Translation of "#14: Wedding" (Relay)

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Original: PORTIONS OF THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY (PART 1) [Now the priest will give a golden chain that he has just blessed, to one of the candidates, and the candidate will place it on the neck of the other candidate, and recite after the priest:] I [name] bind myself to you [name] from this day forward, whether in times of happiness or sadness, whether in days (full) of sun or rain, in good health or bad, wealth or poverty, and we will set forth on the course of our new life, always bound and united in soul and body. Thus I pledge to you my love and honor forever. [And the other candidate will do and recite the same] (PART 2) [Now the priest will say:] Let us pray to/call upon/ the Spirits [And everyone in attendance will say or sing:] Father Sun, shine upon their life, Sky, be always clear, Earth and Rain, help them to grow, Sister Vuruna, illuminate their nights, Brother Lalap, let your behavior toward them be good, Mother Sea, be calm when they sail on your surface, Wind, inflate their sail(s) and cool their faces, Forest, give them shade and shelter, Rock Spirits, do not obstruct their path, Little (golden) chains made of love, bind them, All you Spirits and Cousins too, guide and bless them when they set forth on their course with faith and love. May it be so, verily, may it be so forever.
PORXENZ UV THA MAIRIJ SAIRAMOONEE (PAHRT 1) [Now tha preest wil giv a goolden caan that hee haz just blesed, tuu wun uv tha kandadaats, and tha kandadaat wil plaas it on tha nek uv tha uther kandadaat, and risiit after tha preest: Ii [naam] biind miiself tuu yuu [naam] frum this daa forwerd, wether in tiimz uv hapeenis or sadnis, wether in daaz (fuhl) uv sun or raan, in guhd helfh or bad, welfh or povertee, and wee wil set forfh on tha kors uv ahr nuu liif, awlwaaz bownd and yuuniitid in sool and bodee. Thus Ii plej tuu yuu mii luv and oner ferever. [And tha uther kandadaat wil duu and risiit tha saam] (PAHRT 2) [Now tha preest wil saa:] Let us praa tuu kawl apon tha Spirits [And evreewun in atendens wil saa or siq:] Fahther Sun, xiin apon thair liif, Skii, bee awlwaaz kleer, Urfh and Raan, help them tuu groo, Sister Vuruna iluuminaat thair niits, Bruther Lalap let yor bihaavyer tord them bee guhd, Muther See, bee kahm wen thaa saal on yor surfes, Wind, inflaat thair saal(z) and kuul thair faasiz, Forest, giv them xaad and xelter, Rok Spirits, duu not obstrukt thair pafh, Litul (goolden) caanz maad uv luv, biind them, Awl yuu Spirits and Kuzinz tuu, giid and bles them wen thaa set forfh on thair kors with faafh and luv. Maa it bee soo, vairalee, maa it bee soo ferever.

(PART 1)

[Now tha preest wil giv a goolden caan that hee haz just blesed, tuu wun uv tha kandadaats, and tha kandadaat 
[Now the priest will give a golden chain that he has just blessed, to one of the candidates, and the candidate 

wil plaas it on tha nek uv tha uther kandadaat, and risiit after tha preest:]
will place it on the neck of the other candidate, and recite after the priest:] 

Ii [naam] biind miiself tuu yuu [naam] frum this daa forwerd, wether in tiimz uv hapeenis or sadnis, wether 
I [name] bind myself to you [name] from this day forward, whether in times of happiness or sadness, whether

in daaz (fuhl) uv sun or raan, in guhd helfh or bad, welfh or povertee, and wee wil set forfh on tha kors uv 
in days (full) of sun or rain, in good health or bad, wealth or poverty, and we will set forth on the course of

ahr nuu liif, awlwaaz bownd and yuuniitid in sool and bodee. Thus Ii plej tuu yuu mii luv and oner ferever.
our new life, always bound and united in soul and body. Thus I pledge to you my love and honor forever.

[And tha uther kandadaat wil duu and risiit tha saam]
[And the other candidate will do and recite the same] 

(PART 2)

[Now tha preest wil saa:] Let us praa tuu kawl apon tha Spirits 
[Now the priest will say:] Let us pray to/call upon/ the Spirits 

[And evreewun in atendens wil saa or siq:]
[And everyone in attendance will say or sing:] 

Fahther Sun, xiin apon thair liif, 
Father Sun, shine upon their life, 

Skii, bee awlwaaz kleer, 
Sky, be always clear, 

Urfh and Raan, help them tuu groo, 
Earth and Rain, help them to grow, 

Sister Vuruna iluuminaat thair niits, 
Sister Vuruna, illuminate their nights, 

Bruther Lalap let yor bihaavyer tord them bee guhd, 
Brother Lalap, let your behavior toward them be good, 

Muther See, bee kahm wen thaa saal on yor surfes, 
Mother Sea, be calm when they sail on your surface,

Wind, inflaat thair saal(z) and kuul thair faasiz, 
Wind, inflate their sail(s) and cool their faces, 

Forest, giv them xaad and xelter, 
Forest, give them shade and shelter, 

Rok Spirits, duu not obstrukt thair pafh, 
Rock Spirits, do not obstruct their path, 

Litul (goolden) caanz maad uv luv, biind them, 
Little (golden) chains made of love, bind them, 

Awl yuu Spirits and Kuzinz tuu, giid and bles them 
All you Spirits and Cousins too, guide and bless them

wen thaa set forfh on thair kors with faafh and luv. 
when they set forth on their course with faith and love. 

Maa it bee soo, vairalee, maa it bee soo ferever.
May it be so, verily, may it be so forever.