Translations of "The Rain Song" (Standalone) for zadu
The Rain Song
It is raining
in the night in the desert
It is raining
My soul is peaceful.
The raindrops are falling
in the daytime on the leaves
The raindrops are falling
My heart lifts.
The time of rain has come
For a time in the mountains
The time of rain has come
My soul rejoices.
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Un turuming vamigu.
Un turuming eumph
zeh un 'zah zeh un äthita
un turuming eumph
Mirni psayk eumfe zeh heili.
Un turuming eum katiph
zeh rughta heizha en thay lurif
mirni beykh eum za.
ä'heizha turuming eum kaureh
Neh un heizha zeh un kurehyik
ä'heizha turuming eum kaureh
mirni psayk claafe.
tapeworm |