Translations of "I can eat glass" (Standalone) for Htoleithe


I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.



Risop kodop ɛaftɛalyar; hi duhkoçtu bopeir.
ris-op      kod-op      ɛaftɛaly-ar     ; hi  duhk[oç]tu     bop-eir
can-1SG.AN2 eat-1SG.AN2 glass-INDEF.ACC ; NEG hurt[3SG.INAN] PRO.1SG.AN2-ACC
'ɹi.ʃop     'ko.dop     'ʕɑft.ʕɑ.ʎɑɹ    ; ʔi  du'ˀkoç.tu     'bo.peɪ̯ɹ

This sentence uses the non-Firstborn first-person gender because a human is unlikely to pass as Firstborn, and is far more likely to pass as a human speaker of their language. If you are the exception, then you would say:

Risat kodat ɛaftɛalyar; hi duhkoçtu dateir.