Translation of "LCC2 live relay" (Relay)

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Original: "The Talking Rock" Yesterday I was walking along the beach when I tripped over a rock that could talk. I picked up the talking rock and said, "Hey! Are you a talking rock?" The talking rock said, "Yes, I am a talking rock." I asked the talking rock, "Why didn't you tell me to avoid you?" The talking rock replied, "Because I'm a mean talking rock." The talking rock's words made me angry, so I threw it into the ocean. I never saw the talking rock again.
Bi-Govo Petro • deyele me fi-ande a plajo. • meo podo kontra petro i me kade. • voco dice "ai me dole!" • me plenda eto petro i dice • "ave petri, ci te pota gove?" • to petro dice • "soo, me petre i bi-gove." • me eska to petro • "koza ke te ne dica me, me deba kava te?" • to dice "koz me kattive." • koz to ge-dico fa-ila me, • me jakta to ina oceano. • me ne ge-vida elo petro poste.
 Bi-Gov-o    Petr-o
HAB-talk-NOM rock-NOM

    deyel-e   me  fi-and-e     a   plaj-o
yesterday-MON 1S PRG-walk-MON LOC beach-NOM
me-o    pod-o     kontr-a   petr-o    i  me  kad-e
1S-GEN foot-NOM against-DIV rock-NOM and 1S fall-MON
  voc-o   dic-e   ai  me  dol-e
voice-NOM say-MON INJ 1S pain-MON
me plend-a     e-to   petr-o    i  dic-e
1S  take-DIV DEM-this rock-NOM and say-MON
ave petr-i    ci  te pot-a    gov-e
hey rock-VOC  INT 2S can-DIV talk-MON
 to  petr-o   dic-e
this rock-NOM say-MON
soo  me petr-e    i   bi-gov-e
yes  1S rock-MON and HAB-talk-MON
me esk-a    to  petr-o
1S ask-DIV this rock-NOM
    koz-a    ke  te ne  dic-a   me  me    deb-a      kav-a   te
because-DIV what 2S NEG say-DIV 1S  1S should-DIV beware-DIV 2S
 to  dic-e     koz   me kattiv-e
this say-MON because 1S wicked-MON
  koz    to   ge-dic-o    fa-il-a      me
because this RET-say-NOM CAU-angry-DIV 1S
me  jakt-a    to  in-a   ocean-o
1S throw-DIV this in-DIV ocean-NOM
me ne   ge-vid-a     e-lo  petr-o    post-e
1S NEG RET-see-DIV DEM-yon rock-NOM after-MON