Translations of "#16: the Ithkuil Relay" (Relay) for Vallese


Those who try to limit basic standards of moral conduct to religious observances and theologies are fighting a losing battle. The human spirit is too needy and too vigorous to be kept in shackles.



*** from intermediate translation *** ¶ Final ment, una tràdidzon con spirid conduirá tuas aiceons ala cima, resoviand en mancantza. ¶ Muda lò como fâis, porquè todas causas non deven venir al centr. ¶ Lò como fâis est tant emportant què tua vida!
final ment
final Adv

 un-a  tràdidzon   con  spirid     condui-r-á        tu-as aiceon-s   a=la    cima
Ind-FS tradition.S with spirit.S conduct-Fut-3S 2S.Poss-FP action-P to=Def.FS summit

  resov-iand en mancantza
resolve-Ger  in loss.S

muda          lò    como   fâi-s
change.Imp.2S Def.N how do.Prs-2S

porquè  tod-as causa-s non        dev-en veni-r    a=l      centr
because all-FP thing-P Neg should.Prs-3P come-INF to=DEF.MS center.S

lò    como   fâi-s  est        tant  emportant què          tu-a  vida
Def.N how do.Prs-2S Cop.Prs.3S so/as important than/as 2S.Poss-FS life.S