the exercise.
Thanks to Carsten Becker for the idea.
2009-04-01 17:21 New translation of "Farewell" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker
Saruban $
sar -u ban leave-IMP good 'Leave well'
bye $
2009-04-01 17:19 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker
Penu ran tenyanas naranoyena. Manu danyās!
Pen -u ran tenyan-as narano -ye-na. Man -u danya -as! fight-IMP against death -PAT language-PL-GEN, invent-IMP such_one-PAT 'Fight against the death of languages. Invent one!'
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-04-01 16:31 Changed language: Lekmokulka
- Lekmokulka by Alexander M. Koch was updated.
2009-04-01 16:31 Changed language: Lekmokulka
- Lekmokulka by Alexander M. Koch was updated.
2009-04-01 16:18 Changed language: Lekmokulka
- Lekmokulka by Alexander M. Koch was updated.
2009-04-01 15:40 New language: Lekmokulka
aleksyandr added Lekmokulka to CALS.
Umra lekmokunya Lekmokulka! (And that's how you greet someone in Lekmokulka.)
2009-03-31 22:56 aleksyandr just joined
Welcome aleksyandr!
2009-03-31 17:51 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Sùej lhuevvee jaù lixh?
SùejINTlhuevveeneedjaùwhatlixh?you.N.SGWhat do you need?
2009-03-31 17:50 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 7" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Sùej eeng jaù svelhej?
SùejINTeengisjaùwhatsvelhej?orderYour orders?
2009-03-31 17:50 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
2009-03-31 17:49 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Sùej eeng jaù xhoch?
SùejINTeengisjaùwhatxhoch?planWhat's the plan?
2009-03-31 17:49 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 4" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Eeng áelj eo ív.
Eengisáeljreadyeoactionív.forReady for action.
2009-03-31 17:48 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 3" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Xhee svelhej eev lixh ív raj.
Xheewaitsvelhejorder-(INF)eevGENlixhyou.Nívforraj.I.MAwaiting your orders.
2009-03-31 17:47 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Lixh sveq e jaù raj vae.
Lixhyou.NsvesayqFUTedojaùwhatrajI.Mvae.toTell me what to do.
2009-03-31 17:46 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 1" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Eeng egu eev lixh ív raj.
Eengis-(PRES)eguuse-(INF)eevGENlixhyou.Nívforraj.I.MAt your service.
2009-03-31 17:45 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 0" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Lhaengeer lhej ív raj.
Lhaengpresent.oneselfeerINTRlhejtaskívforraj.I.MReporting for duty.
2009-03-31 17:42 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 9" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Véexh vlhe rajraj lixh.
Véexhrelyvlhecanrajrajwe.Mlixh.you.NYou can count on us.
2009-03-30 21:19 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Rajraj eze aë jqaxh.
Rajrajwe.Mezemoveaëstartjqaxh.nowLet's get moving.
2009-03-30 21:18 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Zexh jqaxh rajraj.
Zexhgojqaxhnowrajraj.we.MOn our way.
2009-03-30 21:18 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Úej dúej jued juelh.
Úejyesdúejrealjuedsupposedjuelh.asVery well.
2009-03-30 21:17 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 5" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Lixh chyueleexh eq jáexh juelh.
Lixhyou.N.SGchyueleethinkxhFUTedoqPASTjáexhalreadyjuelh.asConsider it done.
2009-03-30 21:15 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Ie tùej.
Ienotùej.problemNo problem.
2009-03-30 21:14 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 3" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
E jqaxh rong rajraj.
Edojqaxhnowrongit.Mrajraj.we.MWe're on it.
2009-03-30 21:12 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Dúej jued juelh.
2009-03-30 21:11 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Ezera jued juelh!
EzemoveraINTR.Mjuedsupposedjuelh!asMove out!
2009-03-30 21:10 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Lhuev juelh lixh.
Lhuevwantjuelhaslixh.you.N.SGAs you wish.
2009-03-29 22:37 New translation of "#8" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Wiwiewa si jelkędy prośmie mnościerze womień molini. Ił jora z parsważeni, kód mnoszy parcenię grędzi ciozur, i wlewa owiar ła rzej kętra kośkina koszta. Małuń dziewieńszy policarz. Wynu dzei ił okopława sie o mnochu, pokód iwiał rzewieńszy o mnościerz. "Kwiaru, da mi don swej klucz", dzikszy. "Wołu parszukar mnościerz, prostokód szczeleściści posię sie faczylemięć czołar o iłu łoku." Mnoch dzikszy: "Jo nie ja klucze." Mały policarz jerabli sie, maż mnoch engradzie en mnościerz par uszcz oprzaty.
A wicked man lived near a monastery. He believed [unfoundedly] that the monks had great treasure, and covetted it. The wicked man became a policeman. One day, he accosted a monk who was returning to the monastery. "Give me your key," he said. "I want to search the monastery for any criminals who may be hiding there." The monk said, "I have no key." The wicked policeman flew into a rage [lit. hurled himself into a rage], but the monk went into the monastery through the open door.
2009-03-29 22:33 New translation of "Pity" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Owiem koposzeń ku iłu, kwały pięza, kód zista sięgłamięć wyn mód, prokód krzejar lęgwa.
Let him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language.
2009-03-29 22:29 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Sumy sur rycie.
On our way.
2009-03-29 22:28 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Gratłu za okażenie nościnór!
Happy birthday!
2009-03-29 22:22 Changed language: Wenedyk
- Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen was updated.
2009-03-29 22:22 Changed language: Wenedyk
- Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen was updated.
2009-03-29 21:09 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 4" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Poraty o oceń.
Ready for action.
2009-03-29 21:08 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Kód ofolesz?
What do you need?
2009-03-29 21:07 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Kwały je plan?
What's the plan?
2009-03-29 21:07 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Nie toszka miej jądź!
Don't touch me there!
2009-03-29 21:06 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Wądź je bar?
Where is the bar?
2009-03-29 21:05 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Wądź je litu?
Where is the beach?
2009-03-29 21:05 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Wądź je mia kębra?
Where is my room?
2009-03-29 21:04 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
2009-03-29 21:04 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 1" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
O śrewica.
At your service.
2009-03-29 21:03 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Dzicz mi, kód ja faczer.
Tell me what to do.
2009-03-29 21:03 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 9" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Pociesz sur nosz kątar.
You can count on us.
2009-03-29 21:02 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Nie ja problemu.
No problem.
2009-03-29 21:01 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Proletarzy tutór paziór, olegać sie!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2009-03-29 20:59 Changed language: Qwynegold
- Qwynegold by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-03-29 20:58 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Fili, kwałór widszy przyściędzej, jorą Karół i Jacyk.
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2009-03-29 20:57 New translation of "Farewell" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
O rzewidziąd, $!
bye $
2009-03-29 20:57 Changed language: Lhueslue
- Lhueslue by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-03-29 20:57 Changed language: Lhueslue
- Lhueslue by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-03-29 20:56 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Komód wisz.
As you wish.
2009-03-29 20:56 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Pięzu, dąk su.
I think, therefore I am
2009-03-29 20:55 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Mółt bień.
Very well.
2009-03-29 20:54 New translation of "#10: Olympic Relay" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Ojej, kód posie? Przyściędzej owieńszy o nostry dom biała, jewnia fila, prokód gwardar nieporłarz. Ła fieczy kód pociewa prokód ojekar natu: jekawa sie ku łu, kętawa li kęciekła i.s.ł. Uta małgra ili nieporłarz osłucie łą, deskarnie łą, dzieworze łą, maż resztle ił dziejece za wniestrze. Kód faczer, kód faczer? Wiortablemięć nie szczyje. I dąk o wiecze partaczem afera, prokódsi polica nie komięcar propunier nodzęcie kwieszczenie.
Beware of the baby! O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions.
2009-03-29 20:52 New translation of "#1: Starlings' song" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Kęt starnór porła dzie ocór herójkór. En pływle dziemaniej jardza facze ławąd. En noce ołudzica odura ściele. Ki widzie wiora natura uczołór?
The song of the starlings speaks of heroic deeds In the morning rain the heron does its laundry In the night the lark worships the stars Who sees the true nature of birds?
2009-03-29 20:51 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
2009-03-29 20:50 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Tuci ludzie noszczę sie liwrzy i jekwali z rześpiece świej dzińtacie i swór drzecór. Li są dotaci ku rocenie i koszczęce i dziewię ocar piara wyniałtru en jenie frotrzeńtacie.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2009-03-29 20:49 Changed language: Lhueslue
- Lhueslue by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-03-29 20:49 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen
Posu mędkar wiotr. Miej łu nie dole.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-03-29 20:46 Changed language: Wenedyk
- Wenedyk by Jan van Steenbergen was updated.
2009-03-29 20:42 Changed language: Lhueslue
- Lhueslue by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-03-29 20:27 New language: Wenedyk
IJzeren Jan added Wenedyk to CALS.
Sołyć! Wenedyk! (And that's how you greet someone in Wenedyk.)
Wenedyk's homepage is at http://steen.free.fr/wenedyk/.
2009-03-29 20:13 IJzeren Jan just joined
Welcome IJzeren Jan!
2009-03-29 19:40 Changed language: Lhueslue
- Lhueslue by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-03-29 19:17 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Lixh àex-eq aeìe eev vlúejslue. Lixh lhúeveeq slue!
Lixhyou.Nàex-eopposeqFUTaeìego.extinct-(INF)eevGENvlúejslue.linguisticsLixhyou.Nlhúevcome.up.witheeqFUTslue!languageFight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-03-29 19:15 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Eelùe o-yùepf weelùe òewue thiw.
Eelùesleep.HUMAN-(PRES)o-yùepffuriousweelùedreamòewuecolorlessthiw.greenColorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2009-03-29 19:12 New language: Lhueslue
Qwynegold added Lhueslue to CALS.
2009-03-29 14:39 omnifico just joined
Welcome omnifico!
2009-03-28 22:18 Kodïš just joined
Welcome Kodïš!
2009-03-28 18:52 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Ayeri by Carsten Becker
Nilyang, kada yomayang.
Nil -yang , kada yoma -yang think-1s.AGT, thus exist-1s.AGT
I think, therefore I am
2009-03-28 16:21 Changed language: Old Adpihi
- Old Adpihi by eldin raigmore was updated.
2009-03-26 08:27 Changed language: K'tle
- K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-03-24 18:19 Changed language: Tsolyani
- Tsolyani by M.A.R. Barker was updated.
2009-03-22 21:16 More pagination-news
Languages whose names' first letters start with numbers or symbols are now sorted on their own pages.
2009-03-22 21:09 New translation of "#14: Wedding" into Taruven by kaleissin
rahavuh rūnaìš ÿragal šehūš ry liaq syéonnaþ vamenegehūš oaþ ry duaþ-jï-syées ÿduaþ menegehūš oaþ ry kiaþ-jï-syées aò duaþ uleìne: sā þann Jehan ī þann Maran jilguì fa rahatsa fa hfar utarha sā teìgeár Maran jilguìaš xageár aò kiaþ uleìnevoþa: sā þann Maran ī þann Jehan jilguì fa rahatsa fa hfar utarha sā teìgeár Jehan jilguìaš xageár rūnris oah raha sriša uhūš oah þyó hūš ÿraes syégalru, fa sella džinhūš ÿgīlra, faes khaòymru hūš ÿjyárrara, thann džin vy restal ëypharhūš ÿbarzadžira, vyes tšalanru hūš ÿōra, sanes khaòymru hūš ÿfalra, ëxahūš ÿsïaòyra, tires pen khaòymru hūš ÿveìgra, faið rītheìnhūš ÿrama, fa tyalaþ seghūš ÿraven, ysyé daaþen seghūš fa džinhūš tares yrahafaeì dui teì kiið kii teì duið fa seghhūš tyalaþ jilguì, jilaq, ea
PORTIONS OF THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY (PART 1) [Now the priest will give a golden chain that he has just blessed, to one of the candidates, and the candidate will place it on the neck of the other candidate, and recite after the priest:] I [name] bind myself to you [name] from this day forward, whether in times of happiness or sadness, whether in days (full) of sun or rain, in good health or bad, wealth or poverty, and we will set forth on the course of our new life, always bound and united in soul and body. Thus I pledge to you my love and honor forever. [And the other candidate will do and recite the same] (PART 2) [Now the priest will say:] Let us pray to/call upon/ the Spirits [And everyone in attendance will say or sing:] Father Sun, shine upon their life, Sky, be always clear, Earth and Rain, help them to grow, Sister Vuruna, illuminate their nights, Brother Lalap, let your behavior toward them be good, Mother Sea, be calm when they sail on your surface, Wind, inflate their sail(s) and cool their faces, Forest, give them shade and shelter, Rock Spirits, do not obstruct their path, Little (golden) chains made of love, bind them, All you Spirits and Cousins too, guide and bless them when they set forth on their course with faith and love. May it be so, verily, may it be so forever.
2009-03-22 21:07 New translation of "#13: The Missed Bus Relay" into Taruven by kaleissin
sāel leì llaì duaþ Malero-jï-kīr. hrōim īes marru. ī yéraseð yéllagalru reil mānti mānðe raelliaru saònes. sella Malero sin-vuh fear ätšaða tiraþ, aò ī naàm. sïtūgal gunu yšoŋ-vuhaþ, aò duaþel kannyn ī xve. harra-vuh ī ëše sen sïtūaþ, aò keìn seneì skaronin. īel tšah rīvyšenn tireðið. aga-vuh ī taheì tiraþ. rīvyšenn sažu kīron īaþ. īes marru. tri tir džin saònaþ.
One morning in December I could watch the following scene across the street from a bus stop: A boy, obviously on his way to school, stood in front of a garden wall. He had an enormous red tomcat on his shoulder and this animal balanced skilfully while the boy tried hard to shake him off. With increasing panic he watched the bus stop knowing the bus would be due any second now... The cat was quite undisturbed. Once, he put a paw on the wall, but seemingly it felt too cold, so he quickly retreated to the boy's backpack. The moment when he was comfortably sitting, having tucked up his legs, the school bus arrived. I suppose the cat spent quite an interesting day.
2009-03-22 21:04 New translation of "#9: Borromean Relay" into Taruven by kaleissin
hrôdha ryca, malaxan aen rydu sella sohan yó maìdaru mânða. tav tav tav. soel âr hrôel kann ys. aò Hetuel âr hrôel vru egiemanagið. uleìneta: tsar cillaen saha a uleìne, tsar mar cvåìiel xvuac uesen marðe sajuruen, vacyévkeì a vacevahux
hrô -dha ry -ca malaxan a -en ry -du sella sohan yó maì -da -ru mân -ða -en hrô -dha ry -ca malaxan a -PL ry -du sella sohan yó maì -da -ru mân -ða -PL tav tav tav tav tav tav so -el âr hrô -el kann ys so -EXP âr hrô -EXP kann ys aò Hetu -el âr hrô -el vru egie -ma -n -ag -ið aò Hetu -EXP âr hrô -EXP vru egie -ma EP -age -BEN uleìneta uleìneta tsar cilla -en saha a uleìne, tsar cilla -PL saha a uleìne tsar mar cvåìi -el xvu -ac u -es -en mar -ðe saju -ru -en, tsar mar cvåìi -EXP xvu -ac u -LOC -PL mar -ðe saju -ru -PL, va- cyév -keì a va- ceva -hux IMP- cyév -keì a IMP- ceva -RFL
Winter is the wolf that takes the old, the sick, and the very young Winter is the hard rock on which nothing grows Winter is the cruel beak and the sharp talon And so we beg you, bounding boy of spring, dance over the earth So that the sun your mother will look down upon us And flowers will spring from your footsteps.
2009-03-21 14:54 Language list now paginated
The list of languages is now alphabetically paginated on their name, that is: languages whose names starts with the same letter is now collected on the same page, with links to pages for the other letters. Languages starting with numbers or other non-letters ought to be in their own page too, but that's a fix for another day.
2009-03-21 00:36 New stuff! A cloud of conlangs
There's now a new way to view the list of all languages, the conlang cloud-view. This view has been added because the good, old list of all languages is getting a bit long and will be split up into several pages, probably by letter.
2009-03-17 20:06 Changed language: Old Adpihi
- Old Adpihi by eldin raigmore was updated.
2009-03-17 07:55 Changed language: K'tle
- K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-03-14 15:41 Changed language: Sakalian
- Sakalian by King Anorion was updated.
2009-03-14 15:41 Changed language: Sakalian
- Sakalian by King Anorion was updated.
2009-03-14 15:41 New language: Sakalian
Nakumi added Sakalian to CALS.
2009-03-14 15:37 Nakumi just joined
Welcome Nakumi!
2009-03-13 19:08 Changed language: Neo-Khitanese
- Neo-Khitanese by Kuroda was updated.
2009-03-13 19:08 Changed language: Neo-Khitanese
- Neo-Khitanese by Kuroda was updated.
2009-03-13 19:05 Changed language: Neo-Khitanese
- Neo-Khitanese by Kuroda was updated.
2009-03-11 18:40 Changed language: Gwongbholu
- Gwongbholu by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-03-11 18:40 Changed language: Gwongbholu
- Gwongbholu by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-03-11 18:39 Changed language: Liu
- Liu by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-03-11 18:39 Changed language: Liu
- Liu by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-03-11 18:37 Changed language: Gwongbholu
- Gwongbholu by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-03-11 02:28 Changed language: Eridanian
- Eridanian by Taylor Selseth was updated.
2009-03-10 18:17 Changed language: Vielan
- Vielan by Jeffrey Rollin was updated.
2009-03-10 08:51 Changed language: K'tle
- K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-03-07 21:45 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2009-03-06 15:19 Changed language: Wagask
- Wagask by Veoler was updated.
2009-03-06 15:17 New language: Hagask
Veoler added Hagask to CALS.
2009-02-23 08:19 Changed language: K'tle
- K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-02-22 17:09 Changed language: Gwongbholu
- Gwongbholu by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-02-21 18:16 New translation exercise
- Let him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language.
2009-02-18 03:18 Changed language: Vallese
- Vallese by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-02-18 03:18 Changed language: Vallese
- Vallese by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-02-17 08:01 Changed language: 'Yemls
- 'Yemls by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-02-16 23:17 Changed language: P'aa
- P'aa by penguinsquishy was updated.
2009-02-16 23:17 Changed language: P'aa
- P'aa by penguinsquishy was updated.
2009-02-16 22:48 Changed language: Vitruvian
- Vitruvian by j. jambec was updated.
2009-02-16 10:32 Changed language: P'aa
- P'aa by penguinsquishy was updated.
2009-02-16 10:29 New language: P'aa
penguinsquishy added P'aa to CALS.
2009-02-16 10:25 Changed language: new
- new by penguinsquishy was updated.
2009-02-16 10:25 Changed language: new
- new by penguinsquishy was updated.
2009-02-16 10:25 New language: new
penguinsquishy added new to CALS.
2009-02-16 09:43 New language: n/a
penguinsquishy added n/a to CALS.
2009-02-16 04:22 Changed language: K'tle
- K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-02-14 02:18 Changed language: Lirakdom
- Lirakdom by Veoler was updated.
2009-02-12 18:04 Changed language: Vallese
- Vallese by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-02-08 21:02 Changed language: K'tle
- K'tle by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-02-08 20:58 New language: K'tle
qiihoskeh added K'tle to CALS.
2009-02-07 06:00 Changed language: 'Yemls
- 'Yemls by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-02-06 02:56 vinpistelli just joined
Welcome vinpistelli!
2009-02-05 23:29 Changed language: 'Yemls
- 'Yemls by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-02-05 17:36 Changed language: Vitruvian
- Vitruvian by j. jambec was updated.
2009-02-04 09:19 Changed language: 'Yemls
- 'Yemls by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-02-03 16:24 Changed language: Vitruvian
- Vitruvian by j. jambec was updated.
2009-02-03 16:23 New language: Vitruvian
eujay added Vitruvian to CALS.
sen none yet! (And that's how you greet someone in Vitruvian.)
2009-02-02 16:09 eujay just joined
Welcome eujay!
2009-02-02 11:54 Changed language: 'Yemls
- 'Yemls by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-02-02 11:37 New language: 'Yemls
qiihoskeh added 'Yemls to CALS.
2009-02-01 17:29 New translation exercise
There's a new translation exercise, the venerable "cogito ergo sum" or in English: "I think, therefore I am".
2009-02-01 17:26 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Taruven by kaleissin
ār thana
ār/ɑːr1s.thinkthanatʰɑnɑ/1s.existI think, therefore I am
2009-02-01 08:55 Changed language: deynaese
- deynaese by xroox was updated.
2009-02-01 08:54 New language: deynayese
xroox added deynayese to CALS.
2009-02-01 08:12 xroox just joined
Welcome xroox!
2009-01-29 08:15 Changed language: Tersales
- Tersales by Afsin Kum was updated.
2009-01-29 08:15 Changed language: Tersales
- Tersales by Afsin Kum was updated.
2009-01-28 20:56 Changed language: Socialese
- Socialese by Eddy1701 was updated.
2009-01-28 20:56 Changed language: Socialese
- Socialese by Eddy1701 was updated.
2009-01-27 19:47 Changed language: Gwongbholu
- Gwongbholu by Qwynegold was updated.
2009-01-27 19:40 New language: Gwongbholu
Qwynegold added Gwongbholu to CALS.
2009-01-25 22:47 cloudmazu just joined
Welcome cloudmazu!
2009-01-19 14:37 Changed language: UFOSAT
- UFOSAT by Fau Sa was updated.
2009-01-19 14:33 New language: UFOSAT
abobly added UFOSAT to CALS.
Welcome to UFOSAT language (conlang). UFOSAT! (And that's how you greet someone in UFOSAT.)
UFOSAT's homepage is at http://webforinfo.net/ufosat-language.
2009-01-19 11:41 abobly just joined
Welcome abobly!
2009-01-15 10:18 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Sathir by David J. Peterson
Ruuli ur ame thodono!
touch NEG. 1sg.ABS. DEF.-there!
Don't touch me there!
2009-01-15 10:17 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Sathir by David J. Peterson
Anngaðwelu turanenthalas lozuna?
3sg.NON-FUT.-lie DEF.-bar where?
Where is the bar?
2009-01-15 10:16 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Sathir by David J. Peterson
Anngaðwelu padanga lozuna?
3sg.NON-FUT.-lie DEF.-beach where?
Where is the beach?
2009-01-15 10:15 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Sathir by David J. Peterson
Anngaðwelu kaðwanto anne lozuna?
3sg.NON-FUT.-lie DEF.-room 1sg.GEN. where?
Where is my room?
2009-01-15 10:13 Changed language: Sathir
- Sathir by David J. Peterson was updated.
2009-01-15 10:13 Changed language: Sathir
- Sathir by David J. Peterson was updated.
2009-01-15 10:12 Changed language: Kamakawi
- Kamakawi by David J. Peterson was updated.
2009-01-15 10:11 Changed language: Kelenala
- Kelenala by David J. Peterson was updated.
2009-01-15 10:11 Changed language: Kelenala
- Kelenala by David J. Peterson was updated.
2009-01-15 10:10 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Zhyler by David J. Peterson
Zase ökmerez!
there(dist.) touch-1sg.-NEG.!
Don't touch me there!
2009-01-15 10:10 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Zhyler by David J. Peterson
Vekwiðe gaðakfet?
bar-NOM. where?
Where is the bar?
2009-01-15 10:09 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Zhyler by David J. Peterson
Dayða gaðakfet?
beach-NOM. where?
Where is the beach?
2009-01-15 10:09 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Zhyler by David J. Peterson
Ezgam gaðakfet?
room-1sg. where?
Where is my room?
2009-01-15 10:08 Changed language: Zhyler
- Zhyler by David J. Peterson was updated.
2009-01-15 10:08 Changed language: Zhyler
- Zhyler by David J. Peterson was updated.
2009-01-15 10:05 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Kelenala by David J. Peterson
Ya holi e?
2sg. need what?
What do you need?
2009-01-15 10:02 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Kelenala by David J. Peterson
2009-01-15 09:59 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Kelenala by David J. Peterson
Ma maka pele taku; eni oki li ma onu.
1sg. eat can glass; 3sg. NEG.-PRED. cause 1sg. hurt.
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-01-15 09:54 New translation of "Farewell" into Kelenala by David J. Peterson
Nisi $!
bye $
2009-01-15 09:52 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Kelenala by David J. Peterson
Sa oki tayla ma o heye!
3sg.gen. NEG.-PRED. touch 1sg. NEG. there!
Don't touch me there!
2009-01-15 09:51 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Kelenala by David J. Peterson
Naykiwayle ki yasa ele?
alcohol-place PRED. sit what-place?
Where is the bar?
2009-01-15 09:51 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Kelenala by David J. Peterson
Tale ki yasa ele?
sand-place PRED. sit what-place?
Where is the beach?
2009-01-15 09:49 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Kelenala by David J. Peterson
Ho yu ma ki yasa ele?
room GEN. 1sg. PRED. sit what-place?
Where is my room?
2009-01-15 08:08 Changed language: Tersales
- Tersales by Afsin Kum was updated.
2009-01-14 14:40 New translation-exercises
Four new translation-exercises, the four essential travel-phrases from http://www.travelphrases.info/.
2009-01-09 15:26 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Tersales by afsinkum
ve vor tan?
veyouvo-rwhich-onetanwantWhat do you need?
2009-01-09 14:55 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Tersales by afsinkum
bo-ge good-more
Very well.
2009-01-09 14:53 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 5" into Tersales by afsinkum
or dagdens ragas.
o-rADJ-onedag-de-nsmake-PTCP-berag-as.accept-IMP.Consider it done.
2009-01-09 14:52 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Tersales by afsinkum
ny kos.
nynotkosproblemNo problem.
2009-01-09 14:51 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Tersales by afsinkum
2009-01-09 14:51 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Tersales by afsinkum
xe-ng-as!out-become-IMPMove out!
2009-01-09 14:50 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Tersales by afsinkum
ve syndeg gy.
ve sy-nd-eg gy. your for-NOM-function equal.
As you wish.
2009-01-09 14:43 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Tersales by afsinkum
po manos aduru ne hy beragandens ne henos dy mugy mag. ders sydedung ne mokan dens, ne tyso mugug gox.
po manos aduru ne hy beragandens ne henos dy mugy mag. all humans free and the respectability and rights about equal-to-each-other born ders sydedung ne mokan dens, ne tyso mugug gox. them reasoning and conscience have, and brotherly act-towards-each-other must.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2009-01-09 14:32 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Tersales by afsinkum
my xun mugan, or ke mynd ny fos.
mymyxunglassmug-an,eat-can,o-rADJ-onekeERGmy-ndmy-NOMnyNEGfos.pain.I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2009-01-09 14:30 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Tersales by afsinkum
lesyndy renyngka kagas. a lesyn dagtegas.
les-yn-dyspeak-tool-aboutre-ny-ng-kaforward-not-become-oppositekag-as.fight-IMP.aales-ynspeak-tooldag-teg-as.make-find-IMP.Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-01-09 14:15 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Tersales by afsinkum
ruxderu daxo duxos foxo lox.
rux-de-rucolor-PTCP-backdax-ograss-ADJdux-osdream-PLfox-oanger-ADJloxsleep.Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2009-01-09 14:07 Changed language: Tersales
- Tersales by Afsin Kum was updated.
2009-01-09 13:44 New language: Tersales
afsinkum added Tersales to CALS.
2009-01-09 13:38 afsinkum just joined
Welcome afsinkum!
2009-01-07 17:30 New translation of "Farewell" into Hacherian by nolik
Hay talish targe!
OPTATIVE you-go it-is-good
bye $
2009-01-07 17:28 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Hacherian by nolik
Ya caralhcahrialh tehad bijish, ya caralh yibokice!
IMPERATIVE language-dying against-it you-fight, IMPERATIVE language you-invent-it
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-01-07 17:21 Changed language: Hacherian
- Hacherian by nolik was updated.
2009-01-07 17:21 Changed language: Hacherian
- Hacherian by nolik was updated.
2009-01-07 17:21 New language: Hacherian
nolik added Hacherian to CALS.
Yalemish Haceri! (And that's how you greet someone in Hacherian.)
Hacherian's homepage is at http://www.jezykotworcy.net/wiki/index.php?title=J%C4%99zyk_haczerijski.
2009-01-07 17:03 nolik just joined
Welcome nolik!
2009-01-03 12:21 Changed language: Barip
- Barip by penguinsquishy was updated.
2009-01-03 12:21 Changed language: Barip
- Barip by penguinsquishy was updated.
2009-01-03 11:59 New language: Barip
penguinsquishy added Barip to CALS.