Existing translations to Brutirric

Translation Original Brutirric Interlinear? Translator
All your demands
All your demands will be met.
Olla tas yartas moros açinnos.
Yes Anonymous
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
Se lappis? Nan, se vendana.
No Anonymous
hello $
Marca dago, $
No Anonymous
I can eat glass
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
Gallan edon glannio, nan me curra.
Yes Anonymous
Proletariat of the world
Proletariat of the world, unite!
Proletariados d' am bitta, unara!
No Anonymous
We are humans
We are humans and we are from Earth.
Ettos donnios i ettos dúricas.
Yes Anonymous
CIV IV: Order 2
No Anonymous
Travelphrases 1
Where is my room?
Cussa se ma stavelia?
Yes Anonymous
Travelphrases 2
Where is the beach?
Cussa se a playa?
Yes Anonymous
Travelphrases 3
Where is the bar?
Cussa se am bar?
Yes Anonymous
#1: Starlings' song
The song of the starlings speaks of heroic deeds In the morning rain the heron does its laundry In the night the lark worships the stars Who sees the true nature of birds?
A cán d' a trostis tanca fo nemas aróicas In a glavva d' am marca a corco folca In a noçso an efeddio adola a steras Cuoi cuela an andeganno firo de fennos?
Yes Anonymous
Being specific: nouns
my friends my best friends one of my best friends 3 of my best friends some of my best friends most of my best friends all of my best friends a funny man a very funny man the funniest man of all 3 shirts 3 clean shirts the cleanest 3 shirts the newest 2 of the clean shirts the newest 2 of the 3 clean shirts the first question the first 3 questions the third question the last of the questions
mas carantis mas carantis maya dagas un de mas carantis maya dagas tris de mas carantis maya dagas rén de mas carantis maya dagas maya de mas carantis maya dagas olla de mas carantis maya dagas firro grénnico firro yan grénnico a firro maya grénnico d' olla tris camisas tris camisas glanas an tris camisas glanas an du maya novas de a camisas glanas an du maya novas de an tris camisas glanas a cinto cuestio a cintos tris cuestios an trisetto cuestio an dirédico de a cuestios
No Anonymous
1HGT: #1
The apple is red.
An aballo se rodo.
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: #2
It is John’s apple.
Se an aballo de Yano.
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: #3
I give John the apple.
Froddan an aballo ai Yano.
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: #4
We give him the apple.
Froddanas ette an aballo.
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: #5
He gives it to John.
E o frodda ai Yano.
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: #6
She gives it to him.
Sa ette o frodda.
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: future
She will give it to him.
Sa ette o froddo.
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: neative #1
The apple is not red.
An aballo nan se rodo.
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: negative #3
I don't give John the apple.
Nan froddan an aballo ai Yano.
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: past
He has given it to John.
E o froddi ai Yano.
Yes Anonymous