Translation of "The Tower of Babel" (Standalone)

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Original: And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
Ingumumb dombelos engombon rum brawo mamb liba ir ewarni namban. Ri ehobind rum lendi lewáro, els rum bro mafro gengirumb Sránaril ir rum wirunge holumumb. Els taro rum ma ehenguló, "Ar ho dopa erugrel ir wiglors eng engombe." Els rum brawo erugrel imo sarm ir engegwo imo orngeng. Els rum ma bwerahar, "Ar ho dopa glib ir sisos nu harumb umbur ba gul imo erimbor ir, ar ho mombiln wemofó dombelosil mo ar wan mon wilmunge ferb dombelosil holtro." Daganemb rum hengi balo imo bomba glib ir sisos nu ewumbunder de rum dopa. Daganemb rum ma, "Ho bomba, els umbur hobitar liba ir, els taro brawo mamb liba ir, els rum woma gum selohar im nar holerumb. Wonul nu els soblu im nar wan umbur wolehar sle gum. Pin ho fangi goró ir bilpom mamb sle holerumb imo els taro wan bomba ewarni ehenglul wur." Gweró Daganemb rum wilmunge els holúmo fero dombelosil holtro ir, els rum rel im dopa glib. Gwéro warel gul rum mombiln Babeló, alpar holumumb, Daganemb rum bilpom mamb dombelosil engombonil ir, rum wilmunge els holúmo fero dombelosil holtro.
ing-um-umb    dombelos engombon rum brawo mamb     liba ir  e-warni namban
time-DIST-LOC world    entire   PST use   language one  and PL-word same

ri    e-hobind  rum lendi   lewáro   els         rum bro  mafro gengi-rumb Sránar-il  ir  rum wirunge hol-um-umb
while PL-person PST migrate east.ABL 3PL.ANIMATE PST find plain land-LOC   Shinar-GEN and PST settle  place-DIST-LOC

els         taro rum ma  e-henguló    ar  ho  dopa  e-rugrel ir  wiglors eng           engombe
3PL.ANIMATE all  PST say PL-other.ALL 1PL IMP build PL-brick and burn    3PL.INANIMATE completely

els         rum brawo e-rugrel imo  sarm  ir  engegwo imo  orngeng
3PL.ANIMATE PST use   PL-brick PURP stone and tar     PURP mortar

els         rum ma  bwera-har ar  ho  dopa  glib ir  sisos nu  ha-rumb umbur ba  gul               imo  er-imbor ir
3PL.ANIMATE PST say next.ADV  1PL IMP build city and tower REL sky-LOC be    top 3SG.INANIMATE.GEN PURP PL-self  and

ar  ho  mombiln wemofó dombelos-il mo  ar  wan mon  wilmunge fer-b       dombelos-il holtro
1PL IMP change  spice.ALL world-GEN   XOR 1PL FUT PASS scatter  surface-LOC world-GEN   everywhere

daganemb rum hengi balo    imo  bomba glib ir  sisos nu  e-wumbund-er  de   rum dopa
ruler    PST come  top.ABL PURP see   city and tower REL PL-human-PROX PROG PST build

daganemb rum ma  ho  bomba els         umbur hobitar liba ir  els         taro brawo mamb     liba ir
ruler    PST say IMP see   3PL.ANIMATE be    culture one  and 3PL.ANIMATE all  use   language one  and

els         rum woma  gum selohar im  nar hol-er-umb
3PL.ANIMATE PST begin now only    INF do  place-PROX-LOC

wonul   nu  els         soblu  im  nar wan umbur wolehar    sle             gum
nothing REL 3SG.ANIMATE choose INF do  FUT be    impossible 3PL.ANIMATE.GEN now

pin ho  fangi goró       ir  bilpom  mamb     sle             hol-er-umb 
1SG IMP go    bottom.ALL and confuse language 3PL.ANIMATE.GEN place-PROX-LOC

imo  els         taro wan bomba      e-warni e-henglul    wur
PURP 3PL.ANIMATE all  FUT understand PL-word PL-other.GEN NEG

gweró    daganemb rum wilmunge els         holúmo         fero        dombelos-il holtro     ir
this.ALL ruler    PST scatter  3PL.ANIMATE place.DIST.ABL surface-ALL world-GEN   everywhere and

els         rum rel  im  dopa  glib
3PL.ANIMATE PST stop INF build city

gwéro    warel gul               rum mombiln Babeló 
this.ABL name  3SG.INANIMATE.GEN PST change  Babel.ALL  

alpar   hol-um-umb     daganemb rum bilpom  mamb     dombelos-il engombon-il ir
because place-DIST-LOC ruler    PST confuse language world-GEN   entire-GEN  and

rum wilmunge els         holúmo         fero        dombelos-il holtro
PST scatter  3PL.ANIMATE place.DIST.ABL surface.ALL world-GEN   everywhere