Translation of "#9: Borromean Relay" (Relay)

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Original: Winter is the wolf that takes the old, the sick, and the very young Winter is the hard rock on which nothing grows Winter is the cruel beak and the sharp talon And so we beg you, bounding boy of spring, dance over the earth So that the sun your mother will look down upon us And flowers will spring from your footsteps.
¶ hiberno le lupo birroba persono vetro o infirmo o vee juvyno ¶ hiberno le petro duro hu ningo kresce ana he fo ¶ hiberno le rostro crudelo i pinso kuto ¶ kona to, nas eska te, cikki bisalto da primavero, go balye supra terro comode pa helyo teo mamo mira kata nas i mutco floro vasurje a marko da teo podo.
hibern-o le   lup-o   bi-rob-a  person-o vetr-o o infirm-o o  vee  juvyn-o
winter-N Dst wolf-N Hab-steal-T person-N  old-N or  sick-N or very young-N

hibern-o le  petr-o  dur-o hu  ningo  kresc-e an-a he  fo
winter-N Dst rock-N hard-N Rel nothing grow-I on-T Rst End

hibern-o le rostr-o crudel-o  i   pins-o   kut-o
winter-N Dst beak-N  cruel-N and claws-N sharp-N

 kon-a to  nas esk-a te
with-T Prx 1XP ask-T 2S

cikk-i  bi-salt-o da primaver-o
 boy-V Hab-jump-N of   spring-N

go   baly-e supr-a  terr-o
Imp dance-I over-T Earth-N

    co-mod-e  pa hely-o  teo      mam-o  mir-e  kat-a nas
such-manner-I for Sun-N 2S.Pos mother-N look-I down-T 1XP

 i  mutc-o   flor-o  va-surj-e  a  mark-o da  teo    pod-o
and many-N flower-N Pro-rise-I Loc mark-N of 2S.Pos feet-N

-I	Intransitive (= monovalent)
-N	Nominalized
-T	Transitive (= bi- or tri-valent)
-V	Vocative