Translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" (Standalone)

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Original: I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
Dofïmoptu manikeir, zinmaneir, li manneleir, nyadopli riseseir ne ɛoflep gamoça ðalakam. Henesokuçei þoduçxei tseke ðuiþop Hëneseir hetopli hkoðobûça kôdyotar mëmmineil si xarkeim, seliunarkeim, li netseim... Yele, tsikkin si boseim leik þaduç suhkeim si Hkadeim. Dotsuç bopeir dotsopli puçeir!
dofïm[op]tu manik-eir , zin-man-eir , li mannel-eir ,
encompass[1SG.AN2] yesterday-DEF.ACC , this-day-DEF.ACC , AND tomorrow-DEF.ACC ,
nyad-op-li ris-es-eir ne ɛ[o]f-[le]p gam-oç-a ðalak-am .
have-1SG.AN2-AND can-VN-DEF.ACC CNJ.PURP give.birth[PAS.SG]-[PAS]1.AN2 two-ADJ.SG.INAN-INDEF time-INDEF.LOC .
henes-ok-uç-ei þod[uç]x-ei tsek-e ð[ui]þ-op H[ë]nes-eir
god-have.quality-ADJ.SG.AN2-DEF hide[ADJ.SG.AN2]-DEF soul-NOM.DEF create[PST]-1SG.AN2 God[PL]-DEF.ACC
het-op-li hkoð-ob-ûç-a kôd-yot-ar m[ë]m-min-eil si xark-eim ,
give-1SG.AN2-AND eat-PRT.PAS.INAN-INDEF.ACC reside[PL]-person-DEF.DAT PREP.GEN underworld-DEF.LOC ,
sel-iun-ark-eim , li nets-eim ...
die-PRT.PST.AN-place-DEF.LOC , AND heaven-DEF.LOC ...
yele , tsik-kin si bos-eim leik þad-uç suhk-eim si Hkad-eim .
hail , political.power-person PREP.GEN shrine-DEF.LOC REL.INAN stand-3SG.INAN center-DEF.LOC PREP.GEN Earth-DEF.LOC .
dots-uç bop-eir dots-op-li puç-eir !