Translations of "Grandfather and the Dragon" (Standalone) for Oltic
When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the
world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north;
there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too
high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to
travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he
saw the largest city in all the world.
Translation |
Translator |
Πὰν μοί κιουκουνσέγγατιρας έσε ιὸγκος ϝίρος, κρίνισσι εν βίτον.
Κέντος χῖρος τεῖγε · ές νῆνοσες τράχτος ας.
Πὰν οὒχλιος γλάνα · ές νῆνονεδ χράζον ας.
Πὰν ϝῆρις γλάνα · ας σό μόνιοι χλὴγμοι ράϝοι άσσον άπε κιουκουνσέγγατιρας νῖς γλάντ δρίγγζους.
Ὰντηκος πὲσαζετει ϝῆρις κρίνιτος, αῦρε χόζην, αῦρε οὺχρειδον, αῦρε ϝέγνον, αῦρε πλοῖον.
Εν ϝῆρεις ϝέλτ μῆραμον καάτρικαν εν χλῆνι βίτι.
when 1SG.POSS great_great-grandfather-SG.NOM COP.3SG.PST.IPFV young-M.SG.NOM.DEF man-SG.NOM | travel-3SG.PST.PFV in world-SG.ACC first-M.SG.NOM.DEF west-M.SG.NOM.DEF go-3SG.PST.IPFV | COP.3SG.PST.PFV only-M.SG.NOM.INDEF sand-SG.NOM at then north-M.SG.NOM.DEF go-3SG.PST.IPFV | COP.3SG.PST.PFV only-N.SG.NOM.INDEF snow-SG.NOM at then east-M.SG.NOM.DEF go-3SG.PST.IPFV | at DEM mountain-PL.NOM too-M.PL.NOM.DEF high-M.PL.NOM.DEF COP.3PL.PST.PFV and great_great-grandfather-SG.NOM COP.NEG.3SG.PST.PFV can-3SG.PST.PFV climb-MPASS.PST.IPFV.PTCP-M.PL.ACC.DEF final-M.SG.NOM.DEF decide-3SG.MPASS.PST.IPFV south-M.SG.NOM.DEF travel-PST.PFV.PTCP-M.SG.NOM.DEF | with foot-SG.ACC | with horse-SG.ACC | with cart-SG.ACC | with boat-SG.ACC in south-SG.GEN see-3SG.PST.PFV large-SUP-M.SG.ACC.DEF city-SG.ACC in whole-M.SG.GEN.DEF world-SG.GEN |
dillon |