Feature statistics

Most popular conlang features

Absence of Common Consonants: All present 936 languages 73.0%
Vowel Nasalization: Contrast absent 914 languages 71.3%
Glottalized Consonants: No glottalized consonants 859 languages 67.0%
Tone: No tones 848 languages 66.1%
Uvular Consonants: None 756 languages 59.0%
Front Rounded Vowels: None 751 languages 58.6%
Lateral Consonants: /l/, no obstruent laterals 699 languages 54.5%
Conlang type: Artlang 684 languages 53.4%
Voicing and Gaps in Plosive Systems: None missing in /p t k b d g/ 648 languages 50.5%
Finger and Hand: Different 608 languages 47.4%
Presence of Uncommon Consonants: None 597 languages 46.6%
Voicing in Plosives and Fricatives: In both plosives and fricatives 589 languages 45.9%
Hand and Arm: Different 558 languages 43.5%
Order of Subject and Verb: SV 529 languages 41.3%
Obligatory Possessive Inflection: Absent 515 languages 40.2%
Fixed Stress Locations: No fixed stress 514 languages 40.1%
The Velar Nasal: No velar nasal 513 languages 40.0%
Syllable Structure: Moderately complex 508 languages 39.6%
Consonant-Vowel Ratio: Average 501 languages 39.1%
Red and Yellow: Red vs. yellow 499 languages 38.9%

Most common natlang features

Front Rounded Vowels: None 115 languages 90.6%
Absence of Common Consonants: All present 112 languages 88.2%
The Optative: Inflectional optative absent 109 languages 85.8%
Verbal Number and Suppletion: None 101 languages 79.5%
Antipassive Constructions: No antipassive 101 languages 79.5%
Order of Subject and Verb: SV 99 languages 78.0%
Uvular Consonants: None 99 languages 78.0%
Presence of Uncommon Consonants: None 98 languages 77.2%
N-M Pronouns: No N-M pronouns 97 languages 76.4%
Glottalized Consonants: No glottalized consonants 96 languages 75.6%
Obligatory Possessive Inflection: Absent 96 languages 75.6%
M-T Pronouns: No M-T pronouns 91 languages 71.7%
Vowel Nasalization: Contrast absent 89 languages 70.1%
Nonperiphrastic Causative Constructions: Morphological but no compound 89 languages 70.1%
Tone: No tones 85 languages 66.9%
Lateral Consonants: /l/, no obstruent laterals 83 languages 65.4%
Fusion of Selected Inflectional Formatives: Exclusively concatenative 82 languages 64.6%
Polar Questions: Question particle 80 languages 63.0%
Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Independent Pronouns: No inclusive/exclusive 78 languages 61.4%
Gender Distinctions in Independent Personal Pronouns: No gender distinctions 77 languages 60.6%

Unused values for features (1)

Conlangs with no features