Translation of "#16: the Ithkuil Relay" (Relay)

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Original: Those who try to limit basic standards of moral conduct to religious observances and theologies are fighting a losing battle. The human spirit is too needy and too vigorous to be kept in shackles.
*** from intermediate translation *** Glohax hal Raxmigil ¶ Swala jemor stor leikin cefklape linkwaripe kori fusbelum, biyoku glohax har taujer swam jemum tai kori hilum raxmigilum swam jemum joufam. ¶ Stor hostin leikax fraspingo cefklape linkwaripe kori fusbelum, juku darbitoku hil brumel taujelum talum. ¶ Nage pyali jemli stwe gamlin kwim raxmigim; stwe glohin kori tim. ¶ Ga moldiki.
      gloh-ax     h-a-l    raxmigi-l
understand-Inf Def-Ani-PAbs virtue-PAbs

  sw-a-la       jem-or         s-tor     leik-in  cefkla-pe        linkwari-pe   kori  fusbe-lum
all-Ani-PErg person-PErg Cop.Prs-3PErg behave-VN concern-SIns compassionate-SIns about fault-PGen

  biy-ok-u         gloh-ax     h-a-r       tauje-r       sw-a-m        jem-um
make-Prg-Sec understand-Inf Def-Ani-SErg "heart"-SErg each-Ani-SGen person-SGen

 t-a-i     kori     h-i-lum  raxmigi-lum     sw-a-m        jem-um     jouf-a-m
3-Ani-SDat about Def-Ina-PGen virtue-PGen each-Ani-SGen person-SGen other-Ani-SGen

      s-tor  host-in   leik-ax       frasp-ingo cefkla-pe        linkwari-pe   kori  fusbe-lum
Cop.Prs-3PErg try-VN behave-Inf determined-Adv concern-SIns compassionate-SIns about fault-PGen

juku     darbi-t-ok-u       h-i-l    brume-l      tauje-lum   t-a-lum
very important-V-Prg-Sec Def-Ina-PAbs need-PAbs "heart"-PGen 3-Ani-PGen

nage   py-a-li       jem-li         s-twe    gaml-in   kw-i-m    raxmigi-m
but  few-Ani-PDat person-PDat Cop.Prs-3PDat doubt-VN one-Ina-SGen virtue-SGen

      s-twe         gloh-in kori   t-i-m
Cop.Prs-3PDat understand-VN about 3-Ina-SGen

 ga          moldi-ki
Neg be_certain.Prs-1SDat