Translation of "#15: The Dancing Out Of Time Relay" (Relay)
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Original: | A Riddle See them dance. The have no leader. They have no music but their own voices, nor have they studied any choreography. Each goes where he will. But their dance is the most graceful, the most harmonious of all dances. There are no dancers more lithe than they are. They turn and weave so that they seem to have a single mind. This seems the least difficult work for them. Do any dancers make greater beauty with less effort? But they take not a single step. |
Translation: | • Enigmo
• le-vida to baile!
• to ne ma duco.
• to bi-usa justa selfo mo voco no muzikazo,
• i to nee ge-studia on bailoglaffo.
• de to omlo bi-vade a selfo kelo loko.
• velse,
to bailo da de bailo toto pii grasioso i pii armonioso no.
• pii ajle kan to no bailo neke.
• koz to bi-rrote i bi-sinuate,
• de to toto palesca ma uno samo mento.
• to palesce da pii facle faza to no oplo.
• ci bi-faca pii magno berro
usa men mutco folso no bailo neke?
• velse,
to ne bi-ande uno passo!
Interlinear: | enigm-o enigma-NOM le-vid-a to bail-e JUS-see-DIV PROX dance-MON to ne ma duc-o PROX NEG have.DIV lead-NOM to bi-usa just-a self-o mo voc-o no muzik-az-o PROX HAB-use-DIV exact-DIV RFX-NOM GEN voice-NOM RSM music-INV-NOM i to nee ge-studi-a on bail-o-glaff-o and PROX NEG.EMP RET-study-DIV IMP dance-LNK-write-NOM de to oml-o bi-vad-e a self-o kel-o lok-o PAR PROX each-NOM HAB-go-MON LOC.DIV RFX-NOM seek-NOM place-NOM vels-e oppose-MON to bail-o da de bail-o tot-o pii grasios-o i pii armonios-o no PROX dance-NOM ID PAR dance-NOM all-NOM more graceful-NOM and more harmonious-NOM RSM pii ajl-e kan to no bail-o nek-e more agile-MON than PROX RSM dance-NOM nowhere-MON koz to bi-rrot-e i bi-sinuat-e because PROX HAB-rotate-MON and HAB-sinuate-MON de to tot-o palesc-a ma un-o sam-o ment-o PAR PROX all-NOM seem-DIV have.DIV "1"-NOM same-NOM mind-NOM to palesc-e da pii facl-e faz-a to no opl-o PROX seem-MON ID more easy-MON by-DIV PROX RSM work-NOM ci bi-fac-a pii magn-o berr-o INT HAB-make-DIV more great-NOM beauty-NOM us-a men mutc-o fols-o no bail-o nek-e use-DIV less much-NOM force-NOM RSM dance-NOM nowhere-MON vels-e oppose-MON to ne bi-and-e un-o pass-o PROX NEG HAB-walk-MON "1"-NOM step-NOM |