Translation of "#16: the Ithkuil Relay" (Relay)
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Original: | Those who try to limit basic standards of moral conduct to religious observances and theologies are fighting a losing battle. The human spirit is too needy and too vigorous to be kept in shackles. |
Translation: | Πεῖς χαρέκετι χρόδηντονεδ άντον μῖνιον κωῦριδ τῖγνοτι κανόν ώς θρῆσκουσες πράτους άπε θεολογίης ϝίκετι κάτι ας μόκον.
Ουμῆνον ὰνζον χλὴγμον ϝαῖλον άπε χλὴγμον γρέγον έσσι κυι χρονὶντο εν πέδον. |
Interlinear: | Q.M try-3SG.PRES put-PRES.PTCP-N.SG.ACC.INDEF limit-SG.ACC basic-N.PL.GEN.DEF moral-N.SG.GEN.INDEF conduct-SG.GEN standard-PL.GEN as religious-M.PL.ACC.INDEF observance-PL.ACC and theology-PL.ACC fight-3SG.PRES battle-SG.GEN at pig-SG.GEN humane-N.SG.NOM.DEF spirit-SG.NOM too-N.SG.NOM.DEF needy-N.SG.NOM.DEF and too-N.SG.NOM.DEF vigorous-N.SG.NOM.DEF COP.3SG.PRES for keep-3SG.MPASS.PRES in shackle-PL.GEN |