Translation of "Genesis 11:9" (Babel-text)
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Original: | 9. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. |
Translation: | Un' jál je āhxauc' Babel, āhíúncaruz jál eý yauñ' ez'e c'ua jul' muc'uj jutxux, āhíúht'uit'ui xen'e jál xenuz yauñ' āl muc'uj jutxux eý. |
Interlinear: | COP.CL5>CL5 DEM for REL-call Babel REL-CL1>CL2-challenge there lord NZ think language earth all REL-CL1>CL2-scatter far_from DEM from lord face earth all at |