Translation of "The Tower of Babel" (Standalone)
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Original: | And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth. |
Translation: | Yag ali tirrib kosu ál avudazanfu ál avurusfu jiki.
Yag dusta, alńisi un smurrantantus, icikrutin aśigra prilas alńirigi Śínari in búro, yag skir iśńafustun tuf jazro
Yag tús cek vupro, “Gures, yugrulnitrás davésu, tús śussátás śatit.”
Yag yugrulnitrás acívidz kan jikru, tús aśtirrifas kevilas keldástus.
Yag vupro, “Gures, ińífitin davésu, agulmozanfu puf altúti alńijaśi nelt śer śat; yag si itivisti proxú dasávesu, altútiyi in altirriftas yusmurrasmispís simis nit nuk.
Yag Arlaj alńifitifu algulmozifu kís alumatis yuzízizín dátitus śatí vazátaniś sul śit.
Yag Arlaj kife “Do, altus kosís ál arusi śáti altus kosís ál avubazan kátifu; yag kut alíxisti mixátastus si śal; yag put ilgátantus put zosta mikti śat nit nu.”
“Do, śimisu almavixtin alvubdazas tuf pukvésufu, si sit kreppís dástus mixát nit nuk.”
Arlaj tús aljiri kosi altirriftas in drise nu, yag sit alńifiti tuf dásantus zosro.
Nuk Bébel núvazi sul damísti is, Arlaj almavixtin aluvubdazín kosín skir puxefu Arlaj tús altútiyin altirriftas tu skire drisefu grak. |
Interlinear: | Al Gulmod Bébel the tower Babel yag ali tirrib kos-u ál a-vudaz-an-fu ál av-urus-0-fu jiki and the earth all-f.s one IND-language-ACC-and one IND-tongue-ACC-and have.3s.PF yag dus-ta al-ńis-i un smurrant-an-tus and happen-3s.MID DEF-east-DAT from wander.PTCP-ACC-3p i-cikrut-in aś-igr-a pril-as al-ńirig-i Śínar-i in bú-ro IND-tract-ACC DEF-land-GEN flat-GEN DEF-country-DAT Shinar-DAT in arrive-3p.PF yag skir iś-ńafust-un tuf jaz-ro and there DEF-home-ACC 3p.GEN found-3p.PF yag tús cek vup-ro gur-es yu-grulnitr-ás da-vésu and 3p.ACC unto say-3p.PF come-2p.IMP IND-brick-ACC.p make-1p.FUT.IMP tús śuss-át-an-ás śatit they.ACC burn-PTCP-ACC-1p completely yag yu-grulnitr-ás a-cívid-s kan jik-ru and IND-brick-ACC.p IND-stone-GEN as tús aś-tirrif-as kevil-as keld-át-tus 3p.ACC IND-earth-GEN sticky-GEN blend-PTCP-3p yag vupro gur-es i-ńífit-in da-vésu and say-3p.PF come-2p.IMP IND-town-ACC make-1p.FUT.IMP a-gulmoz-an-fu puf al-túti al-ńijaś-i nelt śer śat INF-tower-ACC-and REL.GEN DEF-top DEF-heaven-DAT high so_much be.3s.fut yag si i-tivist-i prox-ú das-ávesu and REF.ACC IND-reputation-DAT pleasant-DAT make-1p.FUT.IMP al-tútiy-i in al-tirrift-as yu-smurras-mis-pís simis nit nuk DEF-top-DAT on DEF-earth-GEN IND-wander-AG-DAT.p be.1p NEG so_that yag Arlaj al-ńifit-i-fu al-gulmoz-i-fu kís alu-mat-is yu-zíziz-ín and god DEF-town-DAT-and DEF-tower-DAT-and REL.P.ACC DEF-child-p IND-human-GEN.p dás-i-tus śatí vaz-át-an-iś sul śit make.PTCP-DAT-3p be.3p.IMPF see-PTCP-ACC-3s for go_down.3s.PF yag Arlaj ki-fe do altus kos-ís ál a-rus-i śáti altus kos-ís ál and god say-3s.PF lo DEF all-p one IND-clan-DAT DEF all-p one avubdazan kátifu IND-language-ACC have.3p.PRES yag kut al-íxist-i mix-át-as-tus si śal and this DEF_beginning-DAT can-PTCP-GEN-3p be.3s only yag put ilg-át-an-tus put zos-ta mikti śat nit nu and anything.DAT do-PTCP-ACC-3p anyone.DAT stop-INF possible be.3s.FUT NEG now do śimisu al-mavixt-in al-vubdaz-as tuf lo go_down-1p.FUT.IMP DEF-ability-ACC DEF-language-GEN 3p.GEN puk-vésu-fu take_away-3p.FUT.IMP-and si sit krep-pís dás-tus mix-át nit nuk REF.ACC REF.DAT clear-DAT.p make.PTCP-3p can-3p.FUT NEG so_that Arlaj tús al-jir-i kosi al-tirrif-tas in dris-e nu god 3p.ACC DEF-part-DAT all-DAT DEF-earth-GEN in send-3s.PF now yag sit al-ńifit-i tuf dás-an-tus zos-ro and REF.DAT DEF-town-DAT 3p.GEN make.PTCP-ACC-3p stop-3p.PF Nuk Bébel núvaz-i sul da-míst-i is so_that Bable name-DAT for give-PASS-DAT be.3s.PF Arlaj al-mavixt-in alu-vubdaz-ín kos-ín skir pux-e-fu god DEF-ability-ACC DEF-language-GEN.p all-GEN.p there take_away-3s.PF-and Arlaj tús al-tútiy-in al-tirrift-as tu skir-e dris-e-fu grak god 3p.ACC DEF-top-ACC DEF-earth-GEN over there-DAT send-3s.PF-and since |