Translations of "The dog and the lamb among the goats" (Fables) for Rusnis


A dog met a lamb who was bleating among the she-goats and said, 'You fool, your mother is not here.' As he spoke, the dog pointed to a separate flock of sheep grazing in the distance. 'I do not want that mother!' said the lamb. 'She conceives when it is her pleasure, carries her unknown burden for a certain number of months, and in the end she simply lets go and plops her bundle on the ground. No, I am looking for the mother who offers me her udder and feeds me, and even cheats her own children of milk so that I will not go hungry.' 'Still, the one who gave birth to you is more important,' said the dog. 'Not correct,' replied the lamb. 'Was it some great favour that she brought me into the world when I might expect the arrival of the butcher at any moment? Could she even be certain whether I would be born black or white? And if perhaps she would have preferred a girl, what would she have thought of me, since I am a boy? Given that she took no decision in the matter of my conception, why should I now prefer that mother to the mother who took pity on me as I was lying there and who freely offers me her sweet affection?'



Koçaga bęlo içaril ukсoçika, kętoro bęlo blęl sorǫd içokegalą, va belo skaząl: "Duręn̆, bu tï mamaga cemęsta nę." Seçavokęt skaząl, koçaga kǫląl şi oklosna odato ukcogalą, bole çubalillą vouzako. "Ą nęt seça zakaril etę mama!" - belo skazęl içokecinik. "Ǫna bile zokloçąl kida bile zazakarąl, neşąl bu ǫna nęt znanonana taź nętkiąbo kşęgalą, va v indo fokoęt lǫhaąl va pramoatąl bu ǫna molïş şi ęro. Nę, bu ą seça kadril mama, kętoro ... (to be written)