Translation of "The Tower of Babel" (Standalone)
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Original: | And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth. |
Translation: | oamhenheth dacearbherhetg laoiseachtaileachidhm ruadhanechaithsiadherelhem: gamhain raipetaileacham uisneachghedhraidhechaitheshem: mheæthechaithuineshemthradh pibrhaolhrhatgbhrath: mhuitguieam dasinearerhetg moriathmoighechaineshem: aduaidh esgoithechaitheshemagh: dhernaichesherechaitheshem: diothu dhearbhailiartg loitimearhmoighanainidhem: iuldhidhm duranrædhroæsthem: dhearbhailiam senthugbeadhithuir admhailmoighrædhredhidhem: ethrenachtha guimhoioatgthuir: lhoitg dhernaichesherechaitheshem: uirbheartg datuidhremogh phaidhghearmoighredhainidhem: shephoidhneth phaibobhairam cheloigheirh rudraighedhraidhredhtæmhaodhes: corhbemoighredhrædhurh genhshoiam: oidhrbethriœmh esheargmerogthredhtaimidhemagh:
eignaitgechainatg eachaneth: uirbheam eochanmoighredhurh tuidhreamagh: daphaidhghearmoighechainsineshem oamhenheth: dhernaichmoighechainroæs: lhoitg uinearhoiander pobhuilansingeothelhem: laoiseachtaileachidhm ruadhanelhemagh: rothanelhemuin roghnaithe roachanesth: mothaigh nuinhsharhauiareshem tuibemerogthredhseareshemtroigh: eignaitghedhraidhanainidhem phaicruiearædhanaiphidhem laoiseachartgelhem chæiltephermedhraidhtæmhaodhmelhem: eachaneth esheargechaines areshem seœncheœsharge: noigearbhurar dauirbhethriairdh roaghtumheitgrogthghedhraidhechaithtæmhaodhesth: uirbheam babhilonartg enhmhoimhaurghedhraidhechathroainem: eachaneth laoiseachar oamhenhluachmair phaicruieaperaidhechathcites: areshem seœncheœsharge esheargperaidhechathcitesagh:
Interlinear: | oamhenh-eth / da-cearbh-erhetg / laoiseach-taileach-idhm / men - ergative case / of whom is true: - earth - all over / language - identical - with / ruadhan-echaith-siadher-elhem: / gamhain / raipe-taileach-am / speak - perfect tense - habitually - all of them / always / speech - identical - absolutive case / uisneach-ghedhraidh-echaith-eshem: / mheæth-echaith-uin-eshem-thradh / use - so that - perfect tense - they / leave - perfect tense - gerund - they - after / pibrhaolhrhatg-bhrath: / mhuitguie-am / da-sinear-erh-etg / east - away from / plain - absolutive case / of which is true: Sinear - in - ergative case / moriath-moigh-echain-eshem: / aduaidh / esgoith-echaith-eshem-agh: / find - for themselves - aorist - they / there / sit down - perfect tense - they - and / dhernaich-esher-echaith-eshem: diothu / dhearbhail-i-artg / say - to each other - perfect tense - they / lo! / tile - many - resultative case / loitimearh-moigh-an-ain-idhem: / iuldh-idhm / make - for ourselves - present tense - optative aspect - we (inclusive) / fire - with / dur-an-rædh-roa-esthem: / dhearbhail-i-am / become solid - present tense - so that - begin - they / brick - many - absolutive case / senthugbeadh-i-thuir / admhail-moigh-rædh-redh-idhem: / building stone - many - being like / take - for ourselves - so that - future tense - we / ethrenach-tha / guimhoi - oatg-thuir: / lhoitg / asphalt - absolute ablative case / join - thing to do something - with / now / dhernaich-esher-echaith-eshem: / uirbhe-artg / da-tuidhre-mogh / say - to each other - perfect tense - they / city - resultative case / of which is true: - tower - for / phaidhghear-moigh-redh-ain-idhem: / shephoidhn(e)-eth / build - for ourselves - future tense - optative aspect - we / top - ergative case / phaibobhair-am / chel-oigh-eirh / reach - absolutive case / heaven - up towards - in the way of / rudraigh-(gh)edhraidh-redh-tæmhaodh-es: / corhbe-moigh-redh-rædh-urh / reach - so that - future tense - entirely - it / obtain-for ourselves-future tense - optative mood - in order to (supine) / genhshoi-am: / oidhrbe-thriœmh / eshearg-me-rogth-redh-taim-idhem-agh: / fame - absolutive case / earth - scattered over / scatter - not - passive voice - future tense - accidentally - we - and / eignaitg-echain-(n)atg / eachan-eth: / uirbhe-am descend - aorist - participle / Lord - ergative case / city - absolutive case / eochan-moigh-redh-urh / tuidhre-am-agh: / see - for himself - future tense - in order to / tower - absolutive case - and / da-phaidhghear-moigh-echain-sin-eshem / oamhenh-eth: / of which is true: - build - for themselves - aorist - progressive aspect - they / men - ergative case dhernaich-moigh-echain-roa-es: / lhoitg / uinearhoi-an-der / say - for him self - aorist - inchoative aspect - he / now / united - present tense - infinitive / pobhuil-an-sin-geoth-elhem: / laoiseach-taileach-idhm / people - present tense - progressive aspect - without result - all of them / language - identical - with / ruadhan-(an)-elhem-agh: / rothan-elhem-uin / roghnaithe / speak -present tense - all of them - and / do - all of them - gerund / only roach-an-esth: / mothaigh / nuinhsharhau-i-ar-eshem / begin - present tense - it / soon / project - many - accusative case - they / tuibe-me-rogth-redh-sear-eshem-troigh: / stop - not - passive voice - future tense - potential aspect - they - from now on / eignaitg-(g)hedhraidh-an-ain-idhem / phaicruiea-rædh-anaiph-idhem / descend - so that - present tense - optative aspect - we / disturb - optative mood - present tense (at this very moment) - we / laoiseach-artg-elhem / chæiltepher-medhraidh-tæmhaodh-melhem: / language-absoutive case - all of them / understand - as a consequence that - entirely - none of them / eachan-eth / eshearg-echain-es / ar-eshem / Lord - ergative case / scatter - aorist - he / accusative case - they / seœncheœ-sharge: / noigearbhur-ar / da-uirbhe-thriairdh / earth - distributed over / construction - accusative case / of which is true: - city - all contents of / roaghtumheitg-rogth-ghedhraidh-echaith-tæmhaodh-esth: / uirbheam / end - passive voice - so that - plusquamperfect tense - entirely - it / city - absolutive case / babhilon-artg / enhmhoimhaur-ghedhraidh-echath-roa-(a)inem: / Babylon - resultative case / call - so that - perfect tense - inchoative aspect - all of them / eachan-eth / laoiseach-ar / oamhenh-luach-mair / Lord - ergative tense / language - accusative tense / man - all - for the use of / phaicruiea-peraidh-echath-cit-es: / ar-eshem / seœncheœ-sharge / disturb - because - perfect tense - evidently - he / accusative case - they / earth - distributed over / eshearg-peraidh-echath-cit-es-agh: / scatter - because - perfect tense - evidently - he - and / |