Translation of "#16: the Ithkuil Relay" (Relay)

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Original: Those who try to limit basic standards of moral conduct to religious observances and theologies are fighting a losing battle. The human spirit is too needy and too vigorous to be kept in shackles.
Aichot lauthot, ðo tysín ðo hocorain fynyl loisolig garensún lo g-crestastím heıs terolsot, moirí moira ðo né nateısí polín. Erioð leutheg né polío syrchisí, erin tusc brocheg ar codac sío.
Aich-ot    lauth-ot    ,  ðo   tysí-n        ðo   hocor-ain     fynyl
those-FPL  person-FPL    that try.3PL-PRS  that standard-NPL simple

lois-olig   garensún      lo g-crest-ast-ím             heıs terolsot,
accept-able limit.3PL-IMP to soft-m/belief-fullness-MPL and  god-knowledge-FPL

moir-ín        moira  ðo   né nateısí  polín. 
fight.3PL-PRS battle that  not win.INF can.3PL-PRS

Erioð leutheg né polío
spirit people not can.3SG-PRS

syrchi-sí,       erin    tusc     brocheg ar codac sío. 
shackle-be.INF   because too-much needy   and strong be.3SG-PRS