Translation of "Being specific: nouns" (Grammar points)

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Original: my friends my best friends one of my best friends 3 of my best friends some of my best friends most of my best friends all of my best friends a funny man a very funny man the funniest man of all 3 shirts 3 clean shirts the cleanest 3 shirts the newest 2 of the clean shirts the newest 2 of the 3 clean shirts the first question the first 3 questions the third question the last of the questions
mu-vı̋l̨us vıva̋du mu-vı̋l̨us vıva̋du mu-vil̨űm se̋m vıva̋du mu-vil̨űm tı̋r vıva̋du mu-vil̨űm ȝus vıva̋du mu-vil̨űm gıgą̋mus vıva̋du mu-vil̨űm őrus ną̋lÿu ɱı̨̋ru lábu ną̋lÿu ɱı̨̋ru ᵹonıną̋lÿu ɱı̨̋ru tı̋r űsos tı̋r cűvo űsos tı̋r cycűvo űsos cűvo usőm ȝyȝų̋no düós tı̋r cűvo usőm ȝyȝų̋no düós se̋mto me̋to se̋mto tı̋r me̋tos tı̋rto me̋to műgo me̋to
COMP~good-ABS my=friend-NOM.PL
COMP~good-ABS my=friend-GEN.PL one
COMP~good-ABS my=friend-GEN.PL three
COMP~good-ABS my=friend-GEN.PL some-NOM.PL
COMP~good-ABS my=friend-GEN.PL COMP~more-NOM.PL
COMP~good-ABS my=friend-GEN.PL all-NOM.PL

funny-ABS man-NOM.SG
very funny-ABS man-NOM.SG

three shirt-NOM.PL
three clean-ABS shirt-NOM.PL
three COMP~clean-ABS shirt-NOM.PL
clean-ABS shirt-GEN.PL COMP~new-ABS two
three clean-ABS shirt-GEN.PL COMP~new-ABS two

first-ABS question-NOM.SG
first-NOM.SG three question-NOM.PL
third-ABS question-NOM.SG
last-ABS question-NOM.SG